Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you for My name's sake.

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.

He is near. His coming is near. Take heart, dear Karen. His blessing is upon you.

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Thank you.

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Defending the Jewish State’s violent atrocities against civilians is not standing up for God!

Jesus stood against Jews who were gluttons for power and oppressed others for their own version of faith.

Jesus stood up for the oppressed, even those his culture condemned!

Isaiah 58:6-8

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?

Do people read and understand their bibles?

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Did you watch the film? Do you know who did violent atrocities? Peddle your crap elsewhere.

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You can’t negotiate with someone who wants to kill you. Hamas has that written into their charter. Mohammed wrote it in his stupid collection of short stories.

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Dear David, thanks for your politeness.

Not quite, I WAS an eschatological-minded bible-believer.

The proud, egotistical, power-craving, money-lusting, human-handling, human-manipulating interpretations and warped contradictions and tribalisms that led me away from all this.

I know what you mean, I think Paul called it worldly wisdom. I appreciate you’re even trying to present that you give a shit.

It’s just painful witnessing support for hatred, murder, apartheid and genocide, and believing this is good is sickening.

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Sorry to interrupt your CNN perspective of the last 365 days of apparent Israeli self-defence.

You don’t even have to go to independent, adversarial journalists to hear a non-Israeli lobbyist version of events, just tune into Aljaeezera (English).

If hearing facts that MSM are not sharing with you, or hearing them not couched in end times sugar coated rhetoric is peddling is difficult, perhaps consider you are listening to a form of peddling- ideological, religious distortions to comfort the ignorant through ongoing atrocity!

HAMAS’ violent event does not justify a year long campaign of bombing, shooting, torturing, and men soldiers raping Palestinian male hostages.

Look up the rapes, the political leaders and a vast portion of the Israeli civilian population support the raping and rapers - hmmm, do support that?

Bombing hospitals, schools, universities, refugee camps, declared safe zones.

God’s work hey?

Burying men, women, children - ongoing atrocities?

Please step outside of the ideological echo chamber for a broader perspective.

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All I have to see is you recommending Al Jazeera. The mouthpiece of Hamas. You’re an idiot.

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Anytime you see a deranged, obvious Jew-hater like this “Mike Pappy” idiot, check their reads and you’ll see they’re always Caitlin Johnstone groupies. And he even admits he believes Glenn Greenwald, who has been amorally deranged for decades.

“Mike Pappy” is an attention-starved cretin who posts neo-Nazi and Hamas propaganda because it’s the only way he can get anyone to notice him. Ignore this cretin and he’ll continue to decompensate, alone, in his sad, lonely little world.

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Then try Glen Greenwald, who hosted Prof. Jeffery Sacha, a multi-decades long policy analyst and US economist.


If you don’t listen to anyone beyond your concurring circle, you are a part of the problem.

Your ad hominems, unfortunately, are a sign you’ll likely not seek anything beyond ideological talking points.

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I write about Glen. Grewnwald here. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/giving-voice-to-the-abused

I would suggest you pay more attention to the voices of those who live in Israel, Gaza, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, rather than "experts" like Greenwald.

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Glenn greenwald has built a skate park between his ears for the Jews to grind away daily rent-free, he's deranged

Not a hint of objectivity

Many Jews join Gentiles in having extreme self-guilt over their role in the world and Glenn has crowned himself King of the kikes

Three derangement syndromes affect the world and fuck those who are afflicted with them

The Iranians join the Lebanese who recently joined the Arabs in crying out, the Jew hit me back

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Al Jazeera….you’re a complete fool to believe the Iranian puppet

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Can you recommend where I should get accurate information Peg?

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Mike I lead a very simple uncomplicated life and maybe not be as well read in these subjects as you, however looking at the two I see Islamic terror groups throughout the world committing atrocities and spreading hate with an intention of forcing everyone to the Islamic way of life and compare them with Jewish people living in peace and harmony throughout the world just going about their business on a daily basis.

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Fuck off with your bullshit

Not even in the top 15 military battles on the planet

General John Spencer from West point expert in urban warfare and Colonel Kemp of the British military both marvel at the incredibly low civilian to combatant death ratio, the lowest ever in modern warfare

Jordan is the home of those arabs, it's 70% of what was originally supposed to be for the Jews, the Jews agreed to the UN mandate the Arabs rejected it and keep losing and keep losing and keep losing and keep losing and keep losing, losers have sympathy for losers I guess hence you're babbling


May your encounters with barbarians give you the day that you deserve

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So much hatred & filth. Suggest you stop reading real clear politics, watch Rachel ‘ Morning Joe on MSNBC and, tuneout CNN NBC ABC CBS & NPR. These are all lying to and deceiving you. To find truth of both sides, find & watch regularly Real America’s Voice, Newsmax, Salem News & One America News. They will teach you who Christ is and what love is.

