Thank you for this courageous essay. 👏👏👏👏

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You're welcome.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I love this, Karen! Like you, I was in an abusive marriage, and like you, I broke free. One of the ways I realized how much people in power lie to us is because they use the same type of language my ex did.

I didn't go into martial arts, but I got a MA in Psychology, with helped me understand why my ex behaved the way he did, and why I fell under his spell. We can apply the same understanding to government and to other leaders who do not have our best interests at heart.

Thank you so much for getting to the heart of the Israeli/Muslim matter, I always look forward to your clear thinking and insights. Evil always flourishes when people do nothing to stop it.

When Christianity went out of control during the middle ages, the Reformation happened in order to bring the faith back to a religion and not a government. I don't see very many people calling for Islam to do the same. But they should.

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So true what you. I've talked to a number of women who were abusive relationships who said the same thing. They understood the language used by government officials, they aren't fooled.

And as you said about the Reformation, something always happens to restore the balance.

Congratualtions on your strength.

God bless.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for being you ❤️

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11 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The land is Israel’s from long ago🙏🏻♥️🇮🇱

When the sun set and it became dark, behold, there was a smoking oven and a fiery torch that passed between these pieces. On that day ADONAI cut a covenant with Abram, saying, “I give this land to your seed, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates River: the Kenite, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Raphaites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.” - Genesis 15:17-21 TLV The whole chapter ♥️

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Amen. I don’t know if you are aware of my dad’s sermons. He spoke often on the topic of Israel. https://youtu.be/F_QGVT1zwIE?si=1p6pxbHcaIxQ23rv

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Excellent essay!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Evil needs no encouragement Karen. It just is.

I got both of my Daughters into Krav Maga early. They didn’t enjoy nor stick at it but learned enough to take care of themselves. I train occasionally now with them with pads and gloves.

Everyone needs to be able to take care of themselves, and if it comes to it, others. An essential part of that is recognising the right side to be on…

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I'm a firm beleiver that every child should learn some type of fighting art in schools. It should be required.

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Girls, say it, GIRLS! ♥️

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

As a sidenote, it’s both predictable and sickening to see world leaders who only the past week were talking Israel down, now congratulating Israel on the elimination of Sinwar, trying to catch some limelight for themselves.

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They know no shame.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I wonder if the connection between covid crowd and the pro Hamas crowd is that both are all about being a coward.

Both are pretending to be virtuous. ( we are saving granny/ we are saving these poor brown people) but when scratch the surface it only about them and saving their own skin.

Covid had young people screaming at strangers to ‘wear a mask’ because they were scared for themselves.

And the pro Hamas crowd are screaming that we all are committing ‘ genocide’ because they are selfishly thinking that that might be drafted to fight any war.

( unlike the young Jewish people who know fighting is part of their survival)

Both are rooted in cowardice.

Both have nothing to do with helping anyone else.

Both are the selfish mindset of people who are entirely focused on themselves.

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What’s disturbing is that many of the influencers who gained a huge following during Covid for standing up against tyranny are now influencing their blind followers toward hatred of Jews. I can see now the purpose of Covid.

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1 hr agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

🎯 It was a Civil Compliance exercise. Britain did an earlier experiment, in 2001, with Foot & Mouth.

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1 hr agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

We call these deluded youngsters rent-a-mob, and we have done so since the 1960s. When Gaza has been rebuilt by the Kingdoms, all these kids will be back in our Parks, shouting abuse at women speaking for their rights. Until the next trendy cause comes along.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you!

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You're welcome.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Break Free Media Unlimited! 🥂🐸

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Thank you for speaking to me on my drive home. I enjoyed your essay.

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I’m glad!

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11 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

yes, this great and amazing and troubling yin-yang that is our experience of life.

your point about simply turning our back on evil as a cure for evil is valid. and like the yin-yang nature, when to not fight is also a problem. both require wisdom.

people who automatically eschew fighting haven't read the baghavid gita, when arjuna balks at fighting because it was immoral for him to kill his family. and what did Krishna say to him? 'be the man, the leader you are. your family has fallen into evil ways and doing nothing is to perpetuate their evil.' (my paraphrase.)

we are alive in interesting times. the challenge is to discover in our selves the courage to be wise enough to know that the harder path is likely the one closer to truth, whereas the 'easy' path is almost undoubtedly comprised of a lazy moralism that is blinded by ideology and the denial of reality.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes. with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.

