The best and most objective article I’ve read on this topic; your impeccable credentials for talking about it are icing on the cake.

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Yep. I just had to write it to set the record straight.

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But did you really set anything straight? I’m saying this honestly and nicely- it’s a great read but I’m still not clear. You indicated (do we KNOW?) that she has female parts? Raised as a girl in a culture that would never do that to a boy, okay, yes- leaning heavily to her having female parts. But now we introduce the genetics, chromosomes- indicate MALE genetics. My opinion is that even tho female parts are present- the chromosomal make up would give significant unfair advantage and she NOT be approved to engage in female categories. There ARE reasons the categories exist, aren’t there? She is a (I don’t want to use the word) but there are a group of ninja turtles. And she just can’t compete. That’s my take. Her physique is that of a male.

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Sport, boxing especially, is supposed to be fair. An unfair fight can be deadly. Even a fair one can be. The committees have to rule better than ‘what does the passport say?’ Because we all know what the East Germans did when they could get away with it. I believe many countries would passport men into women to win medals.

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I disagree with your take on chromosomes. I asked Dr. Mike Yeadon and he said that PCR tests for Y chromosomes are ridiculous and unnecessary...

The question comes down to who is more trustworthy - the IOC or the IBA. And you have to be pretty insane to come away from that press conference thinking it was the IBA. and why the hell did they offer Carini 100K for throwing in the towel in 46 seconds, then showing some of the worst sportsmanship I've ever seen in my life?

If people think this is normal, they're stupid, ignorant, or both.

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Why are quite historic accepted truths and norms now being dismissed so frequently? Honest question, this dynamic has become so common. It’s a tool to distort actual reality. I know it’s offside- but it’s how we came to a place where we are mutilating kids and confused people

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Are you referring to PCT tests?

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I can't seem to post a photo in these comments but there are many where you can clearly see girl/boy/theys penis so let's stop with the intersex outright lies

That wee lassie in the photos could be anyone but I understand why the Muslim parents want that narrative to be played out.

Their house would be burned out if the truth was told

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It could be a protector, which many men wear in other contact sports.

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"which many men wear". Yes, MEN.

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I am perfectly comfortable making hard and fast rules like saying that people with XY chromosomes can’t compete with people with XX chromosomes.

Making these distinctions is not hate.

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It also has the advantage that it can't be "gamed". Adjusting testosterone levels is possible I assume. Changing your DNA isn't. It also sets a clear unambiguous guideline. So if an intersex person thinks they'd like to get involved in sport, but they have XY chromosomes, they know they cannot compete in woman's sport. It also resolves the trans woman issue too.

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I agree. They may not have chosen those genes, but they really do un-level the playing field enough to be considered. Plus it's a verifiable factor via testing.

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Would that life were so straightforward ! What about XO, XXY, XXX, XXYY, XYY and others? How would you classify them?

I'd say go back to the Olympic basics based on un-altered body parts as people were assessed before chromosome mapping. Intersex or hermaphrodism could have their own class in the para games

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The Y makes anyone with those chromosomes male. The majority of this list results in severe disabilities.

Life is not fair. For the individuals with any of these conditions, they and their families are very familiar with that truth.

You trying to make a point with this list of chromosomal abnormalities is ridiculous.

The only one that might be able to compete outside of the Special Olympics is Turner Syndrome. But their associated health issues with naturally keep them from most elite sports. Many with this condition use growth hormones, which would also be disqualifying.

Having hard and fast rules for elite sports is not hateful.

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Sorry if Ive touched a raw nerve there or caused offense, my point was just to illustrate there are more variants than XX and XY 🌻

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Humans have 46 chromosomes, except that those born with Down's Syndrome have 47 chromosomes due to an extra copy of chromosome 21. They are still humans. They are not a variation of human.

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If there’s a Y, it’s a guy.

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If you have a Y, you’re a guy. The Y chromosome exists purely to give male characteristics such as greater strength, power etc and to produce testosterone. Without the Y he would have grown up female. You can’t be female with a Y.

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That's true, but if you suffer from total androgen insensitivity, you can, from birth into adulthood, give every external appearance of being female, and will be raised/socialized as a girl and woman. What are such people supposed to do if their Y chromosome is discovered when they are adults?


