Whenever these things are exposed I pray for Jesus’s return. Evil is so rampant. With A choice between Harris & current prez, I once again voted for him. His post on His vision for the Gazan strip, some others showing other proofs of his narcissism, misogyny aren’t something he’s grew out of, made me think of the antichrist, but I figure…
Whenever these things are exposed I pray for Jesus’s return. Evil is so rampant. With A choice between Harris & current prez, I once again voted for him. His post on His vision for the Gazan strip, some others showing other proofs of his narcissism, misogyny aren’t something he’s grew out of, made me think of the antichrist, but I figured he was too old. AT & bro might just fit the bill.
My only consolation for the persecuted, is the Grace & Mercies of the Almighty. Church, our God has given us wins with raising up dry bones, fast & pray, that His Will be done, and that it is deliverance from this evil or from this evil world as He brings on their end. Glory to Him alone. Dream on Tates, repent or find that your golden age is fools gold.
Whenever these things are exposed I pray for Jesus’s return. Evil is so rampant. With A choice between Harris & current prez, I once again voted for him. His post on His vision for the Gazan strip, some others showing other proofs of his narcissism, misogyny aren’t something he’s grew out of, made me think of the antichrist, but I figured he was too old. AT & bro might just fit the bill.
My only consolation for the persecuted, is the Grace & Mercies of the Almighty. Church, our God has given us wins with raising up dry bones, fast & pray, that His Will be done, and that it is deliverance from this evil or from this evil world as He brings on their end. Glory to Him alone. Dream on Tates, repent or find that your golden age is fools gold.