Kisin's argument is pretty powerful. Not with him on the West's war with Russia however. Planning to move to the Crimea with my wife to take care of her 85 year old mother next year. My wife is Ukrainian and by now the majority of Ukrainians see the light imo - the US would have done the same as Russia if our borders were threatened to be populated with nukes. Monroe doctrine, Cuban missile crisis, and all that.
Members of Hamas are in a mad satanic death cult . Supporters of Hamas , in US universities, central London each weekend and other european cities , are part-time mostly paid morons or lunatics , organised by members of the death cult . They will all meet an early and gruesome end , the members inevitably and the supporters possibly , unless they come to their senses rapidly . They show no sign of doing that , but it is hoped the continuing obituaries of Hamas leadership and the mounting death toll of members may gradually sink in .
Great piece as always. My reaction? They can bawl their eyes out all they want. They have their martyrs - we have the IDF and the Mossad. Or, as the Arabic saying goes: "The dogs bark but the caravan moves on"
It reminds me of the Monty Python skit in which the "Crack Suicide Squad" lines up on the castle battlements and each leaps to his death one after another.
You bore me with your involved ignorance. Only idiot pussies refrain from acting like real adults defending their nation because "it might make other people become our enemies." That is the whiny reasoning of pussies and losers, NOT how strong people defend their nations. Lastly, what is this nonsense about "the Kabbalists who rule Israel?" Don't respond, I don't care about your bullshit - I am only responding so other people don't think I agree with your idiocy. Muting you, clown.
Fuck the Fakestinians, fuck the Islamist death cultists and fuck everyone they allowed to live among them for 76 years. This is called war and is why you should not invade Israel to kill 1,200 people and take hostages. I don't give one flying fuck about collateral damage; all the responsibility lies with the Islamists. If good people and the rational Muslims among these nations don't rise up to rid themselves of this pernicious evil, you are goddamned right I am laughing at their deaths. Enough of this bullshit.
MOST joos are not "celebratin'" the deaths of innocents nor is the IDF directed ta shoot Gazan babies in the heads--but if the MSM wants everyone to hate Israel (indeed they do!) an' paint all joos as bloodthirsty murderers (this is an everyday occurence) then their best bet is ta show civilian casualties non-stop--includin' ones that are from other wars cuz nobuddy can tell the date when they're shown dead babies... NOT sayin' that some are not real--they are... but everything is mis-represented. Fer example, I heard on more 'n one noozesite the false hood that the pager attack murdered over 3000 "innocent "Palestinians" most of which were "babies & children"... Untrue... but it's whack-a-mole tryin' to argue...
It's a mistake to assume that cheerin' on the death of a despot means that all chews think all Arabs are "amalek"--which is a name for the enemy-- I am kinda displeased Israel used such rhetoric as it makes it seem as if chews don't value any life 'cept their own--if yer a parent you will hear (more 'n once) from your dear child "I hate you I wish you were dead" but you KNOW it's not really true... I believe Israel was lashin' out that way--UNWISELY as they are not an angry child... The rhetoric made fer bad PR but their only aim is to protect and keep Israel whole--surrounded by genuine enemies who do want'em dead... If there was a way to fight this war (the peace table / the piece table ain't one of 'em as they tried that... it was "murder" on 'em...) fight this war without civilian casualties I'm SURE Israel would do it that way...
So this stack may shed some light on the dilemma Israel faces with all the "innocents"--a dilemma many of us in the diaspora are wrigin' hands about:
"If we truly cared about civilian casualties, we should proactively work to defeat those who instigate and celebrate them."
thanks fer the thoughtful comment an' framin' myself as crackpot is intended BOTH fer humor an' cuz it's 100% fact that I will fully look at any "crackpotty" theory ta decide fer myself if I buy it er not... which puts me at odds with "sober thinkers!"
I like some stuff ya said such as:
"I am Christian but the Pope does not represent me and neither do any of these other Dispensationalist preachers"
An' similarly--joos rightfully git upset when some outlier speaker (however respected) pretends to speak fer all of us as if we were some homogenized group! Most joos are not remotely of one "uniform" block of thinkin' an' all I know of "us"--no matter how religious or not--were universally taught to VALUE human life, were taught the 10 Commandments, and taught to hold them (true in Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, etc). We were taught to value our Christian friends as our "neighbors" an' ta treat EVERYONE fairly. So when others speak "for us" it gits our goats!
I thank you fer this:
"I sincerely pray for all Jews who are caught up in something the never wanted but are forced to take part in. It has to be mental torture."
One (perhaps large) quibble tho--
Those in the CABAL are not jewish "Kabbalists" because they are two different things... Where it gits complicated is that some folks in the CABAL--including a lotta Masons & other "Occult" Groups up ta No Good--have extracted bits & pieces from the kabbala an' distorted 'em fer their nefarious purposes. Moreover, they've pulled stuff from Gnostic Cults, Thule, Egyptian Mystery Cults, Jesuits, an' all manner of sources.
