It's the Jews, it's always the 'mf' Jews
"The danger I see looming is the scenario of America as the last man standing. The United States as the last bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe." ~ Geert Wilders
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It is heartbreaking and it also angers me to report that the bodies of six Israeli hostages have been recovered from a Hamas tunnel in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.
The hostages are Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lubnov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, and Almog Sarusi, 25.
They were murdered by their captors not long before they were found. Shamefully, the Biden administration’s propaganda machine, CNN, announced the murder of Hersh Goldberg-Polin like this:
DIED. Not murdered. Died.
This is the young American who had part of his arm blown off in the October 7th attack by demons from hell. DEMONS. How can we forget this horrific video Hamas released of Hersh, using this young American for propaganda purposes. Look how haunted he is, look at his arm. Yes, it’s hard to look, but do it anyway:
His parents spoke on the stage at the Democratic convention. But what did Biden or Harris ever do for these hostages? Nothing. Now Harris says she vows to bring them home. She’s the vice president for goodness’ sake. She already had almost a year to do that.
The world found out the weakness of the Biden administration on February 29, 2020, with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, resulting in the deaths of 13 US military and countless innocent civilians. As a result, we see what is happening in Afghanistan with the horrific persecution of women, where even a woman’s voice cannot be heard in public.
And yet these women bravely speak out. They put West “protestors” to shame.
“The only right we are allowed is to breathe. And even then ...” says Hamida Aman, founder of Begum TV, a Paris-based channel aimed at educating Afghan women and girls.
In the video below, an Afghan woman sings "My voice is not 'aurat'"(meaning something abominable, of the female sex).
Islamic countries all over the world have taken note of how the US abandons its own and have been emboldened to intensify their Holy War. Ever since October 7th, ignorant Westerners have been protesting against Israel, when the opposite should have been happening. The West should have stood up with a united front and condemned Hamas in no uncertain terms. Every person on the street should have recognized the evil that had occurred and demanded justice. Israel should have been given free rein to hit back mercilessly. Instead, the war has dragged on. In response, the United States did just what the terrorists expected it to do. Nothing much, even for its own hostages.
Now that the new school year has started, we won’t be seeing Hersh’s image on signs with students demanding justice for him. We will see continued protests across the West in favor of those who murdered him and are now called “freedom fighters”.
I have to say, we in the West don’t understand the mentality of those in the Islamic world.
This is extremely frustrating for me, and I keep writing about it because I see how we are losing everything we have fought for to this ignorance. We are inviting evil into our very homes, as I warned about in A Vampire Came to Call.
Let me tell a story to illustrate what I mean. Living in Luxor, Egypt became very dangerous during the pandemic, cut off as it was from the outside world. My friend Gitte, who I wrote about for Egyptian Streets in The Lost Foreign Women of Luxor, and I felt that we were surrounded by wolves closing in for the kill.
In the winter of 2019, I was living in a villa where the young manager was married to an elderly Dutch woman. One evening as I was sitting on the rooftop terrace enjoying the sunset, she came up to sit with me. She told me her story of how she and Mohammed (it seems like almost every man is named Mohammad) had met one year ago when she’d been visiting as a tourist. It was love at first sight, she claimed, sounding like a young girl. For both of them.
I didn’t say anything. I’d heard the story too many times before from elderly women. It’s harsh to mention, but didn’t they look in the mirror? Wasn’t it obvious it was all a lie? How could they delude themselves like that?
This woman had no family and few friends back in the Netherlands. She had worked hard all her life and had built up some savings. She took all her savings, sold everything and had come to live in this villa a few months previously, sinking it all into the property. She told me she was content to live out the rest of her days here and be buried in the Coptic cemetery on the edge of Luxor. I knew too much about this cemetery, a place where foreigners were tossed into holes dug in the sand, without even a coffin.
I also knew that this woman owned nothing of this villa, even if she thought she did, even if she had signed some papers, it was all a lie. But I thought, well, perhaps it doesn’t matter. She has no heirs anyway. Still, I feared for her safety. She lived on the floor above me and could barely make it up the stairs, yet she never complained. She was so vulnerable.
