Hamas "Ministry of Health" Inflated Civilian Deaths in Gaza to Demonize Israel
People should be ashamed that they believed terrorists who have vowed to commit genocide instead of the tiny nation defending itself against genocide.
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I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been accused of supporting genocide because I stand with Israel. 44,000 women and children killed, Hamas claimed, and people ate it up. Sometimes, people have even claimed hundreds of thousands. Millions. Children purposely targeted. On and on.
Is anyone going to say oops, sorry, we realize we were duped? I’m waiting.
In a comprehensive report, Andrew Fox, ex-armed forces and former Sandhurst lecturer, now a disinformation researcher at the Henry Jackson Society think tank, collated through Hamas’s own registries and Health Ministry websites, illuminating the myriad ways in which the terrorists fudged and manipulated casualty figures – and which world media eagerly lapped up without any skepticism, and repeated verbatim.
Not only were around 17,000 of those 44,000 deaths Hamas fighters, but Hamas’s “Ministry of Health” failed to distinguish between civilian and combatant deaths, over-reported deaths among women and children, and even included individuals who died before the conflict began.
The report found numerous statistical anomalies and inaccuracies. Researchers say that around 5,000 natural deaths, which would have happened even without the conflict, appear to have been added to the list of casualties, including cancer patients who later appeared on lists of those still receiving hospital treatment.
The Henry Jackson Society said the casualty figures also failed to distinguish between Gazans killed by the IDF and those killed by misfired Hamas rockets or during the distribution of food aid.
I have no doubt that more damning truths will come out as the war winds down. I also have no doubt that those who want to believe Israel is the monster in this conflict will continue to do so. It would seem that no amount of truth will change their minds.
And apparently you don't know right from wrong or good from evil either. Let me break it down for your skippy, A bloodthirsty death cult, whose only reason for existence, is to exterminate every religion on the planet and take over and rule All the people in the world by forcing them to convert to their death cult or enslaving them.Or killing Them,
Certainly are not the good guys.It's so extraordinarily simple. Stop.
Take a deep breath, thank. If you will do this, you will come to the conclusion that the Jews do have the right to live their lives in peace.They have attempted to do so, But you cannot live in peace with cult.Members who are dedicated to killing you. And have made it abundantly clear. .Even you Skippy, should be able to understand this simple reality. And the part I Just cannot understand is why you defend savages.That would not hesitate to kill or enslave you.I just don't get it.
I've never believed any of the so called Heath Ministry figures and isn't it strange there are always cameras to capture these so called events. It almost looks staged and then the propaganda is pushed out by MSMs. The useful idiots in the West buy it all, those of us with critical eyes and heads can see this bullshit for what it is. 🇮🇱 !