For example, REAL Kabbalists believe that every human (jooish or not!) is a light an' we must keep our spark of light alive! The Cabal (Satanists) associate Lucifer with light an' twist what was a holy an' lovely thing. Ditto the Tree of Life--which is a beautiful thing an' we humans are all on it! That's original Kabbala. But the Cabal-ists turn it upside down an' use it in Satanic Rituals--literally in "inverse tree-of-life" programmin' in SRA victims.
Folks that don't know the diff. vilify Judaism fer not denoucin' the Kabbala--but it's all unfair! Also regular joos were not even lookin' at it--it's been just fer scholars an' much is taken metaphorically now. Which is why it's studied. Now there are good joos (Rosanne Barr is one!) who study Kabbala but she is only seekin' truth and answers -- she's the oppy-sit of a Cabalist!
Hope this makes sense!
So Kabbala is not Sataninc or Evil... it's really an esoteric division of judaism some of which pre-ceded the Torah an' some of which came later than Torah (additions in the Middle Ages) so it's a separate "reference" book of study... not of "worship"--folks git that wrong. Torah is the only "official" rulebook fer joos.
The good folks that study or even practice kaballa that are not globalists nor do they have any such notions. Some of the fringe rabbis are not to be denounced b/c they may (may?) also study kaballa--there are too many who are not fringe that study the same documents.
Also--Talmud. Folks do not "worship talmud" Talmud is a scholarly book of opinions that often contradict each other! It's notes for "discussion" an' many of them are simply rhetorical as the topics sometimes would contradict torah. Mostly it's a HUGE encyclopaedia of scholarly opinions from rabbis an' "wisemen" who were not rabbis, judges, an' others on various topics. 99.9% of it is borin' stuff fer us normies. What to do if your sheep gets sick shortly after you purchase it from a reputable herder? There might be at least 10 responses! Talmud is not LAW... in fact, joos founded "law" an' with Talmud were tryin' ta figger it out! They didn't get instructions--so the Talmud is not law, it's a reference book an' most don't know--our legal system (yup, in America) is based on Talmud--it's not "evil"
Back in ancient times it was like the Wild West--folks stole, owned slaves, killed, raped an' did all sorts'a bad stuff. So while the jews (an' their precursors) were supposed ta be God's test subjects via the Torah, many were tryin' ta put together laws too! Initially, fer example, you'll see slave ownin' normalized in the bible (old testament etc) but after much "Talmudic debate" you first see slaves gettin' rights--then eventually freed... so morality an' legality were on an uphill climb from chaos. It gits my goat when folks say oh the talmud lets people molest babies--NOPE but one outlier person's theoretical reflection (however crazy-soundin' or horrific) of an "in theory" concept gets ripped outta context even tho' most joos even then ALSO offered totally opposite opinions that are also in that same Talmud but not shared in the internet-- By modern standards of COURSE such things are even anathema to speak of--but the Talmud is an encyclopedic WORKBOOK an' folks git that wrong. Those that study Talmud (only scholars, not us normies, not even women were allowed) were only permitted to do so as it was understood you needed to argue the concepts--all day--oft well inta the night. (The risk of misunderstandin' was SO great too that regular folks were not trusted to study these tomes--so now haters do EXACTLY that--pull out bits never meant to be taken at face value or outta context...sigh)
So many on the outside say "Talmud joos are evil" or Kaballists are "evil" an' all worship "satan" an' it's all baloney! (non-kosher baloney too lol)
Those that in the "CABAL" may cherry pick stuff from both Talmud & Kabbala an' invert it an' pervert it--just like these same Satanists were an upside down cross! -- pervertin' the holy Christian iconography.
So blame the baddies, dismiss the fringe nut cases, an'...continue to pray for peace with great appreciate fer any prayers ya got fer we chew who just wanna be allowed to live in peace, not in pieces (ha ha). god bless--sounds like yer heart's in the right place
agree with this fella fully--he's not mockin' anyone but he's not too keen 'bout all the USA's "bad advice"--I'm assumin' yer sharin' this to support what Karen has been sayin' in which case-- big thumbs up!
You know I’m not a Jewish but I am Christian, so to be a good Christian you need to be a good Jew at least that’s how I was taught. So I stand forever with Israel and will bear arms to defend Israel. My only regret is that I’m not as agile as I used to be, but no matter I would defend Israel to the end of time.🥂🐸
Karen you have THE worst takes, with every article repeating mainstream manipulation points, completely designed to sway dummy western audiences (& working a treat here, judging by your article's content, and the comments).
WHY do you think Israeli doctors operated on Sinwar’s brain tumor "which they discovered while he was in prison, thereby saving his life"?
If IDF doesn't like the other sides' negotiator, they bribe him and if not possible, they murder him. Arafat rings a bell?
Hamas murdered many innocent people. But IDF (not "the Jews") 50x. Both sides are evil.
The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?
Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (40,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!
Karen you do SO much an' ya gots so MUCH energy (sharin' a link is always good lol)--
See those that wanna make this a war 'bout two "baddies" are not bein'...honest. I'm not sayin' there is no swamp in Israel--not sayin' there ain't no hidden hands from "The Crown" or secret societies manipulatin' a puppet show--Soitenly there is that--
BUT to equate the IDF with Hamas is--indeed--insanity. I know some'a these good youn'uns (some are kids of Americans, one a child of an Israeli professor our fambly knows...) They fight for Israel to survive--that alone--NOT to eliminate all "Palestinians" or all "Arabs" or whatever... An' yup globalists have there hands in every pie (the US one fer sure!) but we don't wanna see the US destroyed b/c of 'em... ditto (imho) fer Israel... (At least I hope so...)
