The oldest hatred. Esau hates Jacob. Most of the western nations represent Esau.

Also, you are quite correct. I remember an interview with a retired CIA agent who was posted in the ME. He said western minds cannot begin to comprehend the jihad mindset. That they can't be bought off. Prosperity means nothing to them. Blood lust is their raison d'etre.

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What about this mindset?


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Late last night I heard about the execution of the six beautiful young people. It lodged like a rock in my chest. Couldn’t leave the house today. Couldn’t read Substack essays. But kh, you are such a fighter. I could read your post.

The dreaded Turk has entered the gates of Vienna. Has been invited in and given welcome and welfare.

Who will lead the crusade?

Billions following the insanity of a medieval slave trader from the Arabian peninsula.

How will they be stopped?

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❤️🌷. It's so heartbreaking.

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Thanks for telling your personal stories from Luxor. There is nothing worse than a society that promotes violence against innocents in the name of self righteousness, and that is the mindset you encountered in Luxor and is spreading everywhere.

I read Geert Wilders book over a decade ago. He is the sort of very brave soul that is increasingly rare. Ayan Hirsi Ali was also very illuminating.

We live in an upside down world where suicidal useful idiots refuse to acknowledge the threat these people and the invading illegal immigrant army pose, and seek to stop us from speaking out against it.

As to 9/11 I find the evidence of an inside job very compelling, which is not to say that jihadists wouldn’t have done that or worse if they had been able to pull it off. TPTB has deployed so many brazen psyops that it is hard to know what is real.

Except for our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. May we be allowed to join him after we pass from this increasingly-becoming-a-hell-hole planet. 🌎

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I am quite ready to contemplate the possibility 9/11 was an inside job.

Thank you for the encouragement. Brave souls are few and far between. Not always easy writing pieces like this. God bless.

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If you do that Karen, beware of the narrative “it was all the Mossad..” That is the most prevalent claim out there, even by very good researchers. 9/11 was an inside job beyond a shadow of a doubt, BUT that doesn’t mean that Jihad doesn’t exist. Because that is the conclusion people come to; “if 9/11 was an inside job then all is an inside job, 10/7 was an inside job, and therefore Jihad is a lie and only used as a weapon against us… we can all sit and hold hands and sings Kumbaya.” It’s this AND that.

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imho likely it was a team effort--Mossad gits all the blame ("Dancin' Israelis") but from all I gather Mossad was just one piece of the puzzle--Brits were VERY involved, Saudis too--an' of course the USA--Mossad provided intelligence from all I gather--an' they gathered it too (that was the "art team"). I'd guess at LEAST all 5 Eyes were involved--Globalists all runnin' MI6, the CIA...an' sure, Mossad too... But ONLY the choos git blamed. I'll add.... I personally KNEW joos killed when the towers came down. I lived only BLOCKS from the site--an' I'm near-sure my older girl's autism is related ta what we had ta breathe in. LOTs of chews were harmed or even murdered in that "event" an' LOTS of chews came ta the aid of others--of all faiths. I know some of 'em.... just a "fyi".... 9/11 was a test for NOW!

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I banned that person. They don't even subscribe and they come on here to tell me it's the Jews, pretty much proving my point with my title. 🙄

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I trembled reading your post. Why don't many see what you write about? Near our Upstate New York house is a jihadist compound called Islamburg waiting to explode I'm sure, and when I mention this people are unconcerned about the 'neighbors' in the backyard.

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Excellent article. I appreciate all your work and support for getting the truth out to people regarding the importance of Israel.

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Here in the states, we are the army. If those ragheaded animal heathen bastards tried anything here, at least in Florida, we will kill them for you, no charge.

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I wouldn't put it exactly like you have, but let me just say, I should move to Florida.

