AT is disgusting. Any man who acts like that is an animal. No wait, most male animals do not treat their female counterparts like that. Shame on the people supporting him, men and women.
Governor DeSantis is correct. Conservative means that people have a traditional moral code that they live by, though some of that code can definitely be argued!
What part of Conservatism would welcome a self-professed misogynist, antisemite and human trafficker? Answer: none.
How can we screech about "illegal immigrants" all day long and yet welcome criminal Andrew Tate? A man that clearly hates morality? Tate should throw packages of fentanyl into the crowd as he steps off the plane, making the hypocrisy complete.
He also came here on a private plane. I wonder whose plane it is...
President Trump is clearly not in full control. This is a concern.
Yes but at what point do we start expecting the president to be in control? Isn't that why conservatives voted for him? The promise of finally having a president who IS in control and not controlled by the "Deep State?" This is one of the points I make in the essay. We cannot excuse those in power of the wrongs that we wouldn't excuse ourselves. That's a very dangerous road.
President Trump better fix this problem instantly. When I say that Trump is not in control, I don’t present it as an excuse. I present it as a serious allegation.
I don't want ANY President to be in control. Quite the contrary. Tate is a colossal scumbag. I had never heard of this pile of human filth until he was arrested in Romania. When I first saw one of his videos, I truly thought it was an unfunny version of an "Ali G" type character. Really - I was watching this asshat yap away and thought, "I know what they were going for, but this guy's just not funny."
I was blown away when I found out it was not a skit but this moron is for real AND that more than 5 deranged, 5-IQ-points-above-challenged listened to him.
True. But this is the first time where I am seeing members of our government act independently of the President's platform, especially when it comes to inviting a known criminal. This time, many Republicans are yelling as loudly as the Democrats!
Letting in Andrew Tate undermines Trump's entire mass deportation argument.
How? I mean, Tate's a scumbag but he's not a border jumper. How does someone landing via private plane and getting his passport stamped "undermine" deporting illegals who came into the country without permission?
Again, I am NOT defending this dirtbag, but let's let the Democrats veer into illogic and weaponization of the judicial system against people they don't like.
He was under house arrest in Romania and there are more criminal charges incoming for human trafficking. And he was convicted of major tax fraud and had to pay over $2,000,000. The dude’s rap sheet is past, present and future.
My brother knows AT from his kick boxing years and says he was a very mediocre boxer. Pimping girls was more lucrative and less physically harmful. My then 14-year-old son got roped in by AT’s propaganda a few years ago. Thankfully he has enough sense now to see what a crook AT is. What a loser with a big mouth. I hope he’ll be convicted and locked up soon.
I'm glad your son got out of it. If you've read my work you know after my abusive marriage I went on to train as a full contact boxer, kickboxer, trained in Eskrima and other fighting arts. I've trained for over 30 years, it became a way of life for me. I've known my share of men like AT, cowards beneath all the bravado. On the other hand, thankfully, I've known my share of men from my fighting days that were true warriors and gentlemen. They say when you get in the ring, who you really are is revealed.
Thank you for posting this, Karen. I also nearly passed on this post, as I already found Tate awful, but reading makes me think there is an urgent need for a reassertion of Judaeo-Christian masculinity and heroism, a masculinity based on integrity, honesty, humility, compassion and fidelity. Also, true courage, not the "courage" to beat up a defenceless woman, but the courage to stand up for what is true and just, even in the face of criticism and danger.
That courage is going to become more and more scarce and those who stand up for righteousness will find themselves increasingly attacked for it. It's a struggle to get people to see this. As you say, they think it isn't important, but it is. We need to speak out, not remain silent. It's extremely important to take a stand.
It’s so sickening. Tucker destroyed what was left of the immune system of the conservative movement in interviewing Tate, Putin, and Cooper. “I’m just having conversations” (with evil, dangerous people to promote them) is such a disingenuous line. I don’t know what’s going on with this level of excuse-making for evil, but it’s hard not to feel that demons have been unleashed and chaos will follow.
