Mother Nature is healin'--WE humans are blessed with the ability ta heal--as is the Earth. BUT whin they mess with DNA, mRNA, an' "kill us with countermeasures" --b/c all the jabs-bad were developed by the DOD as bioweapons...an' USED on us! (cuz we are deemed "the enemy" now...) then our natural defenses are downed. The jabs did it the worst but all the nano/chemtrails, 5G, etc. also wear down our immune systems. All this ta say, they have bioweaponized our very lives! BUT/also--they have instilled fear--as ya said, "covidcon" wuz not deadly--but even worse stuff needs terrain to take hold--like weakened immune systems, electrosmog...and FEAR. (Fear affects yer aura, yer hippocampus, an' more--not good!). An' folks were conned even about "viruses" (I call 'em walruses). JJ Couey is worth a shout out an' a listen--his stuff is loooong but he's onta all the con artists, gate keepers, an' distractors...bless 'im fer his hard work (the last postin' he did on his birthday!) Give 'im a listen fer more "stem" perspective on the "bioweapons" here:


ps CHD fired him (likely fer askin' too many questions over the target) an' offered him $8K as non-disclosure hush money. UGH. Lowers my view of CHD now... do we have anyone with boots big enuf ta fight the bioweapon beast? (JJ is just one voice but he's a brave 'un!)

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Author

I think the worst of it is our weakened immune systems. There are so many ways out immune systems are being compromised it's impossible anymore to target one source to blame. And that's to the advantage of the elite and their experts.

We waste a lot of time arguing about what is causing the problem, creating division amongst ourselves, forgetting about the bigger picture.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

yup, but tryin' ta eat healthy, avoid toxic stuff (all the arty-fish-alls), gettin' our zzz's at nite--they DO help--an' bein' aware without livin' in fear 'bout this stuff. Fear is their weapon--human resilience, faith, an' beauty is ours (also usin' our noggins which they don't count on). I agree folks shouldn't be torn asunder arguin' about the cause--but if we know "THEIR" biggest goal is fear--cuz it's FEAR that made folks take the jabs, FEAR will make'em cave ta jab-passports an' CBDC's...all that stuff--so if we AGREE on the FEAR CON an' don't fall fer the "fear porn" (ebola monday, marburg tuesday, etc) then I think the species kin survive! Heck, they're puttin' the thumbscrews on us but we ain't yet left out in the cold with a stampedin' wooly mammoth headin' our way! (Our ancestors likely all managed ta not let fear git the best've 'em with a lot more gumption but we kin aim for it! You set us all a great example with yer brave tales--in Luxor, with prison girls--heck I'd'a been skeered!) So we all need ta keep askin' questions AND feel the stronger fer it (not more fearful). Howz that fer a bigger picture?

ps JJ Couey is VERY positive! His whole deal is tryin' ta git past baloney ta make us less fearful--an' MORE confident in the power of our own innate immune systems (he's like a purdy cool / funny dad tryin' ta figger out stuff like ScoobyDoo n' Shaggy... just in case ya do wanna check out his stuff...)

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Thanks! I followed him on X.

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Jan 28Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone.....

Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today


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Interesting. I will look further at this.

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Jan 28Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


The deadline (January 27, 2024) to submit proposed amendments has passed. It is the responsibility of every sovereign member nation of the WHO to defend the rule of law and enforce Article 55. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/enforcearticle55

SHARE as if your life depends on this because it DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jan 29Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The National Geographic special on the Disney app glorifies Fauci. Fauci has been directing the funds for all kinds of sick projects going back to torture of children suspected of having AIDS.

Just think about the mentality of anyone who enjoys coming up with better poisons, or anthrax, or sand fleas, or nerve agents or.......

There were always a handful of sick teenagers who used to enjoy causing pain and suffering, tormenting other kids in school.

What happens when they get older? Do they suddenly find love and respect and empathy for others?

If parents and teachers and coaches allow these kids to act like psychopaths and get away with it in school, then they will increase the likelihood that they will cause even worse harm later.