WHY so hard fer folks ta git this? I know some mean "well" but to equate is just bad math... (sigh)
Thank you for a deeper look at this 3K year old dilemma.. Yes it's crazy how insanity endures, it has in the unrelenting [HOLY WARS- the Ultimate Oxymoron] between the Israeli, the Arab, and the Christian.... so very few Truly interested in Peace... Fear, Hatred, Revenge, Power, Control these are the focus of HAMAS whose Cowardly leaders reside in Luxury in Quatar [siphoning off 25%+ of the donations for Gaza, Lear Jets and luxury homes] while the poor souls in Gaza remain in the Kill Box.. many of which Hate Hamas... they know they're being used as pawns... cannon fodder...
Hey Fred. I've got a great idea. Why don't you get a one way ticket? Fly directly to Gaza. Tell The vile and filthy savages that you are on their side that you support them. See how they treat you. I'm sure you will be embraced with open arms and loving kisses. Let me know how it goes, Fred.
Well, one slight problem with that Skippy. My great-grandfather was a Blackfoot Indian. So there's that I don't understand what that has to do with Calling the vile and filthy members of a disgusting Stone age. Death cult exactly what they are. Maybe you can explain it to me.
Sorry but you do not need that much money. If you really wanted to practice what you preach, you would get on a plane and go. That's what I did when I wanted to find out the truth of Islam for myself and lived in Luxor, Egypt for 3 years. No one gave me money to do that.
Arrigoni was an iconic Italian activist who moved to Gaza in 2008, arriving there on a flotilla. He was an idealist who wanted to help free the Palestinians from their Israeli oppressors and frequently organized and participated in protests with farmers. I have a photo of him in happier times, embracing Ismail Haniya, from whom he received a passport.
Arrigoni was killed on April 15, 2011, after Palestinian gunmen kidnapped him and demanded that the Hamas government in Gaza release one of their members.
In a video released after the kidnapping, they accused him of “spreading corruption” among Muslims and gave the Hamas government 30 hours to meet their demands.
Before their deadline was reached, however, the men killed Arrigoni in an empty apartment in northern Gaza.
It was Islam that killed this hopeful young man. The tyranny of religion, the infighting amongst factions. Arrigoni had no idea what he was getting into when he went to Gaza and embraced Hamas’s leader. He must have been heady with excitement. But what did it all lead to? A horrible death. And now, Haniya has met his fate, recently blown up in Tehran. (And since I wrote this, Nasrallah and Sinwar)
yup, INSANITY! Thanks fer callin' out what it is--HOW can folks cheer on this man's "life" an' martyr him... I dunno, are folks doin' this fer Pol Pot or Idi Amin Dada?! Papa Doc? (Did I mess those lovin' tributes? oy, I'm old enuf ta remember folks didn't use to martyr tyrants...) Anywhoo...
Love this fella Konstantin--he's GREAT... thanks so much fer the introduction!
I'll make an intro too! I'm lovin' a lot of the great writers on Joshua Hoffman's:
I wish they were better known--not all agree but there's GREAT articles there--all about this same stuff... so take a look-see (they post often so scroll down ta check out past-recents too)
The elimination of the Sabra...
So Israeli joos (havin' been subject to attacks since birth!) have been known as Sabras--strong on the outside, soft / kind / lovin' inside. They are not psychopaths (ok, there are few nutters in every group) but most are just strong young'uns that have to fight tough but are good family men & women an' not unempathetic at all--to any causalities. The outer "husk" covers a heart. Most of us in the diaspora have been blessed (at least until recently) with the gift of bein' able to wake up an' know there will not be bombs or a jihadist blowin' themselfs up at the supermarket. So most of us are not "sabra"...
Seems that idea rankles outsiders cuz folks want joos to be "weak" (like the scholars who can be MIGHTY but vocally, not with their fists...) or DEAD or both (lol). So.... there is a push to eliminate the Sabra...
Ya likely heard that Marvel Comics (in fact DC, Marvel, ALL were founded by joos--most folks don't know that ALL our superheroes from Superman to Batman & Robin were created by NYC jews an' some were based on old jewish folktales an' many of the men that created those characters made them quietly in response to joo hate!--see, I'll create a character that will save EVERYONE, even us underdogs...)
Anywhoo... the character of Sabra, a jewish female superhero, was considered to be "problematic" b/c she was jooish! (Today it's not just joos that make/create/market these comics) so they made her RUSSIAN! This seems like an' odd thing fer me to mention but it's not--it shows the MSM/public cannot stand the idea of strong joos so they call the strong ones "terrorists"--for defendin' the right to live in their own country...
I will confess.I did not see this coming, well played Fred, that being said, five thousands a little more than I really want to spend. I'm thinking a one way ticket on spirit, airlines. A round trip ticket would just be a waste .
an' speakin' of insanity--this breaks my heart (it's Taliban not Hamas but their Islam extremist believes ban musical instruments so 20K were destroyed)--they do this ta their own?