I remember at the start of Covid when I was living in Luxor, Egypt, I started looking at how the news kept repeating the same thing, every news station said the same thing, so for the first time, I actually started digging deeper--I mean, I never really trusted the media, but I also had never thought about the broader implications of all that propaganda on the public and how it swayed people --so I decided to listen to what Tucker Carlson had to say and it was refreshing because he was asking questions that nobody else was doing, it made me think and for that reason, he served a good purpose. But I have never been one to latch onto any one person as having all the answers, I have seen too often how pundits, big preachers, you name it, become corrupt the more popular and powerful they get, so sure enough, Carlson has followed the usual pattern. He went down the drain. It is a rare person who maintains their integrity --although I am now not sure if he ever really had any to begin with--but only God knows that.
And yes, demons are unleashed, there's really no other explanation. People have been blinded to the truth. The truth is very obvious and people delight in evil. Nowhere is it more apparent than on X. I go there for research, but it is truly an evil place. I have to prepare myself spiritually because it is so toxic. And yet, millions of conservative Christians have been taken in by Elon Musk. The whole thing just amazes me.
I had a similar journey with Tucker, although it was always a red flag to me that the people he would interview as the “opposition” to his views were clearly not capable of making the best case for the counter-argument. But I did feel he at least was coming from a good place for a while there, trying to “fight the power”. But then things turned and his side is ascendant. Things go sideways with power. The devil, whether metaphorically or literally, seizes us. In a ways it’s surprising that some of the most religious people in the country don’t seem to see this with regards to Tucker and, as you point out, lionize Elon Musk, of all people, who basically views himself as a god-emperor. It feels like we are turning into to a science fiction version of Rome.
I almost didn't read this. I know scant details about the tates other than they are scum, so I wasn't going to waste my time. Your article wasn't a waste.
The only video I watched was a minute of alina habba. I knew something wasn't entirely right with her months back when she went beyond lawyering, deep into trump cheerleading.
I imagine she wants to be "one of the boys" and prove that she's not intimidated by tate and he knew how to leverage her naiveté.
I was once temporarily a subcontractor to the trumps through my employer for the trump marina casino. I had no contact with them, but the primary contractor told us his experiences, particularly with ivana. Clearly trump has had some successes in real estate, but also failures and many failures outside of real estate, that he never acknowledges, only spins. He is a walking talking self promoting façade. Anything or anyone that fits the image he wants to prject, he uses. He's not going to do the Christian ethical thing ever because he's CINO - Christian In Name Only. Think of what he said on a hot mic on Access Hollywood.
musk is also a fake. He's not really the richest man in the world and his money is the product of the US government from multiple aspects, probably including the CIA. He is involved in many nefarious projects that he will one day use the power he's being granted now, to implement, including against all his sycophants. I imagine he and trump get along well because they share tactics and boost one another. I didn't know about benny, but have long thought that tucker carlson is a polished buffoon and am suspect that he is possibly some type of controlled opposition. candace owens is true loser that is chasing fame and fortune with a swiss cheese vail of substance. I give none of them any attention, but they are all potentially dangerous in many ways.
All of this is very insightful. Thank you for sharing these truths because it isn't easy being the bearer of bad tidings when all people want to hear is good tidings. And I understand and sympathislze with why peoole feel like that.
Over the years I've had plenty of positives things to say about Trump, however, I'm not going to hold back with warning people about reality versus fantasy when that reality is unpleasant. I wrote over a year ago of my fear with conservatives putting their trust in Trump, that when it was proved illplaced the disillusionment would be terrible. That's why I always say, put your trust in no man. As my readers know, I put my trust in Jesus. That way you can see clearly and it's not all about emotions.
Also, thank you for your kind words about the abuse I suffered. As my readers know, I went on the train in full contact boxing and kickboxing, Eskrima, and other fighting arts. I never wanted to be a victim again. I'm not saying I could win every physical fight against a man, that's not the point. The point is I learned to look my opponent in the eyes without fear. I can stand up for myself and if I go down, at least I go down fighting, not cowering.
Over the years, I have met many fighters like Andrew Tate, and they are cowards. I also MET many honorable men that let me know there are a lot of wonderful men out there. They just need to stand up and be heard.