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This country better wake up soon. How many Muslims jhadists in this godforsaken world vs the rest of us? A fu—ing lot! And they want to kill us. I stand with Israel. KHM you are so right about “slicing the heads off” non Muslims. The useful idiots we see on our college campuses would be the first to go headless. On another note, did anyone see the movie Reagan? It’s worth the time & money and gives me hope for the future. I’m voting Republican! 🥂🐸

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Hi there from England,

thanks for the latest post. I can only comment from my own experience,and that of others here in England,but since the 1960's we have seen a silent take over by the predominently Muslim groups within our population.many have warned about this over the years,and have been villified as 'racist' for their pains. This is akin to the meaningles 'anti-vaxxer' label of more recent times- a simplistic way of avoiding facing the issues brought up and silencing those who bring them to your attention.Over the years,and it has accelorated in recent years,the slow but steady take-over of businesses such as taxi firms,pharmacies,small shops,post offices etc, has continued,almost without the general public noticing or being concerned about it.Likewise the number of mosques being built and the way in which the authorities avoid criticizing some sections of society while being happy to vilify others, has increased.

We are asleep at the wheel,and risk throwing way our heritage and way of life,but any attempt to wake people us seems to fall on deaf ears. There are a couple of points I'd like to clarify,if i may.When Hamas poured through a gay in the fence,made with tractors etc,there was no response from the Israeli military for hours,something which is not disputed,and which was heavily criticized at the time within Israel by ex militarty personnel and others.The govt.enforced a news blackout and to this day have not explained why this occured.A recently retiring general was quoted as saying that the lack of response will haunt him to the end of his days.Given that the wall was the most heavily guarded and militarily defended spot on earth according to analysts, how could such a thing occur,and why did the authorities allow it? there have been accusations that the authorities were prepared to ignore warnings,which they received before the attack,and to effectively sacrifice their own people,to give them the chance to do what they wanted to do previously,but had not found the moral excuse for doing.The thousands of Palestinian women and children(predominently) who have died and been injured by the army.'s actvities,aided by western nations,did not commit atrocities.I don't condone barbaric behaviour by either side,of course.but when one sees online videos of israelis teaching their children to celebrate the deaths of palestinian children,it doesn't present a favourable image of Israeli society.the whole thing is an appalling mess,we can all agree on that,and yet another example of the current apparent insanity enveloping the world. Keep up the good work but don't turn a blind eye to Israel's faults.

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You are indeed correct. What is happening in the UK is so concerning. I lived there in the 1980s and thought it was such a great melting pot, so many cultures. Now, a real darkness has fallen. Asleep at the wheel, as if under some evil spell. People need to wake up. Thank you!

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You didn’t address the other issues in John Thorpes articulate message

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Israel has many (many) faults but most choos there do not wanna see Palestinian women & men die--there is some UGLY proper-gander out there--an' that is what yer seein'. It's spread around like so much peanut butter!

Some big slick Ad firm had a children's chorus (of six or so kids) signin' joyfully about the day when Gaza is destroyed an' it flew out on the innertubes like wildfire--that's the most self-destructive PR I've seen! (UNLESS it wuz planned that way--all the joos I know that saw it were horrified!) But what isn't shown is that joos in Israel WORK WITH Arabs & Palestinians an' could care less about them livin' in their faith (let alone wantin' 'em dead--not so!) as long as they aren't plannin' ta harm the Israeli joos. Cuz ya know some Palestinians that worked in Israel actually took strategic photos, got personal info--an' then used that "spy stuff" ta help Hamas with future attacks. So much fer tolerance an' YET the Israelis do not even now BAN the Palestinians from workin' there.

Many don't know---Jooish teams of medics treat Palestinians who are injured--but only the few unhinged brutal IDF outliers (who should be court martialed!) are shown as "representative" of the entire IDF. IDF members are out there to defend their country, not to wipe out an entire race of "Palestinians."

Most joos are not callin' fer the death of Palestinian women or children as the media would have many think!--they simply wanna be left alone.. to be allowed to live in peace. I'd say that's true of most Joos in the UK too... Joos in the UK are not harmin' Muslims--they are not teachin' their kids to do that either....

IMHO the Israeli viddeyos teachin' Israeli kids to wish the death of Palestinian children are the kind of propaganda that doesn't represent jooish values or the jooish state--but those images will stand far stronger than the images of Muslim men that go-pro'd their murder of jooish lives--most say the IDF "faked" those images...so that's how PR works..

