Is it Islamophobic to Say You Can't Trust Muslims?
"If an Israeli comes to my hospital, I won't treat them. I will kill them." ~ Australian Muslim Nurse Lebdeh
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In the past two years, global antisemitism surged 340%. It’s truly disturbing because you would think after October 7, 2023, antisemitism would go down, and that people would sympathize with Israel and the Jews. But no. Somehow, that massacre was the catalyst unleashing a worldwide flood of hatred—just hours after it happened—that for some reason people suddenly felt justified in expressing.
Nothing has unmasked that hatred more than the shocking video of two nurses in Australia bragging about murdering Israeli/Jewish patients. In fact, they admit to having already killed Jewish patients. They are speaking with an Israeli man, called Max Veifer, who then posted the conversation to TikTok. It didn’t take long to go viral.
When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe it was true. Who would be so stupid as to go on camera and say those things. And yet, it just goes to show how normalized hatred of Jews has become.
You can watch the clip HERE
Or you can click on the YouTube link below and see it along with commentary on antisemitism throughout the world.
Just to recap what they said: When the nurses find out they are speaking with an Israeli Jew, they tell him he’s going to die and go to hell. The woman even says things that are so offensive, they need to be blocked out, and then she tells him if an Israeli comes into the hospital, she won’t treat them, she will kill them.
Of course, these two nurses are now horrified that they have been exposed, and they are apologizing.
Lebdeh’s uncle told The Australian that “She will come out and make a statement when she’s ready, but you can’t talk to her now because she’s having a panic attack, an anxiety attack. We might be calling the ambulance for her.”
Oh dear. Poor young lady. We should feel sorry for her.
Here is a video of her charming family, the women just as hateful as the men, in their long black death-like robes. They are exactly like so many families I ran into in Luxor. Belligerent, crass, and violent. They will smile one minute if it suits their purpose and attack you the next minute once they know they can get nothing more out of you.
The young man Rashad is now trying to say, “It was a joke, a misunderstanding … I will use social media, anything, to apologise but I need to go and see the detectives first.” I bet he does…
We shouldn’t be too worried though. Like all over the Western world, the hospital where these two caregivers worked is proud of its multiculturalism. You know, its “diversity, equity and inclusion”. I’m sure Australia doesn’t think they have enough Muslim immigrants yet. They need more. And more.
Here’s the horrible truth. The part no one wants to say out loud. You cannot trust Muslims. I don’t usually make such sweeping statements. Even when you think you know them really well, if the day comes when it is a fight between Muslims and Jews and Christians, they will not stand with you. They will stand with the Caliphate.
When writing about my experiences in Luxor I have said I learned not to trust a single person. Not one. People were horrified that I would say that. People who had never lived in a Muslim country, who had never experienced what I went through. They insisted, despite their ignorance, that they knew better.
Such people are the biggest fools on the planet, and I have lost patience with them. They will literally rather die rather than be accused of Islamophobia. As the knife comes down upon their necks, they will still be insisting, “Wait, but I’m your friend.”
Despite every single proof to the contrary, the West still wants to believe Islam is the religion of peace. It isn’t.
In the United States, there has been a 288% increase in antisemitic incidents, peaking in April 2024. The incidents included a number of significant acts of violence, such as the murder of Dr. Ben Harouni in California in March, attacks on synagogues, and violence in schools and universities.
In Canada, the situation was even worse, with a 562% increase in antisemitic incidents, a quarter of which were violent, the report said.
After the latest incident in Munich of an Afghan asylum-seeker (who was known to the police) running his car into a crowd of people, injuring dozens, Dan Burmawi gave a great explanation of why Muslims commit such horrific acts and feel quite good about it:
Let me tell you, why would a Muslim drive his car into a crowd of innocent people. I was raised Muslim, and I know exactly why this happens. It’s not poverty. It’s not oppression. It’s not even radicalization. It’s the logical outcome of Islamic doctrine itself.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a Muslim or not, we as human beings carry guilt deep inside us. We know we are not good enough, and we spend our life trying to redeem ourself through good deeds, thinking it will make the suffocating guilt go away.
Christianity for example offers a way out of guilt, a solution not based on your works but on Christ’s. Salvation isn’t earned, it’s given. You accept that you can’t redeem yourself, because Christ already did everything on your behalf. That means you’re free. Free to live, free to build, free to serve, free to love.
And when a Christian feels lost, broken, and in need of forgiveness, they can go to church, talk to a pastor or priest, and leave knowing they are forgiven.
Islam, on the other hand, doesn’t offer redemption, it weaponizes guilt. Instead of providing salvation, Allah exposes you, holds your sins over your head, and threatens you with hellfire and torture in the grave.
The Quran isn’t a book of peace, it’s a book of threats. It bullies Muslims into obedience through fear, humiliation, and punishment.
So what happens when a Muslim seeks redemption? They try to be better Muslims. They pray, fast, give to charity, go on Hajj, do everything Allah commands. But it never works. I know. I did it.
And no matter how much you pray, no matter how much you try, the guilt never goes away. Because deep down, every Muslim knows it’s not enough. Allah always demands more.
Allah loves those who die fighting against the infidels. That’s not an opinion, it’s in the Quran, in Hadith, in every lesson taught to children.
This is why Muslims, even the so-called "moderates," always hesitate to condemn terrorism. Because they know jihad is required by Allah. They might not be willing to commit it themselves, but they cannot say it’s wrong.
So when a Muslim fails to reach peace through religious rituals, they have two choices:
Give up, stop being devout, and learn to live with the guilt, or commit to jihad, because that’s the only way to be true to yourself.
The Quran spells it out clearly: “Kill those who do not worship Allah or obey the Prophet” (9:29).
So when a Muslim embraces this identity fully, killing infidels isn’t just justified, it’s joyful. It’s an act of:
Saving yourself
Obeying Allah
Securing your eternity
Finally escaping the crushing weight of guilt This is why a Muslim can drive his car into a crowd of innocent people and feel nothing but satisfaction. Because for the first time in his life, he finally believes he has done something worthy of redemption.
Truer words were never spoken. It isn’t a “cultural” problem. We don’t need to be more understanding and accepting. No. It is an Islam problem. It’s time we understand that.
For those who don't know the "MO" for Islamists...all one has to do is refer to the Koran. When a muslim is in the minority within a community they are "to go along to get along". All the while waiting until they reach 30% of the population. It is at this time they start to flex their muscles - and start to demand concessions from the local population. This activity rachets up until they exceed 50%-70% - and their demands for accommodation from the local population. Once they are a in a clear majority do they push for sharia law and turn the tables on the dopes who let them get into such a position. These two nurses were being true to their faith....to think otherwise is folly.
I stand by my sincere Islamophobia. Even though it’s not a phobia but entirely rational. Islam is a vile ideology not worthy of being called a religion. It’s a death cult that hates all of humanity except other Muslims and all females including Muslims. May the Christian God rid the earth of Islam