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You are right that there are also times not to fight. It does require wisdom. Not everyone is a warrior in the same way, either. Thanks.

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da nada.

once i woke up in 2021 that we were in a world wide global fight for humanity — not just the battles like ukraine-russiaand in israel-hamas even though they are not unimportant — i thanked whatever it is that energises life to have me with arjuna! can you imagine how ... what?... horrible it would be if we were so asleep that we couldn't see or smell the evil that has filled our skies, water, air and minds?

amazing times! the great apocalypse for sure.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


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4 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This is a brilliant article, thank you!! "We fight evil because it's the right thing to do"!

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2 hrs ago·edited 1 hr agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I thank ya mightily fer this Karen! (It's late at night but yer take on this take-out made my day!)

SO MUCH of the readin' I'll do paints literally the negative (like a photoGRAPHIC negative) inverse of what yer sayin' an' YET I know yer right--an' the others, so many of 'em haters, just don't understand. An' yet they feel keenly they're the moral superiors an' that anyone that dare defend Israel's actions in self defense or da joos-- is completely devoid of morals. In this topsy turvy world da chews are the psychopaths an' Sinwar was their VICTIM! (Ya heard me right--most stackers I'm seein' ain't cheerin' this on as a good deed but are seein' this simply as an ugly mob hit--with Israel bein' the Godfather of the mob...)

Sad thing--ALL THE PEOPLE who only see stuff from one side -- imho at this point they will not, most of 'em, ever see they were in error. Ya write, "When evil comes to our doorstep, we will at last understand Israel. But by then, will it be too late? "

I fear evil might yet come--AND nobuddy'll understand Israel BUT they'll blame Israel & da chews fer steerin' the country over the cliff... I don't think they are ABLE to understand at this point...

An' the ME-DIA is so strong! Yestiddy (didn't save the link) I saw a painful viddeo of (SUPPOSEDLY) a Gazan mama holdin' her dead child (a boy of about 6) an' wailing in Arabic about what the joos did to her boy--BUT the SAME viddeyo was actually published in 2014 in Syria an' yes, that mama lost her son but it had nuttin' ta do with joos! (they showed the original in context)

One trick is that bombed out warzones look TIMELESS. Can we see a dead child or a bombed wreckage scene from even 15 years ago an' know it's not new? NO. Sure, I know this war is ugly--but pullin' on the heartstrings of well-meanin' viewers usin' 2014 viddeos an' a lotta tomfoolerly...is purdy heartless...

The media--even their fave alt pund-ditz are too steeped in hate to steer themselfs off the cliff... (IMO) I cain't say how far it'll go but on the jooish sites folks are talkin' about findin' attics ta stay in---an' now are only HALF-jokin'!

So many I once trusted have me convinced that nearly the whole world wants ta see the "illegitimate" "genocidal" state of Israel destroyed an' all in it with it. (I'll share as samplin' from my readin' list fer today as an example... )

Normally in plays an' movies when the bully or bad guy is taken down (or out, yes monsters sometimes die) the audience CLAPS. Here, they boo the ones that removed the baddie. Go figure

Standin' up fer Israel!"--oh Karen--from yer mouth ta God's ears...but I'm not seein' it happen much outside'a some jooish sites--YOU are one of very few voices seein' the bigger picture. The rest are lookin' fer threads in the rubble...

To wit, here's a samplin' of my daily dose of hate (today's "readin' assignment" fer me)--some'a this has me GOBSMACKED...

(fwiw, I read some of the worst in hateful stuff so I know what's bein' planned fer us joos--one group decided that if we joos are permitted (permitted!) to live in the USA we must be sterilized so we don't reproduce an' blight the population further with our "satanic seed" (they don't mean Kale 'er Green Beans neither!)... Others mention deportation, or bans on what areas in which we kin work movin' forward along with a celing on what levels on the promotion ladder should not be open to us--eg. no jooish CEOs, none on Board of Directors, an' so on). It's eye-openin' ta see what pages they've takin' from both Hitler's playbook an' the old Russian "Pale of Settlement" one...

A short list...







