And apparently you don't know right from wrong or good from evil either. Let me break it down for your skippy, A bloodthirsty death cult, whose only reason for existence, is to exterminate every religion on the planet and take over and rule All the people in the world by forcing them to convert to their death cult or enslaving them.Or killing Them,

Certainly are not the good guys.It's so extraordinarily simple. Stop.

Take a deep breath, thank. If you will do this, you will come to the conclusion that the Jews do have the right to live their lives in peace.They have attempted to do so, But you cannot live in peace with cult.Members who are dedicated to killing you. And have made it abundantly clear. .Even you Skippy, should be able to understand this simple reality. And the part I Just cannot understand is why you defend savages.That would not hesitate to kill or enslave you.I just don't get it.

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It makes no sense. Except it's just pure hatred for Jews. Scary that so many people have come out of the woodwork and are now emboldened to express these dark thoughts and actually feel proud of themselves.

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Their pride will be their undoing. Israel cannot be defeated and the haters will come to see reality, whether they luke it or not. Israel isn't going anywhere, and the Jews will no longer be victimized.

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I've never believed any of the so called Heath Ministry figures and isn't it strange there are always cameras to capture these so called events. It almost looks staged and then the propaganda is pushed out by MSMs. The useful idiots in the West buy it all, those of us with critical eyes and heads can see this bullshit for what it is. 🇮🇱 !

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Thank you so much Karen for standing up for truth.

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A lot of the media which becomes viral on social media depicting images of violence done to Gazans by the IDF is staged. Yet, even when it’s poorly staged, people tend to “see” what they are told they are supposed to see, or what they believe they will see. For example: I’ve seen a few “Paliwood” or “Gazawood” videos of poor burn victims, dead babies being held by a sobbing mothers or fathers, sitting or standing in bombed out buildings, along with a few dead children encircled by adults who appear upset and are expressing it loudly. The scene is always chaotic. All the people around the “victims” are distracting the viewers from looking at the victim(s) closely as we’re taking in the entire scene. Besides, who really wants to look at a dead child? We may have become desensitized to violence from years of watching movies that show more and more violence, but this is different. It’s supposed to be real!

Of course the initial response is one of shock and horror. There is a natural reaction to quickly stop looking at the video, or watch the crowd’s reactions instead of looking at the “victims.” Fortunately, there are more people who are using their phones to video these scenes. Some of those people keep the video running. I’ve seen quite a few versions of some videos in which a boy appears to be dead with a broken or mangled body (his arms and legs are in odd positions, there are what appears to be blood stains on the clothes but the clothes aren’t torn, nor is there more blood coming out of an unseen wound). In one the boy scratched his leg while continuing to be or play dead. In another he sneezes and then smiles. In a third video the child coughs. Later, he straightens himself out, then gets up smiling to receive a piece of candy. The crowd with people yelling and crying who were around him, all begin to laugh as they reward the child and congratulate each other. In another disturbing video, after the first big controversial bomb or explosion in Rafa, frantic people were shown running up the stairs to a hospital, helping the “victims.” This video was on a major mainstream media news station, which showed the huge explosion first. Then they go to the frantic loud scene outside of the hospital and show an old man who appears to have major burns on his face. He is being helped as he feebly walks up the stairs. Later I saw the exact same video, except it was done slowly and focused a close up on the man. Although he was trying to cover his neck and the back of his head, his hand slipped a few times showing that only part of his face had the “burn” make up. His ears and neck were fine (not one mark). If this had just happened, the “burn” would not have appeared at all like it did in the video. It would have been on his neck and ears. Additionally, they made the mistake of using make up that resembled bad scars from a burn after weeks of healing. As the video kept going, once they reached the top of the stairs, they waited and then went back down, no longer helping this man. They were all laughing with him, as he easily walked back down the stairs, not appearing to be feeble or in pain. Others who had run into the hospital, began walking back out, again, laughing. Of course that part was not shown on major media stations. A last example, although there are many, is supposed to be a mother or father, who is sobbing while holding the baby and, as usual, sitting in a bombed out building. In one, the man holds the “dead baby” up into the air, as he continues to scream and cry. When viewed closely, it becomes obvious that this isn’t a baby. It’s a life like looking doll. In a few similar videos, a live baby, is used by different “parents,” with varied scenarios and backgrounds. Those are usually shot quickly with the baby being covered by blankets. Sometimes the baby coughs, or moves enough to know that it’s a live baby and when the scene is over, the baby is given to the person who may be the mother. It’s difficult to tell who the real parent is. Everyone is smiling at that point which makes it highly unlikely that even an injured baby was used.

