What Happens if Trump Wins?
"As we strengthen friendships all around the world, we restore clarity about our adversaries. When the people of Iran rose up against corrupt dictators, I did not stay silent."~ President Donald Trump
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By the time this gets published, I will be on the road with my friend, headed for Las Vegas to crash Charlie Kirks “Brainwashed Tour”. If there’s anything of interest to report, I will let you know!
What happens if Donald Trump wins? What happens if he doesn’t? Either way, we are on a collision course with World War III, a course it will take a miracle to stop.
One thing I know for sure. Kamala Harris will only make things worse. In a desperate attempt to gain some ground in the race to the White House and become the “most powerful person on earth”, Kamala Harris took to the podium to accuse Trump yet again of being a fascist. This is old news, based on hearsay and flat-out lies by reporters who twisted Trump’s words and cut and pasted sentences so they would appear different than they were.
You can listen to Kamala Harris’s claim below. She tells the world that Gen John Kelly told her (there’s that hearsay thing going on) that Trump suggested that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler “did some good things” and that he’d like to have some generals like Hitler’s generals.
Wow, bad stuff. He must be a Nazi if Kelly, a man who hates Trump with a passion, said so, repeated by Harris who hates him even more.
In contrast, what did Donald Trump actually do when he was president.
Forget the media. Forget Harris, Obama and Biden. We only have to look at Trump’s actions during his presidency to know whether or not he’s a Nazi.
And that leads me to Israel, my friends. Oh no, I can hear the sighs of some of my readers. Not again.
Some people are very angry at me, I mean, very angry, because I keep writing about Israel and Jews. One person even went so far as to claim it was making them physically sick. Please, if that is the case, stop reading this minute. Just stop. The last thing I want is for you to torture yourself like that. On the other hand, I have amassed over 400 essays on myriad topics. I wrote about Covid when it was at the center of the storm. I write about Israel now for the same reason. And anyway, it’s my Break Free Media so I can write about what I want. I’m not that interested in appeasing anybody. I have more important things on my mind.
The perversion of words and their meanings that started with Covid has now turned its focus on Jews. How can Kamala Harris call Trump a fascist, when, he makes no secret of his support of Israel. Oh wait, that’s the reason why he is a Nazi. Just as conservative Blacks were called racists if they didn’t support BLM, Gentiles and Jews who support Israel and are thus Zionists are now identified as Nazis.
Why is this so important? Because it is this irrational hatred of Jews that is leading us into World War III.
One can counter that what is happening in the United States is far more important and that’s why people should be more concerned about their own homeland than some country way off in the Middle East. But if you care about your own country and the future of your children, you should be doing all you can to support Israel. You should want them to win this war. Does that mean you’re a warmonger and you love seeing Palestinian children die? Of course not. Not wanting Hitler to take over Europe and North Africa didn’t mean you loved seeing German children die. This is not logical.
It is just my opinion, but I happen to think that if Donald Trump had been allowed—yes, allowed—to be president these past four years, as he should have been, we would not be on the brink of WWIII today. The reason I voted for Trump the first time was because, yes, I despised both Clintons as the epitome of corruption, but as an extension of that corruption, I knew if Hillary was elected, war would break out in Ukraine, and that war would spread. Thanks to Trump, war was put off for four years. Of course, we had Covid instead. Sure enough, the minute Biden got into office, we transitioned from Covid to war in Ukraine.
I have also stated in past essays that if Trump is allowed to be president this time, it will be because it won’t matter anymore. I know people don’t want to hear that, and I understand. I would love nothing more than to be proved wrong in my dire prediction. I go over some of that in The Trouble with Trump.
Unfortunately, so much damage has been done, starting with the divisions caused by Covid, where people were conditioned to take extreme positions of distrust and hatred of the other side, even family members or friends, perceiving them as the enemy instead of the government and corporate elites who got us into this mess in the first place, and who benefited from it to the tune of billions of dollars. Oh, people were angry at the elites for a minute, but then what happened? That anger was turned on Zionists.
We have become obsessed with this hatred of “the other” as I wrote about in The Perfect Storm, Part I and Part II. Trump will not be able to magically make that hatred disappear.