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Those with this rare disorder have to deal with it, just like the rest of humanity that has to deal with whatever genetic or medical condition comes their way. I empathize, but there has to be a line drawn.

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Whatever the correct decision may be regarding participation in sporting events for such people, it cannot be right to speak of them in the same terms as "transgender" cheats who (literally) muscle their way into women's sports.

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These males with DSD's know they are not females and they are cheats. If you are speaking of the only Olympic athlete I know of discovered to have CAIS, the Spanish hurdler Maria José Martínez-Patiño, then I would agree.

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If young and good looking, they will make a great super model, as they will have greater than average height, muscle tone and skin texture of a woman. However, sadly such a person will also be sterile. There are numerous DSD’s; many males will also go through male puberty and have the strength and ability as the likes of Imane Khelif.

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That is all correct (though I gather excessively dry skin may be a problem for CAIS individuals).

I did not mean to suggest that Imane Khelif has CAIS, which seems unlikely, given her/his overall physical presentation.

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I, as would any sane person, classify anything other than XX XY, as “clinical insanity” unsupported by biological science.

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It's not "clinical insanity", it's a Disorder of Sex Development. X, XXY, XXX, and a bunch of other combos exist, but they all diminish health in some way way. If there's a Y, you're a guy is a good shorthand though.

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We may be on the same page. Clarification: when Dylan Mulvaney or Adm Levine puts on a dress and pretends to be female, he’s clinically insane (as is anyone accepting that). This is different from an actual intersex person, of whom so few exist that changing policy or cultural tradition to accept is just stupid.

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Fair enough, though I'd say Dylan is a grifter and Levine is a pervert. The people who believe them are more insane than they are...

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I liked your post, not because of the content, but because of your profile image. That said, life isn’t ‘black and white’, especially when we consider biological phenomena. Stating the something is ‘simple’ doesn’t make it so.

The consequence in extrema of dna testing is soon as a child is born, opens doors to nightmarish ‘Brave New World’ extremism. Every child is tested at birth and assigned to a class: janitors, military, ‘scientist’, politicians, ‘breeding material’, etc etc.

One thing that the last couple of years should gave told us is that lifestyle complexity cannot be captured in simple narratives. Cause in point? The total degeneracy of FJB’s policies and related extremism…

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‘lifestyle’ should be ‘life’.

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Trilogy or more than 2 usually equals things like downs syndrome and other severe issues. Somehow don't think they'd be competing in sports...oh and IS there such a thing as an O cause I've only ever heard of x and y...

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Correction it is called tri somy

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0 indicates an absence eg some women only have one X chromosome but they are severely impaired

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Downs Syndrome is Trisomy of non-sex hormones. X0 is Turner's Syndrome. XXY is Klinefelter's Syndrome. These produce varying degrees of physical abnormalities. My point was that it's more complicated than just XX and XY.

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What methodology should be used to determine chromosomes?

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It's like they want the two categories to be:



"Everything Else" (= woman + unknown)

Why does "Everything Else" default to the women category instead of the men category?

Why not instead:

a "100% women" division


"Open" (= men + everything else)

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Because with their bloc voting, women have given Ds the power structure and Ds hate women. Next question?

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According to Pew: Among all registered voters, men tilt to the GOP (52% of men identify with or lean toward the Republican Party, 46% to the Democratic Party).

By a similar margin, women tilt Democratic (51% Democratic, 44% Republican, including leaners). https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/partisanship-by-gender-sexual-orientation-marital-and-parental-status/

Overall, it's pretty even. It's not surprising that single women are more likely to vote Democrat because of abortion rights. I think abortion is probably the deciding factor for many women. If conservatives lightened up on that one just a little bit, they would get a lot more voters.

It would be interesting to see how people of different religions vote. Also, immigrants vs people born in the US.

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Have you heard of exit polling? Intra-election polling on political party or preference? It’s well documented that 60% of women vote D; that 77% of single women vote D. I assume you can use a search engine, so you can go look up these well- and often-documented facts.

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What an excellent idea, Super!

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Thank you for this post. You’ve given facts that the sensationalist news media has not and from a unique perspective. I fully believed this fighter was trans, because that is the narrative. Now I know the real story.

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It's incredible how they are messing with our heads now 😡

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Sadly, it’s happening on both sides of the aisle!