Good morning Karen how awesome again is your writing so precise and you back it up with many examples... so so true about what you said about Muslims and how obvious it's not a peaceful religion... thank you Jesus that we know how all of this ends in the detail of end times prophecy ( Ezekiel, Zechariah, Isaiah, Daniel and Revelation)...maranatha!!
As far as I know, most Israelis aren't that religious, except to follow holiday traditions of remembrance. The government is secular. I have never heard anything about the Apocalypse from Israel, but it is the driving force of Islamists. With Israel, it's pretty simple, really. They just want to be left alone. Don't invade their country, don't attack their citizens, don't bomb their towns and everything will be fine.
true, 100% Karen... level-of-faith varies... secular "ish" families still celebrate all the holidays like ya said, only some go ta temple regularly--none talk about any Apocalypse but I know where this is comin' from...
So of ALL the Orthodox there, there's a small subset group (how small I dunno but they are Ultra Orthodox--not yer everyday joos!) that ordered 2 red heifers from Texas to perform some kind of ritual (killin' the cow--one they pick--likely by Kashrut rules which means the animal won't suffer--that's the rule actually...) but it's based in ancient texts (not sure which ones honestly) to bring Israel out of the days of strife to bring in Mosiach (the Jewish messiah) who will lead the people from a great war into peace--world peace too. So outsiders say these men are "calling for war"--as it's somehow predetermined to happen so it cannot happen "soon enuf." I dunno 'bout that as I've heard them talk about rebuildin' the temple NOT about war...
Also, NOW, most of us joos never heard of this stuff an' tho it's DEFINITELY fringe, it's been promoted as if "all joos are insane an' believe & want this"- Frankly, a few old rabbis talkin' this weird stuff have circulated the innertubes like so much confetti tossed at a New Years Pahrty... It's like EVERYWHERE. Every group has their fringe outliers--I've heard Christian fringe outliers an' make no assumptions anyone but their "group" will feel thatta way. So sure, I won't deny there are some among the Ultra Orthodox who may talk "apocalyptically"--but that's really (really) so very few...
What's odd is that their odd words are considered "threatening" to all non chews (I won't say goyim b/c it doesn't have the taint folks think it does but it's spat out by non-joos like the word zionism... it just means "another people") but ANYWAY.... the haters are insane thinkin' these fringe old men can an' will make it happen for joos to take over the world or something?! Really? They are unarmed... powerless in fact.
Even in Israel this group has virtually zero power (these are not the vocal well-known Orthodox "right" in Israel)--AND they are as I said mostly old men an' some younger men (few) that are frankly too frail to serve in the army! As most know, they don't have to serve an' the few (very few, under 2K) Orthodox that volunteered--most were REJECTED--an' this is not from these fringe groups--it's from "all" Orthodox over a few years where the IDF allowed 'em to offer their services; these scholarly young men of softer hands from study who couldn't heft weapons (exercise is not their thing which is opposite of most typical Israeli joos that are strong an' don't avoid sports, etc)
IDF doesn't even want Orthodox soldiers as keeping kosher on a battlefield an' bein' "off" Saturdays is a PIA. So the IDEAR that a tiny set of "apocalyptic" rabbis & scholars are the "equivalent" of Hamas is cwazy...
my pleasure--as I said, I do try (kinda like Harold with his purple crayon, creatin' a picture an' then climbin' inta it!) ;-) -- it's how we try ta reach across divides (or draw 'em scribble style!) -- somehow I know yer also a fan of that book (yes?)
Darell , there is some real evil shit going on all over the world on the back pages because of all this obsession with Jew hatred. Give the Jews a break for a minute( I know that’s hard because you like so many are experts on the Jews and Israel) and look at what’s going down in China , Sudan, Ukraine, Yemen, Afghanistan , Haiti, Myanmar ,Syria,Somalia , Central African Republic etc and give those Jews a break from your expertise.
And please don’t give me quotes from that Jewboy Jesus.
Kisin's argument is pretty powerful. Not with him on the West's war with Russia however. Planning to move to the Crimea with my wife to take care of her 85 year old mother next year. My wife is Ukrainian and by now the majority of Ukrainians see the light imo - the US would have done the same as Russia if our borders were threatened to be populated with nukes. Monroe doctrine, Cuban missile crisis, and all that.
I agree we have not heard balanced reporting about the Ukraine war and why Russia invaded.
Moving to Crimea will be an interesting experience. Let us know how it goes.
Members of Hamas are in a mad satanic death cult . Supporters of Hamas , in US universities, central London each weekend and other european cities , are part-time mostly paid morons or lunatics , organised by members of the death cult . They will all meet an early and gruesome end , the members inevitably and the supporters possibly , unless they come to their senses rapidly . They show no sign of doing that , but it is hoped the continuing obituaries of Hamas leadership and the mounting death toll of members may gradually sink in .
I hope so.
Great piece as always. My reaction? They can bawl their eyes out all they want. They have their martyrs - we have the IDF and the Mossad. Or, as the Arabic saying goes: "The dogs bark but the caravan moves on"
It reminds me of the Monty Python skit in which the "Crack Suicide Squad" lines up on the castle battlements and each leaps to his death one after another.
