All the technology in the world could not win the war against terrorists in Iraq or Afghanistan. And a new wave of terrorist organizations would emerge, form, and terrorize. ~ The Pentagon's Brain
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Hamas’ mission for 30 years has not been to create a Palestinian state. It has been to exterminate Jews.
Last Saturday, more than 1,000 Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and went on a bloody rampage, killing women, children, babies, as many Jews as they could in as short a time as possible. They took over one hundred hostages. Hamas received massive cyber support from abroad and used drones to attack and disable Israeli observation towers. It’s being reported that the killing spree took over two years to plan and that help came from Iran.
Soon after news of the attacks became known, we started to hear the phrase in the media that this was “Israel’s 9/11”. There are similarities, certainly.
The United States took advantage of 9/11 to blame Iraq and its “Weapons of Mass Destruction” which then justified the 2003 “Shock and Awe” campaign to bring down Sadam Hussein. This led to the “War on Terror” which led to the formation of ever more sophisticated terrorist organizations like ISIS which led to more justification for war and then more terror and now, what do we have?
Hamas. And the potential for a “war to end all wars". Not the hopeful way World War One was described, but a war where the human race obliterates itself. It isn’t anything to be proud of that our greatest achievement as a species is the ability to destroy everything on the planet.
9/11 ushered in a new age of “network-centric warfare” offering a “New Theory of War, based on information age principles and phenomena.”
In her excellent book, The Pentagon’s Brain, Annie Jacobson lays out the vision of Arthur Cebrowski, a decorated Navy pilot who had served in both Vietnam and Operation Desert Storm. In 2003 he described that vision to Donald Rumsfeld:
A network-centric warfare offered a “new relationship between operations abroad and homeland security,” meaning the lines between homeland security and fighting foreign wars would become intentionally blurred…. [providing] a “new concept/sense of security in the America citizen.” …Network-centric warfare “had great moral seductiveness,” said Cebrowski.
[Cebrowski] espoused that a war that relied on advanced technology was a morally superior war. America did not have to resort to “wholesale slaughter” anymore… This, said Cebrowski, was a good and moral thing.
History would reveal that Arthur Cebrowski spoke too soon. All the technology in the world could not win the war against terrorist in Iraq or Afghanistan. Local populations did not see network-centric warfare and targeted killing by drones, in their neighborhoods, as morally superior. And a new wave of terrorist organizations would emerge, form, and terrorize.
And so it goes, as Kurt Vonnegut would say.
Despite all the new gadgets and rigmarole, American citizens do not feel safer now than they did after 9/11. Technology failed the Americans who are now hostages in Gaza.
Earlier today I watched Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, who is not the most animated person, give a rousing speech to the world with Benjamin Netanyahu by his side.
"You may be strong enough on your own to defend yourself. But as long as America exists, you will never ever have to. We will always be there by your side," Blinken told Netanyahu.
Benjamin Netanyahu then responded that “every Hamas member is a dead man”.
How much do these two men really care about their own people as opposed to putting up a front in order to achieve more nefarious goals?
First of all, let’s take a look at Netanyahu.
In a piece titled ‘NETANYAHU IS FINISHED’ Seymour Hersch gives an account of the past week’s horrific events in Israel, as seen by a veteran of Israel’s national security apparatus with inside knowledge of recent happenings.
The most important thing I needed to understand, the Israeli insider told me, is that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “is finished. He is a walking dead man. He will stay in office only until the shooting stops . . . maybe another month or two.” …. “Bibi was always opposed to the 1993 Oslo Accords,” the insider said, which initially gave the Palestinian Authority nominal control over both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. When he returned to office in 2009, the insider said, “Bibi chose to support Hamas” as an alternative to the Palestinian Authority, “and gave them money and established them in Gaza.”
An arrangement was made with Qatar, which began sending hundreds of millions of dollars to the Hamas leadership with Israeli approval. The insider told me that “Bibi was convinced that he would have more control over Hamas with the Qatari money—let them occasionally fire rockets into southern Israel and have access to jobs inside Israel—than he would with the Palestinian Authority. He took that risk.
“What happened this week,” the insider said, “was a result of the Bibi doctrine that you could create a Frankenstein and have control over it.”
During Covid Netanyahu sold his own Israeli people to Pfizer to be experimented on like lab rats.
“As part of the agreement with Pfizer, we decided that Israel will be a global model state for the rapid vaccination of an entire country,” Netanyahu said, adding that Israel will share data with the world that will “help develop strategies for defeating the coronavirus”.