A couple of weeks later, she was knocking at my door and when I answered, she rushed inside, crying and terrified. She had gotten into an argument with her husband, and he had become violent. She had no more money to invest into the property, and they still needed to fix up the bottom floor. Now, she was useless to him, and she saw the truth. She needed to get away. But there were no flights out of the country and anyway, where would she go?
There was nothing I could do for her. Like so many foreign women in Luxor, she had put herself in this situation. The police would not help her. The other foreign women who lived there would not help her. They feared their own husbands. It was a cruel place where the women pretended to be friends, but no one really trusted anyone else.
I had already decided I’d had enough of Luxor and was going to leave on the first plane I could get. I’d hoped to do a writing and art program connecting kids there with kids in a school back in Los Angeles. But there was so much corruption, so much suspicion and so much greed, I had found it impossible. It would be months before any flights resumed and I was able to get out.
The next day, the Dutch woman seemed to be okay. She said they had made up. But I knew it wouldn’t last. I told Mohammad that I was concerned for her. I warned him that I would have to tell the authorities if this happened again. From that moment on, I was his enemy, which did not surprise me. I’d lived in Luxor long enough to know how it worked. Gitte had already asked me to move into her villa and I decided I would.
The day I paid Mohammad the last of the money for my final month, and he realized I really was moving out; he became very angry and started yelling at me that I had to stay there. I was his only source of income, there were no tourists. I tried to close the door, and he put his sandaled foot in the way, so I slammed his foot, and he removed it with a yelp. I closed and locked the door. He went away for a few minutes then came back, banging on the door and yelling. So, I opened it, with my phone in his face, videorecording him.
“What are you doing,” he demanded, suddenly worried.
I told him in a strong voice, not yelling, just very strong, “I’m video recording you because you are threatening me. Every time I talk to you, until I leave, I will film you. If you give me trouble, your face will be all over the world on social media.”
From then on, he didn’t bother me. I moved out and that was the end of it. I never found out what happened to his wife. I hope she got out. But as with so many others, she would have had to leave with nothing but the clothes on her back, all her hard-earned savings gone.
I tell this story to explain that this is a different world from the West. It isn’t as if there are a few obnoxious men who will give you trouble, like everywhere in the world. ALL the men, at least every single one that I met, and that Gitte met (and she lived there for over 6 years) are like this. They all hate you because you are an infidel. This isn’t some exaggeration. It has nothing to do with me having some personal vendetta against Islam or these men. It is how it is. Period.
The minute they can no longer cheat you and steal from you, they will toss you aside like a tainted piece of meat. And these men aren’t even terrorists! They are just ordinary men that you would see if you visited Luxor as a tourist and they would be nice to you, and you would never dream that so much darkness could lie beneath the surface.
What I really want to emphasize with this story is that YOU CANNOT SHOW WEAKNESS WITH THESE MEN. If they are aggressive with you, you have to be ten times more aggressive with them or they will just attack you more and you will become a walking ghost like so many of the women in that place. I learned this lesson very quickly in Luxor. But then, unlike the vast majority of women, I am a full contact fighter, so I have a different demeanor. how you act is very important. That’s why I survived.
I cannot go back to Luxor. I would not be safe now. Times are very different. Back then, Donald Trump was president. You can hate Trump as much as you want, I really don’t care, but the fact is, anyone in my situation would have appreciated him. There was no war in the Middle East then. Rather, there was a lot of hope for peace. He was a strong president. Much of the reason why I was able to get Gitte and myself out of a dangerous situation when her villa was surrounded by a mob of men who were determined to take it from her by force, was because I was an American and because Trump was president.
If I had been in that situation now, I could well have been badly beaten by those men, and who knows what else. They would have known no one was standing up for me in my country. And it all started with Afghanistan.
Yes, I wrote my last essay, In Defense of Faith, about what it means to be a follower of Jesus, even unto the cross. But I also wrote about the fact that this world has been given over to Satan and it is ugly and it’s evil and war is hell. Being a martyr for your faith is necessary, but we also need those who are not afraid to fight, even in war.
You cannot negotiate with terrorists. You cannot appease monsters who make it clear that their entire purpose is to exterminate every Jew on the planet and then they will come for everyone else who does not bow to the Caliphate.