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Guess they shouldn’t have fucked with Israel, huh?

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The Iranians have joined the Lebanese who joined the Arabs in crying out, the Jew hit me back 😂🤣😭

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Yeah, nobody really gives a shit who’s crying what. Keep fucking with Israel, keep dying. Pretty basic math.

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Does your logic extend to those who’ve done the same to Israel or does it only work one way?

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No idea what the actual question is supposed to be.

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Clearly I disagree with your logic that Palestinians ‘shouldn’t have f&$ked with Israel’, because they were being held captive in an open side prison by an apartheid state.

If you think they shouldn’t, try the argument another way:

If the shoe was on the other foot and Israel was being held captive and controlled and killed, should they rise up against their oppressors?

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I would suggest you visit Israel and talk to the Arabs who live there and the lie of an apartheid state or genocide will be exposed. Go live in Egypt as i did and see the truth of how they hate Jews but also hate Palestinians because so many are terrorists. You have believed lies fed to Westerners that no one believes who lives in the Middle East. https://x.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1843701646590914889?t=uioQeToK0vrk6bzQvvtiUw&s=19

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The Jews have been persecuted since the day they came into existence. There are those who think they are at fault for all this imagery bullshit. They have every right to do whatever it takes to protect their own.

Equally, the Palestinians have every right to vote out their government who are the ones killing their own.

Do a little research on the top dogs of hamas living large in Doha. THEY decide who among “their people” live and die. And, yes, it IS that simple.

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You seem very uninformed.

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Jesus a Jewish rabbi, who lived and died as a Jew. At no point he proclaimed himself the Messiah. He didn't found a church, he founded a Kehillah, i.e a community, like many other rabbis in the Hillel tradition of the time. The word Kehillah gave us the Greek term Ekklesia, which with time came to mean Church. For anyone who can read Spanish, I recommend the book El judaísmo de Jesús, by Mario Sabán

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That’s not in the Bible, so we must be talking about two different Jesus’. The one I know is the Son of God, is the Messiah whom the Jews rejected. Through His disciples, Peter, John, James etc. the Church (gentiles) was founded and worships Him still today as savior of all who repent of their sins and in faith believe that He died, overpowered death and reigns at the right hand of God the Father even today. He is returning soon to call His Church to himself prior to the time we know as the Tribulation, of which signs of its impending are evident even today…ever intensifying wars, famine, natural disasters, etc.

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I like when he beat up the fig tree for not being in fruit when it wasn't supposed to be in fruit, that embodies the incoherency that you babble endlessly, thanks for representing Christianity just like JC, but for me don't beat the tree


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I think we’ll agree that the fig tree was a in this context symbolizes the nation Israel. Here in this situation, Jesus is making a point about the outward and strict adherence of Israel to the Mosaic Law (the tree is putting out leaves), and that them doing so wasn’t producing the true righteousness God desires as the fruit of the Law (no figs, just leaves). It's not about the tree itself. The tree by its production of leaves but NO fruit was metaphorically a was Jesus portrayed Israel in relation to their inability to 100% keep the Law. Fruit, I.e., righteousness imparted by the unfeeling of the Holy Spirit is what He was wanting. That is still His expectation today. Mark 11:12-25z

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Wow, Francisco, what a shallow, agenda-driven take.

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Thanks for your opinion

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Thanks for the civil reply. I can see mine could have been a bit more diplomatic.

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Hi Geoff,

Thank you for your civility. Apologies for the short post at the time. It was not my intention to offend anyone. I have written a review of the book, where the ideas are expressed more clearly.




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Thank you.

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Jesus is Gods son, he wasn’t a rabbi, he came to teach the world Gods way and died for our sins on the cross, rose again and will return. “For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16”

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I’m familiar with Ekklesia but not Kehillah.

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From your vituperative post against Israel, It would appear you don’t really know much about Judaism or Jews, certainly not about Hamas or Hezbollah, certainly not about their implacable genocidal intent. Perhaps I’m mistaken; if so please enlighten me.

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Good question and good challenge !

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Facts, logic, and common sense cannot penetrate a mind conditioned by lies. Stay strong and God bless you.

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Thank you. Hard day for me.

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So sorry wish that I had seen and responded earlier but take heart my dear friend and "fear not" xoxo

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I stand with you Karen. What a shame indeed. The photo speaks volumes. I hope all who are seen there celebrating the inhuman carnage of October 7th are now but ashes themselves. Be emotional, be strong. Be you. We need you to continue speaking the truth loudly. Thanks wholeheartedly.

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Thank you.

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I agree. Thank you Karen.

