Hamas is the Definition of Insanity
Yahya Sinwar's replacements are lining up, ready to become the next martyr and the next, over and over again.
You can listen to me read this essay here:
“With our hopes high, we are fighting and awaiting the day when the banner of ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is His Messenger’ will fly all over the planet and the one global and just rule of the Mahdi will be established.” ~ sermon given on January 25, 2019, by Khamenei’s representative Ayatollah Lotfollah Dezhkham
Yahya Sinwar is now being extolled as a martyr who fought bravely to the death.
I have to stop right there, because the fact this monster is called a martyr shows the perversion by Islamists of what it means to be one. I’ve mentioned a few times how martyr Richard Wurmbrand was a dear friend of our family. For those who don’t know, he was a Romanian Jewish Christian pastor who was first imprisoned by the Nazis and then by the Communists. He spent 14 years tortured in prison for refusing to give up his faith. Knowing him as a child, made a huge impression on my life. I remind people about him periodically because such people should be held up as the proper standard of what it means to be a martyr in these days of perversion of truth.
Christian martyrs don’t blow themselves up on a bus or a plane, trying to kill as many innocent people as possible while yelling “God is Great!”, thinking they will be rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven.
They are persecuted by those who hate them. They pray for their tormentors. Often, they give up their lives as Christ did on the cross, with love and forgiveness in their hearts. They represent another type of warrior, the most courageous type of all.

As far as I’m concerned, Sinwar was no martyr, nor was he a warrior. He died like a cowardly rat flushed out of his hole. Eliminated by young newly trained IDF soldiers who came upon him by chance, not knowing who he was. When he was identified after his death, he was found to have been carrying various passports and a wad of cash. He was not fighting alongside his Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades. He was hoping to save himself while leaving everyone else to perish.
In response to Sinwar’s death, Kamala Harris once again, embarrassingly, proved her lack of conviction and how she is no different from the puppet-controlled Biden—just younger.
After having cluelessly warned Israel back in March that she had “studied the maps” she warned that:
“Israel could face ‘consequences’ if it launches a ground assault on the city of Rafah in southern Gaza.”
She has now changed her tune, congratulating Israel on eliminating Sinwar, as if the US had supported the decision all along:
“Justice has been served, and the United States, Israel and the entire world are better off..."
For Kamala Harris, the most important part of her little speech was an oft-repeated warning to Israel that, “this moment gives us an opportunity to finally end this war in Gaza.”
The media followed along with articles like “Yahya Sinwar's death offers exits from the war, but will Israel take them?”
How about “Yahya Sinwar’s death offers exits from the war, but will HAMAS take them?”
Why is it all on Israel’s shoulders. Wasn’t it Hamas that attacked Israel in the first place and refuses to stop? Isn’t it up to Hamas to surrender? And if they still don’t stop, what is Israel supposed to do. Shrug and say oh, well, build up your arsenals again, it’s been fun, and we’ll see you next time.
Predictably, the media and the public are turning on Israel once again. Israel is now being accused of making everything worse instead of better by killing Sinwar. Shame on Israel. They’ve turned Sinwar into another martyr.
Here are a few examples of the glorification of Yahya Sinwar, posted on X by Hamas Atrocities:
One of the most infamous terrorist supporters is the notorious Syrian Girl. Here’s her reaction broadcast for her 462K followers, which she unabashedly lies to every single day. I find this so offensive, as if women should be sexually attracted to this monster:
Here’s the despicable Max Blumenthal telling his 667K followers:
This crazy woman—who made herself famous during the Covid crisis, Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis tells her 1.2 million followers:
Or this guy, Daniel Haqiqatjou, tells his 162K followers, and yes, he actually said this:
MMA macho man Jake Shields has somehow become an expert on Middle Eastern affairs, a position he takes so seriously, he spreads Jew hatred every single day to his 774K followers. His comment is especially rich when Israeli doctors operated on Sinwar’s brain tumor, which they discovered while he was in prison, thereby saving his life.
And here’s the winner. Dan Bilzerian, another macho man who appeals to the same loser guys, cowards and idiots, all of them, that Jake Shields and Andrew Tate appeal to, tells his 1.8 million followers that we "need more men like Sinwar" because "the Jews attack masculinity."
The reality is shown in this drone footage of Sinwar’s final moments. You can judge for yourself how brave he was as he defiantly throws a stick at the drone.
That Sinwar’s hand was severely wounded is a kind of justice for hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose hand was blown off by jihadists on Oct 7th and who was later executed in a tunnel in Gaza by a bullet to the back of his head. What horrors he must have lived through during all those months. What nightmares his parents endured.
To think millions of people around the world did not mourn his death but now mourn the death of the monster responsible for it is unconscionable.
Here is the video Hamas forced Hersch to make, a kind of psychological torture for his family and Israelis in general.
Is Hamas feeling bad about what it has done? Is it thinking maybe it’s time to surrender. Of course not. They are prouder than ever. Crying victim louder for all the world to hear and feel sorry for them.
Again, what’s the definition of insanity? Repeating the same thing over and over with the same bad result. That’s Hamas.