This is funnier.
🤣 that's true!
What the fuck are you talking about? What "innocent" am I laughing at for dying?
You bore me with your involved ignorance. Only idiot pussies refrain from acting like real adults defending their nation because "it might make other people become our enemies." That is the whiny reasoning of pussies and losers, NOT how strong people defend their nations. Lastly, what is this nonsense about "the Kabbalists who rule Israel?" Don't respond, I don't care about your bullshit - I am only responding so other people don't think I agree with your idiocy. Muting you, clown.
Fuck the Fakestinians, fuck the Islamist death cultists and fuck everyone they allowed to live among them for 76 years. This is called war and is why you should not invade Israel to kill 1,200 people and take hostages. I don't give one flying fuck about collateral damage; all the responsibility lies with the Islamists. If good people and the rational Muslims among these nations don't rise up to rid themselves of this pernicious evil, you are goddamned right I am laughing at their deaths. Enough of this bullshit.
Respectfully shared here... link below--
MOST joos are not "celebratin'" the deaths of innocents nor is the IDF directed ta shoot Gazan babies in the heads--but if the MSM wants everyone to hate Israel (indeed they do!) an' paint all joos as bloodthirsty murderers (this is an everyday occurence) then their best bet is ta show civilian casualties non-stop--includin' ones that are from other wars cuz nobuddy can tell the date when they're shown dead babies... NOT sayin' that some are not real--they are... but everything is mis-represented. Fer example, I heard on more 'n one noozesite the false hood that the pager attack murdered over 3000 "innocent "Palestinians" most of which were "babies & children"... Untrue... but it's whack-a-mole tryin' to argue...
It's a mistake to assume that cheerin' on the death of a despot means that all chews think all Arabs are "amalek"--which is a name for the enemy-- I am kinda displeased Israel used such rhetoric as it makes it seem as if chews don't value any life 'cept their own--if yer a parent you will hear (more 'n once) from your dear child "I hate you I wish you were dead" but you KNOW it's not really true... I believe Israel was lashin' out that way--UNWISELY as they are not an angry child... The rhetoric made fer bad PR but their only aim is to protect and keep Israel whole--surrounded by genuine enemies who do want'em dead... If there was a way to fight this war (the peace table / the piece table ain't one of 'em as they tried that... it was "murder" on 'em...) fight this war without civilian casualties I'm SURE Israel would do it that way...
So this stack may shed some light on the dilemma Israel faces with all the "innocents"--a dilemma many of us in the diaspora are wrigin' hands about:
"If we truly cared about civilian casualties, we should proactively work to defeat those who instigate and celebrate them."
I think it's a good article...(fwiw)
thanks fer the thoughtful comment an' framin' myself as crackpot is intended BOTH fer humor an' cuz it's 100% fact that I will fully look at any "crackpotty" theory ta decide fer myself if I buy it er not... which puts me at odds with "sober thinkers!"
I like some stuff ya said such as:
"I am Christian but the Pope does not represent me and neither do any of these other Dispensationalist preachers"
An' similarly--joos rightfully git upset when some outlier speaker (however respected) pretends to speak fer all of us as if we were some homogenized group! Most joos are not remotely of one "uniform" block of thinkin' an' all I know of "us"--no matter how religious or not--were universally taught to VALUE human life, were taught the 10 Commandments, and taught to hold them (true in Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, etc). We were taught to value our Christian friends as our "neighbors" an' ta treat EVERYONE fairly. So when others speak "for us" it gits our goats!
I thank you fer this:
"I sincerely pray for all Jews who are caught up in something the never wanted but are forced to take part in. It has to be mental torture."
One (perhaps large) quibble tho--
Those in the CABAL are not jewish "Kabbalists" because they are two different things... Where it gits complicated is that some folks in the CABAL--including a lotta Masons & other "Occult" Groups up ta No Good--have extracted bits & pieces from the kabbala an' distorted 'em fer their nefarious purposes. Moreover, they've pulled stuff from Gnostic Cults, Thule, Egyptian Mystery Cults, Jesuits, an' all manner of sources.
For example, REAL Kabbalists believe that every human (jooish or not!) is a light an' we must keep our spark of light alive! The Cabal (Satanists) associate Lucifer with light an' twist what was a holy an' lovely thing. Ditto the Tree of Life--which is a beautiful thing an' we humans are all on it! That's original Kabbala. But the Cabal-ists turn it upside down an' use it in Satanic Rituals--literally in "inverse tree-of-life" programmin' in SRA victims.
Folks that don't know the diff. vilify Judaism fer not denoucin' the Kabbala--but it's all unfair! Also regular joos were not even lookin' at it--it's been just fer scholars an' much is taken metaphorically now. Which is why it's studied. Now there are good joos (Rosanne Barr is one!) who study Kabbala but she is only seekin' truth and answers -- she's the oppy-sit of a Cabalist!
Hope this makes sense!
So Kabbala is not Sataninc or Evil... it's really an esoteric division of judaism some of which pre-ceded the Torah an' some of which came later than Torah (additions in the Middle Ages) so it's a separate "reference" book of study... not of "worship"--folks git that wrong. Torah is the only "official" rulebook fer joos.