And we should all continue to pray for any hostages who may be alive. October 7th is a sad day for every person who knows the truth.

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Thank you, Karen, you are a brave and honest woman and I appreciate you speaking out and am sorry for the abuse you receive. xxx

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Thank you.

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You are welcome. The world needs more people like you who are prepared to stand up to the evil that is threatening to overtake the world.

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Who is the evil that threatens to dominate the world?

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. These Shiites are killing to Saleh the Persian Magi mullahs have nothing to do with Islam Islam is Assad he is in a deep sleep when he wakes up you have to run away from where you came

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One common thread I see between Christianity and Islam is Christians and Muslims saying that dude doesn't represent me

Reminds me of my favorite Jewish joke; Jewish unity

Odd that Jerusalem isn't mentioned in the Quran but in the Quran it's mentioned multiple times that Israel is the land of the Jews.

Any land previously occupied by Muslims is forever desired back to be fought for in a jihad in a grudging state waiting to be regained by the Muslims, forget the term they call it but Spain is in that category also.

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I am a Christian, or rather, I prefer to call myself a follower of Jesus. There is a big difference between Jesus and Mohammed.

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You are a Christian who follows Christ and I am a Muslim who follows the teaching of Christ but why don't the current Jews believe in Christ in the era of the coming of Jesus Christ

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The name "Jerusalem" is mentioned directly in the Quran only twice:

1. In Surah Al-Isra (Verse 1): **"Glory be to Him who took His Servant by night from Al-Masjid Al-Haram to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed."**

2. In Surah Al-Ma'idah (Verse 21): **"O my people, enter the holy land which Allah has assigned to you."**

Additionally, many verses refer to the holy land indirectly, but the specific name "Jerusalem" appears only in these two verses.

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Oct 7
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Not sure why that posted twice!

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Well, those that have unsubscribed are not worthy of a friendship then! They are the stupid ones. What do they have to say?

They condone this despicable behavior?

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That's true. I'm surprised they stayed this long!

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We have become a world where truth doesn't matter to the majority. If exposed to information one doesn't like, then just change the channel. I'm sorry you're being attacked - many of us truly appreciate you. Stay strong - we need you!

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Thank you

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Be strong in the Lord Karen remember Jesus clearly said "they hated me they will hate you too".... I can't watch the video it's too much for me God bless you!! Maranatha!!

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I know it's hard to watch. Overcome with sadness today. Thank you for your prayers.

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It's funny Karen I was just studying for a Bible study I'm going to teach tonight I was reading a commentary by David Guzik on Zechariah Chapter 12 where he's quoting your dad in his book "A cup of trembling" good ole Dave Hunt

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Wow that's so nice to hear!

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If you can watch Amir today on Youtube his take on Oct 7th is very comforting...

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Thanks. I will watch it when I get home.

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Where can i watch this?

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Behold Israel -Amir Tsarfati on YouTube

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same, I can not watch, I get very upset

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I know. I just get so upset at those who close their minds and hearts to the truth.

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Yes and I am previous military and was an instructor in Pennsylvania's biggest bloodiest State Prison so I have seen my share of blood but this is demonic on a level I have never seen....

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Wow. People are really naive. And just blind.

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that is our world today.

Divided. And then we have "leaders" come out and say things like controlling "misinformation". So, there are many naive, and also blind.

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Keep sharing truth and shining the light on evil, Karen. It is what it is and cannot be buried or hidden in the long run. The reason people hate it is because they fear it and cannot handle the cognitive, or more likely, SPIRITUAL dissonance. "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed." (John 3:19-20)

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Evil really is rearing its ugly head. But people make fun of you if you talk about evil. You're absolutely right, or rather the Bible is right.

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I know it's hard, Karen, and I'm sorry you've been subjected to so much abuse for simply telling the truth. Your love and support are very much appreciated. I cannot tell you how much it means to have a strong, intelligent, and forthright voice on our side. God bless you.

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Thank you

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I cannot watch the video, Karen, as I know it will bring nightmares…💔Praying for Israel and for these families suffering such unimaginable pain. May God draw them to Himself and may His heart be revealed to them through Yeshua’s great sacrifice for all of us, and may they come to know the peace and life that only He can bring. 🙏

Persecution of all who bear the name of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who speak TRUTH rather than standing in silent complicity, has come to us here—and as we know has been led by the master deceiver, satan, throughout the world since Christ died and rose again bringing salvation through faith in Him alone. We must stand strong together in His power. Praying for you and your tender heart, dear one. Know He is using you mightily!🙏🙌

And we know, tragically, those who stand against His people, Israel, will one day suffer His Wrath—a frightful thing beyond our widest imagination—even with John’s descriptions in Revelation, it’s impossible to totally conceive what that terrible time will be like.