If you want to find out the truth about data gathering, read one of my most important essays The Nefarious Goal Behind Covid Testing.
At the time, Netanyahu was on trial on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Covid was a game-changer for him, taking the focus off his personal troubles and allowing him to proclaim that he had signed agreements with Pfizer and Moderna. Perhaps he thinks that by forming this new emergency government with former Defense Minister Benny Gantz, signaling unity, he will again escape a reckoning.
Now, let’s take a look at Anthony Blinken.
This war came along at a convenient time for the Biden Totalitarian Regime. The funding for Ukraine was drying up but now, a new floodgate has opened. The Biden Administration and leading members of Congress are crafting an American aid package of roughly $2 billion in supplementary funding to support the nation’s war effort against Hamas.
The means the powerful will go to in order to justify their greed and corruption is staggering. Watch out for the new term “moral clarity”. It is being repeated over and over and I have heard friends say it, without realizing where it came from. It must have started with the speeches of Netanyahu and Blinken.
When I look at Blinken, I cannot forget about the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan and the 13 soldiers killed at the Kabul airport. As an act of swift retaliation, the US government claimed that a drone strike killed terrorists, when in fact, it killed an aid worker and nine members of his family, including seven children. The youngest child, Sumaya, was just 2 years old.
There were no protests in the streets over this. No one seemed to care very much. Somehow, the clinical death by drone is considered not as morally wrong as a terrorist running up to someone and knifing them to death. I suppose this is the “great moral seductiveness,” that Cebrowski was talking about.
For all the promises of taking care of our own, as many as 15,000 Americans were abandoned in Afghanistan after the Taliban's takeover of the country. Not only that, but the United States evacuated only about 3 percent of Afghans who worked for the American government, leaving behind an estimated 78,000.
What happened to all these people? Nobody knows and nobody seems to care. But I will wager that many more terrorists were born of these acts.
In testimony before the House Committee in 2021, Blinken defended the withdrawal by saying that the end of the almost 20-year war marked a "new chapter of America's engagement with Afghanistan," one "we will lead with our diplomacy."
No such new chapter of diplomacy happened. Rather, it led to war in Ukraine and now war in Israel.
As of today, the Pentagon has ordered a second carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean Sea and is sending Air Force fighter jets to the region as Israel prepares to expand its Gaza operations.
Iran has sent a message to Israel through the UN saying that Iran will have to intervene if the IDF launches a ground operation in Gaza.
And yet, for all of this, Israel will not be deterred. There is no going back to life the way it was before last Saturday.
Beyond the empty promises of governments and their duplicitous actions that ultimately serve the will of the powerful, there are people on the ground who have no choice but to fight for their lives. The powerful know this. It is no fault of the Israeli people or the Palestinians living in Gaza.
1 million Palestinians have been warned to get out of northern Gaza, an impossible task, as Israel prepares a ground invasion that is sure to inflict terrible injury and loss of life on innocent Palestinians. But how else can Israel eradicate Hamas, which has imbedded itself into the Palestinian community like a cancer. How can that cancer be removed without consequences? It can’t.
Israel Defense Forces Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said in a Sunday interview with ABC's This Week, "We will strike Hamas from the top, through its institutions, all the way down to the individuals that conducted the butchering of our babies," Lerner said. "We did not ask for this war, but we will win it."
Should Israel falter in its response against Hamas, it will be overrun, and we will see the “final solution” at last achieved that civilizations (a mockery of that word) down through history have sought to inflict upon the Jewish people. For all the discussions we can have about the evil overlords and their malicious intent, the fact is, we cannot allow the Jewish people to wiped off the face of the earth. We must stand with them and that is why I say I stand with Israel.
Israel is a tiny country with a population of only about 9 or 10 million Jews. Worldwide, there are only about 15 million Jews. Hamas butchered 1,200 last Saturday. That is the equivalent of between 30,000 to 40,000 Americans being killed if you adjust for population. This is the greatest loss of Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust.
“I think Jews and antisemitism are frequently taken out of the equation here [in terms of] what's going on. But for both diaspora Jews and Jews in Israel, this is really an attack on their identity. It says in [Hamas’s] charter that they want to eliminate every Jew from the land of Israel—from the ‘Zionist entity’—and then move on to the rest of the world. So, we're talking really about genocidal antisemitism here. And unfortunately, in a lot of Arab-Muslim cultures, kids are still raised with Jew hatred from a very early age. You have books like ‘Mein Kampf’ or the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion,’ which are still very, very popular in these places.”