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You do not disappoint Karen. Well done here!!

I've been making the comment below in various places, since "the punch heard 'round the world", became a social media mainstay.

Additionally, @metrosideros makes a prescient point in a note, alluding to the outrage of this "man hitting a woman while wearing padded gloves", while much worse is being done to women in France by illegals - (my paraphrasing of the note/post).

My take:

"You will understand this Josh, because the mechanism applies across the boards (all ideological battles). You do not defeat the f'ing batshit crazy ideology/agenda by participating in it, even if your against it. Gays who are against the queer/trans/pedo pride evolution cannot fight and defeat it, by marching in the parades. You opt out and then protest. Marching with them, gives them credibility and legitimacy - while destroying your own position.

"The equation is simple. It will stop when the women refuse to compete along side these mentally deranged, opportunistic perverts.

Now I know the argument has been/will be “that’s not fair’. No it is not, however, fairness doesn’t play into stopping this. When women compete with and beside these men, they legitimize the men being there. Even more so when the women on the winning team - accept the victories of the man, that put their team on the podium. Each and every time a woman agrees to compete/participate in an event with a penis sister, she tells the world, "I support and agree with the mania, that men belong in women's sports and are the same as I am - a woman."

College athletes are starting to understands this concept of delegitimizing this gender hustle/lie by opting out and it’s working.

Do this on a mass scale and this trans idiocy, in sports, will die on the vine. Otherwise, it’s just spinning of wheels and grousing about a situation women should not have to deal with, but one they continue to put themselves in.

You don’t have to wait for an injury or body count to hit a certain mark, or for regulators to stop this.

You can simply walk away today, start the process and then protests."

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💯 as I've written a lot about lately, female protestors who remove the hijab in Iran face torture imprisonment and death but they do it anyway. They should be the example we strive for.

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Spot on!!

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Are you even aware that you are - from a safe distance - demanding the enforcing of Western cultural mores on a non-Western culture? That you are demanding a global monoculture? Did someone die and leave you in charge? If you ever refer to yourself as a “multiculturalist,” you’re being dishonest. You get that, right?

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Good call. So by that reasoning we should be allowed to enforce Western cultural mores in our western cultures, where we live. Can't have it both ways. I totally accept each country has every right to have its own culture. By your logic, it should be perfectly legitimate for UK, Canada, Australia, etc to ban non-western practices. But we are all called racists for doing so.

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Are you saying women who refuse to wear the hajib deserve to be tortured and executed if that's the local culture?

If that's what you're offering in the name of "respect" and "tolerance" then yeah, I'll take the monoculture please.

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You’re saying we get to dictate the behaviors of those in other cultures. The end result is empire and our way, globally. Are you willing to support empire with the lives of your sons and daughters? If not, you’re just making empty noises.

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So you're saying that you support Iran's right to torture and execute womens rights activists?

I'm saying that we shouldn't show respect to cultures that don't respect even very basic human rights. I'm not a moral relativist, I'm closer to a moral universalist. Womens rights don't cease to matter outside The West, slavery doesn't magically become ethical just because it's happening in another country. Just because we accept the right of sovereign nations to self govern doesn't mean we shouldn't keep them at arms length while also doing our best to support movements that we can see align with our values. It's not like Iran isn't doing the same thing with groups that share it's values.

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Understand that our concept of “human rights” is OUR concept of human rights. It is absolutely culturally-defined and Western in origin. This is missed/not understood/rejected by “multiculturalists” who are, at-root, monoculturalists demanding Western rights for non-Western cultures, which is one of either of two things: demand for a global monoculture and empire, or just plain stupid.

If Iranian women don’t want be beaten to death for demanding rights not available in their culture, they should go for it and take the heat. It’s not our heat to take unless you’re demanding our kids go kill their kids until they do what we want. And, given that it’s muslim women assisting and ensuring clitoridectomies on muslim girls, that’s not a fight I have any interest in engaging. It’s THEIR CULTURE, and no one died & made us God to go change it.

If you’re up for ridding the West of these people, I’m in. But we’ve had enough stupid wars that change nothing elsewhere & we don’t need any more. Reconquista the West? You bet. But leave the frikn Turd World to the locals.

