All of this is very insightful. Thank you for sharing these truths because it isn't easy being the bearer of bad tidings when all people want to hear is good tidings. And I understand and sympathislze with why peoole feel like that.
Over the years I've had plenty of positives things to say about Trump, however, I'm not going to hold back …
All of this is very insightful. Thank you for sharing these truths because it isn't easy being the bearer of bad tidings when all people want to hear is good tidings. And I understand and sympathislze with why peoole feel like that.
Over the years I've had plenty of positives things to say about Trump, however, I'm not going to hold back with warning people about reality versus fantasy when that reality is unpleasant. I wrote over a year ago of my fear with conservatives putting their trust in Trump, that when it was proved illplaced the disillusionment would be terrible. That's why I always say, put your trust in no man. As my readers know, I put my trust in Jesus. That way you can see clearly and it's not all about emotions.
All of this is very insightful. Thank you for sharing these truths because it isn't easy being the bearer of bad tidings when all people want to hear is good tidings. And I understand and sympathislze with why peoole feel like that.
Over the years I've had plenty of positives things to say about Trump, however, I'm not going to hold back with warning people about reality versus fantasy when that reality is unpleasant. I wrote over a year ago of my fear with conservatives putting their trust in Trump, that when it was proved illplaced the disillusionment would be terrible. That's why I always say, put your trust in no man. As my readers know, I put my trust in Jesus. That way you can see clearly and it's not all about emotions.
Amen. That's biblical. God says Trust no man.