The good folks that study or even practice kaballa that are not globalists nor do they have any such notions. Some of the fringe rabbis are not to be denounced b/c they may (may?) also study kaballa--there are too many who are not fringe that study the same documents.
Also--Talmud. Folks do not "worship talmud" Talmud is a scholarly book of opinions that often contradict each other! It's notes for "discussion" an' many of them are simply rhetorical as the topics sometimes would contradict torah. Mostly it's a HUGE encyclopaedia of scholarly opinions from rabbis an' "wisemen" who were not rabbis, judges, an' others on various topics. 99.9% of it is borin' stuff fer us normies. What to do if your sheep gets sick shortly after you purchase it from a reputable herder? There might be at least 10 responses! Talmud is not LAW... in fact, joos founded "law" an' with Talmud were tryin' ta figger it out! They didn't get instructions--so the Talmud is not law, it's a reference book an' most don't know--our legal system (yup, in America) is based on Talmud--it's not "evil"
Back in ancient times it was like the Wild West--folks stole, owned slaves, killed, raped an' did all sorts'a bad stuff. So while the jews (an' their precursors) were supposed ta be God's test subjects via the Torah, many were tryin' ta put together laws too! Initially, fer example, you'll see slave ownin' normalized in the bible (old testament etc) but after much "Talmudic debate" you first see slaves gettin' rights--then eventually freed... so morality an' legality were on an uphill climb from chaos. It gits my goat when folks say oh the talmud lets people molest babies--NOPE but one outlier person's theoretical reflection (however crazy-soundin' or horrific) of an "in theory" concept gets ripped outta context even tho' most joos even then ALSO offered totally opposite opinions that are also in that same Talmud but not shared in the internet-- By modern standards of COURSE such things are even anathema to speak of--but the Talmud is an encyclopedic WORKBOOK an' folks git that wrong. Those that study Talmud (only scholars, not us normies, not even women were allowed) were only permitted to do so as it was understood you needed to argue the concepts--all day--oft well inta the night. (The risk of misunderstandin' was SO great too that regular folks were not trusted to study these tomes--so now haters do EXACTLY that--pull out bits never meant to be taken at face value or outta context...sigh)
So many on the outside say "Talmud joos are evil" or Kaballists are "evil" an' all worship "satan" an' it's all baloney! (non-kosher baloney too lol)
Those that in the "CABAL" may cherry pick stuff from both Talmud & Kabbala an' invert it an' pervert it--just like these same Satanists were an upside down cross! -- pervertin' the holy Christian iconography.
So blame the baddies, dismiss the fringe nut cases, an'...continue to pray for peace with great appreciate fer any prayers ya got fer we chew who just wanna be allowed to live in peace, not in pieces (ha ha). god bless--sounds like yer heart's in the right place
agree with this fella fully--he's not mockin' anyone but he's not too keen 'bout all the USA's "bad advice"--I'm assumin' yer sharin' this to support what Karen has been sayin' in which case-- big thumbs up!
You know I’m not a Jewish but I am Christian, so to be a good Christian you need to be a good Jew at least that’s how I was taught. So I stand forever with Israel and will bear arms to defend Israel. My only regret is that I’m not as agile as I used to be, but no matter I would defend Israel to the end of time.🥂🐸
Cheers! 💪
gosh, that's beautiful to hear--blessin's yer way Pinebeetle!
Karen you have THE worst takes, with every article repeating mainstream manipulation points, completely designed to sway dummy western audiences (& working a treat here, judging by your article's content, and the comments).
WHY do you think Israeli doctors operated on Sinwar’s brain tumor "which they discovered while he was in prison, thereby saving his life"?
There's a reason.
If IDF doesn't like the other sides' negotiator, they bribe him and if not possible, they murder him. Arafat rings a bell?
Hamas murdered many innocent people. But IDF (not "the Jews") 50x. Both sides are evil.
The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?
Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (40,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!
Oy vey ✡️
I don't have the energy to keep responding to the same Hamas propaganda that's repeated over and over. Another definition of insanity...
Karen you do SO much an' ya gots so MUCH energy (sharin' a link is always good lol)--
See those that wanna make this a war 'bout two "baddies" are not bein'...honest. I'm not sayin' there is no swamp in Israel--not sayin' there ain't no hidden hands from "The Crown" or secret societies manipulatin' a puppet show--Soitenly there is that--
BUT to equate the IDF with Hamas is--indeed--insanity. I know some'a these good youn'uns (some are kids of Americans, one a child of an Israeli professor our fambly knows...) They fight for Israel to survive--that alone--NOT to eliminate all "Palestinians" or all "Arabs" or whatever... An' yup globalists have there hands in every pie (the US one fer sure!) but we don't wanna see the US destroyed b/c of 'em... ditto (imho) fer Israel... (At least I hope so...)