There has been this narrative going on since about the 6-Day War that this conflict is about land. But in actuality, if you go back in history and you really understand how this conflict has played out and you listen to Palestinian media not just in Gaza but also in the West Bank, formerly known as Judaea and Sameria, then you recognize that this is actually a tribal war. That this is really about ideology. It’s really about religion. Jews have been hated since time immemorial.
This struck home to me because of my personal experiences confronting that ideology. It is not accepted to talk about how deeply rooted in Islam is this hatred of Jews among Arabs. But to deny this is to deny reality. Religion has fueled many of the worst atrocities, why can we not acknowledge that Islam is no different. The Inquisition and the Crusades come to mind.
My dad wrote about this in his book, A Woman Rides the Beast:
“Of course, not all dissenters openly proclaimed their disloyalty to Rome. There were secret heretics who had to be sought out diligently. The method devised was the Inquisition, in the opinion of Egyptian author Rollo Ahmed, "the most pitiless and ferocious institution the world has ever known" in its destruction of lives, property, morals, and human rights. Lord Acton, a Catholic, called the Inquisition "murderous" and declared that the popes "were not only murderers in the great style, but they made murder a legal basis of the Christian Church and the condition of salvation.”
Pope Pius XII, whose papacy covered World War II, likely knew about the Nazi attempt to exterminate Jewish people in the Holocaust as early as 1942, according to a new letter found in Vatican archives. Yet, he remained silent.
Here is one of my dad's talks on antisemitism, prophecy, and the Jews returning to Jerusalem and how in the last days all the nations of the world will turn against Israel (at the 43 min mark, it is chilling to hear him talk about what is happening today):
Up until the present day, the Catholic church covered up systemic acts of sexual abuse against children by its clergy. Amy Berg’s 2006 Academy Award nominated documentary film, Deliver Us from Evil, explored the life of Irish Catholic priest Oliver O'Grady, who admitted to having molested and raped approximately 25 children in Northern California from the late 1970s through the early 1990s. The highly researched film suggests that Church officials were aware of O'Grady's crimes many years before his conviction but took steps to conceal them to protect him and the Church.
Despite all of these terrible acts and more, there are an estimated 1.2 billion loyal Roman Catholics around the world. Somehow, they are able to put aside all the corruption and death and torture committed in the name of Catholicism and remain loyal to the church. Personally, I can’t do that. I have faith, but I espouse no religion. On the other hand, I understand how important the comfort and security of organized religion is to most people. No one has to right to persecute another human being because of their religion.
There are an estimated 2.2 billion Christians in the world, which makes Christianity the largest religion on the planet. Islam is the world's second most widely practiced religion. It is also one of the fastest growing religions and today, has approximately 1.7 billion followers.
Putting all of this into perspective and realizing that there are only 15 million Jews, and they are in danger of being wiped out, how can we not support them in their right to exist and to defend themselves when they are attacked. Okay, questions can be raised about the past and arguments can be made about how the Jews got to Israel. But the fact is, they are here now, miraculously. Having their own nation has foiled the plans of those who want to wipe them out.
More often than not, the reason people do not support the Jews right to a homeland is not because they support the Palestinians right to a homeland instead but because of antisemitism. Antisemites are getting bolder. They have broken out of the shadows and blatantly display their hatred on social media for all the world to see.
Rhea continues:
Antisemitism is a really interesting form of hatred. It’s not worse, nor better than any other form of hatred but it functions a little bit differently than, say, anti-black racism. Antisemitism is sometimes very difficult to recognize unless someone is blatantly saying something like ‘gas the Jews’ like we just saw at the Sydney Opera House where thousands gathered, supposedly in support of Palestine, yet they were chanting "‘gas the Jews’. Antisemitism punches up and well as down. And what that means is that in addition to Jews being seen as lesser than, inferior, vermin, rats, they are also seen as all-powerful, master manipulators, the puppet masters, holding the strings [the protocols of the Elders of Zion material].
So, fundamentally, antisemitism at its core is a conspiracy theory and it morphs to suit the needs of a given society. Jews are historically the scapegoats when something is going wrong in a society.
Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, turned against Hamas to support Israel. He stands out as an Arab with inside knowledge of Hamas who states that Israel is not the problem, Israel is the solution:
…in Israel you will find Muslims, Christians, Arabs, Palestinians, all type of people live under the Israeli Constitution, protected by the Israeli government. Arabic is the official language in the state of Israel. I'm not Afraid from the Israeli side. I'm not afraid of the democratic model. There can be corruption everywhere, there's no perfect Democratic model anywhere but Israel is in a war zone where more than 22 nations are against it. Though the majority of my people disagree but Israel to me the end of the day is a democratic country and I prefer democracy over dictatorships, and I think Israel is the only true democratic model in the region. I'm not affiliated with politics this is not a political statement. This is a fact, and this is a reality and what we need actually for the region is more models of Israel. Actually, we would like for surrounding countries to learn from Israel.
Palestinian peace activist Bassem Eid who lives in East Jerusalem has been traveling to the U.S. every few months for nearly the last decade to warn Americans about the atrocities carried out by Hamas.
Here is what he had to say:
“Hamas is keeping 2.3 million Palestinians as hostages. Hamas is defending his rockets by using his own people. Imagine is such organization that the Americans claiming that it’s a justice and social organization, hiding weapons inside hospitals and inside the mosques. I think what the Hamas did last Saturday considered as a genocide. It’s not a massacre. And unfortunately, some rubbish human beings around the world is celebrating such massacre by considering it as a Palestinian victory.”
Let’s be clear. No one in their right mind wants the murder of anyone—child or adult, no matter what country they are from, no matter what religion or ethnicity. Palestinians did not create this mess. Jews did not create this mess. Hamas did. It is Hamas that cares nothing for the Palestinian people they are supposed to represent. What they say is their goal—a Palestinian state, freedom for Palestinians, justice, is a lie.
In fact, I wonder what the most powerful leaders of Hamas were promised if they would orchestrate this attack. Because I can think of no other reason for them to do it except for some personal reward. Hamas top brass isn’t interested in martyring themselves so they can get their seventy-two virgins in paradise. That’s a lie fed to their underlings. Hamas leaders are no different from anyone else. They want their reward in cash. Now.

First of all, we have Ismail Haniyeh, the politician.
Haniyeh, who was elected head of the Hamas political bureau in 2017 to succeed Khaled Meshaal, doesn’t even live in Gaza.
He lives in “voluntary exile”, splitting his time between Turkey and Qatar. He was filmed watching the attacks after which he joined with other Hamas leaders in a prayer to "thank Allah for this victory".
One might ask, where are the demands for Turkey and Qatar to give him up? Why isn’t Qatar threatened with bombs if it doesn’t surrender this terrorist? Surely if anyone should pay a price for what has happened, it’s him. But there he sits, smug and wealthy. Qatar has given $1 billion in “aid” to Gaza since 2014. Other money flows through Qatar and who knows how it is actually being spent.
If you want to see true evil, here is Haniyeh and his friends celebrating the murder butchering of Jews last Saturday and praying and thanking their God, which must be Satan:
Then there’s Mohammed Deif, the 'chief of staff.
Deif was born in 1965 in Gaza's Khan Yunis refugee camp. He is the one who announced in an audio message the start of the Hamas attack on Israel. A picture of Deif was posted along with the audio, showing him in the shadows, as it usually does so that he could not be identified.
Only a few, poor-quality photographs of Deif are known to exist, the most recent taken some 20 years ago. He is said to be a master of disguise who is able to blend seamlessly into the population. So elusive in fact, how do we know he even exists? And if he does, where is he? For all we know, he’s sitting in some luxurious palace in Qatar along with his buddy Haniyeh, each of them celebrating their growing masses of cash.
Lastly, (there are others, but I’ve picked these three), we have 61-year-old Yahya Sinwar, the 'strongman' of Gaza’.
Sinwar speaks Hebrew and knows Israel well, or at least its prisons, having spent 23 years in Israeli jails. Sinwar spent two decades in prison for killing Israeli soldiers but was released in 2011 as part of a prisoner swap for kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
If these leaders really cared about the Palestinian people, they would turn themselves in; they would slit their throats and die honorable deaths rather than bringing suffering, death and dishonor on their own people.
But they are not honorable. They want the death of every Jew and to get rich by orchestrating it. And if every Palestinian dies along the way to that goal, so be it. The Palestinians can cry out as much as they want to be saved. That’s exactly what Hamas wants them to do, because their cries serve the purpose of creating propaganda around the world.