The Gazan people have the psyche of the western mind down much better than the majority understands them. They use these poorly done videos to “prove” genocide or the intentions of genocide. So sick and tragically, too many buy it. Yet the outrage of the all to real scenes of horror from 10/7/2023, are forgotten and/or ignored by too many. I will never forget and the victim count continues to rise. There continue to be 100+ hostages who are not being fed and most likely being tortured. We don’t see the numerous missiles, rockets and individual terrorists which come into Israel almost daily. And our media fails to report that the missiles that do make it into Israel are most often striking civilian neighborhoods.

I hear the phrases or chants calling for the genocide of a people. They are shameful. Those phrases and chants are NOT coming from the Israelis who love and value life.

In the meantime, the IDF continues to risk their lives just to bring tons and tons of more unused and unopened food into Gaza.

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Thanks for explicating the dishonesty and insanity of it all, but in the future please divide your comments into much smaller, spaced paragraphs. Massive walls of text are very difficult to reaead.

It is really amazing and disturbing how people who are rightly skeptical of the propaganda put out by the US government and media just lap up the Hamas propaganda without any critical thought.

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It is pure insanity how people love lies over the truth. Hamas is finished.

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I agree. I’m always surprised at what people are willing to buy. Our culture has been victimized by propaganda for so long now that one would hope people would recognize it enough to investigate more, especially when it involves such life and death issues.

I apologize about both the length and lack of paragraphs. I do understand I will be mindful of that (paragraphs, etc) the next time I leave a comment. I also realize that I tend to say more than is needed.

It’s difficult to edit using my phone as a computer (my laptop is dead, as is my former desk computer). I certainly can do much better even with the phone. Thank you for the feedback!

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Is anyone surprised?

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No one should be surprised. But many people will refuse to believe it.

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Yeah there is a definite bias against Israel. Unfortunately. deliberate lying is part of the Muslim ethos to infidels. Not that I trust any of our allies as far as I can throw them but I know I can do business with Israel.

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Yep. People always try to argue, but Israel's government is corrupt. I say, that isn't much of an argument since all governments are corrupt. If you are so concerned about corruption, fox your own government before you start criticizing others. Of course they don't want to listen to such logic. They will take any excuse to focus on Israel.

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Yeah….the US Govt definitely has issues and hopefully we’ll start righting the ship. Otherwise, we’re screwed.

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It always comes down to hatred of Israel. Thank you for sharing the truth boldly.

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Islam is a cult and those who follow it are taught hatred of the Jews from birth.

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So true.

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I agree Israel is defending itself against what will be in the future - the whole world..

Gen 12 : 3 states "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed". KJV the word curse in Hebrew word for "curse" is "אָרַר" (arar), means no divine favour.

Also God gave the land of Canaan to His people - Numbers 34 : 2 "Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land of Canaan; (this is the land that shall fall unto you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan with the coasts thereof:) KJV.

No matter what the world news says, I WILL NOT curse Israel nor will I accept Israel owns less than what God gave them in the beginning.

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I am with you Karen.

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Yes, yes. And Gentiles are to keep the 7 Universal Laws. They will become righteous among the nations.

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Completely agree!

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Such truth. You're backing it up with Hebrew and a proper definition of the word shows that you get it. We need more truth tellers willing to speak out with such clarity. This comment touches me deeply. Yom Tov.

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Yes, that is so true.

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Hamas’ Ministry of Health inflated the casualty numbers. I’m shocked. No I’m not.

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One of the rare reasonable responses

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This insanity has to stop. This bias against Jew must stop.

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Hamas was built on lies and hatred of Jews from its founding. Palestine has never existed, and their lies have now cost them everything. Israel cannot be defeated.