So, we need a reminder, because this is what is happening. Instead of recognizing evil and rooting it out, people are succumbing to evil and turning Jews into the scapegoats once again, just as they have always been. As you can see from this disgusting “meme”, this is how the hatred grows:
It builds and it builds until all Jews are demonized.
What exactly have the Jews done to deserve this kind of hatred, because I’ve never heard of a Jewish suicide bomber or a knife attacker yelling in Hebrew “God is great” as they butcher as many innocent people as possible. Last time I checked, Jews hadn’t hijacked any planes and flown them into buildings (although crazy people like Candace Owens blame Jews for 9/11, too). They haven’t put out any “fatwas” on artists, writers or Christian leaders who disrespected the Torah, as the Ayatollah Khomeini put out on Salmon Rushdie who was almost knifed to death. And there are many others.
You could almost think Jews might be angry enough to do something vengeful like that. But they don’t. They are very good, however, at targeting murderers such as Ismail Haniyeh with great precision.
Yes, we need a little reminder. Here is ISIS, from nine years ago. Please don’t argue that the United States created ISIS. I have written about the responsibility the US bears. This problem has been going on long before the United States or the current Israel state existed, actually, it goes all the way back to Abraham.
Here is evil incarnate, yelling “God is Great!” as they stone this woman to death:
Insanely, just to hold onto hatred of Jews, blaming them for everything, Westerners will turn a blind eye to every other kind of horror, even to the killing of Christians by Islamists.
Last Christmas while Westerners protested in favor of Hamas, Jihadist militia murdered 197 Christians in Nigeria.
What will Christmas be like this year? No doubt we can expect more protests against the evil Jews. Will anyone be demanding that the Nigerian government do something to stop the genocide there? I don’t think so.
According to Genocide Watch:
Since 2000, 62,000 Christians in Nigeria have been victims of genocide perpetrated by Islamist extremist groups Boko Haram, Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), and organized Fulani jihadists.
34,000 moderate Muslims have also been murdered by Islamist extremist groups since 2000.
Since 2000, 18,000 Christian churches and 2,200 Christian schools have been deliberately set on fire.
According to Catholic News Agency:
Just two weeks ago, 70 Christians were killed and at least 20 Nigerian Medical Association students were kidnapped while traveling to a conference.
“The figures for Nigeria in just the last few years are staggering,” said Nathan Berkeley, a spokesperson for the Religious Freedom Institute. “In 2022, more than 5,000 Christians [were] killed and more than 3,000 kidnapped. In 2023, as many as 8,000 Nigerian Christians were killed. Nigerian Christians are also regularly subjected to bullying and intimidation, including having their land taken away to force them to leave the region.”
Nina Shea, director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, said, “The shocking part is that after years of such attacks the government leadership in Abuja [the capital of Nigeria], who are both Muslims, passively sit by and allow this slaughter to continue with complete impunity.”
“The goal of both the militants and Abuja seems to be the forcible Islamization of central Nigeria.”
Despite these numbers, Berkeley added, “the U.S. government has refused to name Nigeria as a country of particular concern for religious freedom.”
Shame on the US government! This refusal to take a strong stand will only make things worse. The disease of Islamic extremism will only spread further.
As long as Westerners refuse to listen to the voices of those who know, like Lebanese filmmaker Youssef El-Khoury, they will remain ignorant.
The Palestinian cause Is fake,” El-Koury says. “There has never been a Palestinian entity; Nasrallah should just shut up, he pollutes the Lebanese mind, history, and heritage.”
Everyone is screaming that Hamas is innocent and Israel is using excessive force. This is not true. Hamas is a criminal and terrorist organization which perpetrated massacres on Oct 7th which led Israel to carry out a massive response. Meanwhile, Sinwar is still underground hiding. How come people are so proud of this “great leader” appointed by Hamas?
His appointment has exposed Hamas for what it is: an organization that doesn’t want peace and doesn’t care about its people and their fate. Two thirds of the people killed in Gaza are civilians. It is not because Israel is murderous and criminal, and it is bombing with airplanes indiscriminately and so on. No. It is because the Hamas fighters are hiding underground and let their people die above!
El-Koury speaks the truth because he KNOWS. He is not some foreign Jew hater spouting ignorance that he learned from other Jew-hating social media influencers, every one of them in a feeding frenzy of stupidity. He is a prominent Lebanese intellectual who risks death for speaking out.