I have come to believe that it is the right that will,bring in the nwo/ac system, as many of us are now deceived into thinking that with the defeat of the extreme left all is wonderful. They have even given parts of nwo/ ac system a conservative spin! Well, God doesn't change He is " the stability of our times"!
Yes, I have been warning about this for three years now, but it's very difficult to make people see it--obviously because we can see how conservatives, even those who call themselves Christians have been deceived, just completely had the wool pulled over their eyes.
I always think of the verse:
For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
It’s all part of a well planned and coordinated effort to lure the American people into reviving the Holy Roman Empire. They will unite all radical elements together into a new Reich. At first in cooperation with Israel, and then 3.5 years later Israel will be underfoot. They are baiting the Jewish people into a false sense of security with political alliances and hopes of a rebuilt temple. Little do they know many of their politicians such as BiBi are in bed with the Romans and her neo-Templar orders which have long planned to rebuild Solomon’s temple for themselves. I do find it awfully telling that the one thing they want to steer people away from is traditional dispensational Christianity, they want you in Roman Catholicism, subverted mainline Protestantism, Pentecostal charismatic evangelism, EO, etc. And they really really want you to believe you’re going through at least part of the tribulation period. This is why they’ve platformed so many post trib and prewrath guys and spread so much disinformation about guys like Darby and Scofield and the pre trib rapture (as seen when Intel agent and Vatican stooge Tucker Carlson had John Rich on his show). They want Christian’s to feel like they need to unite against an external enemy and win against the antichrist system or whatever. They also want to drive a wedge between those Christians that support the Jews and those that do not. They want to create a situation where those of us who are pre trib traditional dispensationalists to be perceived as both traitors to Christianity on behalf of the Jews and as not contributing to preparation for the churches survival of the end times (by political means). This is the perfect recipe for ChristoFascisim. People always assumed that the end times empire would be openly satanic and that’s silly, satan is too subtle for that. “When fascism comes to America it will be draped in the flag and carrying the cross”. It’s no accident that all this is happening and we will be getting a new pope too… this is a decades old project that started with the fall of Germany, they brought all the Nazis into America via the Vatican and Knights of Malta run OSS (cia) to plant the seeds of the “new right” which will become the 4th and final Reich. Some of us have been saying this for more than a decade, long before there was an organized right wing counter movement in America, crazy to see it start to come together.
I agree with a lot of what you say here. ChristoFacism is a good name for it. “When fascism comes to America it will be draped in the flag and carrying the cross” Too true. Very thoughtful comment, thank you.
I am very familiar with your father’s work, it was pivotal in forming my understanding of the political/religious world. He’s a hero in the counter reformation anti-Jesuit research space of which I am a part. His work on psychology was also very enlightening, I am perpetually recommending his books and lectures to youn disciples.
Splendid writing on horrible subjects, as usual. Well done, Karen, shining a spotlight into the dark corners of the world, where cockroaches and deeply evil men linger.
These Tate scumbags are exactly that and I have zero idea when Tucker Carlson went off the rails. I guess Mommy Issues eventually catch up to anyone.
Whenever these things are exposed I pray for Jesus’s return. Evil is so rampant. With A choice between Harris & current prez, I once again voted for him. His post on His vision for the Gazan strip, some others showing other proofs of his narcissism, misogyny aren’t something he’s grew out of, made me think of the antichrist, but I figured he was too old. AT & bro might just fit the bill.
My only consolation for the persecuted, is the Grace & Mercies of the Almighty. Church, our God has given us wins with raising up dry bones, fast & pray, that His Will be done, and that it is deliverance from this evil or from this evil world as He brings on their end. Glory to Him alone. Dream on Tates, repent or find that your golden age is fools gold.
I stopped paying attention to pop culture influencers (before they were called that) a long time ago. Rush Limbaugh is dead. Ann Coulter is still here. But Rush’s death still bums me out.