Instead of young people in America and other countries knowing the truth about Hamas and their stranglehold on Palestinians, they do stupid stuff like this:
If you are gay in Gaza or any Islamic state, you will have to hide it. You can be killed.
Yet, “apartheid” Tel-Aviv, according to Yale University students, is marketed as a must-visit gaycation destination.
From the rainbow-decorated streets filled with scantily-clad, chiseled men to the seemingly endless beach parties and gay bars, Tel-Aviv has been widely regarded as the “world’s best gay city.” Israel is also one of few countries in the world that grants legal recognition to same-sex couples regarding property tax benefits, inheritance taxes, and housing aid (though this doesn’t extend to marriage). When “Don’t’ Ask Don’t Tell” was repealed in the US, the Israeli Defense Force had already openly supported gay soldiers for years.
Yale professor Zareena Grewal posted on X on October 9, as per Daily Mail, “Israeli [sic] is a murderous, genocidal settler state and Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle, and solidarity. #FreePalestine."
On the day of the deadly Hamas attacks, she retweeted a news report along with the caption, "It's been such an extraordinary day!"
As far as I’m concerned, that’s hate.
For writing Standing with Israel in these END TIMES, I have been accused of giving in to hate. But just as saying I do not support sending billions of dollars to Ukraine doesn’t mean I'm a “Putin lover”, saying I stand with Israel doesn’t mean I hate the Palestinian people. I have the right to say this. Others have the right to disagree with me. If you want to call me names, say I am scum, I don’t really care. I stand by my convictions, and I will not resort to name-calling in response.
If we put aside the emotion and accept that the world is an evil place and we must navigate through it as best we can, we understand that Israel must not fall. Israel offers a critical balance in the Middle East. For all its flaws, it is a force that stands against a tide of hate. And yes, you can go into the history of how the Jewish state was formed and as is always the case, powerful people divided up land to suit their purposes just as they did in eastern Europe and all over the world, all down through history. But if you truly believe Israel should “give back the land” to the Palestinians and allow themselves to be slaughtered—because if they did this, they would be slaughtered all over the world—then you are a hypocrite. You should practice what you preach and give all the land back to the Native Americans. How far back in history should we go to make everything right again. Talk is cheap, actions are not.
In Luxor I learned that when the men there tried to intimidate me with fear and threats, I had to come back at them 10 times stronger. I had to yell in their faces. I had to take out my phone and start filming them. I had to warn them that I had things on tape and if anything happened to me the whole world would know who had done it. That’s how I kept the mad dogs at bay. I used to walk along the main dirt road on the west bank, past the shop where a group of men sat, who's corrupt real estate practices I had exposed. I could feel their hatred as I passed by. They were like dogs straining at a leash, wanting to tear me apart.
I have never resolved the conflict within me about loving to fight, while at the same time knowing that only love conquers all. And when I say I love to fight, I mean literally, because once I left my physically abusive husband, I determined to never be in that situation again, where I cowered before a man, and I started training full contact in the fighting arts, starting at the age of 30—not a young person. Ever since then, it has been a lifelong practice for me.
With that experience behind me, I refused to be like so many of the foreign women I saw in Luxor, who meekly gave in and allowed themselves to be ruled by men who hated them with an ancient hatred beneath a mask of modern-day smiles. The mask of smiles remained as long as the women had money to give them. But once the money dried up, the women’s lives were worthless.
I wanted to shake those women awake. And I tried but for the most part, it was impossible. They were in complete denial about their situation. In fact, when I tried to point it out to them, I became the enemy. How dare I burst their bubble. Most of these women had lost everything to the men they married with Orfi contracts. As a result, they were trapped in Luxor and couldn’t get out. In order to make their self-made prison bearable, they preferred a delusion that their husbands loved them—even 80-year-old women married to 30-year-old men, rather than acknowledge the truth. What good would truth do them? They were helpless. The truth would only make them even more miserable than they already were.
This is what abused people do. I understand that spirit because I was one as a married woman who was kicked and beaten, even when I was pregnant, to the point where I almost lost my baby and my own life. I understand the spirit of the Palestinian people because for seven years I lived in a hell from which I did not know how to escape. It is the same with the women of Luxor. On and on it goes, millions are in these circumstances. The weak who are abused by the strong. For myself, I had an epiphany. I realized I would rather die than submit to that abuse for one minute longer. With that epiphany, I lost all my fear.
In Luxor, I stood up against men who wanted to see me dead. Something I would never have had the strength to do if I hadn’t had the previous experience of overcoming abuse. Once again, I survived because I refused to give in to fear.