Whereas once Trump could have negotiated with Putin, that won’t work this time. He can’t have a few conversations with Putin, who will then say, “Oh yeah, let’s all be friends again.” Nor will he be able to fix what is going on in the Middle East. The war will continue.
The one thing Trump can do is stand with Israel, clearly and courageously. This will at least give Putin pause. It will give Iran pause. And it will give China pause.
Such support for Israel will seem foolish to those who wish for the downfall of Israel. It will also inflame them to more hatred. Already, we are hearing pundits from the left and the right saying we need to stay out of other nations’ business, stop sending aid abroad when our own people are suffering. Trump will be surrounded by such people whispering in his ear that he should abandon Israel. I hope he learned from the Covid years, not to listen to those voices.
Let’s go back a few years to Trump’s presidency, as proof of how strongly he supported Israel and how it gave hope for peace in the Middle East, and how in the last four years, every step that Trump took towards peace was systematically destroyed by Biden (Obama in the wings). I don’t like to think about what is in store for us if Kamala Harris becomes the next president-puppet.
One of the most iconic decisions Trump made was to move the United States Embassy to Jerusalem.
Nobody talks about this, but the impact on the Middle East cannot be overstated. It showed Trump’s unwavering support for Israel.
Despite dire warnings that moving the embassy would upend peace in the Middle East, it didn’t. What Donald Trump understood and what Obama, Biden and Harris do not, is that the Mullahs, the Jihadists, only respect one thing—strength. Trump didn’t muddy the waters with “equity and inclusion”; he didn’t want to be everyone’s friend. He clearly stated who our enemies were and who were our friends.
As Trump pointed out a few months after that decision, “For twenty years, every past president has exercised the law’s waver, refusing to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. After two decades of wavers, we are no nearer a lasting peace agreement.”
Here is what he said:
“…dozens of countries voted in the United Nations General Assembly against America's sovereign right to make this decision [to move the embassy to Jerusalem] in 2016. American taxpayers generously sent those same countries more than twenty billion dollars in aid.
That is why tonight I am asking Congress to pass legislation to help ensure American foreign assistance dollars always serve American interests and only go to Friends of America not enemies.
As we strengthen friendships all around the world, we are also restoring clarity about our adversaries. When the people of Iran rose up against the crimes of their corrupt dictatorship, I did not stay silent. America stands with the people of Iran in their courageous struggle for freedom.
What happened to that clarity? Why aren’t Americans standing with the people of Iran? Do we hear Biden or Harris speaking as Trump did? They are silent. It is almost as if they want Iran to succeed and Israel to fail.
Why would they want that? They might as well loudly proclaim their commitment to ushering in World War III.
After moving the embassy, what did Trump do next? He negotiated the Abraham Accords.
In the photo above are representatives (left-to-right):
Bahraini foreign minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu
American president Donald Trump
Emirati foreign minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan
This was an incredible achievement. And yet, I remember at the time, how it was downplayed in the press, in fact, it was made fun of. Trump was so hated (TDS) that even when he did something that could bring peace, his enemies—right here in the United States—preferred war, just to prove him wrong.
If it isn’t obvious to everyone that the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7 were intended to destroy any hope of the Abraham Accords bringing peace and prosperity to the Middle East by forming alliances with Israel amongst Arab nations instead of fighting against it, then they are blind and they are blind because they want to be.
Hamas launched a propaganda campaign, playing on that blindness, encouraging those who hated Jews and Israel in secret to be emboldened to bring it out in the open. To make that hatred palatable, it was encouraged under the guise of “Zionism”. With that justification (we have no problem with Jews, just Zionists), the floodgates opened as the real Nazis revealed themselves, turning lies into truth by saying it is Israel, it is the Zionists who are the Nazis, not them.
Both sides are guilty of this. On the left, they would rather destroy Trump, make everyone believe he is a Nazi, than allow him to be president again and prove them wrong. On the right, they insist Trump turn against Israel with “Christ is King” slogan and their goal to build Christ’s kingdom on earth (really their kingdom, with them in power).