It’s only been two days since Yahya Sinwar death and replacements are already lining up, eager, I guess, to be the next martyrs. Theirs is a twisted idea of honor.

Bloomberg says Sinwar’s replacement could be Khalil al-Hayya.
al-Hayya is a protégé of Ismail Haniyeh, Sinwar’s predecessor who was believed to have been eliminated by Israel in Tehran in July. Speaking from exile in Qatar, al-Hayya has vowed that Hamas’s position will not change.
Khalil al-Hayya has vowed that the hostages will never be released until the war is over and all Israeli forces withdraw from Gaza. And since Israel will never withdraw until the hostages are released, that’s an impasse right there and another example of Hamas’s insanity.
Believe what they say with their own mouths.
In a November 2023 interview, Ghazi Hamad, a senior Hamas member openly praised the brutal attack on Israeli civilians on October 7. He said they are a nation of martyrs, vowing to replicate such assaults until Israel is completely eradicated.
Remember what insanity means. Hamas is the definition of insanity. It vows to repeat the same evil over and over again.
The BBC is putting its money on former Hamas political bureau leader Khaled Mashaal.
Mashaal is another greedy Hamas official living a luxurious life in exile in Qatar. Maybe he foolishly feels safe there—why isn’t Qatar sanctioned by every Western nation.
In 1997 Israeli agents failed to assassinate him when they injected him with poison on a street outside his office in the Jordanian capital Amman. If he takes the job, surely, he knows this time Israel will succeed.
Israel believes Sinwar’s replacement will be his ruthless brother, Mohammed Sinwar.
I would think Israel would be the best predictor of who will be next in line for martyrdom. M. Sinwar was thought to have been killed back in 2014, but it wasn’t true. Who can doubt he is a dead man walking now.
Mohammed Sinwar is said to be even more ruthless than his better-known older brother. He is described as an "arch-terrorist" with direct involvement in the torturous interrogations and deaths of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in an attempt to gain knowledge of how the IDF and Shin Bet – Israel's security agency – operate.
Hezbollah remains defiant, too. It has warned that it sees the conflict with Israel moving to a “new and escalating phase” following Israel's killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.
As I said in Israel puts the West to Shame, you will never eradicate evil. If it is vanquished in one place, it simply moves someplace else. Does that mean we stop fighting? Certainly not. Imagine if only one side fought. The side of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Imagine if only one voice was heard, the voices of liars like Jake Shields and Syrian Girl.
Imagine if no one, ever, stood up to evil because it might offend somebody, it might cause a ruckus, it might even bring about the downfall of a government or the death of a notorious Kingpin, or anything—use your imagination. At what point does standing up to evil become too big of a battle and we need to surrender to the other side.
I’m not saying there is only one way of fighting. I gave the example of Richard Wurmbrand. And I acknowledge it isn’t always easy to navigate the best way to fight back.
Here’s an example of that dilemma. My mom was a Mennonite. She didn’t believe in violence, not even to defend herself or anyone else. One day when I was little, maybe four years old, a robber broke into our house. My dad fought the robber and managed to restrain him until the police came. I remember this incident. My dad also spoke of it a few times, with a smile. Because forever after that, my mom lost her unrealistic conviction that violence is never to be used under any circumstances. She had to admit she was very glad my dad behaved in a brutal manner to our attacker. If necessary, my dad would have killed him to protect our family.
On the other hand, my dad would have been willing to go to prison and die for his faith, just like Richard Wurmbrand. Then again, he also fought for his country in World War II.
As for those “Christian” influencers that I’ve talked about a few times, Tucker Carlson made no mention of Yahya Sinwar’s death. He says nothing about Israel. Even Candace Owens has gone silent. She is now obsessed with proving Kamala Harris isn’t black. Her handlers have obviously determined, it’s best to leave the Jews alone for the time being.
Carlson wanted everyone to know in his latest conversation with Russell Brand, that he’s come to realize “You do not have the right to kill people except in self-defense, ever, because you are not God.”
That sounds reasonable. But we have to look a little deeper. Would you defend your neighbor against attack, even if it wasn’t against you personally? Probably. Even if you didn’t care about your neighbor, you wouldn’t want a bigger enemy gaining a foothold in your neighborhood. Sometimes in dire moments, we have to build alliances even with people we don’t like.
Would you have hidden Jews during WWII, knowing it might mean you and your family go to prison? According to Tucker Carlson, he wouldn’t do that. We know based on his interview with Nazi apologist Darryl Cooper that he doesn’t think the United States should have fought in World War II, or rather, he thinks we should have been on Germany’s side. Just let Germany take over Europe. What would the world look like now, I guess he wouldn’t have minded living under fascism. The Jew Problem? It wasn’t our concern. It was just an accident anyway; the Nazis never really had it in for the Jews.
This is not the time to give influencers like Tucker Carlson, who subtly express their hatred of Jews, any slack. In fact, those who are subtle are much more dangerous, because people think it’s no big deal, they’re not really doing it. When it’s “Syrian Girl” her lies reach a fringe group who are already hardcore Jew haters. Most people don’t want to admit they would go that far.