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Don’t interpret accurate descriptions of other cultures and of those calling themselves “multiculturalists” as though I agree with how other cultures treat their own people. My points are these: 1. To call oneself a “multiculturalist” and then whine about cultures treating people differently is childish; 2. I am all-in on Western Civilization. I want - and expect - the rule of law, illegal aliens deported, thugs incarcerated and a non-corrupt government. 3. I want NO invaders from Turd World countries bringing their Turd World habits here. 4. If you read my other posts here, you’d know I loathe conventional warfare, stupid wars, and wish we’d just nuke adversaries we decide are worth nuking and leave others alone as not our business. As to Iran? Not our business how they treat their women any more than it’s their business how we treat ours.

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Bravo!! 👏

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Well said, well said indeed!

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Thank you Judy.

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Good objective writeup. If it makes the news like this event did, its because they want it to. It got people to stop talking about the satanic opening ceremony and ginned up some marketing interest in the Olympics.

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That's a good point. People are led from one sensation to the next without having a moment to pause and think more deeply.

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The other issue is that the Olympics, and sports in general, in my view, was always the place where they would begin a third category of people to compete, a trans group that can do whatever it likes, and compete in that group. That's part of what is being engineered as a solution for this 'problem'. Not just transexual, but transhuman as well.

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For the Olympics to include a category for trans would require the Olympics to accept as reality the clinical insanity that is trans. No orhanization peopled by anyone that insane should exist.

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For sure, but they are creating the problems for their solutions.

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That’s what politics is all about; creating problems they turn can campaign to solve. If they solved problems, on what would they campaign?

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and this is done purposefully if you ask me...

is anyone even thinking about the shooting in Pennsylvania anymore?

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EXACTLY!! Oh how the media is good at diverting attention from one bad news story to another!!

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Khelif was born XY, hence a man. That's why he and Lin were disqualified by IBA. And you must have missed the part where after the match ended and she was going to her side, Kheliff cupped her breast when he got in her space, then went in for a second touch while she was kneeling. I do agree with you on one point which is, this situation is deeper than we know.

I woke up this morning thinking the bout was a ritual. Where man is reasserting dominance, and replacement of the feminine. By hook or by crook. As far as Khelif is concerned, once a cheater, always a cheater.

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I saw the photos claiming the breast touching. It's how the photo is taken that makes it look like that. As I've written in a number of essays now, we can no longer believe what we see.

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I saw the video. He most definitely cupped her breast and it was purposeful.

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A slow motion of the video shows he clearly cupped her breast. Kara Dansky posted it in her latest article. He's a misogynist and a loser. I have no empathy for him.

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It’s sad when women make excuses for the poor behavior of men. It’s silly that they do so while whining about the increased rapes in cities with D governance BECAUSE of the female vote.

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I could not care less about the “groping,” and whether it occurred. If you read my comments, I’m taking about the absolute idiocy of allowing women to be beaten up for sport. And whether they like it is and should be immaterial and irrelevant to any mature society. Women are too valuable to allow them to be punched, kicked, knocked out for sport. Society used to hang men who hit women - and for good reason. Children want to drive cars. Women want to fight. So what? Are their wants more important than the safety and continuance of the species? Nope.

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My bf has the same build as Lin. We're the same height, I outweigh him, I have more general fight experience in life, I'm naturally stronger than most women. He doesn't lift or fight. His grip strength alone should he choose to use it can immobilize me as we know from play wrestling. He could snap my wrists like nothing if he wanted. He can beat the shit out of me because he's a man. He can hold me down because he's a man. Unless Lin throws it I'm sure he'll win. Makes me wonder if the IOC wants a full separation of men's and women's sports so they don't have to deal with it or put time and money into women at all.

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But both of these fighters have lost numerous fights to women. I have won in fights with men, even men stronger than me who were less experienced. Women are not automatically weaker and unable to win. But I agree overall women are physically weaker than men and as I said, these two should not be competing in women's boxing. There should be rules to avoid this confusion.

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The males most likely lost to your better skills. These same males, in a fight with no rules, would also likely beat the crap out of you. I'm a very strong female, in extremely physically demanding (male) jobs most of my life. I would not try and take on the scrawniest male in a fight. I know a woman who is a rock climber and she is all muscle, sinew and bones. She was attacked in her apartment and was able to fight back long enough for her skinny attacker to decide she wasn't worth the trouble, but in no way did she beat him.