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It is not surprising that savages would tell such lies.

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I worked at a SEIU rally in Philly this year. It was a large rally, with thousands of participants. The same dynamic that you describe herein was on display there. In one room, not so well attended, workers put forth their votes on initiatives. It might have been a self-selected group, it is true. But the hard working people who belong to this union were expected to vote on 5 issues affectng their lives, two of which were about the war in Gaza. While a minority disputed the relevance of these two motions, citing other world events causing actual mass migration, a good number made this an echo chamber and egged on what can only be called histrionics, reaching a paroxysm with one sobbing speaker saying that Israel, due to its bombing, had caused over 95% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions for this year. The panel of moderators heard this without a peep, and not a few vividly nodding in response. People are comfortable with facts, they like them, all of them. Most speakers were from the US.

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There is no end to the lies they will tell about Jews. If they hate Jews so much, they should try living among those savages. Islam is evil. It is time for people to wake up.

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The US is full of anti-Semitism. Maybe the new administration will put a stop to it.

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I would expect nothing less from a labor Union. People are now seeing the true extent of the hatred of Jews. Jews are no longer going to tolerate this hatred.

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Omg. Knock me over with a feather.

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🤣 😂

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I am so glad to see someone speak out about the atrocities and lies being hurled against the Jews.

We look forward to the era of Moshiach when G-d will restore us to our rightful place and final redemption will occur.

Thank you for your stance.

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In Islam it's okay to lie if it furthers their cause.... so there is that...Maranatha!!

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I am trying to understand why Tucker Carlson has intervened Jeffrey Sachs and not asked him about this part of the situation. Do you know who he is and why he thinks Netanyahu is the worst person on earth? I’m struggling with this.

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I wrote about Tucker Carlson and Christian Nationalism in a two part series. The Perfect Storm. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-perfect-storm-part-i

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Thank you Karen. An excellent article. Is there already a part 2?

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Not yet. I am writing about Islamic sleeper cells in America.

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I'm going to write something about that.

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ps since I KNOW yer busy as a bee (ya post so much Amazin' Karen!), ye might've missed the pot I stirred up re. the Candace Owens "big reveal" 'bout the USS Liberty--- One of yer own readers, the lovely Elsa of Truth Summit was brave enuf ta post some 'a my "Daisy-chained" "qvestions" 'bout this velly lop-sided narrative that Miz Candace & her minions are pushin'... Perhaps some of yer own subscribers here might take an interest or a look-see? Wallah...



it started here:


(LOOK at da CommMints--most everybuddy--I'd say 390/395 of 'em-are fallin' fer the false flag tale that has zero proof...but hey it's Candace-the-Actress who sez we joos are Pedo-Satanists so surely she's All "RIGHT"...oy)

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I'm traveling at thr moment so not only my computer. I read some of it. I will have to get back to it in a couple of days.

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I know... the epitome of trust-wurthiness...is Hamas?!! but folks be-LEAVE what they wanna an' little changes that view... lord knows I've tried! An' so many "good pee-pull" are eatin' it up. I've heard these two doozies:

1. Israel is killin' little babies (leeeeeetle baaaabeez) on purpose--just ta take out all future generations--they aim not fer the "soldiers" but fer the tots & babes (no words)

2. Israel shot one toddler 360 times IN THE HEAD. I mean really? Would the IDF waste that HUGE amt. of ammo on a toddler? WHY? And, 'er, I mean it would only take a bullet or three to take out a toddler (sorry that's dark but true)--so was 360 some kinda twisted ejaculation joyfully celebratin' the full out atomization of a small kid? LOOK--there are mebbe soldiers who are not actin' nobly (this happens in ALL nations...) but I do NOT think that even the soldiers who are out there as relations of a kidnapped hostage would act like that... I just do not see it...

OH, an' tho' it's troo the population in Gaza skews young with a lotta littles--the other whopper I hear a lot is that Israel murdered 45K CHILDREN & BABIES! (No mamas, no papas, it's like TOYLAND! Israel ruined dear little girl & boy land... there are no adults in Gaza...) I know it's not "nice" ta joke 'bout this stuff--there are TOO MANY real deaths an' that's why we all hate wars... (most of us do I think...) but see the rep is that all joos LIE an' all innocent "Palestinians" are the brave truth-tellin' "resistance fighters" (imho, "resistant starch" lol)... SO...