For Trump, it was always straightforward, and it should be with us, too. He understood that we stand with our allies, we do not abandon them. This is called keeping your word. It results in respect, even from your enemies, because they know you mean what you say. It is possible to stand for America First and also stand by our allies. This makes us stronger, not weaker. It is completely unrealistic to think that America should never help a friend. We should not be so arrogant as to think that we will never need a friend’s help in return one day.
So, with that, I would like to address the question of what would happen if Israel did not exist. People banter about this so casually. They seem to think that this tiny nation is of no importance and if it was wiped off the face of the earth, that would actually solve all our problems. It is the cause of war. This is upside-down thinking.
In order to answer this fundamental question, perhaps the most important question of our times, I am going to quote
, an “Iranian/German artist, engineer, and skeptic” as she describes herself. Just yesterday I read something that she wrote on X, finding her for the first time, and nothing answers this question better than she does, in just a few minutes. And yes, she is actually from the region, as I always make sure to bring these voices for you to hear. I respect her knowledge, and I would ask my readers to do the same. Why wouldn’t you. Surely, she has more credibility than those who criticize Israel from the comfort of their imperialist western countries, like Norman Finkelstein and Gabor Mate, whom I wrote about in my last essay.You can listen to Maral Salmassi at this link, or I have transcribed what she said below:
I have a question for the privileged western keyboard fighters of Palestine:
What do you think will happen when Israel ceases to exist. Let me enlighten you.
First, there would be rapid expansion of the Iranian Regime’s imperialist ambitions across the Middle East. Without Israel, the balance of power would shift dramatically in favor of Tehran. Peaceful Arab nations like Saudi Arabia, the UAE or Bahrain will be vulnerable to attacks by the Mullah regime and its proxies, the Houthis, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Shia militia of Iraq and Syria.
Millions will die.
With no regional power strong enough to counterbalance the Mullah regime, the Houthis will be free to wreak havoc on global trade routes, disrupting up to 90% of the world’s supply chains. The Mullahs will control the strategic Strait of Hormuz through which a significant portion of the world’s energy supply flows.
Should America and its allies intervene, it would ignite World War III, which would quickly escalate to full scale nuclear war given the stakes involved.
In essence, if Israel ceases to exist, you will kiss your comfortable life in the capitalist West you hate so much goodbye.
But I doubt historically, and geopolitically uninformed privileged bunch of Woke Orcs understands the consequences. The Islamic regime in Iran is a Middle Eastern equivalent of Nazi Germany. Khamenei has the same imperialist aspirations and the same genocidal ambitions towards the Jewish people as Hitler did, but his bloodlust doesn’t stop there. His regime seeks to subjugate or eliminate anyone who does not conform to Islamic Sharia law. Under the Mullah dominated Middle East, you will face a grim choice: convert to Islam, live as a Dhimmi slave, or die.
If you are a woman, you will be stripped of your rights and you will spend the rest of your life under a black shroud, deprived of basic freedoms. If you’re gay, you face execution, likely by hanging or being thrown from a building. Adultery will be met with stoning and any form of descent will be crushed through torture and public lynching.
Why would you align yourself with these forces?
This is the question anti-Israel and anti-Zionists must ask themselves. Why would you align yourself with these forces?
There is a reason why Persians, Kurds, Yazidis, stand with Israel. Why would you stand with their tormentors, rapists and murders and not with them?
Yes, I continue to write on this topic because it is at the heart of everything!
I pray for Donald Trump, that if he becomes president, he will continue to be a thorn in the flesh of those who seek to manipulate him. That he will not listen to the council of vipers and that he will continue to stand with Israel against all odds, against all the forces of evil that will come against him for doing so.
If we are followers of Jesus, we should be praying for this. Every church should be praying for this in their Sunday services. Why aren’t they?
I stand with Israel, I stand with President Trump! Vote as if your life depended on it. A vote for Harris is a vote for WW3. Save this Great country of ours before it’s too late.
I believe you meant Gen John Kelly, not John Kerry, regarding who had given Harris dirt on Trump. Kelly had spoken recently on how Trump will be a fascist dictator if elected.
That notwithstanding, great piece!