Good piece.

Don’t agree with all of it but Bibi owns this. For establishing Hamas and voting in favor of the withdrawal from Gush Katif in 2005.

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true that. likud set up hamas to destabilize the plo just as the us deep state set up al qaeda to destabilize the taliban. food for thought: https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/is-netanyahu-the-fauci-of-the-hamas

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Well written and timely, Karen. The voices are deafening and the ignorance of people is palatable. I'll stick with my Bible as it unfolds just as God said it would.

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"But just as saying I do not support sending billions of dollars to Ukraine doesn’t mean I'm a “Putin lover”, saying I stand with Israel doesn’t mean I hate the Palestinian people. I have the right to say this."

Hard to understand why we should even have to make such a statement. The soft totalitarianism is strong in our culture. LOL, even on your own 'stack!

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Wasn't easy to write this piece but I'm glad I did. I support free speech and people's rights to speak their mind here, as long as it stays respectful. It saddens me when people who have followed my writing for a long time unsubscribe because of this piece. We have lost the ability to listen to one another. I'm really glad I wrote this. Very interesting to see what is rising to the surface now. I fear for Jews all over the world.

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I'm glad you wrote it, too. I'm thinking thru this just as you (and many other Christians) are. I have to be careful, my emotions are stronger than my reason so often. Your thoughts help me greatly, so thanks.

So, you've been cancelled on Twitter, now you're losing subs. Keep it up!

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Very respectfully, I think your fear for the Jews, shared by many, is for others fear for the Palestinians. According to life experiences or what one has read etc, people are expressing the same reaction of fear but for different people. Your fear may be well-founded, yet so is the fear of those more concerned about the Palestinians. I think for me it is the taking of sides to the point of using these fears to justify further acts of violence that switches me off from some commentators' reactions at the moment. I also hear a sense of self-righteousness, of yourself seeing more clearly and being a better person than others, in your writing, which is of course common to many of us, but it's there and makes it hard for me to keep reading you, Karen. I'm maybe not expressing it well, or maybe I'm coming across as disrespectful - I am however attempting to clarify why I felt a deep unease reading this essay. I think experience your authenticity, integrity and passion, as always, and I also experience a bias that sits uncomfortably with me. I don't want you to feel frustrated or take offence - I guess I just want to give honest feedback.

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This event and a solution is a hard nut to crack. Forces on both sides are using their own people as human shields to further their agenda which most of the time means stuffing their suitcases with money.

I too have spent considerable time in the Middle East (10 years) as well as 6 months working in Israel. Conversations with locals never went into Israel vs Arabs but rather the state of affairs in their lives in the community they lived in. I had an advantage over you Karen, as a formidable man I was never threatened. We sometimes joked among ourselves that a donkey was better treated than an Arab woman. Or that the only time a woman is allowed to walk in front of a man was through a minefield. Sorry if offensive.

The point I’m trying to make is that for a democracy, like envisioned for Israel, to work would require a complete change of customs by the Arabs And I don’t see that happening.

The one thing I see that could ease the tension is for the Zionists to be subdued. The plan of taking Gaza, the West Bank and building the Temple, which required demolition of the Al Aqsa Mosque need to be abandoned.

Stay with God Karen, ask his care, protection and guidance in all your endeavors.


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Thanks for the respectful response. Some responses here have really saddened me although I can't say I'm surprised. It is becoming increasingly difficult for people to disagree with one another and remain respectful about it. I can't respond to all the comments because it becomes too overwhelming, and I said it the best way I could in this piece, so I don't want to keep going on about it. I want to get back to finishing my essays about Anthrax and the Metaverse, but again, thanks for your response, I appreciate it.

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I did! I wuz quite surprised (an' impressed!) at his awareness of surveillance an' trackin'--how did he know back then? Chills indeedy! I wuz also touched by his firm stance advocatin' fer the survival of the Jewish people--both based on bible verses an' highlightin' survival beyond all odds. Understandin' an' empathy. I also wuz taken by his sense've humor, even in light of the seriousness of the topic--that part I didn't expect! Bet'cha if he knew THAT much--he likely knew even MORE about what wuz comin' to us today (mebbe it's in other sermons?).

