More than 19 million Americans have a felony on their permanent record. That’s a huge chunk of society that will potentially identify with Trump, the "Man of the People".
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Nearly 80 million Americans, or about one-third of the total U.S. adult population, are living with some kind of criminal record. Incarceration rates of children are 5 to 10 times higher than other developed countries.
More than 19 million Americans have a conviction that has led to a felony on their permanent record and Trump has now become one of them.
This is a discounted huge chunk of society, many of whom could potentially identify with Trump.
As of April 2024, people convicted of a felony in Maine, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. retained the right to vote while incarcerated. In 38 other states, people convicted of a felony could not vote while incarcerated but automatically regained the right to vote upon their release or at some point thereafter. Ten states did not automatically restore voting rights for people convicted of a felony.
As I mentioned in Is this the end of our Republic, unless this is all being done on purpose, so that when Trump becomes president and the financial system collapses and the world is plunged into World War III (because I do believe it’s too late to stop this runaway train), Trump can be used as the scapegoat, then the Biden administration is completely out of touch with the American people and its strategy is utter lunacy.
Remember Trump’s infamous mug shot?
In August of 2023, Trump supporters lined the streets of the notorious Fulton County Jail, a place Black Americans are well familiar with. It should have been a disaster for a presidential candidate to be booked there. Instead, like everything else the BTR (Biden Totalitarian Regime), throws at Trump, his arrest and mug shot were a huge success, with calls of “the hood is now going all-in for Trump.”
No full-blooded American capitalist, especially not Trump, could let an opportunity like that go to waste. It wasn’t long before t-shirts and coffee mugs featuring the mugshot were being sold online. Within a matter of days, Trump had raked in over $9 million.
But that’s nothing compared to what’s going on now.
Within 24 hours of Trump’s felony conviction, Trump had raised nearly $53 million.
The amount shattered previous records and raked in enough cash to help him close what has been a substantial financial gap with President Biden.
“It is hard to put the enormity of the sum into proper perspective, but it would nearly match, in a single day, the $58 million that Mr. Trump’s main fund-raising arm raised online in the last six months of 2023”, according to federal records.
People forget that millions of Americans are trapped inside the justice system, many of whom consider they have been treated unfairly. For convicted felons, their lives are a constant struggle against stigma and seemingly insurmountable odds. Who do you think they will vote for?
Don’t misunderstand me. That is not to say we should not be tough on crime. However, there is no doubt that our justice system is corrupt. Like most institutions, the justice system has become a money-making machine benefiting the elite. Certainly, it’s not a place where the American people come first.
Having co-founded InsideOUT Writers in 1996, a creative writing program for incarcerated youth in Los Angeles, working especially with High-Risk Offenders (HROs) those facing life sentences for serious crimes, the topic of incarceration is close to my heart.
Over and over, I witnessed the injustice of the justice system and gave my all to publishing the stories of incarcerated youth so that their voices could be heard. Once IOW became “cool” (it certainly wasn’t when it started, everyone thought I was crazy), I was increasingly at odds with the Hollywood leftist/elitists who seized control and in 2006, I was ousted from my own organization. Even so, I’m thankful that thousands of young people have been helped over the years and the organization continues today.
According to The Marshall Project:
The United States incarcerates more people per capita than any other developed country. In March 2020, before many COVID-19-related releases took place, about 2.3 million people were imprisoned in state, federal, military and U.S. territory prisons; local and federal jails; juvenile and immigration detention centers; Indian Country jails; civil commitment centers and state psychiatric hospitals.
Conditions in jails, prisons and detention centers are often harsh, including the use of solitary confinement, poor mental and physical healthcare, revolting food, unsafe buildings and violence.
Democrats, leftists and those who call themselves liberals can make fun of Trump all they want, they can call his supporters every vile name in the book, like I saw yesterday, plastered all over social media. This post of one of my Facebook writer friends is just one of many:
Those jurors were very brave, but i wonder if they know what they're in for. Some MAGA nut will find out their names, publish them with addresses and then they are the hunted.
With responding comments like this:
We will all have to protect them then, won't we?
We are the land of the free and the home of the brave and these 12 jurors are true Americans in their bravery.
Mobsters get locked up every day without jurors getting hunted down. Americans need to stop fearing the threats from mobsters. The possibility of violence is real. MAGA is unhinged and heavily armed. But we can’t back away from Rule of Law or things will get even worse for us.
They just don’t get it in their self-righteous, fairytale-land, hypocrisy. Surely a convicted felon would be shunned, would become the lowest of the low, along with his dangerous MAGA supporters. But what they’ll never understand is that the more the BTR attacks Trump, the more he is derided and dragged through the mud, the more his supporters are demonized—the more he becomes a MAN OF THE PEOPLE.
Biden supporters might find that offensive. They might think, wow, after all we’ve done “for the poor” and “people of color”, how can they betray us like this? But the truth of the matter is, the BTR doesn’t really like the poor or people of color—it doesn’t really like the people, period. So it shouldn’t come as any big surprise that the people have finally figured that out.
Brilliantly piece once again! Potentially 19 million votes will offset all the illegals who were allowed to enter our country illegally via the biden administration of traitors.
The face of pure evil.