We Really Need to Talk about Andrew Tate (and a few other guys)
“The Tates will be free, Trump is the president. The good old days are back.” ~ Andrew Tate
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We really need to talk about Andrew Tate. I first wrote about AT in July 2023: What is a Man: If Tucker Carlson wanted to interview a 'real' man, maybe it should have been Jason Aldean not Andrew Tate.
I’m well aware this is another tough topic and there are plenty of people who will say, Karen, why do you have to do this? Well, because my mission, since the day I started Break Free Media, has been to write about the tough topics, even if people get angry about it, in fact, if they do, it means I’m doing my job. My work will be here long after I am gone, and it will stand the test of time.
This topic matters because it is part of a bigger movement that I’ve been warning about, the antisemitic Christian Nationalist movement that continues to grow and that is a mirror image of Islamism.
Yesterday, Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan were flown on a private jet from Romania to Florida.
To his credit, Gov. Ron DeSantis said that the Tates were not welcome in his state, and that he had no involvement in the plans for the Tates to travel there. “I don’t know how it came to this,” he said.
AT refused to answer questions from reporters on Thursday about President Trump’s involvement. However, his lawyer, Mr. McBride, said earlier on Thursday: “Do the math. These guys are on the plane.”
This morning, President Trump said he “knows nothing about it,” even though the Financial Times reported on February 17 that U.S. officials initially broached the subject during a phone call with the Romanian government, advocating for the return of the Tates' passports and permission for them to travel while awaiting court proceedings. Since then, their luxury cars that had been seized by the Romanian government have been returned and here they are in the United States.
Trump rewards those who helped him get elected and there’s no doubt the Tate brothers did just that, by promoting Trump to their combined almost 14 million followers on X, mostly men in the “manosphere”— online platforms targeted at young men that promote male superiority over women, degradation and violence toward women, fascism and antisemitism.
Pinned to the top of AT’s X page, for his almost 11 million followers to see, is this video of his support for Trump, saying that “the golden age starts now.” AT and his brother Tristan see themselves as a big part of ushering in that golden age.
Back in November, Tristan Tate claimed “millions of young men in Europe and the USA have a healthy rightwing approach to politics that they would NOT have if Andrew Tate had never appeared on their phone screens”.
In response to Donald Trump securing the presidency, Andrew Tate boasted on X:
“The Tates will be free, Trump is the president. The good old days are back.”
According to the Financial Times, Andrew and his brother Tristan Tate became a cause célèbre in rightwing social media after having been arrested in Romania in 2022 and charged with human trafficking, sexual misconduct and money laundering, as well as starting an organized crime group. They have denied wrongdoing.
Listen to Andrew Tate as he lands in Florida, saying that he has committed no crimes.
AT is indignant that he has been subjected to such persecution from “George Soros-funded operations trying to destroy the reputations of good people who have no intention to do anything other than follow the law.”
Immediately AT landed, he was claiming his case was dismissed in Romania. It was not dismissed. Both Tates are still under judicial control for that case and have been ordered to return to Romania by March 25th.
So, just how good of a person is Andrew Tate?
AT boasts that he made his first $million off of his online “Hustler’s University” and “War Room” courses, which run subscribers $50 a month and $8,000 annually, respectively. Among the lessons: If a woman accuses a man of cheating, there’s one appropriate response:
“It’s bang out the machete, boom in her face, you grip her up by the neck, ‘WHAT’S UP BITCH’...you go fuck her. That’s how it goes, you go slap, slap, grab, choke, ‘shut up bitch,’ sex.” TikTok videos of Tate have been viewed some 11.6 billion times, according to reporting by The Guardian.
I guess beating women, trafficking and pimping out 75 of your girlfriends is not a crime, not to mention having sex with underaged girls, which AT admits to in the videos I share here.
Hustler University is now The Real World, promising to “finally teach things we could never teach before – 100% uncensored!”
Good, upstanding people, Christians that once would have been shocked by Andrew Tate’s behavior are being conditioned to accept all sorts of vile behavior that they once knew was wrong.