If I was living in Luxor right now, I would not be safe. The anger and hate are now so strong, those men would not care about the consequences. They would kill me.
And yet, I still love Luxor, as you can see in my piece Neom's THE LINE.
Basic truths are simple, but life can be complicated. Like my feelings for Luxor. Even though I had so many dangerous experiences, I’d go back in a second, just to sail the Nile, to ride my bike to the Valley of the Kings, to sit on the rooftop terrace and listen to the muezzin at nightfall. If I could go back, I’d find my way to The Rest Cafe, as I talk about in The Line, just opposite El Qurn Mount, buy myself a Stella beer and listen to more spell-cast stories like the one about Sheikh Hussein Abd el Rassuhl, a member of the Howard Carter expedition that excavated the tomb of Tutankhamun, and the real discoverer of the tomb, told to me on a starry night when the moon hung full, and the dogs howled beneath it.
There’s nothing like a good story and I heard some wonderful ones in Luxor. And if you want to know more, you’d best read Neom’s the Line.
I recently read something that Mike Tyson said:
“Cus showed me the difference between fear and intimidation. Being intimidated prevents you from performing at the highest level you're capable of. But fear can help you ascend to great heights. 'Be afraid of your opponent personally but don't be afraid to hurt him,' he told me. What people don't realize is that when controlled properly fear can take you to a level of euphoria where you believe you're invincible. Very few people can get to that level. But when you do, a weird aberration of nature takes place and you're sent to a level of invincible proportion.'
I know about that fear. It is a terrible way to live and yet as humans, this is the life we face. I can feel the fear of our leaders. They are more afraid than any of us. And so, they want everyone to feel even more fear than they do.
As I write this, children in the UK are being warned to hide Jewish identity as antisemitic incidents skyrocket.
Antisemitic incidents have spiked 300% in the United Kingdom following Hamas' unprecedented assault on Israel.
Two graduates of the Jewish Free School in London were killed during the Hamas attack on Saturday. Administrators told parents that students should avoid wearing uniform jackets that might identify them as Jewish, and for boys to wear baseball hats over their head coverings, according to the Independent.
As Anthony Blinken meets with Egyptian president Sisi, the president falsely claims that Egypt never persecuted Jews.

President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt led a campaign to expel Jews from the country during the late 1950s and ’60s. The Jewish population in Egypt once numbered around 80,000, but today almost no Jews live there.
I know that hatred first-hand because days before the 6-Day War, my family was in Cairo, surrounded by gun carrying soldiers and civilians, screaming death to America and its stooge Israel. Loudspeakers blared the voice of Nassar saying the same. When we tried to get out of the country by traveling to Israel, it was screamed in our faces that Israel does not exist.
But miraculously, Israel existed then, and it still exists now. Jews have not yet been wiped off the face of the earth.
This weekend, thousands of people at a pro-Palestinian march in central London chanted, “From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free”.
These words are genocidal. They express a desire to destroy Israel and drive its people to their deaths. To literally wipe the land westwards from the River Jordan free of Jews.
Is there an alternative for the Jewish people other than fighting back? If there is one that doesn’t include letting themselves be exterminated, let me know. How about Egypt and Jordan and these other neighboring Arab countries allowing their brothers and sisters in. Why aren’t there protests around the world condemning their behavior of closed borders?
The tragedy of human existence is that the abused often becomes the abuser. What the Jews faced; the Palestinians now face. Kill or be killed is the fate of animals and we have made it our fate, too. It is always the weak who suffer from the strong.
With Hamas on its way into the abyss, it appears to be dragging Israel down with it.
“This is the conundrum that Israel faces: It never wanted to do this, but Hamas is forcing it,” said Hiltermann. “Israel feels that they have to respond to Hamas and re-establish dominance after what has happened, but they have entered into a situation where there is no exit.”
This assault might be Israel’s only choice in response to Hamas. But it will not bring peace and it will not solve the problem. The problem goes back too far, and it runs too deep. If anything emerges from the ashes of this war (if it doesn’t kill us all), it will be new terrors. When will we ever learn?
Good piece.
Don’t agree with all of it but Bibi owns this. For establishing Hamas and voting in favor of the withdrawal from Gush Katif in 2005.
Well written and timely, Karen. The voices are deafening and the ignorance of people is palatable. I'll stick with my Bible as it unfolds just as God said it would.