I do NOT wish the death of any Palestinians--even the young men who have sadly been raised ta wish me & mine dead--I only wish for the war ta stop an' that Israel survive an' that those who hate us so much MEET some joos--because that is how things change--many testimonies of Muslims taught to hate joos with a passion meetin' some an' HAVIN' ta modify their views because the personal reality doesn't jib with the dogma. ... I don't think I'm alone... just sayin' this--I hold every joo responsible fer their actions & deeds--so any who hold such wishes ya saw in the PR are of course in the wrong--that's IF the editin' has not done 'em dirty as kin happen... (just as Joe Rogan did NOT support Kamala Harris here but was edited in such a way as it seemed he did...)

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Thank you so much Karen. Your voice is like iron in my blood. I admire your courage and honesty more than I can say.

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Really appreciate that, thank you! 🙏

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My heart was burstin' more 'n once here Karen--your words meanin' SO much ta me--the ugly "meme" ya posted--a way too popular theme--an' I'm SAD ta say it runs thru Substack like water flows down a stream--it's been normalized...popular doesn't even describe it!

(Also the Communists were British (paid) Agents--not noble but some will find it eye-openin' ta know this was not what it appears ta be---I posted a link ta Richard Poe on this fascinatin' research https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-424-how-the-british-invented-communism-and-blamed/id1545606136?i=1000663967972 ) ...blamed the jews would finish off the statement...)

Yet we joos don't wanna suppress such accusations an' memes (we are NOT the ADL--pleeze gawd let folks know this). We just WISH there were more voices sayin' some nicer things.... like yours! the cure fer hate is love, not more hate, the cure fer likes is truth--more of it.

Even worse....some chews (I'm ashamed ta say) fully support these ugly memes; they have taken up the clubs of their enemies -- (some) ta save their own skins, some cuz they truly feel it's in moral rectitude ta do so.... Or in solidarity? It's like self-flagellation! They club their own baby seals because a few adult seals didn't behave well--these few are not the ones that helped the joos last fer many thousands of years of course. Saddens me that some of these staunch anti-zionists (includin' the jooish ones) also join the cries against ANY joos that dare believe Israel has a right ta exist even if those voices don't use the terminology (eg Zionism)--- Some I know are actually decent folks with good consciences but they are deluded--they see not what they do. Ironically, they hold Israel to a "jooish" (!) higher standard that that state cannot (yet) meet--like the corrupt UN that is selective in its sanctions against Israel over all other nation--all've 'em cut all other nations (some far more criminal) all the slack in the world. Tho' I guess if ya push the same criteria ta apply ta the USA they should be join'in' them flag burners on campuses an' cheerin' fer the burnin' down of the while USA... I just don't git it...

Most folks don't realize that BOTH Gaza & the West Bank were originally jooish territories--not "Israeli occupied lands." This is inconvenient to "the cause" so it's ignored.

As they decry (some joos an' many non-joos both) the "criminal" an' insane plans ta rebuild the temple on the mount, they do not realize that the huge Al Aqusa Mosque built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem wuz done so in an act of violence--an' destruction an' erasure.

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That mosque was made to ERASE the joos from the holy land of Jerusalem an' erase the Temple of Solomon (important to the faith). (I know you know this stuff!) The builders destroyed ALL the jooish ancient artifacts an' holy relics an' after makin' 'em rubble--built the mosque right on top of 'em so no way could joos even do archeological excavation. (Some stuff wuz just carted away too...never ta be found!) It's like puttin' an occupier's FLAG on yer enemies' holy sites--in most places that'd be considered a crime (like what we in the US did ta Indian Burial sites, buildin' gas stations an' shoppin' malls upon 'em, an' it's RECOGNIZED as a WRONG) but no--here the joos are in the wrong for wantin' to worship on a site SO important ta them!