Here is a link to a video of AT just being himself.
I’ve transcribed some of what AT says, taken from another video, posted by one of my favorite truly courageous people, the Apostate Prophet. You can see it on X here:
I used sex as a tool to make women love me to make women obey me so they’d live in my house and make me money. That’s what I wanted, so I was a pimp in that sense. I was not trying to get women to have sex with me, I was trying to get women to obey me and I realized that’s easier if they like having sex with me. If they don’t like having sex with me it’s pretty hard to get them to listen to me.
I don’t mention “webcam” until after I’ve had sex with the girl. You, your bottom b*tch… is the one who does the selling. You don’t do the selling. The girl has to hear it from a girl. And this is where your bottom b*tch has to be trained. That’s why I say it’s so important to have a good first girl.
This is a form of slavery says the prosecutors, like 19th century slave owners who branded their slaves with a red-hot iron. The Tate brothers branded their victims with tattoos, indicating that the women were their property. For example, girls had a tattoo “owned by T.”
I know this type of branding from my roughly ten years teaching creative writing to girls in juvenile hall. The men in the gangs, their boyfriends, brand them with tattoos. Over a period of two years, my student Silvia Sanchez, who became a lifelong friend, struggled to come to terms through her writing as to how and why she had allowed her older, abusive boyfriend to brand her like that. Against all odds, I got her accepted into a tattoo removal program, and she described the painful process and how with each session it felt as if a little bit more of the poison her boyfriend put inside of her was coming out.
Disturbingly, if you go to AT’s account you will see how many women idolize him, just as Silvia idolized her abuser, except, unlike Silvia, these women are not stuck in poor neighborhoods without possibilities to escape. They purposely choose to build romanticized versions of these disgusting men when they have plenty of other options.
This also reminds me of the foreign women in Luxor who fall for romanticized versions of the men who then control their entire lives. It’s a common weakness of women and men exploit it:
Yes, these right-wing women are so befuddled that they see Ron DeSantis—who is standing up for what is right—as an emasculated little boy and Andrew Tate as the sexy strong man when in fact he enslaves and beats women and it’s all right there for women to see.
Here is a video of President Trump’s attorney Alina Habba on antisemite Benny Johnson’s podcast a couple of months ago, salivating over Andrew Tate. She appears at about the 2 hour/35-minute mark.
Alina Habba, a mix of brains and beauty, asked to come on the podcast specifically so she could meet AT, saying she’s a fan, she absolutely loves him because he knows what’s right.
“I admire you; I admire what you’re doing and if you’re in the states, I got your back,” she says, following up with the shocking words, “I don’t know the facts of your case, but I support you one hundred percent, what they are doing is wrong. There is no time for weakness. We are being destroyed, and we need strong, powerful voices like yours.”
Habba is an attorney and despite claiming she doesn’t know the facts of his case; she claims to know that what they’re doing to him is “wrong.” He is the victim. Not the women he raped and sexually trafficked.
If you want to find out about the ACTUAL charges against the Tate brothers, you can follow this thread here.
I would like to ask everyone reading this, if you are a woman, have you ever had the experience of a man bashing your face in? Have you ever had the experience of a man squeezing your neck until you passed out and woke up on the ground, almost having died?
I have had those experiences, from my husband. Why? I didn’t walk down the stairs fast enough, so I was strangled. I was kicked when I was pregnant and almost lost my baby because I didn’t run fast enough to catch the last underground of the night.
If anyone condones what these monsters have done or refuses to even consider the possibility that the president of the United States was instrumental in getting them out of Romania, then please ask yourself why it is so difficult to consider that criticism of Trump. Sticking our heads in the sand is not going to help.
The insidious growing acceptance of such perversions as AT indulges in didn’t start yesterday. The day Tucker Carlson interviewed Andrew Tate, fawning over him just as Alina Habba is doing now, was the day I lost all respect for Carlson. Then, Candace Owens did the same with her disgusting interview of AT, a good friend of her husband. They are all part of the Christian Nationalist movement; they are the antisemitic influencers I wrote about here.
