We're making diseases more dangerous and they're escaping from labs.
“In a sense, the Earth is mounting an immune response against the human species. It is beginning to react to the human parasite..." ~ The Hot Zone
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“They were two human primates carrying another primate. One was the master of the earth, or at least believed himself to be, and the other was a nimble dweller in trees, a cousin of the master of the earth. Both species, the human and the monkey, were in the presence of another life form, which was older and more powerful than either of them, and was a dweller in blood.” ~ Richard Preston, The Hot Zone
The Hot Zone tells the true story of what happens when a disease with a 90% mortality rate—that would be Ebola—is let loose in Washington DC. The book reads like a thriller, following a team of soldiers and scientists who are tasked with containing the deadly disease.
Natural diseases are bad enough. But mankind can take those diseases, even mild ones, and turn them into bioweapons that can kill millions or a few or even one specific person. We are told that in order to protect humanity, we must study pathogens in labs and the best way to do that is to alter them to become more dangerous. This is what we call gain of function.
According to Scientific American: “Scientists perform these manipulations for many reasons, including wanting to understand how the microbes evade detection by our immune systems. But adding capability to a pathogen carries obvious risks, especially if this ‘gain of function’ involves enhanced virulence or infectiousness. Escape from a lab, by accident or design, is a possibility.”
Despite a long history of studying viruses, dating back to the late 1890s when it is said they were first discovered, we have never succeeded in eradicating more than one human disease, and that is (maybe) smallpox.
In 1796, British surgeon Edward Jenner invented the smallpox vaccine, the world's first vaccine against any disease. The dramatic decrease in smallpox deaths at the turn of the 19th century can be credited to his invention. But how can we be absolutely sure? Perhaps the disease just played itself out. We really know very little, yet we conveniently tell the stories that promote what we want to be true.
Even if smallpox was eradicated thanks to the vaccine, considering all the research we have conducted on so many different illnesses since, that’s a terrible success rate. Is it really worth making diseases more deadly when we can’t even cure them as they are?
Government appointed experts tell us these highly dangerous and secretive experiments are necessary if we want to prepare for another pandemic or an enemy attack.
For these reasons, Bio Security Level 4 labs have been built all over the world. A BSL-4 lab is a “laboratory designed to study infectious agents or toxins that pose a high risk of aerosol-transmitted laboratory infections and life-threatening disease for which no vaccines or therapies are available”.
In 2021, Gregory D. Koblentz, Associate Professor and Director of the Biodefense Graduate Program at George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government, reported that there were “…nearly 60 BSL-4 labs in operation, under construction, or planned in 23 different countries”.
By the start of 2023, that number had increased to 69 labs.
Mind you, these are the labs that we know about. There is no way for ordinary citizens to know how many top-secret military/government labs there are, or how many private labs there are that even the military/government doesn’t know about.
You would think labs conducting such dangerous experiments would have strict safety protocols religiously adhered to. Incredibly, this is not the case.
According to The Conversation:
The vast majority of countries with maximum containment labs do not regulate dual-use research, which refers to experiments that are conducted for peaceful purposes but can be adapted to cause harm; or gain-of-function research, which is focused on increasing the ability of a pathogen to cause disease.
To make this even more worrisome, approximately 75 percent of BSL4 labs are located in urbanized areas, exacerbating the impact of any accidental releases.
The Hot Zone describes what happened when Ebola found its way out of the laboratory and into African hospitals where staff were panicked and unable to deal with it:
“One room in the hospital had not been cleaned up. No one, not even the nuns, had had the courage to enter the obstetric ward. When Joel Breman and the team went in, they found basins of foul water standing among discarded, bloodstained syringes. The room had been abandoned in the middle of childbirths, where dying mothers had aborted fetuses infected with Ebola. The team had discovered the red chamber of the virus queen at the end of the earth, where the life-form had amplified through mothers and their unborn children.”
That sounds like a scene from the Walking Dead.
Despite more biosecurity incidents happening between 1932 to 2022 than we can ever possibly know about, research continues to expand.
Here are just a few examples of reported incidents:
The 1967 Marburg virus outbreak in West Germany happened among laboratory workers who were exposed to imported African green monkeys or their tissues while conducting research. A total of 31 people became sick, seven of whom died.