Those who embrace Jew hate must now, oddly, embrace Islam. They ignore this contradiction, which just goes to show how deep and desperate their hate is. Far-right extremists such as Nick Fuentes and Candace Owens are strangely silent about Islam. It’s as if they are eating themselves from the inside out because they hate Jews so much. They cannot support the extermination of Jews without realizing that the extermination of Jews is a threat to them, too. If Israel fails and the Caliphate expands, jihadists will happily slice the heads off of Nick Fuentes and Candace Owens along with someone like me. We are all the same to them.
This next video, again, is very hard to watch but I would ask you to please to watch it. A true hero, an Israeli Muslim Bedouin who had a pregnant wife, stopped to help his Jewish brothers and sisters instead of driving by. The terrorists killed Amar, just as they will kill anyone and everyone who does not bow to their Holy War.
As you watch the video and you see the terrorists in the streets, going into homes, occupying the police station, ask yourself how you would feel if that was happening outside your window, in your neighborhood. How would you want to army to respond?
I long to hear the stories of Palestinians who helped save hostages. Have they been brave like Amar? Perhaps we aren’t being told their stories for their own safety, perhaps we just don’t know yet. Or perhaps such stories don’t exist. I pray we hear them one day and their courage brings tears to our eyes.
I end with an excerpt a by speech by Geert Wilders given to the Hudson Institute in New York. And I have to say it is strange how the world has turned upside down. How Wilders would be called far right and yet he stands with Israel.
I come to America with a mission. All is not well in the old world. There is a tremendous danger looming, and it is very difficult to be optimistic. We might be in the final stages of the Islamization of Europe. This not only is a clear and present danger to the future of Europe itself, it is a threat to America and the sheer survival of the West. The danger I see looming is the scenario of America as the last man standing. The United States as the last bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe. In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: who lost Europe? Patriots from around Europe risk their lives every day to prevent precisely this scenario from becoming a reality.
All throughout Europe a new reality is rising: entire Muslim neighborhoods where very few indigenous people reside or are even seen. And if they are, they might regret it. This goes for the police as well. It's the world of head scarves, where women walk around in figureless tents, with baby strollers and a group of children. Their husbands, or slaveholders if you prefer, walk three steps ahead. With mosques on many street corners. The shops have signs you and I cannot read. You will be hard-pressed to find any economic activity. These are Muslim ghettos controlled by religious fanatics. These are Muslim neighborhoods, and they are mushrooming in every city across Europe. These are the building-blocks for territorial control of increasingly larger portions of Europe, street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city.
There are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe. With larger congregations than there are in churches. And in every European city there are plans to build super-mosques that will dwarf every church in the region. Clearly, the signal is: we rule.
Many European cities are already one-quarter Muslim: just take Amsterdam, Marseille and Malmo in Sweden. In many cities the majority of the under-18 population is Muslim. Paris is now surrounded by a ring of Muslim neighborhoods. Mohammed is the most popular name among boys in many cities.
I support Israel. First, because it is the Jewish homeland after two thousand years of exile up to and including Auschwitz; second because it is a democracy, and third because Israel is our first line of defense.
The war against Israel is not a war against Israel. It is a war against the West. It is jihad. Israel is simply receiving the blows that are meant for all of us. If there would have been no Israel , Islamic imperialism would have found other venues to release its energy and its desire for conquest. Thanks to Israeli parents who send their children to the army and lay awake at night, parents in Europe and America can sleep well and dream, unaware of the dangers looming.
Many in Europe argue in favor of abandoning Israel in order to address the grievances of our Muslim minorities. But if Israel were, God forbid, to go down, it would not bring any solace to the West It would not mean our Muslim minorities would all of a sudden change their behavior, and accept our values. On the contrary, the end of Israel would give enormous encouragement to the forces of Islam. They would, and rightly so, see the demise of Israel as proof that the West is weak, and doomed. The end of Israel would not mean the end of our problems with Islam, but only the beginning. It would mean the start of the final battle for world domination. If they can get Israel, they can get everything.
Geert Wilders’ speech feels like it could have been given yesterday, yet it was given 16 years ago—and that’s the really disturbing thing about it. We didn’t listen then, and we aren’t listening now. When will we ever learn?
