Brilliantly piece once again! Potentially 19 million votes will offset all the illegals who were allowed to enter our country illegally via the biden administration of traitors.

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Spoiler Alert!! It won't matter if the machines are rigged through social engineering and the Cybersecurity Hackers (Chinese) who have access to the software and even the hardware built into the machines, easy to manipulate with scripted variables programmed into the machines to flip the votes! They did that in 2020; the "My Pillow" guy spent over $1M of his own money with the best Cybersecurity experts in North America. Mike "Judas" Pence discounted and would not allow the election to be reconsidered or reviewed. The DemonRats will install Gavin Gruesome Newsom for POTUS, and he will appoint "Mike Mike" Obama as VP! The cheating this year will make 2020 look fair!

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The face of pure evil.


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He probably thought he looked slick with that little smile, but he looked like a joker. Or The Joker

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Oh we believe this, so far is outrageous, but just wait.... this summer is going to be the summer from BTR hell. The BTR will create violence perpetrated by the criminal Trump and ... more fires and looting and stuff. 😂😂 🙏🏼🇺🇸 We need to pray fervently for the VSGPDJT🇺🇸

The Regime will begin with it's most destructive rage in October, It needs to be fresh in the minds

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I enjoyed this and appreciate everything that you write and state. Have a blessed day.

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Thank you. God bless.

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This demonization of "MAGA / Trump Supporters" is very like the demonization of the "Anti-vaxxers." A lot are probably the very same people; middle/low-income. These are the people who are not fooled by the scripted propaganda, and have a sense to recognize when something is not right. Lord knows, there are enough red flags. But it is just like the woman who tried to tell the "sweetest, nicest" woman you would want to know, that that man will hurt you and may kill you. The woman telling her had already been attacked and nearly killed by the man; beaten and stabbed. She looked terrible and she had sent her pictures, of herself trying to warn her, but instead she took the guy in. Well, he killed the trusting "sweetest, nicest" woman as her friends describe her. The only good that came of it, he was put away for a very long time. He should never been released.

I don't know if this is part of the menticide, but it appears to be planted ideas through BTR and Media, that are repeated over and over until some people believe it. They start alienating and attacking the people who don't do as Gov tells them. If you don't get vaxxed, you should not get care when you go to the hospital. You still cannot get a lung transplant until vaxxed. There is a woman that cannot get a lung transplant at the Mayo Clinic because CDC requires it.


All this is hype and mind control. I don't know if the Hollywood stars are stupid or in on the propaganda. But some of those people wished the death of the "Unvaxxed" and said they deserved to die. Same for support of Trump... "Trumpers, MAGA Cult, Ultra-MAGA." It is all said to stimulate a weak minded person to form a fear and hate for Trump Supporters. I am actually afraid to wear a hat or shirt with Trump or MAGA on it, and have been for some years. The brainwashed left are unhinged. They are the ones losing it and attacking innocent people. How many attacks have been done by the conservatives? None I can think of. How many by the lunatic lefties, to include staged hoaxes. The attack at the ballfield where Steve Scalese was shot, and could have been killed. I've read people shooting their neighbors, and attacking old people.

Some people just repeat what is said, and don't know what is true. They seem to want to believe regardless even if what they are saying has been debunked. I a read a comment the other day on here on the last article I read of yours. The commenter called Trump a liar and a bunch of other nonsense. He probably believes in Russiagate, the pee tape, phone call. etc. All these crazy things that were hoaxes that have been proven they were not real, but manufactured at the highest levels of the Gov't, with the support of the FBI. I don't know of a more honest man than Trump. He speaks from his heart and loves this country. Biden on the other hand has sold it out and made millions off of this country. He and his whole family are criminals, and are untouchable. That is what should upset people. The real crimes and the real lies.

Best I can tell Trump didn't commit any crime, and 34 X 0 still equals 0. We do not know what specific crime that the entire jury agreed upon. They had a smorgasborg to pick from and they all didn't have to agree on one? There was nothing legal or right about the trial. It has totally tarnished NY Justice System and the US Justice System. This was a Federal trial put on at a state level, with no real crimes, and primary witnesses were a porn star who is a ghost hunter, and a disbarred liar and thief. There were no victims of a crime. This will discourage other developers from doing business in NY. What developer hasn't borrowed money? Trump paid loans off, banks are happy, no complaints there. What famous person hasn't had to pay off some female to shut her up. I think the congressman/senators have a slush fund for this. The crime went from overestimating size of condo, to just tawdry scandal about a porn star. This was so ridiculous. The more Stormy talked the more it was obvious it was about making this salacious drama. Why would a decent Judge allow all that in. They were really desperate, to create a crime out of thin air. I really didn't care to hear it. She was all in from the day she met him, she went after him because he is powerful. She said so herself. If he wasn't who he was, she would not have pursued him.

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Yes, this is the natural extension of the demonization of the antivaxxed.

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I just read another article equating the shenanigans of H. Clinton in the 2016 election; not quite the same as Trump's, but similar. She was fined $8K.

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Yes he should be fined and get a slap on the wrist. We shall see....

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Your work with incarcerated youth is honourable but equating Trump, who will never serve a day behind bars, with society's most vulnerable is disingenuous. However, you are correct that doing so will generate more votes for him. That's why his felony charges, trial and conviction are bread and circuses for the masses which perpetuate the fake 2-party paradigm. There is no way to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and the military-industrial-pharma complex because they fund and own both parties.

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Do you really think that I think the plight of the poor and disenfranchised who end up incarcerated is the same as what is happening to Trump? I talked about the reasons why Trump is a man of the people. I talked about that in my two latest essays. I don't know how I can explain it any clearer.

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You can also read The Trouble with Trump if you would like to find out more. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-trouble-with-trump

Or search the word "Trump" to find all the essays I've written on this topic.

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Ah, what a shoe! All to distract from a genocide. Says covid jabs saved lives. I mean, you trust that?

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I didn't read anywhere that Karen is trusting Trump. Karen is merely pointing out that the courts of NY are based on politics than the rule of law. Most people who are awake know that justice is not blind and probably never has been. Others that have been raped by the system are identifying with Trump, and are supporting him with money, and if given the opportunity, will vote for him.

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