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I owned a bar. At a company picnic two skookum bar girls decided they would

Wrestle me to the ground. Playfully. One was my height, my size, in very good shape, she was a good athlete. The other was smaller but considered to be a very tough East end woman. It wasn’t even close. They couldn’t wrestle me anywhere. I am not a big guy. 5’8”. At the time about 150 pounds. I could have eaten a sandwich and held them off. Everyone was laughing. It was fun and playful. The two women were shocked at how much stronger I was than them. And these two women would be 95th percentile tough women. And I am, or was, average strength male. (…I am scrappy though…tougher than strong…).

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I'm dumbfounded at how many people seem to not comprehend the fundamental physical differences between men and women.

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There are rules seoarating mens and womens competitions. Those rules are being flouted by the IOC, and that's even more troubling.

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Western Civ gave up on rules recently. Perhaps you’ve noticed? We don’t execute murderers cuz daddy left home. We don’t kick illegal aliens over the border cuz that’s mean. We don’t try moms for murdering their own children cuz post-partum depression. We don’t jail banksters for the massive fraud of 2008. We don’t try impeached DHS Secretaries for millions of violations of the law we pay them to enforce. We don’t jail presidential candidates for destruction of subpoenaed evidence. We don’t impeach presidents for hundreds of LLCs and millions of inexplicable dollars sent to their families. We gave up on accountability, consequences, rules, law, etc., years ago.

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It is a massive problem with the omnipresent media, has been for years now – sensationalizing information without fact-checking, without integrity, without knowledge. Just as I was reading your post, Karen, my husband was making his morning coffee, blasting about a transman who beat up a woman boxer because he saw a photo posted somewhere. Remember how the students from Covington Catholic HS got smeared by the major media outlets for intimidating and harassing a Native American at the D.C.? The media omitted key details surrounding this event, resulting in a massive scandal and lawsuits. We are all becoming easy targets for manipulation!

Thank you for offering your perspective and expertise, Karen, much appreciated. Your boxing career is fascinating and I look forward to learning more about you and your boxing journey.

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It's very troubling how we are being manipulated. Sensational story after sensational story and it's impossible to keep up. People just go with the flow, it's too much to dissect it all. This is psychological abuse on a grand scale.

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Do you find it at all intriguing that you are critical of being manipulated while casually using the word “transman” as though that describes a reality, rather than an unreality that does not exist, but that you have been manipulated into believing?

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Sorry, not following your argument.

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The entire cult of “trans” is manipulation. No such thing exists. XX XY, that’s all there is. Every cell in one’s body is XX or XY. “Gender-fluid,” “non-binary,” a guy in a dress pretending to be a woman… this ALL is manipulation with the desired goal to get one to believe reality can be defined by man, which then will enable the bending of reality by those with the power to do so.

No male ever has had a brain with XX cells or estrogen as a primary hormone. So how could a male “think” he’s a female when having zero ability to form thoughts in the same way? This is why morons like Dylan Mulvaney seem like 5-yo girls prancing around playing dress-up: they have - and CAN HAVE - no clue about how a real girl or woman thinks, acts, moves, understands their world; it’s all show for reward.

To use the phrase “transman” demonstrates a view that what was clinical insanity 5 minutes ago suddenly has become a real thing worthy of attention or discussion by sentient adults. It’s a manipulated unreality. That’s my point.

If you can be made to think - and accept - that a guy can be a girl cuz he wants, you can be made to believe anything at all.

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Yes, the obliteration between reality and perception has become a cult, and trans cult is its most vivid manifestation. There is nothing strange about where the “trans” phenomenon started from, we just didn’t call it “trans.” In the old fashioned sense, it used to describe a wide range of individuals - those who occasionally dress as a member of opposite sex, to flamboyant lifestyle transvestites, to people who underwent a complete reassignment surgery.

Some type of gender ambiguity has been a common occurrence across many cultures. Many cultures have adopted the concept that there is always a small number of its members who may be born in one body but desire to live in another. There are also a condition known as intersex - a condition of being born either with ambiguous genitalia or have other attributes of the opposite sex. Medical professionals have been aware of the intersex issue for a very long time, it is the general population that remains largely unaware.

