Judge delays Trump sentencing until after the elections
Trump's power is rising. Whereas just a few months ago, judges hoped to further their careers by imprisoning Trump, they will no longer touch him with a ten-foot pole.
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Donald Trump was supposed to be sentenced on September 18th on felony criminal charges. That sentencing has now been delayed until November 26th. The path is wide open for Trump to win the presidency.
I’m finishing up a piece now about Tucker Carlson’s “fanboy” endorsement of Holocaust revisionist and pseudo-historian Darryl Cooper, so this is just a little aside to ease into that piece. I’m calling it The Perfect Storm because that’s what we are facing.
Trump’s rise in power is truly stunning and this court ruling proves it. Whereas just a few months ago, judges hoped to further their careers by imprisoning Trump, they will no longer touch him with a ten-foot pole.
When Trump famously made “the escalator descent that changed America” I don’t think he realized what he was getting himself into. I believe he genuinely wanted to make American great again. Without question, Trump was never an antisemite, no president has displayed more love for Israel and for Jews than he has done. Nor is he a racist. That was all ridiculous propaganda. Yes, he has a good dose of narcissism, but then, that’s a prerequisite for anyone who seeks power on a grand scale.
But times have changed since that escalator ride. Who would have thought that after Trump’s downfall and silencing at the last elections, he would rise up as a kind of Messiah, headed for the White House once again. And just as he found himself surrounded during Covid by people who easily influenced him to launch Operation Warp Speed, the accelerated development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics, (because you know, Trump’s a businessman and a showman and if he’s going to do something, he’s going to do it bigger and better than anyone else), he is now surrounded by people who will influence him in other ways.
Indeed, Trump could feel quite justified in seeing himself—and his followers seeing him—as a Messiah figure after his near-death experience, miraculously escaping the assassin’s bullet. Who wouldn’t be profoundly influenced into believing they had been saved by God for a higher purpose—to save America? And there are people who have his ear who are no doubt encouraging him to think like this.

After his interview of Darryl Cooper, Tucker Carlson launched his tour across America to a packed stadium in battleground state Arizona. No one seems to have been bothered by that interview. In fact, it has probably been all but forgotten. However, millions of conservatives have now unwittingly had that little seed of antisemitism planted in their brains, that little bit of revisionist history. As for liberals, they can now say that Biden has been proved right.
In Biden’s inauguration speech he wasted no time calling white supremacy/Christian nationalists as the biggest threat to America. This was made up propaganda at the time. But the propaganda was repeated over and over and is now becoming a reality. But not just on one side.
We have liberals protesting in favor of Hamas and calling for the downfall of the Jewish state and death to “Zionists”. So, the country continues to grow more divided than ever—with each side accusing the other of the exact same sin of antisemitism when they are both guilty of it. This is terrifying. It is “the perfect storm”.
No one has more influence over Donald Trump than Tucker Carlson, except perhaps Elon Musk. No one has more influence over conservatives than Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk. Elon Musk now controls two thirds of all active satellites in space. He raves on about free speech, but only if it’s free speech that he controls. Musk reposted Tucker’s interview with Cooper, labeling it “interesting”. Later, he took the post down but not until millions of conservatives had viewed it and the damage had been done. Musk often does this with his posts. He appears to be one thing when he is another.
Many liberal Jews who left the Democratic party, turning in desperate hope to Donald Trump—something they never imagined in their wildest dreams they would do—must be feeling as if the rug has been pulled from under their feet with that Cooper interview. What are they supposed to do now?
I know, I am saying the opposite of what perhaps many people are feeling. They see a bright future with Trump. I find myself unsettled by it all.
I’m curious how people think this will play out over the next couple of months. Let’s suppose Trump is elected. Will it usher in a new era of peace and prosperity or will it cause anger and despair among conservatives as their hopes are dashed and things only get worse?
And if Trump doesn’t win, what do you think will happen to the United States, to the Western world?
Trump might be better than Kamala, but would his election only delay the perfect storm?
Yes you have your finger on the pulse as usual Karen ..Trump will be elected the question needs to be asked will he make it to January 19th and The Perfect Storm that you're talking about can only be what God Said will happen, it's going to happen, guaranteed to happen and while yes I am voting for Trump because of his stand for Israel and The Unborn Child this country is so damaged I question whether it's too far gone ....remember the Bible says in the last days things will wax worse and worse not get better, Jesus said it will be like the days of Noah and the days of Lot...so just think about those comparisons for a minute ..look up everybody for our Redemption draweth nigh....maranatha!!
Tucker has so many interviews, that I rarely watch them. Especially not of someone whom I've never heard of such as this Darryl Cooper. I imagine there are many other conservatives like me. I have no idea what Cooper said that was antisemitic but recognize and reject it when I hear it. I think sometimes Tucker plays the impartial or nonjudgmental interviewer to draw out the subject, so would have to see what is being referred to and in the entire context.
Trump hasn't shown he has listened to Tucker that much. Watch some old vids of Tucker trying to influence Trump and see how often Trump followed his advice.