How Far Will They Go Before We ALL Say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
“The duty of an investigator was to scratch away at innocence until guilt was uncovered. If no guilt was uncovered, then they hadn’t scratched deep enough.” -Tom Rob Smith, Child 44
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Last night a line was crossed, and everything changed. The home of the former president of the United States and the most likely Republican candidate to run for the presidency in 2024 was raided by the FBI.
How much further will this go before Americans finally realize that this is not just about Donald Trump, it is about THEM.
Yes, the swamp-dwellers are terrified that Trump will announce he’s running for office and that he will win the Republican nomination and the White House. But more than that, they are afraid of what will happen if the spell they have cast on the American people is broken and the ‘Creatures of the Black Lagoon’ are exposed for who they really are. They love the swamp that they wallow in. They love the stench of their own, decaying bodies and they don’t want to be torn from the darkness into the light.
This administration claims to be fighting “disinformation” when they are really fighting DISSENSION. This has become a war between right and wrong, not political parties. It is not too simplistic to talk about right and wrong. But dare to talk about morality in the age of transhumanism, dare to take a stand against the darkness—even a small stand such as I did on Twitter—and they will crush you.
I stand proudly in the company of many others who are being banned, our numbers growing—smaller voices like myself who lost a vital platform where we were able to communicate and grow our followers. What would many public figures be willing to compromise in order to get that platform back?
Alex Berenson is a big name. When he was thrown off the platform, he took money from his followers, promising them that he could succeed in bringing down Twitter when no one else could.
In a June 6th post on Substack titled “Update on Berenson v Twitter: This would be a very good time to donate to the legal fund,” he says:
As we debate the power and political influence of social media companies, this discovery offers the unique opportunity to see how Twitter and the federal government and others may have colluded against my voice. No one else has this chance. No one.
And I am not going to give up.
Not for reinstatement, not for money, not for all the viruses in China. I will NOT agree to any settlement that does not preserve my discovery rights about third-party communications AND give me the right to publicize them….this is the reddest of lines.”
If Twitter can’t or won’t agree, so be it. Discovery will proceed. I will get the documents anyway. (And then dispositions will follow, yippee!) I have agreed to a single 10-day delay in discovery; there will be no more delays.
That delay turned into no discovery and a deal for an undisclosed amount of money. Of course, he cannot talk about any of it. Sorry! He is now back on Twitter and his followers don’t seem to mind that they were taken advantage of.
To be fair, Berenson released a statement on his return to Twitter, promising that he will “have more to say on that issue in the near future. I made a promise to readers last month, and I take my promises to readers seriously."
I guess time will tell.
To me, I am sorry, but this is not what we need right now. We need true dissenters who care not one wit about money or fame or tweeting but stand up for the truth without compromise. Nothing less will win the battle we are facing now.
If we can’t even stand up to Twitter, how will we stand up to the gulag?
I get it. There are a hundred valid reasons to stay quiet.
But this is how it starts. And in fact, this isn’t the start. It’s been going on a long time. Ever since 9/11 and the “Patriot Act.” Little by little, people got used to their freedoms being infringed upon for their own safety. Emboldened thanks to no real opposition, our enemies—because the government is our enemy—have shifted to full-frontal assaults, making no apologies. The shadowy behind-the-scenes actions of the FBI or the CIA, for example, where people could still say, “oh, it’s not really that bad and if you think it is, you’re a conspiracy theorist,” are over.
I cannot tell you how many Trump supporters have told me in confidence that they are afraid to say they support him publicly. They cannot freely and proudly stand up for their position. At work, they remain silent, or even pretend to agree, while fellow employees bash Trump at the lunch table without fear of reprisal. They cannot declare their loyalty on social media or at family gatherings. Doing any of these things could mean getting fired, losing family and friends, or simply being made fun of mercilessly and relentlessly until they fade away into nothingness.
You don’t have to like Trump to be overcome with the truth of his speech here, as many of the comments attest to. Perhaps for many people, this raid has gone too far. I certainly hope so.
The creepy thing is that the weaker Joe Biden becomes, the stronger the evil forces around him seem to grow—and the more the attacks on Trump and anyone who supports him will escalate. The United States government now holds ordinary citizens in prison without charge and employs psychological warfare and torture upon them.
I think of Matthew Perna, who hung himself while awaiting sentencing for the crime of “driving to Washington on Jan. 6 to attend President Donald Trump’s rally and later entering the US Capitol by walking through an open door, where he was caught on video wearing a red ‘Make America Great Again’ hoodie and chanting ‘USA!’.”
“The constant delays in hearings, and postponements dragged out for over a year. Because of this, Matt’s heart broke and his spirit died,” says his obituary in the Herald, a local newspaper in Sharon, Pa.
Victoria White was arrested after she was pushed into the tunnel and desperately tried to escape. You can watch the video to see that she never raised a finger to the police and never committed an offensive act. She was stuck and couldn’t get out.