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True. Just the influence of video games on youth is terrible. In the local school, it seems almost all the kindergarten kids play Minecraft--five and six year olds. Parents think it is fine. I wrote about this in Killer Robots, Video Games & Artificial Wombs https://khmezek.substack.com/p/killer-robots-video-games-and-artificial

And an expose of Fauci in The Victimization of Dr. Fauci & the Resurrection of HIV https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-victimization-of-dr-fauci-and

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Jan 29Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I’m going to check out those articles now. Thank you for sharing your insights with me.

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No surprise that the Disney app glorified the "Vampire". The organization is made up of members of the same swamp that pushes his "scientific genius" buffalo dung.

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a propos've this topic--hot off the presses, just via the Rand Corp--the human body as "warfare terrain"--couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!


analysis + here:


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The first link you posted didn't work. But, yeah, that's scary stuff. They are insane.

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What's missing from the gain of function virus arguement is the application of electromagnetic frequencies which perturb the nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin.

The Five Eyes psychopaths have always been obsessed with surveillance. Thanks to Professor, Ian F. Akyildiz (whose patents were frozen by the CIA for 7 years) and the Internet of Nano Things our biometrics are attached to the Cloud.






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yup, Sabrina Wallace has been diggin' deep inta that "under the skin" stuff too!

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Jan 29Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Well, I like the premise of The Hot Zone…it was released in D.C.!

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😂😂😂 that's funny, although I wouldn't really wish that on anyone.

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Jan 29Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

(No, me either, but if it HAD to happen, I’m just sayin’….)

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Jan 29Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

2020 Final Death Statistics: COVID-19 as an Underlying Cause of Death vs. Contributing Cause

(Please note: Death’s caused by the MRNA bionanotechnology jabs are not discussed.)


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Jan 29Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Scientists understand the $ value of the pathogens they are working on. Despite contracts and security protocols, they are still able to walk out of a lab w a vile in their pocket.

This scenario happens a lot.

Here is one that might point a finger towards the origins of 'covid'.


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Yep, I read about that. With the direction this is going, it's surprising something worse hasn't happened by now. Although, we have no way of knowing what we are breathing in, what we are eating, drinking, and how it might have been altered. So many people are complaining about how sick they are this winter. It isn't just Covid or the vaccines, I think it's a mistake that people focus just on that. There are so many reasons our immune systems are being destroyed, and that makes it difficult to target just one thing to fight. There are too many battles on too many fronts.

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Jan 29Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I lived a half hour away from Reedly, a tiny farming town, mostly Hispanics. When the story broke I was rather surprised. I guess it's these towns that are under the radar. The growing number of them is frightening.

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Wow, that's so interesting. We really don't know what's going on under our noses.

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Exactly. Little farm community....

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I pray every night for God to destroy the evil ones. They will die soon, and God will send each and every one of them to the eternal Lake of Fire . I pray he begins with the ones involved with the CDC, FDA , WEF, WHO, UN and pharma companies first. It will happen before they know it. Eternity is a long time and such evil human/demons deserve that judgement. They are working to destroy “God’s creation”. God always wins in the end...... Thank you, God.

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Praying to your God will not destroy the evil ones of the world. Sorry, depending on your God to do your wishes will not bear fruit.

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They will die. It just will not be a soon, as I would like. God has the plan and the Bible tells where these evil souls will go. That brings me peace knowing I will not have to see such evil in the near future.

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Obviously, your faith is boundless.

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Yes it is. God is real and He holds the plan. Find Him, if you don’t know him. ❣️

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They will die. It just will not be a soon, as I would like. God has the plan and the Bible tells where these evil souls will go. That brings me peace knowing I will not have to see such evil in the near future.

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hmmm, mebbe try this one--it's just the original Rand document--an' yes they are INSANE (I thought science fiction entered the realm of the makin' ya wanna close yer eyes--too dystopian--but the REAL stuff is far far worse!)


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Scary stuff. We have to remember God told us not to fear but to trust Him. Otherwise, knowing what we know, I would be paralyzed by fear. There is a lot of scary stuff in this world.

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Also the movie Warning Sign. I re watch it yearly.

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I remember reading The Hot Zone when it came out. It totally terrified me at how close it was in Reston Va. Good article, Karen

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