Media Myths and the Deeper State
With this apparent 2nd assassination attempt on President Trump, a reminder of the reasons why he is so dangerous is in order (it has nothing to do with cats).
In April of 2023, I wrote this piece about the actual reasons why the “Deep State” could not allow Trump to become president again. Since then, a lot has happened and people have been led far away from the issues that matter, down a path of madness with memes of childless cat ladies and cats for Trump. I am not sure if this can be fixed. I am not sure that Trump is even who he once was or if he has become a caricature of himself, like it seems everyone has, as they feed into the Vast Machine. I hope everyone will read this and get back to the basics!
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In the 1976 film All the President's Men, informant Deep Throat (Mark Felt) tells reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein to “Follow the Money”, and it will lead them to Nixon’s inner circle and the powerful people who made illegal payments to install wiretaps on the DNC.
Woodward and Bernstein, played by two of the most popular actors at that time, Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford, represented what journalism is supposed to be about—relentless pursuit of the truth. It was the kind of story that everyone loves, of the little guys triumphing over the big guys, of good overcoming evil.
But it went deeper than that, much deeper than the simplified catchphrase of “follow the money”, that so quicky became a part of everyone’s vocabulary.
…it wasn't the payments themselves that brought Nixon's presidency down, it was the endless coverup, which became a coverup of a coverup, with associated perjury and unethical behavior. The muddling of the money trail and Nixon's fall is what W. Joseph Campbell calls a "media myth" -- an over-simplification or falsehood that makes a story easily digestible, which over time and through repetition becomes accepted truth. Media myths often occur when a large event is said to hinge on a single moment, quote or photograph. (Groovy History)
The myth was so convincing that nobody thought to ask why it was so important to bring Nixon down. This is the question we now need to ask about Donald Trump.
Why is it so important to bring Donald Trump down?
The answer seems obvious, just as it did with Nixon. Trump did so many terrible things. But every leader has done terrible things. Much worse ones, in fact. But none of our current leaders have endangered the deep state the way Trump has. The focus of Trump’s sins is on the $130,000 “hush money” he allegedly paid Stormy Daniels. This is the media myth that has been chosen to bring him down. The single moment encompassing a larger event.
The attacks on Trump have always been meant to take the focus away from so many more egregious undertakings, such as—let’s just pick one out of the hat— the millions, perhaps billions, of dollars in corrupt dealings of the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.
In September 2016, the Trump campaign used the phrase “follow the money” while listing some of those dealings:
Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation’s uranium deal approved by the US State Department under Clinton after her charitable foundation received large donations from people with stakes in the deal.
Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation’s relationship with Irish telecom billionaire Denis O'Brien and dealings in Haiti, a place where, as a result, the Clintons are not very well liked among the common people.
a 2009 deal over the disclosing of the identities of American accountholders, which the State Department concluded with the Swiss bank UBS, a Clinton Foundation donor.
These are just a few of the noteworthy stories the media could have pursued, but instead they have relentlessly persecuted Donald Trump with “junk food journalism”, ever since he first announced his bid for the presidency on June 16, 2015.
In 2017, Carl Bernstein admonished reporters to follow his example and yes, follow the money when investigating Trump’s “attempted dealings in Russia and the surrounding region”, encouraging them to “scrutinize” Trump’s “welcoming gestures to President Vladimir Putin and his timidity to support the US intelligence community’s assessment that the Russians interfered with the US presidential election”.
Reporters eagerly took his advice. They dug and scrutinized and did all they could to spin stories out of thin air. In the end, there was nothing to find. It didn’t matter. The media myth of “Russia Gate” was so successful that people stubbornly believe it to this day.
What did Trump vow to do that so worried his opponents, both Democrats and Republicans?
He vowed to make America great again.
He vowed to drain the swamp that was Washington DC.