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I think ya see more than folks give ya credit fer--an' then some! You "see" with not just yer head but with yer heart, a gift that's too much lackin' today (on all sides). I see a lotta reason an' thought an' empathy here where too many folks on every side are jus' seein' "red" an' takin' sides like it was a boxin' match--it ain't a fair fight tho, it's "fixed". Sadly, too many good people KO'd an' the end envisioned is the mop up by the janitor after nobuddy's left standin'....

This mebbe a bit too "out there in the woo" fer ya but there's a fascinatin' feller from Italy that left the Freemasons an' has--I think--very good perceptions on the twisted-girders / "underpinnin's" of this whole mess. Leo Zagami-- give him a listen if ya have a moment... it's a take I hadn't heard... a fair one, I think...


Also, bless ya Karen--yer a brave writer!

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Thank you. Did you listen to my dad's talk that I included in my essay? It really gave me chills listening to it-which I hadn't done for a long time--because what he spoke of almost 30 years ago is exactly what is happening now.

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This article I can get behind (from the girl who critisized "Standing with Israel in these END TIMES").

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That makes me so happy. What I want more than anything is to create a space where people can dialogue and debate. People are automatically shutting others out the minute they assume they disagree on one point or another rather than respectfully discussing issues. This will happen more and more as hate and extremism continue to rise. I will fight against that as much as I can.

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Please watch this video. Norman Finklestein studied the conflict for 40 years and even though he does not condone Hamas, he asks "what were they supposed to do?"


Also, the timing of this event made Saudi Arabia stop their Israel recognition process.

Mark Sloboda on Jimmy Dore show explained that if this went through, the Palestinian cause would be done. Hmmm

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Hamas does not give a damn about the suffering of "their" people, no matter what Finkelstein says and no matter how long he has studied the conflict. Hamas has one, and only one, objective in mind and it is the same objective Hitler had in mind: to banish the Jewish nation off the face of the earth. This is their charter, this is their raison d'etre. And now, having perpetrrated the worst pogrom in 80 years, Hamas has signed the death warrant for the very people Norman Finkelstein claims they fight for. After this is all done, there will be very liitle left of Gaza to come back to - for those able to save their lives in the first place

This is not the place to go into the history of the conflict. Millions of pages by hundreds of historians have been written about the topic. But in October 2023 it is Israel who is the aggrieved party, not the people of Gaza whose "concentration camp" is the result of their Hamas rulers' blood lust for Jews and for Israel.

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My hope with all of this (and it was not easy to write this piece) is that perhaps people will reflect a little bit more about the truth that you lay out very clearly. You do not mince words and I thank you for that because it will take more and more courage to speak out. I fear people will not listen and we will see such an escalation of hatred toward Jews, the likes of which we have not seen before. I am very worried about this.

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Looks like you have blinders on shielding you from seeing that both sides are calling for the genocide of their adversaries.

The missing Israeli incitement against Palestinians https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/international/255403-the-missing-israeli-incitement-against-palestinians/

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Many, if not most, planned wars are initiated by a false flag in order to garner public support for the crimes to be committed. This was true of Hitler’s Nazi’s before their Polish blitzkrieg; it was true of 9/11 before the ensuing NATO wars of aggression in the Middle East, and it is true of the Hamas attack and the unfolding war we are witnessing. Same playbook every time. It’s amazing so few understand that, but I guess emotions rob people of their ability to see clearly.

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Great interview, not many would like to hear it.

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The violence by Hamas stinks to high heaven and has all the hallmarks of a false flag, which gives cover to the psychotic Israeli desire to carry out the final solution against the captive Palestinian people who have endured ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Jews for 75 years. Now they can finally clear the area and take it for themselves. With the inconvenient Arab population out of the way, the Jews can finally build their damned third temple, and claim all that offshore natural gas. The stain on their souls from wanton mass murder will take eons to overcome though, and who knows, maybe even damn them to hell for all eternity. I really hope the price is worth it to them.