THANKFULLY I saw this post an' saved the BEST fer last cuz it's givin' me HOPE like that ol' Debbie Boone song (lol, I took heat back in the day fer lovin' that one!) --

And here's one more--a "velly good" one that's also positive--slammin' da French fer makin' up stuff 'bout the UN "giftin'" Israel statehood...


So yer post an' this other one stood out as the only sane good'uns in a sea of troubles (an' insane bad 'uns). Not sure how much WORSE it kin git but I'm kinda sure it will git worse... so THANK YA Karen--so much, with all my heart fer stickin' up fer what's right an' bein' such a GOOD friend of us chews who are seein' the WORLD turn against us (here an' in Israel)...💕

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ps the analogy ya made with yer former abusive husband is SO spot-on--kinda surprisingly so--an' Israel is surrounded by these abusive people who SEEM to charm all the others, who portray themselfs as the good guys... while doin' great harm... yup... An' perhaps yer own trauma has lent ya insight here...knowin' how these narcissistic minds work!

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That Caitlin Johnstone is a piece of work. I keep thinking surely most Americans aren't like her, surely they don't agree, but I'm beginning to wonder. And Jimmy Dore. Horrible. I am just shocked that there aren't more people speaking out. And maybe you're right, when evil comes here people wont understand Israel. They will just blame the Jews for that too, always the scapegoat.

Jimmy Dore saying "I love Jews, I just hate Zionists, and all my Jewish friends feel the same, they hate Zionists." That's the hardest part to understand. How there can be so many Jews who learned nothing from WWII.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, I know how you feel about Israel and the Jews, so I won't even try to change your mind. Allow me to present an alternative scenario to what we are being told. All I ask is that you read it and I will send you a Word document with an open apology to you and all your other readers admitting I was in error and ask for you and your readers forgiveness for spreading falsehoods. You will have my permission to post it if I am wrong about what is coming soon. Many will say this, but they will not follow through if they are wrong. You will have my apology in hand so there is no backing out from me. I will be exposed as a fraud.

This is not a war between good and evil. Sinwar, Nasrallah and many more were evil men who the world will not miss. It would be nice if all evil people were removed (not a call for violence).

I am not a prophet and have zero special revelations from God or anyone else. It is simply how I see events unfolding after doing my own research.

There can be no peace in this war and neither side wants it. The Synagogue of Satan is named as our foe in Revelations, but they are not the Jewish people and are not even Jews. They are also the foe of the Jewish people. They are our common enemy. None of what I am going to say has anything to do with 99 percent or more Jews. They will be victims also. So here goes.

The NWO has no plans to rule world with billions of people still on it. They have openly called us "worthless eaters" and have made it clear they want billions of us dead. They will be successful. So much of prophecy focuses on Jerusalem and the Levant, so that is where it began, and where it will finish.

The Persians and Medes are Iranians who are Shia. Iran believes that after a worldwide war, that Issa (Jesus) will return with the Mahdi to destroy the False Messiah. They believe Issa will proclaim Islam and there will be a worldwide Caliphate. They single the Jews out as sorcerers who must be annihilated. Allah does not allow them to show mercy to Jews. Muslims will set aside differences with Christians to unite in annihilating the Jews. Christians will become Muslims. For Iran, this is that war and they want to see the Mahdi return so they will not stop this war until there are no more Jews.

The reason that Orthodox men study the Oral Torah/Talmud their entire lives is for the Rabbis to teach them about the PARDES and how to study the Zohar and Kabballah. I am not sure any man could learn it all in a lifetime. This is the identity of the Synagogue of Satan who will briefly prevail in what is to come and is spoken of in Revelations. These are the practices of those who rule Israel right now. They also need a world war that puts the Jewish people at risk of being annihilated. This war must spread to create the conditions for their Messiah to return, bring on the final Tikkun which will elevate the Jews to divine status and those who are not Jews must become Noahides, or they must be killed. Beheading is mentioned in Revelations. They view this as that apocalyptic war and they also don't want peace. These Talmudist/Kabbalists seek the destruction of all of mankind who refuse to become Noahide.