WHY so hard fer folks ta git this? I know some mean "well" but to equate is just bad math... (sigh)
Thank you for a deeper look at this 3K year old dilemma.. Yes it's crazy how insanity endures, it has in the unrelenting [HOLY WARS- the Ultimate Oxymoron] between the Israeli, the Arab, and the Christian.... so very few Truly interested in Peace... Fear, Hatred, Revenge, Power, Control these are the focus of HAMAS whose Cowardly leaders reside in Luxury in Quatar [siphoning off 25%+ of the donations for Gaza, Lear Jets and luxury homes] while the poor souls in Gaza remain in the Kill Box.. many of which Hate Hamas... they know they're being used as pawns... cannon fodder...
Hey Fred. I've got a great idea. Why don't you get a one way ticket? Fly directly to Gaza. Tell The vile and filthy savages that you are on their side that you support them. See how they treat you. I'm sure you will be embraced with open arms and loving kisses. Let me know how it goes, Fred.
Well, one slight problem with that Skippy. My great-grandfather was a Blackfoot Indian. So there's that I don't understand what that has to do with Calling the vile and filthy members of a disgusting Stone age. Death cult exactly what they are. Maybe you can explain it to me.
Hell, Fred.I'll even be happy to pay for your ticlet.Me know where I send it to
Sure! just send 5000 USD to
I'll try to get in as an NGO volunteer and report from there.
If I don't succeed, I'll donate the rest to the NGO.
Let's give peace a chance!
Sorry but you do not need that much money. If you really wanted to practice what you preach, you would get on a plane and go. That's what I did when I wanted to find out the truth of Islam for myself and lived in Luxor, Egypt for 3 years. No one gave me money to do that.
You could follow the inspiring example of Vittorio Arrigoni, just one of many who believed as you do. I wrote about him in The Silence is Deafening:
Arrigoni was an iconic Italian activist who moved to Gaza in 2008, arriving there on a flotilla. He was an idealist who wanted to help free the Palestinians from their Israeli oppressors and frequently organized and participated in protests with farmers. I have a photo of him in happier times, embracing Ismail Haniya, from whom he received a passport.
Arrigoni was killed on April 15, 2011, after Palestinian gunmen kidnapped him and demanded that the Hamas government in Gaza release one of their members.
In a video released after the kidnapping, they accused him of “spreading corruption” among Muslims and gave the Hamas government 30 hours to meet their demands.
Before their deadline was reached, however, the men killed Arrigoni in an empty apartment in northern Gaza.
It was Islam that killed this hopeful young man. The tyranny of religion, the infighting amongst factions. Arrigoni had no idea what he was getting into when he went to Gaza and embraced Hamas’s leader. He must have been heady with excitement. But what did it all lead to? A horrible death. And now, Haniya has met his fate, recently blown up in Tehran. (And since I wrote this, Nasrallah and Sinwar)
But I guess you don't care about reality, just your fantasies. You might listen to this former terrorist: but I doubt you will.
omgosh, yes the story of Arrigoni broke my heart...
Curious, from where do you get the wrong idea that I support Hamas?
Nothing in what I wrote even hints that!
That's the problem with ideology: everything is black or white, no room for reality full of colors.
you seem very UN knowledgeable
Did you receive your doctorate from the back of a cereal box
Rather than writing a lengthy reply, I found the following article best shared my thoughts:
yup, INSANITY! Thanks fer callin' out what it is--HOW can folks cheer on this man's "life" an' martyr him... I dunno, are folks doin' this fer Pol Pot or Idi Amin Dada?! Papa Doc? (Did I mess those lovin' tributes? oy, I'm old enuf ta remember folks didn't use to martyr tyrants...) Anywhoo...
Love this fella Konstantin--he's GREAT... thanks so much fer the introduction!
I'll make an intro too! I'm lovin' a lot of the great writers on Joshua Hoffman's:
I wish they were better known--not all agree but there's GREAT articles there--all about this same stuff... so take a look-see (they post often so scroll down ta check out past-recents too)
The elimination of the Sabra...
So Israeli joos (havin' been subject to attacks since birth!) have been known as Sabras--strong on the outside, soft / kind / lovin' inside. They are not psychopaths (ok, there are few nutters in every group) but most are just strong young'uns that have to fight tough but are good family men & women an' not unempathetic at all--to any causalities. The outer "husk" covers a heart. Most of us in the diaspora have been blessed (at least until recently) with the gift of bein' able to wake up an' know there will not be bombs or a jihadist blowin' themselfs up at the supermarket. So most of us are not "sabra"...
Seems that idea rankles outsiders cuz folks want joos to be "weak" (like the scholars who can be MIGHTY but vocally, not with their fists...) or DEAD or both (lol). So.... there is a push to eliminate the Sabra...
Ya likely heard that Marvel Comics (in fact DC, Marvel, ALL were founded by joos--most folks don't know that ALL our superheroes from Superman to Batman & Robin were created by NYC jews an' some were based on old jewish folktales an' many of the men that created those characters made them quietly in response to joo hate!--see, I'll create a character that will save EVERYONE, even us underdogs...)
Anywhoo... the character of Sabra, a jewish female superhero, was considered to be "problematic" b/c she was jooish! (Today it's not just joos that make/create/market these comics) so they made her RUSSIAN! This seems like an' odd thing fer me to mention but it's not--it shows the MSM/public cannot stand the idea of strong joos so they call the strong ones "terrorists"--for defendin' the right to live in their own country...