Neither Israel nor Jerusalem are mentioned in the Quoran--so what folks think is a jooish crime in the makin'--is simply wantin' back their most holy site desecrated by the Romans & foller-erz of Mohammad an' wantin' to BUILD back the temple.... I got no answers 'bout how this can be done sensitively--I ain't no architect but if they can move entire churches (Rocky-fellers did it)--they kin likely MOVE the Al Aqusa Mosque (takin' it apart, markin' every piece, reassemblin' it elsewhere)--an' not destroy it...because that jooish holy site meant nothin' to it's builders in terms of their own holy-land--their mosques do NOT face Jerusalem--nope, it's a symbol of CONQUEST an' outsiders don't wanna understand... SIGH... my heart is so full... so much ta say... so few who listen...

I had no idear 'bout this BRAVE bold Pastor or even 'bout this Beryl Solomon (now I wanna see his film!)--what a BEAUTIFUL conversation they had!--

It got me a mite teary--both spoke much truth an' the two faiths need ta come together more--in my "real" life I have many Christian friends, even back in NYC I always did. Lotta folks here where we've moved have never met a joo! So it'd be easy fer them ta form a bias 'bout what's fully UNKNOWN to 'em; if someone tells 'em see "these outsiders" (my fam started comin' here in the 1870s but we're always outsiders ta them) are the CAUSE of all their woes, havin' no livin' friend ta make 'em quesiton this--of course there's a good chance they'll believe.

But as ya stated, we "chews" don't wanna take some kinda "revenge" fer the hate spouted against us--we don't wanna see harm come ta Christians. Yet that's one lie that's spread around--that we joos wanna take over every part of AmeriKa an' erase all Christians (whaaa?). Funny, I jus' was listenin' ta Rabbi Mannis Friedman (he's kinda controversial but interestin'!) sayin' he even feels Christian prayer in the schools is not a bad thing an' joos shouldn't object (they kin feel uncomfortable) because--as he states--the USA did far better when God was a part of everyone's life--so I found that interestin'! I always grew up acceptin' that in the USA Christianity was the "norm" an' we joos were blessed here to be ALLOWED to practice a faith that wasn't the "norm."

Some Christians are now bein' told--an' I say this with straight face--that they should not walk past a Synagogue or Temple or they will be SPIT at (spit at?!) an' their children stolen an' murdered sacrificially (specifically--sexually abused an' their blood drunk). If I hadn't read this SO MANY times I could NEVER have believed folks sayin' this in 2024 as if it was 850! In kashrut joos are forbidden ta drink any blood--so the accusation is truly beyond the pale (no pun intended--only some've us are pale an' none vampires!). I think folks are devolvin' an' like the Pastor said--folks do not READ--they don't even read bible let alone books.... that is a problem b/c readin' helps ya ta form idears, think fer yerself!

Lordy, just as Beryl sez it, we joos just want to UNDERSTAND how folks like Candace use the bible & faith ta hate US so durned much... (Yeah, I know, "we" killed their/"your" Lord--but how is it that for the act--tragic as it wuz--that we "All" are guilty in perpetuity?--This is what we are told but we really remain confused about this. Blamin' every joo on Earth in perpetuity for the crimes of one semi-joo / Roman stooge...Herod... seems a mite unfair though we do understand the magnitude of the "crime.").

Joos don't git that--how a faith that's supposedly based on Judaism can hate us so much an' (now) deny we joos even exist! Yup, that's a thing--a big one. The new trend is ta say there is no mention of chew ("jew") in the bible--so we do NOT exist, never did, "we" invented ourslefs in 16thC Europe (or in Turkish Khazaria in about 900ad). They add that all current written bibles were faked in the 16th C (with the printin' press) ta invent the joos--joos wrote all Christian bibles (so I'm told) ta write themselfs inta history an' make up a story 'bout bein' Chosen--to perpetuate lies. Lordy what folks say. Me, here, I'm an illusion (lol).

But truly, I have no idear how those that hate us so an' claim the bible supports that. So if they say we were the moneylenders all cast outta the temple--we have always been Synagogue of Satan--the hated--an' they add no sane God would choose "joos" if we even existed!--then HOW duz that jibe with joos makin' up the bible in the 1600s to make ourselfs the chosen--if we ARE "Satanists" -- if we are "fakers" an' "cast out moneylenders".... How to those two tales co-exist in the sea of hate? oh my the stuff I hear--but anyone, I don't git how that all works. AFAIK there are torahs an' old scrolls an' cuneiform an' stuff on rocks that all show joos existed.... If joos didn't exist WHOM did the Romans toss out? Too many thoughts on a holiday I know.

