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It’s all part of a well planned and coordinated effort to lure the American people into reviving the Holy Roman Empire. They will unite all radical elements together into a new Reich. At first in cooperation with Israel, and then 3.5 years later Israel will be underfoot. They are baiting the Jewish people into a false sense of security with political alliances and hopes of a rebuilt temple. Little do they know many of their politicians such as BiBi are in bed with the Romans and her neo-Templar orders which have long planned to rebuild Solomon’s temple for themselves. I do find it awfully telling that the one thing they want to steer people away from is traditional dispensational Christianity, they want you in Roman Catholicism, subverted mainline Protestantism, Pentecostal charismatic evangelism, EO, etc. And they really really want you to believe you’re going through at least part of the tribulation period. This is why they’ve platformed so many post trib and prewrath guys and spread so much disinformation about guys like Darby and Scofield and the pre trib rapture (as seen when Intel agent and Vatican stooge Tucker Carlson had John Rich on his show). They want Christian’s to feel like they need to unite against an external enemy and win against the antichrist system or whatever. They also want to drive a wedge between those Christians that support the Jews and those that do not. They want to create a situation where those of us who are pre trib traditional dispensationalists to be perceived as both traitors to Christianity on behalf of the Jews and as not contributing to preparation for the churches survival of the end times (by political means). This is the perfect recipe for ChristoFascisim. People always assumed that the end times empire would be openly satanic and that’s silly, satan is too subtle for that. “When fascism comes to America it will be draped in the flag and carrying the cross”. It’s no accident that all this is happening and we will be getting a new pope too… this is a decades old project that started with the fall of Germany, they brought all the Nazis into America via the Vatican and Knights of Malta run OSS (cia) to plant the seeds of the “new right” which will become the 4th and final Reich. Some of us have been saying this for more than a decade, long before there was an organized right wing counter movement in America, crazy to see it start to come together.

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I agree with a lot of what you say here. ChristoFacism is a good name for it. “When fascism comes to America it will be draped in the flag and carrying the cross” Too true. Very thoughtful comment, thank you.

You might be interested in some of my father, Dave Hunt's talks on the subject. He goes into the Roman Empire and the end times. https://youtu.be/F_QGVT1zwIE?si=6ESskr5_HOGDx2sy

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I am very familiar with your father’s work, it was pivotal in forming my understanding of the political/religious world. He’s a hero in the counter reformation anti-Jesuit research space of which I am a part. His work on psychology was also very enlightening, I am perpetually recommending his books and lectures to youn disciples.

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