I will confess.I did not see this coming, well played Fred, that being said, five thousands a little more than I really want to spend. I'm thinking a one way ticket on spirit, airlines. A round trip ticket would just be a waste .
oh my, I just read this (wuz tryin' ta figger out where to share it...)
sounds too incredible to be true but she's Kurdish--no reason ta make this up (it's too insane ta invent!)
Yazidi woman freed by IDF from Gaza reveals ISIS made them eat babies
an' speakin' of insanity--this breaks my heart (it's Taliban not Hamas but their Islam extremist believes ban musical instruments so 20K were destroyed)--they do this ta their own?
“Wasn’t it Hamas that attacked Israel in the first place and refuses to stop?”
So history started on October 7, 2023? No other historical context? No pre-1948 Zionist agenda?
The most intelligent reasonable and concise response to your question from Konstantin Kisin.
Good morning Karen how awesome again is your writing so precise and you back it up with many examples... so so true about what you said about Muslims and how obvious it's not a peaceful religion... thank you Jesus that we know how all of this ends in the detail of end times prophecy ( Ezekiel, Zechariah, Isaiah, Daniel and Revelation)...maranatha!!
As far as I know, most Israelis aren't that religious, except to follow holiday traditions of remembrance. The government is secular. I have never heard anything about the Apocalypse from Israel, but it is the driving force of Islamists. With Israel, it's pretty simple, really. They just want to be left alone. Don't invade their country, don't attack their citizens, don't bomb their towns and everything will be fine.
true, 100% Karen... level-of-faith varies... secular "ish" families still celebrate all the holidays like ya said, only some go ta temple regularly--none talk about any Apocalypse but I know where this is comin' from...
So of ALL the Orthodox there, there's a small subset group (how small I dunno but they are Ultra Orthodox--not yer everyday joos!) that ordered 2 red heifers from Texas to perform some kind of ritual (killin' the cow--one they pick--likely by Kashrut rules which means the animal won't suffer--that's the rule actually...) but it's based in ancient texts (not sure which ones honestly) to bring Israel out of the days of strife to bring in Mosiach (the Jewish messiah) who will lead the people from a great war into peace--world peace too. So outsiders say these men are "calling for war"--as it's somehow predetermined to happen so it cannot happen "soon enuf." I dunno 'bout that as I've heard them talk about rebuildin' the temple NOT about war...
Also, NOW, most of us joos never heard of this stuff an' tho it's DEFINITELY fringe, it's been promoted as if "all joos are insane an' believe & want this"- Frankly, a few old rabbis talkin' this weird stuff have circulated the innertubes like so much confetti tossed at a New Years Pahrty... It's like EVERYWHERE. Every group has their fringe outliers--I've heard Christian fringe outliers an' make no assumptions anyone but their "group" will feel thatta way. So sure, I won't deny there are some among the Ultra Orthodox who may talk "apocalyptically"--but that's really (really) so very few...
What's odd is that their odd words are considered "threatening" to all non chews (I won't say goyim b/c it doesn't have the taint folks think it does but it's spat out by non-joos like the word zionism... it just means "another people") but ANYWAY.... the haters are insane thinkin' these fringe old men can an' will make it happen for joos to take over the world or something?! Really? They are unarmed... powerless in fact.
Even in Israel this group has virtually zero power (these are not the vocal well-known Orthodox "right" in Israel)--AND they are as I said mostly old men an' some younger men (few) that are frankly too frail to serve in the army! As most know, they don't have to serve an' the few (very few, under 2K) Orthodox that volunteered--most were REJECTED--an' this is not from these fringe groups--it's from "all" Orthodox over a few years where the IDF allowed 'em to offer their services; these scholarly young men of softer hands from study who couldn't heft weapons (exercise is not their thing which is opposite of most typical Israeli joos that are strong an' don't avoid sports, etc)
IDF doesn't even want Orthodox soldiers as keeping kosher on a battlefield an' bein' "off" Saturdays is a PIA. So the IDEAR that a tiny set of "apocalyptic" rabbis & scholars are the "equivalent" of Hamas is cwazy...
Thanks for drawing light to so many misconceptions.
my pleasure--as I said, I do try (kinda like Harold with his purple crayon, creatin' a picture an' then climbin' inta it!) ;-) -- it's how we try ta reach across divides (or draw 'em scribble style!) -- somehow I know yer also a fan of that book (yes?)
Maybe just maybe we wouldn’t be having this discussion if the evil savages wouldn’t have attacked?
So simple, right?
No I disagree and if your name is Darell D White you should disagree also.
This is an evil ideology from the 6 th century onward .We need more onboard to counter it or we in the western world will be consumed.
Ask the Iranian on the street or the Christians in Egypt or Lebanon
Darell , there is some real evil shit going on all over the world on the back pages because of all this obsession with Jew hatred. Give the Jews a break for a minute( I know that’s hard because you like so many are experts on the Jews and Israel) and look at what’s going down in China , Sudan, Ukraine, Yemen, Afghanistan , Haiti, Myanmar ,Syria,Somalia , Central African Republic etc and give those Jews a break from your expertise.
And please don’t give me quotes from that Jewboy Jesus.