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How did this digress to an anti-Catholic rant? Why is that part of your piece about world War?

Plus XII worked actively behind the scenes to help Jewish people and try to end the Holocaust. The Church HAS actively acknowledged abuse issues and is addressing them.

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How is it an anti-Catholic rant to point out history and show how people are willing to know about atrocities committed by leaders from all different institutions and still be members of those institutions. Everyone should have the freedom and the right to practice their religion. I point out the history to give a wider context to what I have written. I just read today, where the patriarch of Jerusalem offers himself up in exchange for child hostages. We will see many courageous people come together from all backgrounds, religions, etc. and I hope it will bring people together, not tear them apart. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/patriarch-of-jerusalem-offers-himself-up-in-exchange-for-child-hostages-held-by-hamas-there-is-total-willingness-on-my-part/ar-AA1ii1gG

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Thank you for sharing the article about the patriarch of Jerusalem. This is what I expect from my faith leaders.

Regarding the holocaust, countless priests were martyred as well. See Maximilian Kolbe for one example.

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Yes, if you've read the body of my work, you will know that I write about many of these things. This piece was written for a certain purpose. I have been reading Father George Calciu's Interviews, Homilies, and Talks and it is just so inspiring. I mention him in another essay and I'd like to say more about him. All barriers broke down and there were no differences between Christians (Catholics and Protestants) suffering in prison in Romania. Calciu's writing is so powerful and honest. He talks about this connection between Christians, as does Richard Wurmbrand, who was a friend of my family. You might read my essay No Greater Love than This to get an idea of the full scope of my writing: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/no-greater-love-than-this

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Thank you for sharing. I will read more. I hope in the mean time, you'll also read more about the Inquisition, Crusades, Reformation, and any other rote Catholic propaganda you *think* you know about.

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Well, I think your view of history skews anti-Catholic and is misinformed. It's very easy to say "Catholic Church bad" and sneer at the 1.2 Bn Catholics for being so stupid as to follow such a terrible institution. History is far more complex. While I appreciate the message you're trying to communicate, there's no comparison between Muslim atrocities and alleged crimes of the Church throughout history.

The history of the Crusades has far more Muslim brutality than Christian. The Inquisition is misrepresented, and it's so worn out and tired to remind us that priests are horrible rapists and Catholics don't care. We do care, a lot. We just believe that the Church has Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, as evidenced by countless Eucharistic Miracles throughout history. We can't leave that. It's not just that we "need a building", we need the sacraments like we need air to breathe.

Evil is real, and I'm tired of the Church being represented as even close to comparable to other evils in this world.

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I would never sneer at anyone. And I certainly never said that Catholics don't care a lot. I have written time and time again how important it is to not lose these traditions and I appreciate that you need sacraments like air to breathe. All powerful institutions become corrupt. This is my opinion backed up by many examples down through history. We don't have to agree. I respect your stance and your faith.

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I agree with Whitney. Very disappointed to read the Catholic bashing. With over a billion Catholics, there will be sinners in the Church. But the old tropes about Pius XII, the inquisition, and the Crusades are tiresome.

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Thank you Whitney. Pope Pius probably saved more Jewish people than Shindler and Walenberg combined.The Crusades were defensive wars to prevent the expansion of Islam. I don't understand why this article had to expand into Catholic bashing. Yes, there are sinners in the Church. There are also great saints.

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Karen, aren't you missing the point that your reaction is exactly the one those controlling events want you to have? That there are forces at play here way beyond the idea of one group of humans wanting to wipe out another group, and this meaning we just have to figure out who are the greatest victims and therefore who are the worst perpetrators, and we simply take them out, collateral damage be damned? Isn't this exactly how the Nazis approached the Jews?