In 1979 spores of anthrax were accidentally released from a Soviet military research facility, resulting in approximately 100 deaths, although the exact number of victims remains unknown. The accident is sometimes referred to as "biological Chernobyl”.
One week after the September 11 terrorist attacks, letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others. I wrote about this in How Anthrax & the War on Terror Brought Us to the Brink of WWIII
In 2004 a researcher at a Russian biological weapons research facility died after accidentally pricking herself with a needle contaminated with the Ebola virus.
In 2005 the 1957 pandemic strain of H2N2 influenza virus was included in routine testing kits sent to over 5,000 laboratories, mostly in the United States.
In 2009 Malcolm Casadaban died following an accidental laboratory exposure to a bacterium that causes the plague.
“Invisible” labs
As for private labs that have no government affiliation, a report by Gryphon Scientific estimates “about ¼ of human pathogen research activities in the U.S. are performed by labs inside of private organizations, and about ¼ of those private organizations are ‘invisible.’”
And that’s just in the United States. There is no way of knowing how many invisible labs exist in other countries.
The Creepy Story of One Invisible Lab.
Just last August Jesalyn Harper, the only full-time code enforcement officer in the small California town of Reedley, discovered one of these invisible labs due to complaints from local residents. The lab was registered to a company called Prestige Biotech that sold a variety of medical testing kits, including for pregnancy and COVID-19.
When Jesalyn walked inside the lab, she must have felt like she’d entered a horror movie come to life.
A woman in a lab coat answered her knock, and behind her were two others in plastic gloves and blue surgical masks, packing pregnancy tests for shipping. Harper said they spoke broken English and told her they were from China. Walking through the lab, she found dozens of refrigerators and ultralow-temperature freezers hooked to illegal wiring; vials of blood and jars of urine in shelves and plastic containers; and about 1,000 white lab mice being kept in crowded, soiled containers.
Astonishingly, despite the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) finding more than 800 chemicals and over 20 infectious agents, including Hepatitis B and C, streptococcus pneumonia, chlamydia, rubella, and Herpes 1 and 5, and that the lab had bioengineered and infected the mice with diseases including HIV, E. Coli, malaria, and Covid-19, the CDC concluded that there was “no sign that the lab was illegally in possession of the materials or had select agents or toxins that could be used as bioweapons.”
The lab was shut down and all the mice euthanized and that was the end of it. You can find the Fresno County Report Here.
The Eastern District of California’s press release mentioned nothing about the dangerous pathogens or the bioengineering of the mice. However, about three months ago, Jia Bei Zhu, a Chinese national, was charged with crimes related to the undercover bio-lab.
We’ll probably never know what really went on with this lab—or what might have been sent out to people in those test kits or released into the environment. Just like we will never know the truth about a lot of things, such as the funding of gain of function research at the Wuhan lab and if Covid escaped from the lab or not.
The NIH denied that it funded gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. At the height of the pandemic, any talk of it was deemed “misinformation”. This despite The Intercept obtaining “new evidence [in September 2021] that the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the nearby Wuhan University Center for Animal Experiment, along with their collaborator, the U.S.-based nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, have engaged in what the U.S. government defines as ‘gain-of-function research of concern,’ intentionally making viruses more pathogenic or transmissible in order to study them, despite stipulations from a U.S. funding agency that the money not be used for that purpose. Grant money for the controversial experiment came from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is headed by Anthony Fauci.”.
Dr. Anthony Fauci denied any such funding ever occurred. Then, in October 2021 Vanity Fair reported:
A spokesman for Dr. Fauci says he has been “entirely truthful,” but a new letter belatedly acknowledging the National Institutes of Health’s support for virus-enhancing research adds more heat to the ongoing debate over whether a lab leak could have sparked the pandemic.
And the Wall Street Journal reported that “three researchers at the lab became so ill in November of 2019 that they sought hospital treatment…. their hospitalization coincides with the period when most experts believe the virus was spreading through the city of Wuhan”.
Two years ago, Senator Rand Paul famously confronted Dr. Anthony Fauci, accusing him of changing the definition of gain of function on the NIH website to avoid responsibility.
Understandably, this has resulted in citizens losing confidence in their government and its propaganda arm, the mainstream media, to tell them the truth.