The swamp creatures couldn’t allow either of these things to happen. Trump was an aberration, an outsider, an unpredictable loose cannon that they weren’t sure they’d be able to control. They had spent many years building the deep state. The plans for a new world order were all coming together with the Biden administration—or what I call the Biden Totalitarian Regime (BTR). Everything was in place to dismantle the old America and usher in a new one. The last thing they wanted were a bunch of “patriots” believing America was great just the way it was.
More media myths were created, and the demonization of patriots began. They became “insurrectionists”. The January 6th “attack on the capital” and the spectacle of the kangaroo court with Trump supporters languishing in prison, was engineered to show the nation how dangerous those patriots were. The masses were fed spectacle after spectacle of those terrible patriots, all reenforcing the same media myths.
Now, at last, everyone gets to see the culmination of those myths with Trump being dragged before the courts to face “justice”. If all goes according to plan, he will be arraigned on Tuesday. The press is rife with talk about how much security will be needed. Imagine if it wasn’t there. This hated man would be torn to pieces by the mob.
Trump has never been known for profound or prophetic statements. But he made perhaps one of the most profound and prophetic statements of our times when on December 18, 2019, he said:
“They’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”
Tweeted on the day House Democrats vowed to impeach him, the mainstream media described the tweet as “menacing”, at the same time dismissing it as just one more outrageous, over-the-top, divisive claim by a whining, narcissistic lunatic.
The New York Post had this to say:
With a likeness to the Uncle Sam “I want you” poster, the disrupter-in-chief reaffirms in 14 words the belief of Trump Nation that the political establishment, the media, the permanent bureaucracy and yes, the deep state are trying to crush him and them.
And here we are now. Approaching the moment when the plan to silence Trump is at last carried out. Perhaps it’s all a publicity stunt. Trump is certainly using it to his advantage and raising millions of dollars off of this circus. Whether that turns out to be true or not, we would be foolish not to pay attention to what has been happening over these past few years and the tightening of the noose around anyone who believes in freedom of speech, freedom to worship, freedom to live a healthy lifestyle and to refuse submission to the Vast Machine.
If you are one of those who continue to stand for freedom, Trump was right when he said they will come for you. You think it cannot happen in America, but it can. And there will be nothing you can do to stop it. If you profess to be a Christian, you will be on the list. Next, they will come for the Jews. Christians and Jews. The backbone of our nation. They will continue on down the line, persecuting anyone who refuses to give up their old ways of worship, and bow down to the new gods of AI.
The day will come when we need to make a choice to stand up and be counted or remain silent and give in to the BTR (or whatever the regime is called by then). Wait until you are persecuted for your faith. Wait until your neighbors revile and hate you and report you for teaching your children “white supremacy” in your home, simply because you homeschool them instead of sending them to public schools.
Yes, draining the swamp was only one part of it. The part that became the media myth. The part that became an absurdity, just another conspiracy theory. Swamp? Ridiculous. Deep State? Please.
But what if there is something deeper even than the deep state? What if the whole “drain the swamp” and “deep state” catchphrases are just media myths to keep us from delving into the deeper state? What does this mean? We must go back to Trump’s presidency to find out.
By the end of May 2020, President Trump had pulled funding to 11 global cooperation bodies or pacts. Most importantly, he threatened to withdraw from the World Health Organization and cease funding it. This could never be allowed to happen.
Here is a list of the organizations Trump withdrew the United States from:
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP):
Soon after getting into office in November 2016, President Donald Trump decided to pull out the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which was a plurilateral preferential trade agreement involving 12 Pacific Rim countries such as Canada, Japan, Australia and ASEAN nations. He called it a “bad, bad deal” for America. If the US had continued to remain a part of the TPP, the signatories would have represented roughly 40 per cent of the global GDP.
Paris Climate Agreement:
In June 2017, the US pulled out of the 2015 Paris Climate Deal, which was originally signed by 196 countries, for not being fair. The agreement’s long-term goal was to keep the rise of global temperature below the 2 degree Celsius from pre-industrial levels and ideally keep its below 1.5 degrees. The move was opposed by climate activists in the US and across the world.
