Not One but Two Pandemics
Fashionable cures of today are tossed aside tomorrow, replaced by new cures promising BETTER results for BIGGER profits. But they never accomplish anything except lining the pockets of their creators.
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I know, I know. This is not a popular topic. People would rather worry about anything, probably even war, than be reminded of the trauma of Covid. It’ll be a big nothing burger, they say. We know the drill. We won’t be fooled.
But folks, we should know by now that nothing is ever as it seems anymore, and just when we think we have it all figured out, they add a twist to unsettle our equilibrium.
How will we know, really know, what is true and what isn’t. It’s all made up, of course. But is it?
Everyone is messing around with AI generated images and videos, even would-be future presidents.
It’s funny, but in a disquieting way. Is the joke really on us?
Over the next few months tough choices will arise, no doubt the toughest of our lives, and how we react to events like the next health crisis will set a course for each choice we make thereafter.
Today, Time Magazine announced It's Time to Start Taking Mpox and Bird Flu Seriously.
Wow, they really are getting greedy. It’s not just one pandemic, it’s two. Double the disaster means double the profits.
With Covid, they hoped to contain it in China. With Mpox, they hope to contain it in Africa. If Mpox is a real threat, how will they “contain” it? Have they stopped all air travel from affected African countries? Have they “locked down” the continent?
The information we receive is contradictory and confusing. On the one hand, there’s no reason to expect mpox will cause another lockdown. On the other hand, there is some data to suggest that mpox can be airborne. Uh oh, that’s how they got us into masks and lockdowns with Covid.
Thomas Russo, MD, professor and chief of infectious disease at the University at Buffalo in New York, tells people not to panic over mpox, at least not yet. Is such a statement supposed to be reassuring? Certainly not. It is supposed to prepare people for the next phase of fearmongering.
Here’s what is implanted in our brains, similar to what we were told at the start of Covid:
we must have a coordinated international response
mpox isn’t expected to cause another lockdown (but you never know)
it could be airborne
don’t panic just yet
I was about to publish this when a new article popped up…
Mpox is a global health emergency. Will it cause a lockdown like COVID? What the experts say
So, we’re already moving closer to lockdowns. Will lockdowns coincide with the November presidential elections?
The ‘experts’ are speaking once again. The elders of the “AI Transhumanist Church” of which Dr. Fauci is a founding father. Who will replace Fauci as the high priest of the Mpox/Bird Flu pandemic?
On August 14th the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee met for the first time regarding the upsurge of mpox 2024. In a closed meeting, the committee was unanimous in expressing that the ongoing upsurge of mpox meets the criteria of a PHEIC (public health emergency of international concern) and that the event was “extraordinary”.
Of particular interest to the international community are the goals to:
Establish or strengthen cross-border collaboration arrangements
The need for mass vaccination, managing “misinformation” and heightened surveillance of populations
Ensuring genomic sequencing is available in, or accessible to, all countries. Nations should share genetic sequence data and metadata through public databases.
I’ve written quite a bit about data collection and the concerning reasons why they do it—reasons that they don’t tell us about. You can find out more in The Nefarious Goal Behind Covid Testing.
They say this is an “extraordinary” event. What’s really extraordinary is that after all the billions of dollars pumped into developing vaccines and therapeutics in order to eradicate diseases, dating back to the late 1890s, WE HAVE NEVER SUCCEEDED IN ERADICATING A SINGLE HUMAN DISEASE, EXCEPT, MAYBE, SMALLPOX. And that is debatable.
Was there ever a more dismal record? Almost 100% failure rate. Yet here we are again, pursuing the same disastrous course as always.
The truth is, we don’t understand diseases because we don’t understand life itself. The secret of life is a mystery that the transhumanists would like to unravel but they are no closer now than they were a thousand years ago—actually, even further away since they discount God and want to be gods themselves.
If we don’t understand life, what makes us think we can understand anything that springs from it? Theories come and go, most often based on anything BUT the truth (because, you know, they are theories), and what is the fashionable, fundable science today is tossed in the bin tomorrow, replaced by some new dazzling theory.
But there are basic truths that never change and never lie. The most important discovery of modern science was the necessity to practice proper hygiene. And that is really just common sense. Anybody can figure it out. Add to that the basic truths of eating healthy foods and exercising regularly and most drugs become unnecessary.
The fact is, finding actual cures isn’t a good Business Plan. The populace should remain just sick enough and just fooled enough by ads and scare tactics, that they take the drugs they are given docilely.
They don’t even try hide their greedy motivation. A Wall Street Journal article declares: Pill for Obesity Has Wall Street Salivating
Why would the pharmaceutical industry encourage people to exercise and eat healthy foods when it can give them a pill that will rake in billions of dollars.
In poorer nations, people are left to wallow in their misery while drug companies such as Pfizer show up every once in a while, to experiment on the local population with drugs that, if proved successful, are then sold in the West for a huge profit. If they aren’t successful and Africans die, oh well, it’s not a big deal.
You can read here about one incident where Pfizer forged approval papers and experimented on 100 children in Nigeria leading to the deaths of 11 children.