Just fer "giggles" (with no offense to the real dead) a little Pallywood (I saved these links, not sure if all still good...)












Some videos that claim to depict Israeli military bombardments are not authentic. A user on X posted a video claiming the Israeli army was bombing the Al-Sadaqa Turkish-Palestinian Hospital in Gaza. However, a fact-check by Mimikama, an Austria-based fact-checking platform, confirmed that the video shows an attack on a hospital in the Syrian city of Aleppo in 2016.

Scenes of children suffering in Syria's civil war have also served as material for false information about the current conflict. Another user on X shared a video claiming to show a boy in Gaza "mourning his sisters." The video, however, also originated in Syria in 2014, as verified by the fact-checking team of India Today news magazine.


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All who hate Jews will face the same fate as Hamas.

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Hamas is (was) pure evil. The world is better off without them.

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We have dealt them a blow they will never recover from. Israel cannot be defeated and soon the world will see redemption.

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"Hamas "Ministry of Health" Inflated Civilian Deaths in Gaza to Demonize Israel." Or, at least, there are those that would like you to believe that.

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Ah, so there you go. Are you saying you believe Hamas, despite reputable studies to the contrary. I mean, even without the studies, you just blindly believe jihadists who make no secret that they use their own people as martyrs and that their goal IS genocide, to kill every Jew on the planet. You just blindly believe them. Interesting..

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You're right Karen. It would have meant something like 120 casualties per day, and this doesn't run with what was reported, even from hostile quarters. They also showed an under-representation of combat-age men in the stats, as well as a daily rate that was evenly spread out, not representing the sporadic nature of the fighting. Finally, no deaths were attributed to failed rockets launches from Gaza.

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אמור לעובדי האלילים את מה שהם רוצים לשמוע

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We will take Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan also. It was given to us by G-d.

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There is no logic to this kind of blindness and hatred. It feels as if the world has turned upside down since 10/7. Or that we’ve entered Nazi Germany. (Well, it was before that with Covid) . But this? 100% blindness to the truth! Do you think there could be a correlation between the vaccines damaging or impacting the part of the brain that is able to discern between truth and fiction? There have been a few studies by Neurologists (peer reviewed). Some of those are written about on Substack One study recently showed evidence of the nano proteins collecting around and damaging the center in the brain in which autobiographical memories are stored.

It’s beyond me…except that this has been predicted for the times in which we’re living.

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It's something very deep and spiritual. I also think tech/AI is making people lose their minds.

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So do I. AI scares me and I believe it’s taken propaganda to a much higher level.

Somewhat related: a friend of mine who works as a scientist for the government warned me about 5 G around the same time that the fear campaign for Covid was beginning. He said that 5 G is dangerous for our health. Currently, in many areas of the country people are not given a choice. Their phones and other AI devices must be capable to handle 5 G.

I loved your essay on Elon M and “X.” It was powerful and, as usual, courageous.

When I’ve expressed my concerns to others about that beast “X,” most think that I’m nuts. I hear lectures about all the good that has been done by Elon Musk and the many ways that his technology is or will help people.

Once again, I felt less crazy after ready your essay.

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I wish I could give 2 👍 up on this one.

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Yes, Karen, you are so right. This hatred has to be deep and spiritual. Thank you for showing us the depth of your understanding and helping put into words the hatred of Jews that has always been present. It has only intensified. You are a gem of truth in an ocean of lies. Thank you so much for your page.

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Antisemitism seems to be preprogrammed into most people's brains. Covid did not help the issue, that's for sure. Jews are always persecuted wherever they go. Isreal must be protected at all costs. G-d will do our fighting if the world abandons us.