I always heard Jesus forgives sins--all sins of everyone, but I guess (nu?) those that hate joos believe he'd forgive only the sins of non-joos? Or perhaps only those who give up their jooish faith ta embrace him git a pass? (so I guess it's okay ta hate those not in yer faith but only if they are joos?) I just don't know but none of these values are chewish an' afaik they ain't what I think of Christian either. An' yet these always better 'n us folks seem ta be so SURE of their position. They all got pulpits too! An' of the few (few!) angry jooish voices that say bad stuff often taken outta context--these are circulated ta incite more hate. They did this with Trump (takin' his words outta context) so how come folks can believe they twisted The Donald's words but don't do this with choos? SMH!

Many don't know that chews don't even blame the sins of the sons on the fathers. While many good Christians will never forgive chews for killin' Christ, joos only hold the actual person who committed a wrong to makin' things right. Once they die there's nothing to be done. Tho some joos fear not bein' "welcomed" in some parts of Germany (with good reason! folks that went back AFTER the war were not welcomed, some were killed--in Poland too!--an' back in the 1990s when I was studyin' in Berlin a pal that took a weekend trip ta Bavaria stayed in a place that had Hitler's photo framed there!)--joos do NOT hold modern day Germans in an way responsible fer the "compliance" of their forefathers. This is why joos mistakenly thought that teachin' Holocaust ed. to new generations would PREVENT open minds from havin' the same hate or actin' the same way. (Most joos agreed that it was all handled incorrectly even if the intent wuz good--an'nother can'o worms fer an'nuther time)!

It's odd--tho' not surprisin'--that the "go back where ya came from" is still chanted so loudly. Today as you write this there are NEW groups meetin' an conferencin' in person an' on the innertubes to address The Jewish Question (I wish I were jokin') -- these are POPULAR sites (I keep watch).

Truth is, the US is gearin' up to not wantin' us either! We all know that NO other nation would have us back--so Israel (even if we do not wanna live in the Middle East--a fact true for many E. Euro joos tha had nowhere else ta go TO).... may be our only hope IF the unspeakable happens again. The more Muslim single men that are welcomed here--the more it's likely--even if Christians WERE to object....

We're mostly Lithuanian (Litvaks!) an' 95% of Lithuanian joos were murdered in the Holocaust (for those that believe it happened--another story since now that's bein' denied too--in fact some say it was no joos killed, only Catholics!). How many joos live in Lithuania today? Too few ta count! A few that run archives there--I know, I looked. So we're ta go BACK?!

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I keep thinking I want to write something about the Al Aqsa mosque and the temple.

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The Nazis gave our ancestors' homes to citizens that natch'urly would not--even right after the war--give 'em back--nor the silver (cutlery), nor the jewelry, the artwork... There are stories 'bout what happened when joos did return an' asked fer their houses an' property back--those that didn't die in the camps (etc) in some cases were murdered or the law was called on 'em ta boot 'em out--but let's say that didn't go well. NOBODY gave up what was stolen willin'ly. An' nobuddy was forced to EXCEPT in cases of high-value ART.

Of course we're told it's "our own damned fault" that we ain't wanted "back" anywhere (sigh). An'nuther tale fer an'nuther time. But the old biases remain. If the US keeps up hatin' us--an' Israel, the only place ta go to is inta the sea which may NOT part again for us (ha ha). I really hope God/Hashem has this as part of their plan as Beryl Solomon sez--I hope/pray he's right!

Beryl makes another good point-but he doesn't clarify either! Yup, joos are timid ta say "the chosen" due ta fear--it sounds like braggery an' of COURSE joos are fearful this will bring more retribution & resentment upon 'em--it does! I stopped readin' one site just b'c the owner put up an image of Gaza bein' bombed with the tagline, "because WE are the Chosen!"... but what I've tried an' on manner of sites ta clarify if that Chosen doesn't mean "BETTER" than--it means designated--designated to set a good example--to foller the 10 (an' yup, we all mess up) as God's work-in-progress to improve we humans--an help us ta improve our own lots. "Chosen" means bad PR for the joos--I DO wish the translation was put more as "designated" because of all the baggage that makes things seem "preferential"--so there I differ subtly with Beryl Soloman--but understand the diff.