The main problem with the trans movement is that the question becomes whether what some people believe about themselves has to be accepted as true by others. And the answer, in my opinion, is no. A man cannot become a woman and vice versa. Why we are being fed the trans agenda is a question I have no answer for…

Why this agenda - that factually impacts a very small amount of people - has all of a sudden became the next social justice frontier is unclear to me at the moment.

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No one gets to define “reality” for me. It’s like “truth” or “justice;” there is ONE, objectively. Any adjective preceding it is just manipulation of reality. There is no “my truth,” or “social” justice. There’s only “truth” and “justice” (which is cultural), just as there is male & female, period. (Yes, there are a vanishingly few intersex, but so tiny a percentage of humanity that to bend society and policies evolved over millennia to appease them is just stupid and not even considered (nor should it be) by sentient adults.

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That is not what I said at all but ok

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Women athletes need to stand up and protest against having to compete with biological males. IMHO

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Yup. And ALL of them. Those few with the guts to do so now are just being kicked out of their sport, losing scholarships, etc. ALL women need to stop this BS.

… but…

One must recognize that this entire tranny nonsense is due to women voting for the party that supports it.

What would we not have but for women voting against their own interests?


Open borders

Crappy teachers

Unsafe streets


By voting for “oh that poor ___” women are responsible for just about every current social pathology infecting the West because they don’t want be “mean.”

I’ll worry about women complaining about swinging dicks in their locker rooms or their elementary-school daughters being raped in the bathroom by a tranny, when women stop bloc voting for the party and policies of those intent on destroying women: Democrats. Heck, they can’t even define “woman,” but get 60% of their vote.

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Thank you very much for that, Karen. I was not aware of the details.

You are so correct when you write: "We are continually being manipulated to react emotionally rather than intellectually."

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It is emotion, not logic, driving women into the ring… good to keep that in mind.

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I absolutely agree that men and women have traditional roles in society that should be maintained and upheld and respected.

However, sorry but the thing I most enjoy about fighting is the strategy, not flailing about emotionally. And since most women will not choose to fight, I highly doubt women fighters will endanger the species. Far from it. But even in battle, if the men are gone surely it's advantageous for women to know how to shoot, use a knife, and have other fighting skills if they are amenable to it.

In China, for example, girls learn martial arts from a young age. I believe every girl should learn a fighting art from a young age. It should be mandatory in schools. Boys and girls learning this together from a young age would teach mutual respect, discipline, focus, so many positive attributes. There would be a lot less domestic violence, I can assure you.

As for women being the emotional ones and men being the logical ones, I always find this argument by men amusing. Wars are instigated and fought by men and it's because of greed, lust, power, it's because they cannot control themselves. They always have to prove themselves to each other and steal each other's territory, women, etc. Walk into any bar and watch two guys just look at each other and get angry. And next thing you know, a fight unfolds, and people get hurt.

In my physically abusive marriage, it was my husband who could not control his emotions, not me. I went on to make sure no man would ever treat me like that again. I dedicated myself to years of discipline and training, not emotional baggage or victimhood. You would take that away from me. No thank you.

I teach other women to be empowered in the same way. You think that should be illegal? Men are in charge, but you can't really say they are doing a great job of it. Our greatest achievement is that we can now completely obliterate the entire human race. Don't misinterpret what I am saying, I'm not saying women would do any better. Far from it. It doesn't matter if it's men or women, black, brown, white or whatever in charge, the human weakness of being corrupted by power is always there. This is a spiritual condition which I believe can only be fixed in a spiritual manner.

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You are absolutely correct! I admire and appreciate your efforts to educate young girls and women, especially after the 30 Million illegals first fulfill their primary purpose for being on American soil, which is to illegally vote in the upcoming Presidential Election.

Looks like 80% of them are Muslims, who are famous for their better treatment of their animals, above their women. They are also known for brutally assaulting and raping women, with no regard for the laws that exist.

‘Tactical Performance Center’ on utube has dozens of firearms introduction and training videos.

And ‘Trigger Pull Mastery’ is a must see video for any and all who have decided to refuse to become a victim.

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Too many points for a single response via my phone.

