Israel puts the West to Shame
Yahya Sinwar is dead. Those who say "By fighting Hamas, Israel is just creating more terrorists" are cowards who do not understand the nature of evil.
You can listen to me read this essay here:
Evil lost and Good won today.
It is thanks to Israel and no thanks to the Western nations who sit passively by while Israel fights their battles for them.
Yahya Sinwar, The Butcher of Khan Younis, the orchestrator of Oct 7th, who was known to strangle his own people with his bare hands, and who once ordered a young man to kill his brother and dig his grave, has been eliminated. I wrote about him in A Vampire Came to Call, about the insanity of letting a vampire into your home, and yet people are doing it.
When I say I stand with Israel and their right to a homeland and their right to fight for it, so many people respond by saying “Israel needs to stop. All they are doing is creating more Hamas jihadists.”
This is the mindset of weakness. The mindset of passiveness. The mindset of those who want others to fight for them while they complain about it. These cowards—and that includes government officials and church leaders who set the example for the rest of us—resent and even hate Israel because it is everything they are not. What happened to what they perceived as passive, weak Jews who walked into the ovens? How dare they stand up and fight.
I’ve got news for you:
You will never eradicate evil. Nor will you ever eradicate good. That is the dichotomy of life. The yin and the yang of our existence on this planet.
It is your decision which side you fight on. And if you shrug your shoulders and say, “It has nothing to do with me, it’s useless to fight because you can never get rid of evil and you’ll only make it worse,” you are as good as on the side of evil.
I was married to an abusive man. He was very handsome, very talented, he smiled like an angel, he had a lot of people fooled. But behind closed doors he was a monster. He always said, “Don’t fight me. If you do, I will punish you. If you do as I say, everything will be fine.”
But no matter how hard I tried, I could never be good enough, never anticipate his every need and I was always punished. So, eventually I’d had enough. I know now, although I didn’t know it then, that I was always strong inside. I was never the type to be a victim. I just needed to get mad enough to rebel against the evil. I was going to fight, no matter what, and that was it.
I got away and I trained as a full contact fighter, exercising my body and my mind. I trained in weapons, in Filipino stick and knife fighting. I disciplined myself. I grew stronger every day. Having that warrior spirit became a life-long pursuit. Never again would I be a victim. Never again would I cower against the wall with my head down, taking the abuse, just to appease my abuser.
Does that mean there isn’t another abuser around the corner, just waiting to abuse someone else? Does that mean I stopped my abuser from abusing someone else? Of course not. But he will not be abusing me, or my children. Nor will any other man. What other women do, that’s their choice.
And if fighting evil means I die in the process, at least I’ve died on my feet, not cowering on my knees. At least I’ve died for something worth fighting for and maybe I inspired someone else along the way to gain courage and fight, too.
At least I made it my battle, on my terms. At least I know I’m now part of an army of warriors like me, who stand against evil, not with those who give in to monsters who want to break our bodies, corrupt our minds and destroy our spirits. So many have already fallen under that spell and actually welcome their destroyers.
Anyone who justifies doing nothing by saying “If you fight against evil, you just create more evil” should stop right now and rethink the example they are setting for their children. Just stop. Really.
We fight against evil not because we “win” but because it’s the right thing to do. There is no excuse for confusion. As the Bible says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is death.” Figure it out.
The battle never ends, so don’t expect it to, or you will get very discouraged very fast. You might have an occasional respite, but the battle lasts a lifetime. Nor is it just about each one of us. It goes beyond our personal experience. We are all just one small part of a universal spiritual warfare. This is something we as finite beings cannot begin to understand but whether we deny it or pretend it doesn’t exist, doesn’t matter. It does exist. Open your eyes. It’s all around us.
None of us in America and other Western nations are on a physical battlefield like the Israelis, although that could happen. Think of it, every day Israeli mothers and fathers, wives, husbands and children say good-bye to their warriors, not knowing if they will come home tomorrow. We have all seen what Hamas does to those they capture. Would you have the courage to fight as the Israelis do, knowing you could die in a tunnel, or be captured and tortured, fighting a war on seven fronts, Gaza, the West Bank, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, and now, with the entire world turning against you?
No one ever talks about this sacrifice, that the Jews have had to fight over and over, for their tiny piece of land, their ancestral home, since the day they declared their independence in 1948. And in-between the battles, Israel created a paradise in a wasteland. Israel is amazing and deserving of our respect.
For now, here in the United States and other Western nations, we have lost our moral and spiritual way and if we cannot figure it out, we will never survive the chaos to come. The choices we make today will determine the kind of person we are tomorrow, if we have the courage to fight or if we are too terrified to try.
When evil comes to our doorstep, we will at last understand Israel. But by then, will it be too late?
Instead of criticizing Israel, think what you would do if you faced the challenges that they are facing right now. Stand up for Israel and their right to defend their very existence. Doing that will strengthen your own spirit. Prepare yourself now for what may come tomorrow. Set an example of courage and morality for your children, for your church, for your school. Refuse to let evil have a foothold in your home, your neighborhood. This is the personal battle each one of us can fight right now. If everyone did this, evil would be out in the cold for a very long time.
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Thank you for this courageous essay. 👏👏👏👏
I love this, Karen! Like you, I was in an abusive marriage, and like you, I broke free. One of the ways I realized how much people in power lie to us is because they use the same type of language my ex did.
I didn't go into martial arts, but I got a MA in Psychology, with helped me understand why my ex behaved the way he did, and why I fell under his spell. We can apply the same understanding to government and to other leaders who do not have our best interests at heart.
Thank you so much for getting to the heart of the Israeli/Muslim matter, I always look forward to your clear thinking and insights. Evil always flourishes when people do nothing to stop it.
When Christianity went out of control during the middle ages, the Reformation happened in order to bring the faith back to a religion and not a government. I don't see very many people calling for Islam to do the same. But they should.