Thank you Whitney. Pope Pius probably saved more Jewish people than Shindler and Walenberg combined.The Crusades were defensive wars to prevent the expansion of Islam. I don't understand why this article had to expand into Catholic bashing. Yes, there are sinners in the Church. There are also great saints.
Thank you Whitney. Pope Pius probably saved more Jewish people than Shindler and Walenberg combined.The Crusades were defensive wars to prevent the expansion of Islam. I don't understand why this article had to expand into Catholic bashing. Yes, there are sinners in the Church. There are also great saints.
Thank you Whitney. Pope Pius probably saved more Jewish people than Shindler and Walenberg combined.The Crusades were defensive wars to prevent the expansion of Islam. I don't understand why this article had to expand into Catholic bashing. Yes, there are sinners in the Church. There are also great saints.