Back in 2014, the Obama administration “put a moratorium on funding gain-of-function research after researchers announced they made a deadly bird flu virus, H5N1, more contagious in ferrets. The animals were used as a model for how the virus could spread through humans, sparking concerns about its ability to be released into the world”.
The moratorium on gain of function research was lifted in 2017, however, during the interim, the United States never stopped conducting this research. As with other questionable experiments, it simply took its contracts elsewhere, as was shown in the case of the Wuhan Lab controversy.
One of the last “gain of function” experiments (or so we’re told) in the United States, before the 2014 moratorium involved creating a SARS-like virus to show its pandemic potential:
Back in 2015, scientists from the University of North Carolina (UNC) in the US and the Wuhan Institute of Virology had together created a modified coronavirus that was shown to be able to latch on to human cells and replicate in lung cells, efficiently enough to cause a pandemic.
Interestingly, the spike protein in this study had been supplied to the US lab by Zhengli-Li Shi, the noted Chinese virologist who researches SARS-like coronaviruses of bat origin at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The UNC lab has been rife with accidents. From Jan. 1, 2015, through June 1, 2020, the university reported 28 lab incidents involving genetically engineered organisms to safety officials at the NIH. In 2020 ProPublica reported on six accidents with Lab-Created Coronaviruses, where mice escaped from containers, bit staff, and contaminated bedding fell to the floor.
Gain- and loss-of-function research is ongoing, global, and collaborative with U.S.-affiliated researchers contributing to approximately half of identified publications between 2000 and mid-2022. Researchers cannot always predict whether an experiment will cause a pathogen to become more or less virulent. (CST)
The Potential Martian Plague
As if home-grown plagues weren’t bad enough, we are intent on bringing samples back from other planets that might contain pathogens deadly to humans.
NASA intends to collect samples from Mars and bring them back to Earth and they aren’t “taking any chances”. They’re building a state-of-the-art biocontainment lab to ensure the samples are kept secure and the public is safe.
When asked how confident they were to be able to do this Dr. Andrea Harrington (who is responsible for building the biocontainment lab) says, “We are on a pretty tight schedule. It’s just a matter of prioritizing.”
Why are they always in such a hurry? They’ve had years and years to prepare and now they’re on a tight schedule.
It’s okay, Dr. Harrington assures us. “The risk is really low, but we are still being very careful.” Why don’t I feel any better now?
How do they know the risk is low? How do they know they will be able to contain whatever might be dangerous? How do they even know what “dangerous” means? This is like every science fiction movie we’ve ever watched on the topic, coming to life before us. Think ALIEN.
Despite years upon years of studying deadly diseases, scientists admit they still don't know much about how they operate. Far from fulfilling their promises to protect us, experts are making it even more likely we will face a major catastrophe, not from a natural disaster, but from pathogens that have escaped from labs or have been unleashed by any number of crazy individuals, power-hungry billionaires, governments, or terrorist organizations. On top of this, the experts have yet to figure out a cure to any of these diseases.
The Hot Zone describes how “Occasionally they came to villages, and at each village they encountered a roadblock of fallen trees. Having had centuries of experience with the smallpox virus, the village elders had instituted their own methods for controlling the virus, according to their received wisdom, which was to cut their villages off from the world, to protect their people from a raging plague.”
The villagers had simple ways to protect themselves that made a lot of sense and didn’t make the world more dangerous in the process.
I never believed Covid required locking everyone down. It was a grand experiment of sorts. A way to see how far the masses would go in obeying the orders of their overlords.
If you doubt what I say, it’s easy to prove.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson continued holding his “wine and cheese parties” while forcing citizens into lockdowns.
The scientist whose advice was key in triggering Britain's lockdown continued visiting his girlfriend across town.
Obama’s birthday bash, where guests were maskless, but the help were not, was deemed safe because the guests were “a sophisticated, vaccinated crowd”. Wow, if that doesn’t tell you what the elite think of the rest of us, I don’t know what does.
The elite didn’t give up travel either. During the height of the pandemic, Town & Country reported “all 40 of the sprawling villas at The Four Seasons Hotel & Residences in Anguilla were sold out. Going for between $15,000 to $20,000 a night. During the Christmas–New Years period Jumby Bay Island in Antigua had more guests on the island than last year (this while operating under social distancing and safety protocols). Last month XO, a private aviation company, saw an unprecedented 95 percent increase in deposit memberships over the previous year”.