In October 2017, the US announced its decision to withdraw from the UN’s educational, scientific and cultural organization. Along with Israel, the Trump administration quit UNESCO due to its anti-Israel bias.
Global Compact for Migration:
In December 2017, the US decided to leave the negotiations on the proposed UN deal for a Global Compact for Migration, “an international agreement on managing safe, orderly, and regular migration around the globe”.
Iran nuclear deal:
In May 2018, the Trump administration decided to renege from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, for being too favorable to the Hassan Rouhani regime. The deal was signed by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (UNSC) and Germany and Iran.
In June 2018, the US withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council stating that the agency had an anti-Israel bias. The body was set up in 2006 and works towards the promotion and protection of human rights across the world.
The Donald Trump administration announced its decision to end decades of funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in August 2018 for the agency’s corruption and anti-Israel bias.
Arms control treaties with Russia:
Trump facilitated the US withdrawal from several US-Russia arms control treaties such as the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, with the latest being ‘Open Skies Treaty’. Currently, New START is the only remaining major arms control treaty between the US and Russia.
World Trade Organization (WTO):
While the US President has repeatedly attacked the WTO and threatened to quit the organization, he has refrained from doing so until now. According to him, the WTO, which has the primary task of dispute resolution between member countries, hasn’t been fair to the US in its rulings. However, the Trump administration has crippled the global trade regulator by blocking the appointment of judges to WTO. Currently, the WTO has only a single judge left.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO):
Donald Trump weakened the North Atlantic Treaty Organization by denying to publicly announce US’ adherence to Article 5 of the NATO Charter. This article pertains to the idea of collective defense commitment – the underlying idea of the military alliance. By choosing not to support it, Trump has undermined the very credibility of the alliance.
One could do a deep dive into each of these organizations to find out why Trump was in such conflict with them, but I think most of my readers might be able to draw their own conclusions. Suffice it to say that at least one obvious reason is that the US was massively funding each of these establishment organizations and Trump threatened to upend the seats many bureaucrats had become so comfortable in occupying.
The United Nations and its web of peacekeeping and health-oriented entities aren’t there for the betterment of individual nations. The purpose of the United Nations “family” is to usher in a global monetary system, a global health system, a global surveillance system. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and 13 other independent organizations known as “specialized agencies” are linked to the UN through cooperative agreements.
If you just look into the IMF, nearly all countries are members of the IMF, but the United States is its largest cumulative contributor at $155 billion and the largest voting bloc—holding effective veto power for many decisions. The IMF’s primary purpose is to “ensure the stability of the international monetary system—the system of exchange rates and international payments that enables countries (and their citizens) to transact with each other”.
One of the ways it achieves these goals is through “lending.”
The Fund makes loans to member countries struggling to meet their international obligations. Sometimes offered as a bailout, financial assistance is provided in return for implementing specific IMF conditions designed to return stability to government finances and to restore growth.
Sounds charitable? It isn’t. The IMF entices poorer countries to take loans, enslaving them to the United States, never allowing them to get out of debt. It corrupts leaders by offering them pieces of the deal and making them puppets serving the globalists’ agenda. Those who refuse to be enslaved often pay with their lives.
Listen to Zambian Opposition leader, Fred M’membe speaking directly to Kamala Harris about it:

Here is what he said:
“A country that has toppled so many governments in Africa, that has led so many coups in Africa and other places in the world, a country that has killed so many of our leaders in Africa and other parts of the world, they killed Patrice Lumumba, those who killed so many are coming today to teach us about democracy. A country that has been built on brutal force, on the enslavement of other human beings, on the humiliation of Africans, the exploitation of Africans, (can’t understand this part) today is coming to teach us about democracy. If you have no respect for the dignity of others, if you have no respect for the sovereignty of other countries, you cannot claim to be a champion of democracy.”
M’membe’s words might be hard to stomach, but we must open our ears and listen. It isn’t just Bill Gates or Pfizer or the WHO that has raped Africa. The United States is the power behind it all. I love my country. I love the American people. I’ve lived in places where I did not have the freedom that I have back home. That is what makes it all the more painful to watch what is happening now. I hate the corruption that has been allowed to grow unchecked.