I had shorted this because it was so long, but since I have seen some of the disturbing comments, I am adding on what I edited out. I am sure it will drive some people crazy.
I have a video here of controversial Pastor Greg Locke speaking about God’s Chosen People to Berel Solomon. Now, as my readers know, I’m not a big fan of massive churches and flashy church services but this guy kept his church open during Covid and I respect that. I can’t find fault with his message on Israel, in fact it’s fantastic.
And this is a really interesting conversation because it’s between a Jew and a Christian and the Jew says, to be honest, he never talks about these things with anyone so it’s illuminating for him. I love this because respectful communication is the only way we will ever come together. We have lost this ability to communicate, and we need to restore it.
Pastor Locke lays out the biblical perspective in no uncertain terms. He isn’t afraid to say it.
All nations will turn against Israel, and we certainly are seeing that now, but as Pastor Locke says, it doesn’t matter. God will protect his people. He exhorts Christians to be bolder. We shouldn’t be afraid to say we stand with Israel. We could well be persecuted for it, but we absolutely should know we are standing on the side of good against evil.
Nobody is supposed to say that anymore, how dare anyone think they are on the side of good against evil. But sometimes, there actually is a good side that is fighting against evil, and this is one of those times.
The Bible says of Israel, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.”
And God is not talking about some new sect of Christians that have taken the place as God’s Chosen People. This is what people like Candace Owens believe, in their cultish world. It’s the wrong side, the side of evil.
God made his covenant with the Jewish people, and he will never break it. This is a spiritual battle and ultimately, it is a battle between God and Satan. If Satan can get his servants on earth to kill every Jew, then he has won. He has proved God a liar because God said he would protect his people.
This is not explained to Christians these days. Someone like Candace Owens who has millions of followers can appeal to their ignorance, especially among the younger generation because they don’t know the Bible, they don’t know history.
So please watch this video, it is really illuminating.
Christians have a choice. As Pastor Locke says, it is stated over 70 times in the Bible that “God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”. He doesn’t say the “God of Abraham, Ishamel, and their descendants”. Nor does he say of some new believers that take the place of the Jews.
You can claim it’s all a story, but who could deny that we are seeing the result of this story and have been seeing it fulfilled since the time of Abraham. It started in Genesis 16, with Abraham and Sarah’s choice not to trust in God’s promise of a son, resulting in the birth of Ishmael, and then Isaac. The war between these two brothers has never ceased since.
Berel Solomon asks Pastor Locke how come Americans aren’t siding with Israel right now and how could anyone be siding with someone like Candace Owens when the Bible is clear.
Locke says the answer is ignorance. People just don’t read their Bibles anymore. This is true, but I think it’s more than just ignorance. I think people want to be ignorant. They want excuses to hate Jews. This is a spiritual matter.
Berel Solomon makes a profound point at the end of their conversation. He says that on the plus side, since October 7th, people are actually talking about God in ways they never have before. They are looking to the Jewish people because God’s plan is about to unfold, with the Temple being rebuilt, which is a prophecy in the Bible.
Solomon tells Locke, “Whether it’s the Second Coming as you call it or the Moshiach, as Jews call it, something is going on right now. All eyes are on Israel.”
As Pastor Locke agrees with Solomon that what is happening now is going to change everything. It’s probably the most controversial thing to say today, that the Jews are God’s Chosen People but that’s okay. If you believe the Bible, then you shouldn’t be timid about saying this.
I will block people who can’t have respectful discourse.
The oldest hatred. Esau hates Jacob. Most of the western nations represent Esau.
Also, you are quite correct. I remember an interview with a retired CIA agent who was posted in the ME. He said western minds cannot begin to comprehend the jihad mindset. That they can't be bought off. Prosperity means nothing to them. Blood lust is their raison d'etre.
Late last night I heard about the execution of the six beautiful young people. It lodged like a rock in my chest. Couldn’t leave the house today. Couldn’t read Substack essays. But kh, you are such a fighter. I could read your post.
The dreaded Turk has entered the gates of Vienna. Has been invited in and given welcome and welfare.
Who will lead the crusade?
Billions following the insanity of a medieval slave trader from the Arabian peninsula.
How will they be stopped?