Unfortunately, that's where people get their news now. From their favorite influencers. For conservatives, those influencers are the people they came to trust during Covid because they stood up against the mandates. We were all friends back then; I was on the same side as those guys. But once Covid ended, the majority of those people were revealed as antisemitic Christian nationalists, and I am now cut off from all those people --no regrets. The thing is, during Covid they garnered millions of loyal followers who now believe everything they say. Looking back, I cannot believe how smoothly they made that transition.
Rush Limbaugh was old school. My dad, Christian author Dave Hunt, exposed most of the preachers of those days, like Robert Schuller, they really hated and feared my dad. But he has a lot of respect for Rush, and they were friends. If my dad were alive today, I know exactly what he would say and he would be proud of my stance. I don't agree with everything my dad said, but I am so thankful I had such a good foundation from my childhood. Thanks to my parents I met so many courageous bold Christians.
Karen you certainly educate me in what's going on. This is absolutely shocking. I had no idea about Andrew Tate and his supporters including Trump and Trumpians. I'm not surprised about Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens who is a big supporter of P Diddy or whatever he calls himself these days. I naively thought that Trump is very much against trafficking and such. This post certainly makes me wonder about what else is happening behind the scenes.
Sorry if it seemed impolite, and I won’t quibble with your characterization, but I don’t have time to read people‘s opinions if they are have incorrect facts. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, thank you for responding.
And having looked at that video quickly, it’s not obvious to me that he’s promoting it, he’s telling a story. You may or may not agree with his version of history, but I think you were trying to make him out to be something he may not be. I don’t think it really helps your overall narrative, and it probably hurts it. That’s my opinion and I’ll move on from here.
AT is disgusting. Any man who acts like that is an animal. No wait, most male animals do not treat their female counterparts like that. Shame on the people supporting him, men and women.
Governor DeSantis is correct. Conservative means that people have a traditional moral code that they live by, though some of that code can definitely be argued!
What part of Conservatism would welcome a self-professed misogynist, antisemite and human trafficker? Answer: none.
How can we screech about "illegal immigrants" all day long and yet welcome criminal Andrew Tate? A man that clearly hates morality? Tate should throw packages of fentanyl into the crowd as he steps off the plane, making the hypocrisy complete.
He also came here on a private plane. I wonder whose plane it is...
President Trump is clearly not in full control. This is a concern.
Yes but at what point do we start expecting the president to be in control? Isn't that why conservatives voted for him? The promise of finally having a president who IS in control and not controlled by the "Deep State?" This is one of the points I make in the essay. We cannot excuse those in power of the wrongs that we wouldn't excuse ourselves. That's a very dangerous road.
Agreed. When you are right, you are right.
President Trump better fix this problem instantly. When I say that Trump is not in control, I don’t present it as an excuse. I present it as a serious allegation.
I don't want ANY President to be in control. Quite the contrary. Tate is a colossal scumbag. I had never heard of this pile of human filth until he was arrested in Romania. When I first saw one of his videos, I truly thought it was an unfunny version of an "Ali G" type character. Really - I was watching this asshat yap away and thought, "I know what they were going for, but this guy's just not funny."
I was blown away when I found out it was not a skit but this moron is for real AND that more than 5 deranged, 5-IQ-points-above-challenged listened to him.
No “president” is in control.. that is obvious
True. But this is the first time where I am seeing members of our government act independently of the President's platform, especially when it comes to inviting a known criminal. This time, many Republicans are yelling as loudly as the Democrats!
Letting in Andrew Tate undermines Trump's entire mass deportation argument.
Good point. This is an issue being raised by the media today.
How? I mean, Tate's a scumbag but he's not a border jumper. How does someone landing via private plane and getting his passport stamped "undermine" deporting illegals who came into the country without permission?
Again, I am NOT defending this dirtbag, but let's let the Democrats veer into illogic and weaponization of the judicial system against people they don't like.
This whole push is to deport criminals from America, not import them.
Yes, and as of right now, being a scumbag is not the same as being a criminal.
He was under house arrest in Romania and there are more criminal charges incoming for human trafficking. And he was convicted of major tax fraud and had to pay over $2,000,000. The dude’s rap sheet is past, present and future.
