Splendid writing on horrible subjects, as usual. Well done, Karen, shining a spotlight into the dark corners of the world, where cockroaches and deeply evil men linger.
These Tate scumbags are exactly that and I have zero idea when Tucker Carlson went off the rails. I guess Mommy Issues eventually catch up to anyone.
Splendid writing on horrible subjects, as usual. Well done, Karen, shining a spotlight into the dark corners of the world, where cockroaches and deeply evil men linger.
These Tate scumbags are exactly that and I have zero idea when Tucker Carlson went off the rails. I guess Mommy Issues eventually catch up to anyone.
Splendid writing on horrible subjects, as usual. Well done, Karen, shining a spotlight into the dark corners of the world, where cockroaches and deeply evil men linger.
These Tate scumbags are exactly that and I have zero idea when Tucker Carlson went off the rails. I guess Mommy Issues eventually catch up to anyone.