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First it isn't exactly how the Nazis approached the Jews because the Jews were not led by a terrorist organization inside Germany, funded by surrounding nations that hated Germans, and that was trying to exterminate Germans and attacking them constantly, and there are many other dissimilarities, too many to go into here. That distinction aside, I think I made it clear how humanity got to this point and the only outcome of Israel invading Palestine will not be a good one. On the other hand, what should they do? As I say, should they sit passively and allow themselves to be exterminated? It's easy for us to talk theoretically about it but as I've said in other writings on war, when it comes to your doorstep all the theories go out the window and you fight to defend your own--while the elites who profit from war look on and don't care how many die. If you've never been in an actual physical fight, it's hard to understand the brutality of the situation. If volleys of rockets were constantly hitting your neighborhood, what happened in history and how you got there (taking land from Native Americans for example) won't matter. You will try stop them. I know I will get grief for what I'm writing here. I know it's hard to take in. I think I was clear on where the blame should be put and how it is always the ordinary people who suffer for it. It is quite chilling to see how this has been foretold in the Bible but it's also hard to write about that since most people won't accept it. So, I do the best I can.

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100%, Karen! I also lived in the Middle East (Libya) during the 6Day War and for many years after that. I think it gives us a different perspective than most. Your post was one of the most well thought out, reasonable takes on the situation that I’ve read (and I’ve read a lot). In this situation, as in many others of late, my core instinct is to look at 1. Who funds this? 2. Who supports this worldwide? 3. What are the alternative actions? 4. What would I do?

On a personal level, it’s impossible for me to support any organization being touted by the same radical leftists that brought us, or supported, the Covid lockdown hysteria, BLM, Antifa, etc.

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It wasn't just "radical leftists", though, was it? On the contrary. The Israeli government can hardly be described as such, nor the British. It's way too easy for the left to blame the right and the right the left, and many of us don't even know what those terms mean anymore. But it's clear that this is what we are supposed to be doing.

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One cannot assess the situation without asking the questions: Why are Jews in Palestine? After all, 30 percent of the inhabitants were Jewish before 1947.

And if they belong there, why is it that a lot more Jews choose NOT to live in Israel?

In general, I don't believe that there is such a group as "the Jews," but the situation in Israel clearly demonstrates that divergent cultures don't do well together (even Jewry is not exactly homogeneous). One of them always dominates.

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The most sensible comment in this entire thread.

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Karen, I wrote that the approach taken is the same. The mentality that these people are a such a threat to us that we can dehumanise them and therefore excuse killing them. I get that many people are terrified that Hamas will somehow destroy Israel is Israel doesn't destroy Hamas first, but I still do not get how this is possible when Israel has the USA behind it and a nuclear arsenal. Destroying Gaza is only more likely, not less, to get other Arab powers involved, resulting in a much worse situation for Israel. But I guess we'll see...

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I haven’t verified this but many sources say that the elites that are trying to bring about a New World order and either eliminate or control 6/7 of the planet’s population are Jewish. How does it fit with there only being 15 million Jews in the world when apparently somehow they lead most of the world’s powerful institutions that control our money and our voices and seek to depopulate the planet? I don’t know, I am asking. This tiny population seems to be powerful in a way that is disproportionate to their population. Why? How?

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Words matter. We cannot win a war we are not fighting. Calling various police actions since 1950 “war” doesn’t make them one.

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‘The Pentagon's Brain’

I am beta one in the Darpa Brain Initiative. As I type this devices in my head remotely activated are blasting my skull. Doctors have been threatened that harm will come to them if they help me or remove any tech. This is Nazism, nothing else. All of Congress colluding to hide depraved DOD experiments on innocent citizens fed into program under falsified FISAS & diagnoses. Please watch and call HOUSE Judiciary and demand they end my torture.




You can reach me directly at elizabethc@protonmail.com.



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Your dad was wrong about Catholicism. The recent abuse report by the Baptists is sad reading. Sin is a human thing not a denominational thing. The inquisition was nothing compared to the Protestants or more so the secularists. 150 million murdered by atheists in the last century. More than by all religions in history. Let’s let go of the polemics.

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