My brother knows AT from his kick boxing years and says he was a very mediocre boxer. Pimping girls was more lucrative and less physically harmful. My then 14-year-old son got roped in by AT’s propaganda a few years ago. Thankfully he has enough sense now to see what a crook AT is. What a loser with a big mouth. I hope he’ll be convicted and locked up soon.
I'm glad your son got out of it. If you've read my work you know after my abusive marriage I went on to train as a full contact boxer, kickboxer, trained in Eskrima and other fighting arts. I've trained for over 30 years, it became a way of life for me. I've known my share of men like AT, cowards beneath all the bravado. On the other hand, thankfully, I've known my share of men from my fighting days that were true warriors and gentlemen. They say when you get in the ring, who you really are is revealed.
Keep the Tate brothers where they are we dont need any more weirdos in the US.
Too late. They are already here.
Thank you for posting this, Karen. I also nearly passed on this post, as I already found Tate awful, but reading makes me think there is an urgent need for a reassertion of Judaeo-Christian masculinity and heroism, a masculinity based on integrity, honesty, humility, compassion and fidelity. Also, true courage, not the "courage" to beat up a defenceless woman, but the courage to stand up for what is true and just, even in the face of criticism and danger.
That courage is going to become more and more scarce and those who stand up for righteousness will find themselves increasingly attacked for it. It's a struggle to get people to see this. As you say, they think it isn't important, but it is. We need to speak out, not remain silent. It's extremely important to take a stand.
It’s so sickening. Tucker destroyed what was left of the immune system of the conservative movement in interviewing Tate, Putin, and Cooper. “I’m just having conversations” (with evil, dangerous people to promote them) is such a disingenuous line. I don’t know what’s going on with this level of excuse-making for evil, but it’s hard not to feel that demons have been unleashed and chaos will follow.
I remember at the start of Covid when I was living in Luxor, Egypt, I started looking at how the news kept repeating the same thing, every news station said the same thing, so for the first time, I actually started digging deeper--I mean, I never really trusted the media, but I also had never thought about the broader implications of all that propaganda on the public and how it swayed people --so I decided to listen to what Tucker Carlson had to say and it was refreshing because he was asking questions that nobody else was doing, it made me think and for that reason, he served a good purpose. But I have never been one to latch onto any one person as having all the answers, I have seen too often how pundits, big preachers, you name it, become corrupt the more popular and powerful they get, so sure enough, Carlson has followed the usual pattern. He went down the drain. It is a rare person who maintains their integrity --although I am now not sure if he ever really had any to begin with--but only God knows that.
And yes, demons are unleashed, there's really no other explanation. People have been blinded to the truth. The truth is very obvious and people delight in evil. Nowhere is it more apparent than on X. I go there for research, but it is truly an evil place. I have to prepare myself spiritually because it is so toxic. And yet, millions of conservative Christians have been taken in by Elon Musk. The whole thing just amazes me.
I had a similar journey with Tucker, although it was always a red flag to me that the people he would interview as the “opposition” to his views were clearly not capable of making the best case for the counter-argument. But I did feel he at least was coming from a good place for a while there, trying to “fight the power”. But then things turned and his side is ascendant. Things go sideways with power. The devil, whether metaphorically or literally, seizes us. In a ways it’s surprising that some of the most religious people in the country don’t seem to see this with regards to Tucker and, as you point out, lionize Elon Musk, of all people, who basically views himself as a god-emperor. It feels like we are turning into to a science fiction version of Rome.
Sorry to hear about the abuse you suffered.
I almost didn't read this. I know scant details about the tates other than they are scum, so I wasn't going to waste my time. Your article wasn't a waste.
The only video I watched was a minute of alina habba. I knew something wasn't entirely right with her months back when she went beyond lawyering, deep into trump cheerleading.
I imagine she wants to be "one of the boys" and prove that she's not intimidated by tate and he knew how to leverage her naiveté.