Our testing time as Christians here in America has come…we must PRAY and SPEAK OUT…🙏✝️🙏

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Thank you so much for this powerful comment and for your prayers. We need to encourage one another. The coming year will test us all.

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Hey, Kevin for whatever it's worth. I think you're delusional. You're on the side of pure evil. For lack of a better term, get a grip,, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you. How you could be so broken? That you think that What these filthy pieces of human garbage did is justifiable. It's not, it will never be justifiable. There.

Is no world in which you can compare the two. Israel needs to wipe these filthy savages off the planet and Eradicate This stone age death cult Forever. You cannot coexist with evil.They have tried it's an abject failure.Now it's time to meet it.Head on and destroy it. Choose what side you want to be on Kevin.Apparently you're going with the child molesting vile filthy death cult. And the funniest part is the savages, would not hesitate to kill you. Be sure to scream and holler , while they're killing you that you're on their side. And you support their cause.I'm sure that will cause them to show you mercy and embrace you in warm hugs and loving kisses.You should fly immediately to gaza .And give it a shot

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The truth hits hard

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For you, apparently in this, it is.

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Hey Ray Bob, I’m a U.S. Army infantry veteran, so you’re so tough, put your money where your mouth is and go fight.

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You’re military & yet you support defenceless people being massacred? The kibbutzim were the ones who believed in peace who took Palestinians to the hospital everyday. They employed Palestinians they ate with them & what happened in return they were slaughtered. You’re ingrained with pure hate & antisemitism. The Israelis & the Jews are the colonisers it’s the reverse - but that means you’re willing to do some research. It means having to think for yourself. Shame on you for allowing your need to hate overwhelm your ability to be objective. Hezbollah declared war on Israel on 8/10 people were celebrating on 7/10 even before Israel did anything it was being labelled a genocide. I would ask you to step back & think - I am right in backing Hamas? Do I know enough or are you one of the sheep who’s going to convert or perhaps already one who believes that anyone who isn’t on your side deserves to be killed. If that’s the case then your cold heartedness is simple to understand. I’ve worked with men & women from Egypt, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran & they would disagree with your position.

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Thank you for your reasonable response. It baffles me why people in the West refuse to listen to those who actually live in the region who are trying to warn them against the evils of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and are explaining why it's so important that Israel win this war.

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Karen its hard to stand up for what is right and especially for when the crooked, disillusioned world tell you are wrong, these people who have caused this are pure evil. Remember our God is a living God that Islam comes against, that more to the point satan comes against. The Word of God never said it would be easy, bear your cross my sister in Christ. May the Lord Jesus bless you and keep you safe from all evil people and all demonic forces. May God place a hedge around you and all your family and property, providing you with discernment, joy, peace and love.

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Thank you for your prayers and your kindness. 🙏

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On Substack? I'm definitely noticing that Substack is becoming more like the rest of the media, slanted left. Don't pay them any attention.

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It's true. I feel like Substack is the last place where I have free speech. If something happens to silence us here, it will be the end, really. I usually pay no attention, but today it got to me.

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Do not read past the first sentence of those who will spew hate or uninformed opinions. You are a strong person who has faced danger and lived to tell the tale. Call things like you see them, and block the keyboard terrorists - life is too short to deal with trying to reason with lunatics.

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I've come to appreciate the BLOCK feature. I really don't like it though. I started Break Free as an advocate of free.speech. it's just so sad that people cannot even be civil anymore.

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same same, but I've had ta use it too--some comments deleted as well--I dunno what the "solution" is 'cept sayin' that I don't believe in censorship but I believe we all have the right to decide whom we allow in our private parlor--I would never advocate fer even the haters bein' blocked from Substack-- tho' I do worry how many are serious when they call fer the death of "us joos"--but I believe that it's like your home---yer virtual livin' room--an' it's okay ta say, nope-- peddler yer (evil) wares elsewhere... ya know?

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Yes. On all platforms you just have to learn to say no when you see it coming. Stay at peace.

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They all will face the end of their miserable lives soon. KHM you are a shining beacon of light, keep up the good fight. The haters can kiss their asses good bye.🥂🙏🐸

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Thank you. God bless.

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Hi Karen, I recently became a paid subscriber because I really value your coverage on Israel. Keep fighting the good fight.

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Thank you! I will keep at it! 🙏

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Hit delete when you see the hate and know it is not about you. The problem is when people are deceived, they don’t know it. It always makes me think of the scene in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when they think they are killing Aslan— it truly is a spiritual battle. 🙏🏻♥️🇮🇱

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The Narnia Chronicles had more influence on my life than other books. Perhaps more than just about anything else from my childhood. ❤️

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