I can tell you, if it had been “the height of an Ebola pandemic”, those same elites would have fled in terror to their country estates or underground fortresses, the rest of us be damned. Like the massive $100 billion underground bunker Mark Zuckerberg is building, with its own sources of food and energy, and including a “blast-resistant” concrete and steel door with an escape hatch.
The scientific experts cried wolf with Covid. The problem is, if the danger is real next time, will anyone believe them? And even if it is, it’s a joke to think there will ever be a realistic plan in place to protect billions of people.
In the meantime, we are told it is necessary for billions upon billions of dollars to be spent on making diseases more dangerous if we are to protect ourselves from them. But perhaps the real danger is the overlords. How do we protect ourselves against them?
“The rain forest has its own defenses. The earth’s immune system, so to speak, has recognized the presence of the human species and is starting to kick in. The earth is attempting to rid itself of an infection by the human parasite…. The emergence of AIDS, Ebola, and any number of other rain-forest agents appears to be a natural consequence of the ruin of the tropical biosphere.” ~The Hot Zone
With Ebola, Nature gave us a grave lesson, a momentary reprieve and a chance to mend out ways.
“Nature had seemed to be closing in on us for a kill, when she suddenly turned her face away and smiled. It was a Mona Lisa smile, the meaning of which no one could figure out.” ~ The Hot Zone
In the end, it was Nature that saved humanity from Ebola, not the experts with all their grand experiments. Nature knows its course and we had best not upset it.
Mother Nature is healin'--WE humans are blessed with the ability ta heal--as is the Earth. BUT whin they mess with DNA, mRNA, an' "kill us with countermeasures" --b/c all the jabs-bad were developed by the DOD as bioweapons...an' USED on us! (cuz we are deemed "the enemy" now...) then our natural defenses are downed. The jabs did it the worst but all the nano/chemtrails, 5G, etc. also wear down our immune systems. All this ta say, they have bioweaponized our very lives! BUT/also--they have instilled fear--as ya said, "covidcon" wuz not deadly--but even worse stuff needs terrain to take hold--like weakened immune systems, electrosmog...and FEAR. (Fear affects yer aura, yer hippocampus, an' more--not good!). An' folks were conned even about "viruses" (I call 'em walruses). JJ Couey is worth a shout out an' a listen--his stuff is loooong but he's onta all the con artists, gate keepers, an' distractors...bless 'im fer his hard work (the last postin' he did on his birthday!) Give 'im a listen fer more "stem" perspective on the "bioweapons" here:
ps CHD fired him (likely fer askin' too many questions over the target) an' offered him $8K as non-disclosure hush money. UGH. Lowers my view of CHD now... do we have anyone with boots big enuf ta fight the bioweapon beast? (JJ is just one voice but he's a brave 'un!)
yup, but tryin' ta eat healthy, avoid toxic stuff (all the arty-fish-alls), gettin' our zzz's at nite--they DO help--an' bein' aware without livin' in fear 'bout this stuff. Fear is their weapon--human resilience, faith, an' beauty is ours (also usin' our noggins which they don't count on). I agree folks shouldn't be torn asunder arguin' about the cause--but if we know "THEIR" biggest goal is fear--cuz it's FEAR that made folks take the jabs, FEAR will make'em cave ta jab-passports an' CBDC's...all that stuff--so if we AGREE on the FEAR CON an' don't fall fer the "fear porn" (ebola monday, marburg tuesday, etc) then I think the species kin survive! Heck, they're puttin' the thumbscrews on us but we ain't yet left out in the cold with a stampedin' wooly mammoth headin' our way! (Our ancestors likely all managed ta not let fear git the best've 'em with a lot more gumption but we kin aim for it! You set us all a great example with yer brave tales--in Luxor, with prison girls--heck I'd'a been skeered!) So we all need ta keep askin' questions AND feel the stronger fer it (not more fearful). Howz that fer a bigger picture?
ps JJ Couey is VERY positive! His whole deal is tryin' ta git past baloney ta make us less fearful--an' MORE confident in the power of our own innate immune systems (he's like a purdy cool / funny dad tryin' ta figger out stuff like ScoobyDoo n' Shaggy... just in case ya do wanna check out his stuff...)