None of these influencers can hold a candle to Richard Wurmbrand. It was said of him:
“He stood in the midst of lions, but they could not devour him.”
Of course, this brings to mind Daniel in the lion’s den and how God protected him. It brings us back to the Jews.
This is how Richard Wurmbrand lived his life in prison:
“It was strictly forbidden to preach to other prisoners. It was understood that whoever was caught doing this received a severe beating. A number of us decided to pay the price for the privilege of preaching, so we accepted their [the communists' ] terms. It was a deal; we preached and they beat us. We were happy preaching. They were happy beating us, so everyone was happy.”
I know who the lions are. We all should know. I know what men like Richard Wurmbrand would say, as a Christian and a Jew, about Israel and about Hamas. I know what my dad would say. I know what my mom would say, even being a Mennonite.
I have recently shared Konstantin Kisin’s breakdown of why he supports Israel’s right to defend itself. I want to share here his response to criticism that he received as a result. I have yet to hear any short explanation that makes more sense than his. Any rational person has to agree with him. There is simply no other alternative. Unless you irrationally hate Jews, of course.
As always, you can refuse to listen to WHAT THEY ACTUALLY SAY, but here it is. Konstantin Kisin:
Jihadists like Bin Laden have been telling us why they attack us for years, we just don't listen because what they say makes us very uncomfortable. Between 2014 and 2016, Isis published a monthly magazine called Dabiq. Issue 15 includes a short article entitled “Why we hate you and why we fight you”. I have summarized it for brevity here, but the entire article is available on my Substack.
(I should add that I wrote about this magazine in The Coming Caliphate)
Here's what they say:
We hate you first and foremost because you are disbelievers you reject the Oneness of Allah. Furthermore, just as your disbelief is the primary reason we hate you and fight you, as we have been commanded to fight the disbelievers until they submit to the authority of Islam either by becoming Muslims or by paying Jazia tax and living in humiliation under the rule of Muslims, even if you were to stop fighting us, your best case scenario would be that we would suspend our attacks against you in order to focus on the closer and more immediate threats before eventually resuming our campaigns against you. You cannot halt our war against you. At most you could only delay it temporarily.
We hate you because your secular liberal societies permit the very things that
Allah has prohibited. While banning many of the things he has permitted, your
secular liberalism has led you to tolerate and even support gay rights, to allow alcohol, drugs, fornication, gambling use to become widespread and to encourage the people to mock those who denounce these filthy sins and vices. As such we wage war against you to stop you from spreading your disbelief and debauchery your secularism and nationalism, your perverted liberal values, your Christianity and Atheism and all the depravity and corruption they entail.
In the case of the atheist fringe, we hate you and wage war against you because you disbelieve in the existence of your Lord and Creator.
We hate you for your crimes against Islam and wage war against you to punish
you for your transgressions against our religion. As long as your subjects continue to mock our faith, insult the prophets of Allah, burn the Quran and
openly vilify the laws of the Sharia, we will continue to retaliate, not with slogans and placards, but with bullets and knives.
We hate you for your crimes against the Muslims. Your drones and fighter jets bomb kill Muslim people around the world and your puppets in the usurped lands of the Muslims oppress, torture and wage war against anyone who calls to the truth.
We hate you for invading our lands and fight you to repel you and drive you out. As long as there is an inch of territory left for us to reclaim, Jihad will continue to be a personal obligation on every single Muslim.
Kisin goes on to say how the common response to his argument is that people will say the people who flew the planes into the towers, Isis, Hamas, Hezbollah and the rest, are just rightly upset at the West for its foreign policy, and at Israel for its occupation.
Kisin’s repsonse:
There’s only one problem with this. Isis knew you'd say that, so they added this bit at the end, just for you:
What's important to understand here is that although some might argue that your foreign policies are what drives our hatred but even if you were to stop bombing us, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay Jazia and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you.
What's equally if not more important to understand is that we fight you not simply to punish and deter you but to bring you true freedom and salvation. We fight you in order to bring you out from the darkness and disbelief and into the light of Islam.
This is what they say. Not me. So don’t come back and accuse me of anything other than repeating what they say. I could give example after example of this kind of talk. It is deeply embedded in every aspect of a Muslim’s life. But those diehards who have already made up their minds it’s the Jews who are determined to take over the world are never going to listen.
I guess that, too, is the definition of insanity, believing the same thing over and over when you know the truth is the opposite.
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Kisin's argument is pretty powerful. Not with him on the West's war with Russia however. Planning to move to the Crimea with my wife to take care of her 85 year old mother next year. My wife is Ukrainian and by now the majority of Ukrainians see the light imo - the US would have done the same as Russia if our borders were threatened to be populated with nukes. Monroe doctrine, Cuban missile crisis, and all that.
Members of Hamas are in a mad satanic death cult . Supporters of Hamas , in US universities, central London each weekend and other european cities , are part-time mostly paid morons or lunatics , organised by members of the death cult . They will all meet an early and gruesome end , the members inevitably and the supporters possibly , unless they come to their senses rapidly . They show no sign of doing that , but it is hoped the continuing obituaries of Hamas leadership and the mounting death toll of members may gradually sink in .