You can watch the video here
According to her attorney Joseph McBride:
She is hit approximately thirty-five times over the course of 4 minutes and 30 seconds while appearing to be begging for mercy the entire time. She is hit with the baton while facing away. She is hit with the baton while facing forward. She is speared and poked with the baton about the face so as to inflict maximum pain. She collapses more than once and is stood up by the officers only to be maced and beaten again. At some point, White-shirt puts away his baton, not because he is showing mercy because he has a clear avenue to her face. As such, he unloads on the defenseless woman punching her five times in five seconds, directly in the face, with all of his might.
How is it that White is the one on trial, not the police who viciously attacked her?
Then we have Peter Navarro as just one example of the rising number of political supporters of Trump who are being harassed and arrested. We will see a further escalation the closer we get to the elections.
Newsweek opinion editor Josh Hammer compared Navarro’s arrest, which involved being placed in shackles by the FBI, with a jury stacked with Democrats finding Clinton Lawyer Michael Sussmann innocent of corruption charges. He wrote, “Peter Navarro in handcuffs and Michael Sussmann off scot-free. Tell me more about that ‘neutral rule of law.'”
Whatever you think of Trump is beside the point. He is being used to keep the millions of Americans who don’t like him from seeing the truth about what is happening to THEM. As I wrote in my article for American Greatness, Trump warned They're Not After Me, They're After You.
We have entered a danger zone where the balance of power has tipped so far to one side that our nation is freefalling into totalitarianism. This government no longer even tries to hide its blatant use of corruption, lies, manipulations, fear, intimidation, or any other means necessary to gain political dominion. There is no longer allegiance to the United States of America. There is no longer allegiance to the American people. There is no longer a vow to serve and protect. Now, anyone who wants to be any kind of “boss” in America must pledge allegiance—not to the flag, that would mean insurrection—but to the REGIME.
This arrogant corruption runs so deep it has metastasized into every department, from the highest echelons of power down to local school boards and government officials. While all of this was being set up, billions of people spent hours on social media being indoctrinated—we could even say being ‘groomed.’
Google actively influences every choice we make, including votes. Tech expert and researcher for the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology Dr. Robert Epstein states that Google manipulated search and other data, including using voting reminders, to manipulate the results of the 2020 election.
The Harvard Ph.D. and his 33-member research team watched tech giants Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Bing, and Facebook in three swing states—Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida—during the 2020 election. The former Psychology Today editor said his team “preserved 500,000 ephemeral experiences,” which he says are those short, quick bursts of information or experiences that disappear within seconds. He described “ephemeral experiences” in a 2019 interview and said how important it is to catch them in real-time.
We now have a $740 billion ‘Inflation Reduction Bill’ that includes hiring 87,000 new IRS agents. Does anyone really believe those agents will go after the wealthiest? When did that happen—ever? The IRS is now positioned to become larger than the Pentagon, the FBI, the Border Patrol and the State Department COMBINED.
Regardless of one’s political leanings, all Americans MUST think seriously about where this is taking us. I agree with Congresswoman Elise Stefanik’s following statement:
“The FBI's raid on President Trump's Florida home is a dark day in American history. The political weaponization of the FBI and Department of Justice is an actual threat to democracy. There is a reason that Americans no longer trust these agencies. This is the same corrupt agency that illegally fabricated FISA warrants, knowingly deceived Americans about Russian "collusion" for years, and weaponized itself to perpetuate this hoax with their all-too-eager mainstream media accomplices. This is the same agency that protected Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and continues to lie to protect Hunter Biden.
I am reading, Child 44, by Tom Rob Smith. The book is inspired by the crimes of Andrei Chikatilo, who was convicted of and executed for committing 52 murders of young boys shortly after World War II. In Soviet Russia, to officially acknowledge such murders would be treason since “there is no murder in paradise.”
Despite living in hell-on-earth, citizens had to insist they were living in paradise. One mid-level KGB official cannot close his eyes any longer to the horror and determines to find the murderer and bring him to justice. As a result of this one man’s determination, others gain courage too, and the truth of Soviet-era corruption, the state-induced paranoia, the education system, and the secret police is exposed.
In Child 44, it was the death of innocent children that compelled ordinary citizens to shine the light of truth in the darkness. We’re already killing and maiming our children with experimental drugs, vaccines, puberty blockers, and mutilating sex changes. It is chilling that while Americans lost access to non-COVID related health services in 2020 with many states blocking elective surgeries in order to devote resources to the virus, from 2019 to 2020, the number of sex-change surgeries performed on males and females rose 12% across the country.
What more will it take for Americans to develop a conscience?
How far will they go before we ALL say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Excellent essay, Karen.
Karen, i sit here horrified. I could not read your entire article. Will have to come back later. We are being governed by shadow governments whose evil is so deep, so disgusting, so dark. They are full of hate and murder. Only God can stop this and His time is not my time. We must prayerfully wait and continue to resist this on every level. Thank you. May the Lord care for you always.