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Sadly, it’s true. I agree with both you and Karen; that it’s extremely deep and spiritual. I do not think that it’s been pre-programmed into everyone’s brain. I know that I grew up with the opposite feelings. I never felt a separation - more of a strong connection, as well as a deep sorrow when learning very early about the death camps, Hitler, etc. Some of my friends had survivor relatives with whom I had the good fortune to speak and more importantly, listen to often. Their stories, which are unforgettable, were embedded vividly into my heart. I know that I was and am certainly not the only “Zionist gentile” either. So this what feels like a rapid turn of events or explosion of the Nazi spirit, actually was shocking and appalling to me. It continues to be, even though it was predicted.

We ALL need to stand with the Jewish people and Israel. As the prose say in “Never Again,” at the end, “and then they came for me,” because there was no one left, if Israel looses this multi-front war, the rest of the world is next. (I am probably paraphrasing “Never Again”).

Israel must continue to fight this war without listening to the current US administration. We must all take a strong stand while doing everything that we can to make people who’ve been indoctrinated into hate and lies see the truth.

I will always stand with Israel. Let’s hope that President Trump continues his stance and is able to get into the Whitehouse safely in order to really provide the help Israel needs. 🙏🏼🇮🇱🙏🏼

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Trump stands solidly with the Jewish people. There are rumors he has converted to Judaism. If they are not true, maybe he will. That will guarantee safety for Israel. I love the term "Zionist gentile". It says so much and speaks to your love and caring for the Jewish sufferings that continue to this day.

You will be blessed, I am sure.

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Thank you Ashley! Your comment warms my heart.

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Trusting the words of a Jihadist is like Goldilocks trusting the wolf. We will not allow another Shoah to happen. The world needs to stand with Israel. Israel stands alone on the front line against these madmen. Stand with Israel, and you will be blessed. Stand against Israel, and a curse will come upon you.

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I love your analogy. So true!

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Call them out on their lies, Karen. Truth will always win.

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Way to go Karen on confronting the bigots. Genocide wil not be allowed to happen to the Jews. The brave are starting to stand up for Israel regardless of the cost.

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Nope, I'm saying I don't know the actual statistics and neither do you.

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I'm not exactly sure what you said. Are you saying Israel is trying to make people believe something that isn't true? Or is Hamas doing that? Perhaps I misunderstood your comment

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A confused and bigoted individual.

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The first causality of war, as the expression attributed to Hiram Johnson goes, is the truth. What I am saying is just because somebody comes out with a statistic or statement regarding a war doesn't mean that it should be believed—the exact opposite is generally more reasonable. It could take 25-, 50-, or maybe 100-years for the truth regarding a war to come out—if ever. Everybody lies, on both sides of a conflict, so believe nobody.

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C Taylor, those are called truisms. And if you believe them, what engages you here among us 'naives'? I don't have a sole source of information, so I don't believe there's some entity out there trying to pull the wool over my eyes. But experience does matter, even experience parsing news reports. If there were a total number of deaths in so many days, who is missing? Who is who among the dead? An absolute figure is probably not within reach, that is indeed true, but accepting EVERY death as being a bystander, woman or child, points to a malicious intent to target women and children. Is that what you believe? If so, why?

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Your prior comment, is a contradiction in terms: statistics are, by definition, (to use your term) “complete.” An “incomplete statistic” would be just a meaningless number.

"Pull[ing] the wool over [your] eyes" is exactly what the powers that be are trying to do: it’s called propaganda—it’s ubiquitous.

While there countless reports that indicate innocent civilians are being targeted, since I cannot prove it choosing to "believe it" would be folly,—just as categorically not believing it would be.

Since the globalists’ are, by many accounts, trying to create a totalitarian, one-world government, I am—as with any channel—just searching for relevant information, disseminating it when appropriate, and calling out BS when the need arises, as I would hope anyone would. This is just a good source.

And, as for your other comment, do I think that everyone “here” is naïve? No, not everyone.

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Yes, there are known statistics, incomplete as they are. So, speak for yourself.

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Really? Are you actually that naive?

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People like you are just plain ignorant. You have been shown facts, yet you still deny them. Hamas and those who follow Islam are liars. Do you side with murderers and savages? It is enough that Christians have hated us and persecuted us. Now, this hatred is spreading like a virus.

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Enough with your lies and antisemitism.

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Karen, you are amazing. You are bringing out such profound truths and are an inspiration to us all. We must support Israel and the Jewish people at all costs.

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