As time went on and Tucker Carlson interviewed Nazi historical revisionist Darryl Cooper, I knew I had not been wrong in my assessment. Tucker called Cooper the most important historian in the world, so important that every American needed to know about him.
Here, today, is what Cooper has pinned to the top of his X account, and I quote the video:
“We are convinced, and this is ultimately our only great faith, that the German Reich will once again rise out of this most bitter misery and all this hardship, different from how it exists now, not as a birth of misery and wretchedness but that we will once again have a true German Reich of freedom and honor, a real fatherland for the entire German people and not a haven for foreign crooks…” and then, lots of rousing photos of Hitler and his vision.
Women like Alina Habba and Candace Owens fawn over men like Andrew Tate, they admire men like Tucker Carlson, because they are in a privileged upper class of women who serve successful men and believe they have special status and will be rewarded for that reason. Such women will turn on the women beneath them, those “bottom b*tches” who suffer at the hands of men like AT. They will despise these lower women as weak while thinking they are smarter and stronger, doing their best to ingratiate themselves to these “powerful” men while enjoying the degradation of women beneath them.
Andrew Tate is a liar, a con man, a violent hater of women, and guess what else, yes, he converted to Islam because, as he says, in Islam a man can have as many women as he wants, and he can treat women the way they deserve to be treated.
In a live stream with famous Twitch streamer and friend Adin Ross, Tate revealed he has over 10 kids, with different mothers around the world. Upon being asked if all his kids were from different mothers, Tate says, “Not all different, but there’s been a few ovens to bake the bread. Women are slow, G.”
Tate has said repeatedly that he doesn’t see “the tactical advantage of getting married.”
And yet, he talks about marriage as if it is something to be valued. This is because we’ve come to accept that people in power can say what people want to hear, and nobody will care if their lives make a mockery of their words, because they are in a special class above everyone else and can do as they please.
Many of you won’t like me saying this, but Elon Musk is the same, having now sired his 13th child. Sorry, I can’t keep up with Elon Musk. I now have to add that he has just acknowledged his 14th child (although he has yet to acknowledge the 13th), yes, another son, Seldon Lycurgus, with Shivon Zilis, who is the executive of Musk’s brain-computer interface company, Neuralink.
Musk has also reportedly offered his sperm to friends and acquaintances, and said in 2021: “I try to set a good example. Gotta practice what I preach.”
His children are born of 4 different women, all of them except X, being born through either IVF or surrogacy. X is the adorable little boy he parades around in public like another one of his products, and no, please don’t tell me this means he is a good father, because it means the opposite. How he treats the mothers of his children is no different from how Muslims treat their many wives, and I am not sure why Christians can’t see that.
It should be obvious at this point why Elon Musk just happened to make this post on the day the Tate brothers arrived in the US:
Over 22 million views in no time, because Elon Musk’s posts always are first on X. Why would any decent woman or man hold him up as some sort of role model for anything. And yet all I see are people constantly making excuses for him. The richest second most powerful man in the world should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us, not a lower one, because I can assure you that if anyone of your friends behaved like he does, they would not be your friend anymore.
And now, I have a question for President Trump and his administration. Why does Trump, who professes to be a Christian, focus on saving men like the Tate brothers.
It’s along the same lines as his pardon of Ross Ulbricht, creator of Silk Road. The first of its kind, Silk Road was a digital black-market platform popular for hosting money laundering schemes and illegal drug transactions using Bitcoin.
Ulbricht was serving a life sentence and okay, maybe that was too extreme—or was it?
If you are going run for president on a promise to rid the country of drug traffickers that are killing our children, surely you don’t then pardon the man who started the first and the biggest online underground drug trafficking site on the internet. How can anyone claim to have an ounce of morality or integrity after doing that? And please don’t tell me that Ulbricht wasn’t responsible for what happened on Silk Road. He created it on the dark web specifically so that illegal activity could take place, and he cashed in on the heinous ways money was being made. You can find out more about the horrors of the dark web and the deep web in my essay: The Lost Girls and Boys
So, why did Trump pardon Ulbricht?