I was once temporarily a subcontractor to the trumps through my employer for the trump marina casino. I had no contact with them, but the primary contractor told us his experiences, particularly with ivana. Clearly trump has had some successes in real estate, but also failures and many failures outside of real estate, that he never acknowledges, only spins. He is a walking talking self promoting façade. Anything or anyone that fits the image he wants to prject, he uses. He's not going to do the Christian ethical thing ever because he's CINO - Christian In Name Only. Think of what he said on a hot mic on Access Hollywood.
musk is also a fake. He's not really the richest man in the world and his money is the product of the US government from multiple aspects, probably including the CIA. He is involved in many nefarious projects that he will one day use the power he's being granted now, to implement, including against all his sycophants. I imagine he and trump get along well because they share tactics and boost one another. I didn't know about benny, but have long thought that tucker carlson is a polished buffoon and am suspect that he is possibly some type of controlled opposition. candace owens is true loser that is chasing fame and fortune with a swiss cheese vail of substance. I give none of them any attention, but they are all potentially dangerous in many ways.
All of this is very insightful. Thank you for sharing these truths because it isn't easy being the bearer of bad tidings when all people want to hear is good tidings. And I understand and sympathislze with why peoole feel like that.
Over the years I've had plenty of positives things to say about Trump, however, I'm not going to hold back with warning people about reality versus fantasy when that reality is unpleasant. I wrote over a year ago of my fear with conservatives putting their trust in Trump, that when it was proved illplaced the disillusionment would be terrible. That's why I always say, put your trust in no man. As my readers know, I put my trust in Jesus. That way you can see clearly and it's not all about emotions.
Amen. That's biblical. God says Trust no man.
Also, thank you for your kind words about the abuse I suffered. As my readers know, I went on the train in full contact boxing and kickboxing, Eskrima, and other fighting arts. I never wanted to be a victim again. I'm not saying I could win every physical fight against a man, that's not the point. The point is I learned to look my opponent in the eyes without fear. I can stand up for myself and if I go down, at least I go down fighting, not cowering.
Over the years, I have met many fighters like Andrew Tate, and they are cowards. I also MET many honorable men that let me know there are a lot of wonderful men out there. They just need to stand up and be heard.
I have come to believe that it is the right that will,bring in the nwo/ac system, as many of us are now deceived into thinking that with the defeat of the extreme left all is wonderful. They have even given parts of nwo/ ac system a conservative spin! Well, God doesn't change He is " the stability of our times"!
Yes, I have been warning about this for three years now, but it's very difficult to make people see it--obviously because we can see how conservatives, even those who call themselves Christians have been deceived, just completely had the wool pulled over their eyes.
I always think of the verse:
For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
Presidents are on probation. Keep a close eye on this one
It’s all part of a well planned and coordinated effort to lure the American people into reviving the Holy Roman Empire. They will unite all radical elements together into a new Reich. At first in cooperation with Israel, and then 3.5 years later Israel will be underfoot. They are baiting the Jewish people into a false sense of security with political alliances and hopes of a rebuilt temple. Little do they know many of their politicians such as BiBi are in bed with the Romans and her neo-Templar orders which have long planned to rebuild Solomon’s temple for themselves. I do find it awfully telling that the one thing they want to steer people away from is traditional dispensational Christianity, they want you in Roman Catholicism, subverted mainline Protestantism, Pentecostal charismatic evangelism, EO, etc. And they really really want you to believe you’re going through at least part of the tribulation period. This is why they’ve platformed so many post trib and prewrath guys and spread so much disinformation about guys like Darby and Scofield and the pre trib rapture (as seen when Intel agent and Vatican stooge Tucker Carlson had John Rich on his show). They want Christian’s to feel like they need to unite against an external enemy and win against the antichrist system or whatever. They also want to drive a wedge between those Christians that support the Jews and those that do not. They want to create a situation where those of us who are pre trib traditional dispensationalists to be perceived as both traitors to Christianity on behalf of the Jews and as not contributing to preparation for the churches survival of the end times (by political means). This is the perfect recipe for ChristoFascisim. People always assumed that the end times empire would be openly satanic and that’s silly, satan is too subtle for that. “When fascism comes to America it will be draped in the flag and carrying the cross”. It’s no accident that all this is happening and we will be getting a new pope too… this is a decades old project that started with the fall of Germany, they brought all the Nazis into America via the Vatican and Knights of Malta run OSS (cia) to plant the seeds of the “new right” which will become the 4th and final Reich. Some of us have been saying this for more than a decade, long before there was an organized right wing counter movement in America, crazy to see it start to come together.