The Ayatollahs don't give a damn about the Muslims, they will use them as fodder to bring on the apocalypse they need. The Kabbalistic Rabbis also don't give a damn about nonobservant Jews as they need to be purified in order to bring about the Redemption of the Jewish people. They plan on using them as fodder also, thinking they are doing God and the non-Observant Jews a favor. They don't view it as evil or as murder as those Jews who die will be reincarnated with divine souls.

Most Muslims and Jews have no idea what is hidden by their respective clergies, and they would reject it in horror if they knew. Ignorance is not bliss in this instance.

There are good people on both sides, but the leaders are all practicing their own twisted versions of apocalyptic theology.

So, after all that, I will say that this is what I see happening soon. This war will spread to inflame the whole world. There will be a leader of Iran who does not worship the God of his fathers who will invade Israel and will only be stopped when they reach the Temple Mount. It is spoken of in Daniel 11. This event will mark the beginning of Tribulation as there has never been as mentioned in Dan. 12:1-2. This will be the time that the Kabbalists will welcome their Messiah (AC) to save themselves. It is literally a covenant with Death and Hell.

HaShem is not the God of Christianity in their eyes. HaShem has many names despite what we are told. All of them have Kabbalistic roots.

We should pray for peace, but there will not be peace until Jesus returns. There will be no divine protection for Israel in the coming days and all of their allies will desert them or they will not be able to help them. At least 2/3rds of the Jews will perish in the days ahead.

Our nation is set for judgement also. Our time as a country is short.

This is a war in which both sides will only settle for the annihilation of the other. It is the leaders, not the people. One cannot say they love Jesus and hate the Jews. They can't elevate them above other men but must view them as equals. We also cannot hate the Muslim people who we must also view as equal human beings.

We can see that the Synagogue of Satan will prevail for a short time, but it will come at great cost to all of humanity. I can't state it strongly enough that the Synagogue of Satan has nothing to do with the Jewish people.

It sounds insane because it is insane. People have a blind spot about certain matters.

I can't set dates as only a fool would do that. It will transpire very soon though.

If I am wrong, publish my apology and I will stick around to take any darts thrown my way for being wrong. I will gladly own up to it if I am in error.

If anyone thinks I am lying about what is in these books, I can provide proof from the actual sources. Mankind needs to wake up to how we have literally been lied to about everything. We are divided on purpose, and they distract us with things, so we don't see who is really pulling the strings.

We know about the Illuminati, Club of Rome, Council of 300, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, etc.... We fail to see what is right in front of us.

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I appreciate you sharing this with me. You have put a lot of thought into it. I don’t go into prophesy in any detail, as I cannot profess to understand it all and I have not studied it extensively, although I grew up hearing about it. I have listened to what my dad says, and it makes sense to me. It isn’t complicated, it goes strictly by the Bible. That said, I don’t always agree with everything he says. I stick to what I know to be true and quote Bible verses and keep it simple. So, I really can’t comment on all of this. I have heard so many variations and interpretations, I cannot sift through them all.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I completely understand. I appreciate that you actually read it. Anyone who says they have everything out in prophecy is a fool. The wicked can have their plans, but God has the say as to when.

I think the timing has a lot to do with man's behavior. Nineveh is the only city slated for judgement, but they repented as a nation. God stayed His hand but 100 years later they were back to their old ways and judgement fell.

My take is that is why our morals have been attacked so harshly. Corrupt people to where they turn to the Occult and keep them full of hate, and God allows the wicked ones to proceed with their plans. Our only hope is to do as Nineveh did. I don't see that happening. God cannot tolerate evil so at some point judgement will fall.

My take is very different on prophecy than most, so I just wanted to pit it forth for people to remember in case I am right. I could always be very wrong. We will know soon, I think.

I also appreciate that I was not labeled as hating the Jews. My first employer when I was young was working for a Jewish family who owned the store I worked in. They treated my wife and I as family. Very good people.

I love good conversation that doesn't turn to hatred and personal attacks.

If any of my past comments have offended any Jews here, I apologize. I am against the Kabbalistic leaders, not the Jewish people.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thanks, this inspired me, although about something else since few people in my country support terrorists (except Communists and liberals).

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What country do you live in (if you don't mind me asking, I hope that's okay)

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6 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Sure, it's the Philippines in Southeast Asia, just South of Taiwan.

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Thanks. It's nice to know how far my essays reach.

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