One reason was to say thank you to Libertarians who see Ulbricht as a hero and who voted for Trump. Another reason was because, as Trump said in his announcement of the pardon, attacking those who had imprisoned Ulbricht:
The scum that worked to convict me were some of the same lunatics who were involved in the modern day weaponization of government against me."
Here’s my question. Why wouldn’t a Christian president fight for the women who stand up AGAINST men like Andrew Tate? Why wouldn’t he fight for women who never made a cent off of a drug trafficking sight that made it easier than ever for children to get illicit drugs, but who stood up to a tyrannical regime that cost them everything, even in some cases their lives. Women who are at this moment being tortured and killed because of their bravery.
Just picking one of those women out of a hat, why not demand the release of Iranian political prisoner Maryam Akbari Monfared, who had completed her 15-year prison sentence in Oct 2024, only to then be transferred to Qarchak Prison for further torture and abuse?
Her new alleged crimes are “propaganda against the system” and “insulting the leadership, assembly, and collusion, spreading lies and disturbing public opinion, and inciting people against national security.” However, Maryam Akbari Monfared’s main crime is seeking justice in 2016 for her sister and three brothers who were martyred.
Alireza Akbari was martyred under torture in September 1981, and Gholamreza Akbari was executed in 1985. Roghayeh and Abdolreza Akbari were martyred during the political prisoners’ massacre in 1988.
In another vile and predatory action, in July 2024, the regime’s judiciary issued an order to confiscate the property of Maryam Akbari and her relatives for seeking justice for her three brothers and a sister who were executed.
Sure, maybe such a demand for her release would not be honored. But that’s not the point. The point is, who are you standing up for? Who are you fighting for? Who are you holding up as an example for our children?
Why is it Andrew Tate and Ross Ulbricht and not true heroes. I could name plenty.
Here is a list of women and girls in Iran who have laid down their lives for freedom, starting in 2022 until now.
An estimated 30,000 young men and women have been arrested during the uprising and detained under inhuman conditions in overcrowded prisons. They are under torture to make false confessions.
If Trump wants a man to hold up as an example for other men, he could pressure Iran to let Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi out of the country. Salehi courageously stood up for the women of Iran and was imprisoned, tortured and sentenced to death as a result. Due to worldwide pressure, he was released but his life remains in danger.
The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has obtained and published the names of 647 protesters who laid down their lives for Iran’s freedom.
Where is Alina Habba? Is she setting an example with her powerful platform, giving a voice to women who truly deserve to be heard. No. She’s too busy fawning over Andrew Tate. Now that he’s in the United States, you can be sure she “has his back” as she promised and will be meeting up with him soon, if she hasn’t already. After all, Alina Habba has no fear that she will become one of AT’s bottom b*tches.
I fully expect to see Habba defending the Tate brothers against the evil Ron Desantis. Their current attorney, McBride, is now calling for De Santis’ resignation after DeSantis said the brothers weren’t welcome in Florida:
“Ron DeSantis should step down as Florida’s governor if he has a problem with welcoming or protecting American citizens.”
Is this what the United States is coming to? Is this freedom?
AT is disgusting. Any man who acts like that is an animal. No wait, most male animals do not treat their female counterparts like that. Shame on the people supporting him, men and women.
Governor DeSantis is correct. Conservative means that people have a traditional moral code that they live by, though some of that code can definitely be argued!
What part of Conservatism would welcome a self-professed misogynist, antisemite and human trafficker? Answer: none.
How can we screech about "illegal immigrants" all day long and yet welcome criminal Andrew Tate? A man that clearly hates morality? Tate should throw packages of fentanyl into the crowd as he steps off the plane, making the hypocrisy complete.
He also came here on a private plane. I wonder whose plane it is...
President Trump is clearly not in full control. This is a concern.