There is no interest in cures because you can’t make money off of healthy people. The Conversation gives one good example of how this works:
Another example, albeit more grim, is the group of soil-transmitted helminths, or worms. Roundworm, hookworm and whipworm collectively affect over a billion people across the world, all in the poorest areas of the poorest countries. All these worms infect the human intestines and can cause severe iron deficiency, leading to increased mortality in pregnant women, infants and children….
However, soil-transmitted helminths can be expelled from the body with a single pill, each of which costs only one penny. What’s more, preventing infection in the first place is completely achievable through increased awareness and sanitation.
Who is going to make money off of pill costing a mere one penny? Nobody. But more to the point, that pill isn’t needed if people are simply educated in “awareness and sanitation”.
In one of my most important essays, The People's Medicine vs Merck's Billion $ Pill, I tell the story of how ivermectin’s reputation was purposely destroyed because no money could be made off of it, thereby making room for a new pill that had potential to make billions of dollars.
But that is only part of the horrors of the drug industry. Not only do they sell drugs that don’t cure anything, but they also create the illnesses in labs and make them even more dangerous.
In April 2024, in my essay Not Again! Why is the US funding dangerous bird flu experiments in China? I reported on Senator Joni Ernst demanding answers from the Biden administration as to why:
…the USDA is supporting experiments involving “a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus” that poses a “risk to both animals and humans” in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which is controlled by the CCP, and a researcher affiliated with the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Biden USDA began financing the collaboration for “wet-lab virology” to study “newly emerging avian influenza viruses” in April 2021… and is slated to be funded through 2026.
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the very real dangers that can result from reckless research with lethal pathogens in unsafe laboratories. Under the pretext of preventing the transmission of bat coronaviruses to humans, more than $1 million of U.S. taxpayer money from the NIH was steered into China’s now notorious Wuhan Institute of Virology for risky research in which coronaviruses were enhanced to become more virulent.
Not only did they NOT stop these dangerous experiments, but they funded new studies— during Covid—and continue to do so!
In January 2024, I wrote We're making diseases more dangerous and they're escaping from labs. This essay includes a lot of fascinating research about labs.
As of 2023, sixty-nine Bio Security Level 4 labs had been built all over the world. A BSL-4 lab is a “laboratory designed to study infectious agents or toxins that pose a high risk of aerosol-transmitted laboratory infections and life-threatening disease for which no vaccines or therapies are available”.
I wrote about private labs, or “invisible” labs:
As for private labs that have no government affiliation, a report by Gryphon Scientific estimates “about ¼ of human pathogen research activities in the U.S. are performed by labs inside of private organizations, and about ¼ of those private organizations are ‘invisible.’”
And that’s just in the United States. There is no way of knowing how many invisible labs exist in other countries
Bill Gates recently warned that “smallpox could escape from a lab or be used as a bioweapon”. Mpox is related to smallpox so that’s quite a coincidence, don’t you think? And the JYNNEOS vaccine is recommended for both. How convenient.
In 2023, it was announced that vaccine makers were prepping bird flu shots for humans 'just in case' as rich nations locked in supplies:
Executives at three vaccine manufacturers — GSK Plc Moderna Inc and CSL Seqirus, owned by CSL Ltd — told Reuters they are already developing or about to test sample human vaccines that better match the circulating subtype, as a precautionary measure against a future pandemic.
Others, like Sanofi, said they "stand ready" to begin production if needed, with existing H5N1 vaccine strains in stock.
Bill Gates has called for a 'universal flu Vaccine,' and now the CDC says the organization is 'activated' after issuing a Bird Flu Alert.
Pandemic darling mRNA vaccine-makers such as BioNTech SE and Moderna Inc. have seen their stocks fall 76% and 77% from their respective peaks but could be poised to bounce back if fears around the bird flu virus continue to escalate.
Gates-backed German mRNA company CureVac has climbed even further to reach its past all-time high, with its stock down over 97% since then.
Covid spoiled investors. They can’t wait fifty years for another pandemic. They need one NOW. In fact, why not two.
Or at least, they need to scare the populace into thinking there’s one (or two) so they will submit once again to experimental drugs. If they can inject billions of people like they did with Covid, they will see those stocks climbing once again. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s job will be secure, he might even get a few more awards for saving humanity once again.
The big question is, how will people react this time around? There will be new experts, with new science to terrify us all. I tend to think that if people are scared enough, they will do what they are told. For the skeptics among us, it’s hard to imagine being that gullible. But time will tell.
Stay vigilante. Stay informed. And above all else, stay disciplined with a healthy lifestyle.
No, no. This MUST remain a popular topic! We cannot just sweep it under the rug.
We must NEVER FORGET what they did and CONTINUE making our voices HEARD about these atrocities.
EVEN if "accountability" only comes down to EXPOSING them in our discussions and forums.
Please, let's continue to speak the truth against these tyrannical massive world programs of destruction and greed.
Never ever never ever NEVER, forget❕️
Thank you for this article, KH!
You're much loved. ❤
The pharma mafia can’t decide which fake pandemic comes next. Meanwhile, if we think they are chastened, they are not. Instead, they are celebrating their ongoing control of corrupted medical boards like the American Board of Internal Medicine that just stripped two courageous docs, Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, of their board certifications. If there was as functioning justice department, ABIM board members would be investigated and indicted.