The United States runs the world. Or at least it has been set up that way, as a front for those who wish to become earthly gods. There are layers upon layers to this corruption, this deception. Yes, there are old families like the Rothschilds, there are billionaires like Elon Musk, there are clown-like figures such as Klaus Schwab, the list is long, and we could speculate all day about who’s really in charge. I believe all of these speculations are useless. All of the global elites hope to benefit, but who or what is above them, we simply don’t know.
This didn’t happen overnight. It has taken years upon years of planning. Those who would be gods and their underlings are at last in a position to surveille, drug and imprison every single person on the planet. And, in fact, not only every single person, but every single plant and animal is on its way to being at their disposal, to be experimented upon. All in order that they can achieve their highest goal—immortality for a few at the expense of many. It doesn’t matter how many millions or even billions die along the way, it doesn’t matter if this planet is destroyed in the process. All that matters is transcending their bodies, finding the secret of life itself and creating and extending it at will.
Sounds like I’m the crazy one. I don’t care. I have written essay after essay leading up to this point. I have watched this scenario unfold, followed the media myths and done my research and put everything I have into writing the truth to the best of my ability. Now we are here. And there is nothing to be done to stop it except stand firm as the tidal waves of evil are unleashed upon us.
I doubt Trump is thinking about all the things I am saying here. He wants to “make America great again”. He wants to win. He will do everything that he can to achieve that goal. The swamp creatures will do everything they can to stop him. But beyond the battle and the media myths that grew out of it, there is the deeper state. The quest for immortality among those who desire to be gods. All roads lead there.
The United States must keep funding all of these organizations or the plan falls apart. The internet must reach every corner of the earth so that every human being can be connected to it. Health & Safety for all. The Internet of Bodies must be fulfilled. We must all be connected to the Vast Machine.
When we look at it like this, when we understand why it is so important that the US continues to contribute 10 times as much funding to the WHO as its next largest funder, China, it all becomes clear. If Trump had withdrawn that funding, he would have taken away the elites’ control over the WHO and thwarted their new, revised pandemic treaty. Where did the revised amendments come from that are being added? From the Biden administration. Amendments that take the power away from individual nations to handle pandemics as they see fit and puts it into the hands of the WHO. Little by little, we are moving closer to this global control.
Listen to what Sen. Malcolm Roberts of Australia has to say about it. He talks about signing away Australian sovereignty to the United Nations World Health Organization:

“The WHO’s power-grab is ongoing. The WHO is not independent. Their owners are corporate doners who contribute most of the WHO’s budget. The WHO’s current sugar daddy is Bill Gates who has made billions out of investments in the same vaccines that the WHO promotes. Gates bought the WHO, and they now recommend his products. It is that simple. The head of the WHO is Tedros, previously health minister of a terrorist organization called the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, where he used international aid to buy power and punish his enemies. The regions of Ethiopia that Tedros starved for medical supplies, suffered disastrous cholera epidemics in 2006- 2011. Independent investigators found that Tedros was “fully complicit in the terrible suffering and dying that spread in East Africa. He’s a killer. WHO is rotting from the head.”
He goes on from there citing sexual abuse of children as young as 13 years old by WHO staff during the recent Ebola outbreak, ending by saying, “This is an organization that many in Australian government want to elevate above the Australian parliament.”
The WHO is just one arm of the United Nations. Again, if we follow the money, we find out which nations are the top funders of the United Nations “peacekeeping operations”. The US tops the list:
United States (27.89%)
China (15.21%)
Japan (8.56%)
Germany (6.09%)
United Kingdom (5.79%)
You can look at every single global institution and all roads lead back to the US and its funding of those institutions. If we “follow the money” we can only conclude that the US runs the world.
The US accuses China and Russia of being global threats to democracy with plans to “take over the world”. Well, here is a map of US military bases compared to Russia’s military bases, with 35 countries hosting American military bases to Russia’s mere 9 countries.
