Break Free with Karen Hunt
Break Free Podcast with Karen Hunt
How To Become a Domestic Terrorist

How To Become a Domestic Terrorist

Without even trying. Or actually being one.

I decided it was time to start reading my essays. I know there are many people who prefer to listen, so here you are. Hope you enjoy my first attempt! I enjoyed recording it. Not perfect. I should get a better mic and headset. But it’s a start.

In the essay, I write about the totalitarianism arising across North America. History is being written, once again, a terrible history of oppression and war.

At the end, I draw stark parallels between the tyrannies of today and my childhood experiences of smuggling Bibles into communist Romania with my family in 1967, including an encounter with Nikoli Ceausescu’s motorcade along the way.

The words of Justin Trudeau:

“We are going to end this pandemic by proceeding with the vaccination…. There is still a part of the population fiercely against it. They don’t believe in science or progress and very often are misogynistic and racist…. They take up some space. This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: DO WE TOLERATE THESE PEOPLE?”

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Break Free with Karen Hunt
Break Free Podcast with Karen Hunt
I comment on free speech, protecting our children, and exposing the lies of the media, exploring the big picture through a personal lens, offering insight into this dystopian era. “Karen is one of the most astute writers [today.]" Trish Wood