I agree with a lot of what you say here. ChristoFacism is a good name for it. “When fascism comes to America it will be draped in the flag and carrying the cross” Too true. Very thoughtful comment, thank you.
You might be interested in some of my father, Dave Hunt's talks on the subject. He goes into the Roman Empire and the end times.
I am very familiar with your father’s work, it was pivotal in forming my understanding of the political/religious world. He’s a hero in the counter reformation anti-Jesuit research space of which I am a part. His work on psychology was also very enlightening, I am perpetually recommending his books and lectures to youn disciples.
Splendid writing on horrible subjects, as usual. Well done, Karen, shining a spotlight into the dark corners of the world, where cockroaches and deeply evil men linger.
These Tate scumbags are exactly that and I have zero idea when Tucker Carlson went off the rails. I guess Mommy Issues eventually catch up to anyone.
Whenever these things are exposed I pray for Jesus’s return. Evil is so rampant. With A choice between Harris & current prez, I once again voted for him. His post on His vision for the Gazan strip, some others showing other proofs of his narcissism, misogyny aren’t something he’s grew out of, made me think of the antichrist, but I figured he was too old. AT & bro might just fit the bill.
My only consolation for the persecuted, is the Grace & Mercies of the Almighty. Church, our God has given us wins with raising up dry bones, fast & pray, that His Will be done, and that it is deliverance from this evil or from this evil world as He brings on their end. Glory to Him alone. Dream on Tates, repent or find that your golden age is fools gold.
I still don’t understand the fascination with this guy.
He caters to the lowest of the low and unfortunately there are a lot of those.
I stopped paying attention to pop culture influencers (before they were called that) a long time ago. Rush Limbaugh is dead. Ann Coulter is still here. But Rush’s death still bums me out.
Unfortunately, that's where people get their news now. From their favorite influencers. For conservatives, those influencers are the people they came to trust during Covid because they stood up against the mandates. We were all friends back then; I was on the same side as those guys. But once Covid ended, the majority of those people were revealed as antisemitic Christian nationalists, and I am now cut off from all those people --no regrets. The thing is, during Covid they garnered millions of loyal followers who now believe everything they say. Looking back, I cannot believe how smoothly they made that transition.
Rush Limbaugh was old school. My dad, Christian author Dave Hunt, exposed most of the preachers of those days, like Robert Schuller, they really hated and feared my dad. But he has a lot of respect for Rush, and they were friends. If my dad were alive today, I know exactly what he would say and he would be proud of my stance. I don't agree with everything my dad said, but I am so thankful I had such a good foundation from my childhood. Thanks to my parents I met so many courageous bold Christians.
If you’re old enough, you might appreciate this joke.
What does LORD stand for?
Karen you certainly educate me in what's going on. This is absolutely shocking. I had no idea about Andrew Tate and his supporters including Trump and Trumpians. I'm not surprised about Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens who is a big supporter of P Diddy or whatever he calls himself these days. I naively thought that Trump is very much against trafficking and such. This post certainly makes me wonder about what else is happening behind the scenes.
Wtf are you talking about regarding Darryl Cooper? I have no agenda, one way or the other, other than the truth, and that link goes to a Substack, and this is what he has pinned to his X account:
Please correct this, or at least explain yourself, otherwise I’ll be no longer reading your Substack.
Thanks for pointing that out although you could be more polite about it. It is no longer pinned to the top of his X page. Here is the new link
Sorry if it seemed impolite, and I won’t quibble with your characterization, but I don’t have time to read people‘s opinions if they are have incorrect facts. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, thank you for responding.
And having looked at that video quickly, it’s not obvious to me that he’s promoting it, he’s telling a story. You may or may not agree with his version of history, but I think you were trying to make him out to be something he may not be. I don’t think it really helps your overall narrative, and it probably hurts it. That’s my opinion and I’ll move on from here.
You can find out more about Darryl Cooper here: The Perfect Storm, Part I