“The United States is the world's biggest military spender, and China is a distant second. In fact, the U.S. spends almost as much on its military as the eight other nations on the top 10 list of military spenders combined”.
The FY 2023 DoD Budget request of $773.0 billion is a $30.7 billion, or 4.1% increase, from the FY 2022 enacted amount.
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Military Expenditures (2020):
The United States — $778 billion
China — $252 billion [estimated]
India — $72.9 billion
Russia — $61.7 billion
United Kingdom — $59.2 billion
Saudi Arabia — $57.5 billion [estimated]
Germany — $52.8 billion
France — $52.7 billion
Japan — $49.1 billion
South Korea — $45.7 billion
It’s incredible when you think that instead of exposing all of this, the biggest story of our times is the indictment of Donald Trump and his alleged pay-off of $130,000 to a porn star. A trumped-up story about a man named Trump. Kind of a perfect media myth.
Speaking of stories, I have one last story that illustrates what I am trying to say here.
In 1958, the U.S. Air Force accidentally dropped an atomic bomb on a quiet farm in South Carolina, landing right next to the Gregg family’s farmhouse. Fortunately, the bomb didn’t detonate. If it had, the destruction would have been almost double as powerful as the Hiroshima bomb during World War II.
News of the strange event spread quickly in the local news, but the US government didn’t want anyone to know that the U.S. Air Force was flying around with atomic bombs and that there was a chance they might drop in your backyard. Conflicting stories were told about what had happened, but no one was told the truth. Least of all the Gregg family, whose farmhouse was obliterated by the blast.
What had dropped on their farmhouse was a Mark 6 Atomic bomb but even when at last this information was revealed, no one could get a straight answer as to whether or not it was actually armed. However, the 3 pilots who were flying the plane from which the bomb accidently fell were promptly sent on a seven-years overseas assignment.
For years after the incident, military planes would fly overhead, making the Gregg family suspicious. It was later found out that they were measuring radiation levels. When the pilots returned from their seven years abroad, they visited the Gregg family and told them that they had, indeed, been carrying an armed bomb—something the government continued to lie about.
Naturally, the Gregg family felt betrayed. They had lost their farmhouse and all their belongings. The government never offered to reimburse them. And since they had no information about what had really happened, they weren’t able to go to court over it. They were only able to rebuild their lives thanks to the help of their tightknit community.
Once word finally got out, tourists started to arrive, curious to see the massive hole in the Gregg’s garden. But the Gregg’s just wanted to forget about it. These days, all you will find is a small sign marking the spot.
The Gregg family eventually appeared on a TV game show called “I’ve Got a Secret”. Nobody was able to guess their secret. The top prize for that was $80. Eventually, the Gregg’s did sue and were able to get $34,000.
As we move closer and closer to the 2024 presidential election and the chaos and confusion grows, keep the story of the Gregg’s in mind. The speeches by M’membe and Senator Roberts. Remember that all the surveillance, the restrictions, the injections, are not about your “health & safety”. Nor is the indictment of Trump about truth and justice.
This week Trump will be brought into court, and we are told to expect “total mayhem”. Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, who has served a prison sentence for Trump-related crimes (including the payments to Daniels), will be the key witness.
He talks about the “cult” of Donald Trump and how he is now “free of it”.
"It's time to wash your eyes and to see exactly who Donald Trump is," he says. "It's time to start to listen to the truth. See, that's the problem: Donald Trump doesn't tell the truth, ever. Ever. Everything that he says is either a mis-exaggeration, misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, or just a blatant lie. And that information is all done in order to benefit one person, and one person only, and that's him."
Truth? There is no truth left in our government. We cannot believe anything these swamp creatures say. We know why they are after Trump, and we can hope they don’t succeed. Because once he is out of the way, they will come after anyone who believes in freedom and stands against the deep and the deeper state.
Great article.
You are not crazy. We're living the real battle of good versus evil. As I believe in God, I understand that Satan and his followers exist too. It's time to stand and have no fear. We got God on our side 🙏