Excellent essay, Karen.

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Karen, i sit here horrified. I could not read your entire article. Will have to come back later. We are being governed by shadow governments whose evil is so deep, so disgusting, so dark. They are full of hate and murder. Only God can stop this and His time is not my time. We must prayerfully wait and continue to resist this on every level. Thank you. May the Lord care for you always.

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Thank you. I feel bad sometimes about how tough my writing can be. But someone has to do it! Thanks for having the courage to read! I now try to balance it with my inspiring essays, ha-ha, I'm hoping it will help.

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You only print the truth, Karen, not fantasy. Sometimes seeing the truth is disgusting and difficult. But I want to know. My hat is off to you. I know you don't stomach it well either.

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I ask myself the same question every day. When will it be enough? I wonder if it has already been enough but everyone is too scared of what happened to the J6 protesters.

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They are definitely sending messages that are getting stronger and stronger. Comply or else.

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I can't help but wonder what the other hand is doing while we are distracted.

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Excellent commentary!!!

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I am independent and read many sources. Now, I am extremely conservative, far right...

Read Robert Reich substack.. I was shocked. edit i had trouble posting ... 3x

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I keep telling my husband - we have allowed this to happen- we are responsible to fix it- now that we are seeing the truth.

It seems like we've become numb to the atrocities and the evil of harming children. No one seems bothered enough to do anything about these crimes- Or the removal of our natural God given rights The only tangible spark of resistance I've seen is the farmers in several countries standing up for themselves------ actually putting up a fight. Fear has extinguished the fire within us. I pray it will be reignited soon.

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Unfortunately, what it takes is for people to start missing meals. That's when they finally take notice. But by then it is often too late.

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It's so true- we have taken our freedoms for granted for so long- I'm afraid it's also hard for most of us to realize what's happening. Thank you for your work to help spread truth.

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Thank you, Karen! Well said.

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Maybe it is theater and Ds want to victimize Trump to help him win the R nomination. It wouldn't be the first time. https://supermacro.substack.com/p/regime-raid-on-trump-an-outrage

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Anything is possible in these upside-down times.

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I find it quite naive that people are still actually placing their hopes on Donald Trump. It seems that they still can't realize how advanced the enemy is on their game. You actually think that they hadn't calculated that Trump's popularity would soar after this stunt? Why would they want that if they don't want him since he is "anti-establishment"? Thy guy who actually introduced us to the plandemic and the killer-jabs and hasn't provided any kind of explanation since and basically still supports the jabs? I mean I understand people are quite desperate but come on...

From an outsider's view, the problem Americans have is that they have a very great idea, and rightfully so in many aspects, of their system of organization and governance. But this is translated in a worshiping of the Constitution as dogma and the resistance to even consider its failings. Because it does not just include the Bill of Rights but also the form of the government which should be very clear by now that has failed miserably in its purposes, has become a complete anti-democratic, oligarchic monster, and it is in an urgent need of radical overhaul. It is not helpful that the most progressive voices in the US don't dare to move further from a call to a return to the Constitution. This is a completely unrealistic goal and can only become attainable together with a positive proposition for an evolution of the actual political system.

One suggestion: start thinking about what democracy really is and start the comparisons.

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Ideally, we should be living in a constitutional republic, a form of government in which the head of the state, as well as other officials, are elected by the country’s citizens to represent them. I do not claim allegiance to any political party. I am for is small government and more power to local government than centralized big government. We are a country, still, of millions who love freedom. We shall see where this goes. It doesn't look good.

If you look at my essays in their entirety, I take a close and honest look at Trump from all sides. For example, in my essay Twitter vs Remdesivir (https://khmezek.substack.com/p/twitter-vs-remdesivir-12b) I talk about how he pushed Remdesivir.

Here's a quote:

"A lot happened in October of 2020 leading up to remdesivir’s approval by the FDA. For those of you who don’t remember, the best sales pitch for remdesivir came at the beginning of that month when President Donald Trump announced he had contracted COVID-19 and was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

"On October 3rd, 2020, it was announced that Trump was receiving an experimental antiviral for Covid-19 called remdesivir as “part of a double-barreled treatment plan that includes an antibody cocktail meant to give the president's immune system a boost to fight off the coronavirus.”

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No, ideally we should be living in a democracy. A republic is a de-facto oligarchy. I invite you to read an article of mine about it: https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/18/we-do-not-live-in-a-true-democracy/

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This would be more credible if you had spelled "dissension" correctly. Or how about "dissent". "KISS: Keep It Short & Simple" is good advice for every writer.

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Always nice to hear from a dissenting voice. And, I appreciate when my readers point out a mistake I overlooked. If my essays are too long for you, please don't read them. You might enjoy this article. https://theweek.com/articles/462824/11-historical-figures-who-really-bad-spelling

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Clearly the herds of MMS/3i's can only have a good chance at these types of "actions" if they first go after the copigs!

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Aug 10, 2022
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I agree, once he got on board he sold those vaccines like the salesman he is and has his own demons to answer to. No politician running for anything who wants to stay in this game will say the shots were wrong.

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So many Americans (maybe humans generally) will never admit a mistake. It’s keeping the zombies in our midst locked in Covid still; and, it keeps Trump from changing course. The best he can do, apparently, is learn not to say the word vaccine to his supporters and not to invite another pharma exec up on stage. And this is where DeSantis deserves credit. He wrongfooted Covid also, locking down Florida (perhaps a hard hand to play right); but, not only did he change course, he owns the mistake. That is what we need on all sides: some humility.

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True about DeSantis. He won't come out against the "vaccines" but he was the only one who refused to order doses for young children and that's important.

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Aug 10, 2022
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Yes, where are the pastors? Very few with courage.

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Consorting with the Darkness, fearing the devil's fiction rather than trust in the Divine and eternal life, they take the demon spikes and push them. They expose themselves.

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They are too worried about losing their tax exemption or the offerings from their congregation that might be offended. Most churches are as corrupt as the other institutions in this country.

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