All the folks cheerin' fer the death of Israel (because they SO hate Zionism) don't understand. Zionism from the start had BOTH good eggs an' some rotten ones (so did our Democratic Republic!)--I know ya know this--an' ALL gubbamints have swamps that need ta be drained. Nevertheless, even the most STAUNCH anti-Zionists (I just heard one yestiddy on Brasscheck...) have NO ANSWER for where joos kin go if Israel is destroyed--a fate they are CHEERING-on due ta Israel's mistakes (an' YES they make a bunch of mistakes--who doesn't? An' YES I'm no fan of Bibi Gun an' STILL I fully support Israel as an important nation, a work-in-progress like so many other nations who had CENTURIES ta figger out who they were an'...most ironically--no longer are themselfs due ta the invasion of these Islamists that are indeed SO different in values--yer Dutchman's speech--Geert Wilders-had me wellin' up teary AGAIN! He knew, he knew--an' as we speak--like ya said, it could be TODAY an' nobuddy heeds what he's said.

Addin' a couple pernts here--Candace wuz let go from the media empire that had employed her NOT only by Ben Shapiro but by Andrew Klavan who wuz born a Joo an' when his brilliant son Spencer wuz 13 converted to Catholicism--his objection was not that Candace believes Christ is King--as Beryl said--say what y'all with--it's ok--it's not offensive--what Andrew Klavan found hard ta stomick wuz that Owens said "EVERYONE needs ta declare that Christ is King"--why that'd be Buddhists, Muslims, not just we Chews... an' Klavan felt that was just not right. Ironically it was Denis Prager & Ben Shapiro (both joos) that gave her career a start--her chob wasn't ta support jooish causes but ta go so full-tilt "hate" on a people--not individuals--but a whole faith--I think that gave them a moment of crisis--of conscience--what to do? They don't wanna stop her from bein' employed elsewhere but how can you keep on a payroll someone that hates not just you--but the entire faith/race/tribe ya come from? Hard questions, hard times.

Thank you as always Karen fer bein' a shinin' light in very dark times 💕

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I didn't know all that inside story about Klavan etc. Candace has really gone bonkers.

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I get so frustrated. Everything you say is factual yet people just ignore it.

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I read nothing racist in this. People who say the Bible is racist simply don’t know how to read it properly (and likely never have tried!)

I understand that it can feel unseemingly, especially to Americans who value equity, to talk about God’s chosen people. The word chosen grates our modern sensibilities about fairness. But these people haven’t read this:

“The Lord had his heart set on you and chose you, not because you were more numerous than all peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. But because the Lord loved you and kept the oath he swore to your ancestors, he brought you out with a strong hand and redeemed you from the place of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.”

-Deut. 7:7-8.

God chose the nation of Israel not because they were superior to others, not because they were particular good or skilled, not because they were mighty. He chose them because that’s what God wanted to do. And someone who has the power to create all of everything in the universe gets to choose who he wants!

He did it to reveal His glory. So that when this tiny, not special nation, outlasts its enemies, it will cause people to see God’s power in that, not look at how superior Israel may or may not be.