1. If you think men do a bad job, explain why history shows no successful matriarchies.

2. If you think men do a bad job, explain who all modernity results from their efforts.

3. Should women be able to protect themselves? Sure - that’s what guns & blades are for. I led a championship fencing team at a D1 university. That’s a martial art. We had women fencers. Fencing does not contribute to infertility; boxing can. I shoot competitively, as does my wife. Ditto on fertility. No one can replace an infertile woman. Nothing exceeds fertile women in importance. ALL ELSE IS SECONDARY.

Women should carry. But they also should quit voting D out of empathy. Why are women attacked on the streets? Because they vote against incarcerating and executing thugs, because they vote for open borders. Because they support welfare and the fatherless families it creates. Because they vote for crappy schools, incompetent teachers, unionizing them, and putting the worst of them in the inner city.

If you want safe streets, secure borders, an educated peaceful

society and fair sports - and the only thing that can ensure the rights of women anywhere on earth, replacement-level fertility by American women, women need to start voting on their own best interests, and not to allow men to beat to death.

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If “you can’t say men are doing a good job of it,” you can’t say they aren’t. You’ve removed any metric. Would women do better? No. If they would / could, western Civ would not show its downward trend since 19A, and we’d find a successful matriarchy in history.

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No one supporting trannyism is reacting intellectually at any level.

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There are multiple intersex conditions that combine an XY chromosome with externally ambiguous genitalia. Some would produce an internally male reproductive system, and some would not. Some would lead to unfair advantages from elevated testosterone, and some would not. It doesn't sound like the IOC did their due diligence to confirm which kind these athletes have - instead their spokespeople are just bleating about how women can have XY chromosomes.

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The thing is that the IOC doesn't have to take such tests. The rule is that they go by the passport/birth certificate. So bottom line, the rules need to be changed.

I have just read that the IOC has stated about the tests conducted last year by the IBA in Russia: “We have no knowledge of what the tests were. They were cobbled together, as I understand, overnight [during the world championships] to change the results.” The disqualifications last year came three days after Khelif defeated Russian Azalia Amineva and a day after she won her semifinal bout in the 63-66-kg (139-145.5-pound) category.

So now, it's just a big mess with everyone accusing everyone else. With a test, all of this would not be happening.

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I agree the IOC rules need to be changed, but it sounds like the IBA test was based on chromosomes. Maybe that's a bit more punitive than is ideal, but it's not a crazy place to start. The IOC doesn't sound particularly willing to come up with a useful alternative.

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They don't sound willing at all, which is not surprising.

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Thank you for having the courage to call out the emotional and intellectual manipulation we are all experiencing when it comes to these issues- and for more accurately describing the situation as you know it. And thank you for not being cruel... this is an excellent example of how we can speak up about issues that matter to us without tearing people apart unnecessarily. We are many, yet we are one. We can find ways to move forward without losing our humanity.

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Thank you Karen for the clear headed thinking on this. It has been a topic at home recently, especially seeing as our youngest daughter is a high level athlete who has been asked to play hockey and will be attending the university of Michigan this fall. She is also a high level Lacrosse player and we are thankful we have not had to experience this within a team environment. Our discussion landed at unless girls/women say no to.participate, and that means all women, this is not going to stop

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Congrats to your daughter. I pray she doesn't encounter any of this nightmare.

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Knowing some of your biography, I was so hoping you'd weigh in on this issue, and you did not disappoint! I particularly appreciate your using this situation to demonstrate YET AGAIN how we are being manipulated CONSTANTLY to rage against one another. But life is nuanced, isn't it, all sorts of shades and hues combining to create one big messy artistic landscape. It's beyond time to put away knee-jerk reactions and extreme viewpoints -- they just don't belong in the new world waiting to be born. Thanks, Karen, for leading the charge on that... xox

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You're welcome. xoxo

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Why, from the first mention of a male, athletically competing against a female, did the notion not get swatted down by an Ocean of common sense?

Especially, when speaking of a serious fighting contest. No one likes to lose.

And clearly there are many women that can defeat an untrained male, though that being an exception to the rule.

The missing link is this thing called

PRIDE, which these days, is irresistible! And our downfall.

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Wow. I’d pick you over a man as my bodyguard any day!

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😂 I was actually asked by a rapper if I would be his bodyguard but I said no. Not a nice world lol.

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You would need full-body armor for that job!

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