The last thing that people miss, is the this covenant to Israel is open to all people. Many non-Hebrew people joined the Israelites when they were delivered out of Egypt. For Jews, my understanding is that while they don’t proselytize, they are open to anyone who wants to become Jewish. For Christians, we believe that the New Covenant with Jesus expanded the specific covenant God had with the nation of Israel, such that followers of Jesus are spiritually grafted into the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We share in the spiritual promises that God have to Israel. We do think that Jews missed Jesus as Messiah, but Revelations makes clear a couple of things: (1) that God still cares about the nation of Israel, even those that missed the coming of His son, and God always leaves a remnant of His people, (2) Israel as a nation play a central part in the drama of the last days, and (3) nothing in Revelations makes sense as being interpreted as America playing an important role in the last days. All that to me, means that it’s a bit of a both/and. God’s promises and eternal salvation are extended beyond the Jewish ethnic identity through Jesus, AND God still has a special role for Israel within the outplaying of the redemption story of the world. We don’t know the details of how that plays out, but I agree that the God of the Bible- of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is someone I don’t want to cross. I’m not going to mess with His chosen people, and I am going to respect the lineage of where my faith came from and where my Savior comes from since Jesus was Jewish. I don’t know how it works for Jews who try to follow God but missed Jesus, but God is not done with the Jewish people for His purposes yet, that’s for sure.

Lastly, thanks Karen for calling out Candace Owens. I agree with her on many conservative issues, but she has completely lost the plot here and it’s so frustrating to watch. It’s ironic because If she worships Mary, well Mary was Jewish too!!!

I have met a number of conservatives who think they know the “real” history of the modern state of Israel and think the Jews instigated violence, but they seem to be reading from the same progressive historians that the progressives do, which is bad historian research. It’s so frustrating to watch this group be deceived in this way.

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Absolute truth! I might need to quote you in part two of The Perfect Storm.

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Feel free to! I look forward to reading that!

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thank you for writing this. i am lost for words but agree with you completely.

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The problem with people living in western countries don’t understand Islam and what exactly Koran teaches .

What they hear from Muslims is taquiya version ( taquiya- how to lie explained in Islam ) and that it’s religion of peace .

Show me an Islamic country and see if they have democracy , freedom of speech , freedom of religious rights, freedom of clothing as we have in west .

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Absolutely, people don't understand about taquiya.

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Hi Karen thanks for your article.. although on a human level I largely agree with most of what you say, I still find myself asking why has God allowed this to happen.. ? Why was Joseph sold, thrown in prison etc before he rose to be the Egyptians kings lead man, why did David live as an outcast for so many years but anointed as King… why was Paul living in obscurity for 13 years before preaching to the gentiles? Because in the desert wilderness and hard times they became better people.. and better leaders …I suspect Israel is being made stronger better because of the opposition they face.. but another perspective is that for both Israel who are largely secular and Europe USA and the commonwealth nations who have forsaken Christ long ago.. isn’t it possible that God sends Islam and Communism to awaken these nations… so that they repent just as he sent Syria and Babylon to punish Israel?

We lament the evils of our enemies but over and over in scripture God protects the faithful but allows our enemies to chasten us…

That said we can’t ignore the rise of Christianity in places like Iran and that long term prayer movement have interceded for these people.. and so as Christian’s we pray for our nation Israel and the ME to know Christ and honour the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.. and their decedents ..

Both Islam and Judaism are legalistic righteousness… the law always brings a level of anger and intolerance of others without Gods grace..but the righteousness of Christianity is by faith through grace.. as Christians we acknowledge the threat of Islam but we must also show grace.. not easy but necessary..

but fundamentally the west needs to return to Christ or they will suffer Islam and or communism.. it’s that simple..

They are being deceived because they left Christ..

See 2 Chronicles 15

“Now the Spirit of God came upon Azariah the son of Oded. And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him: “Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. For a long time Israel has been without the true God, without a teaching priest, and without law; but when in their trouble they turned to the Lord God of Israel, and sought Him, He was found by them. And in those times there was no peace to the one who went out, nor to the one who came in, but great turmoil was on all the inhabitants of the lands. So nation was destroyed by nation, and city by city, for God troubled them with every adversity. But you, be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded!””

‭‭II Chronicles‬ ‭15‬:‭1‬-‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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You're right that we don't seem to learn very much when life is easy. It's through hardship that we either grow stronger or we give in and grow weaker.

God gave us free will do it isn't so much God allowing things to happen as humans making really bad choices and this is the result.

All people no matter who they are, have "sinned and fall short of the glory of God", and need to repent.

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Just realised upon reading my comment that I accidentally wrote' through a gay' when of course I meant 'through a gap' Apologies for the error,even if it did bring a smile.

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