Hamas's Useful Idiots
"I would go so far as to say the blood of the innocent people who died on October 7th and who are now suffering in this conflict are actually on the hands of these useful Western idiots." Dalia Ziada

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Yesterday I was in the market, and I heard a customer discussing the war in the Middle East with the cashier. This was a liberal mother of a 29-year-old son who, she said, earned more money than she did, but still lived at home and didn’t pay any rent. She said this without a hint of embarrassment, in fact, as if she was proud of it.
In the space of less than three minutes, she went through all the talking points as to why Israel is a genocidal state, living on stolen land in a country that had always been called Palestine and had always belonged to Palestinians. Jews from Europe had come in and colonized it and thrown the Muslims out.
While she talked, the cashier, a guy who was probably in his early twenties, commiserated with sympathetic nods and aghast interjections like, “Oh, I know!”
Major props to the propagandists. They’ve done an excellent job drilling simple phrases into people’s brains, over and over. All the masses have to do is regurgitate those phrases; no mental effort required.
“And I know, I know, we’ve done the same,” she continued. “I understand that. We’re colonizers. We stole this land from Native Americans and it’s a tragedy.”
As the woman repeated these words, she displayed a sorrowful expression, as if by making that confession she magically absolved herself of any responsibility to actually do something about it. Presumably she would keep living in her house. At the same time, she saw no hypocrisy in condemning Jews as occupiers of stolen land who need to return it to its rightful owners and go back to where they came from.
“My husband’s boss is Israeli, so we have to be careful what we say around him, but otherwise, we have to speak out about it,” the woman said.
If she really believed that strongly in what she was saying, shouldn’t she and her husband stand up in front of her husband’s Israeli boss and tell him what they think? Or is her conviction just one of convenience. More about making herself feel like a good person rather than actually being one.
On another note, this woman didn’t care that I was standing right there. Because obviously, I would agree with her, right?
But what if I was Israeli and I didn’t agree with her? What if I had a relative or a friend who had been killed or taken hostage on October 7th. What if, horror of all horrors, I was a Zionist who believed in defending my country.
Or, what if I was a Gazan who had been tortured and imprisoned by Hamas for daring to speak out and I wanted to tell this woman that she was wrong, that Israel is fighting for us all. Or maybe I was a proud Israeli Arab (20% of Israel’s population) or Bedouin who fought alongside my Israeli brothers and sisters to defend my homeland because I knew that if Israel lost the war, I would be killed, too.
Would this woman care? Would she be interested in what I had to say? Certainly not. It would make no difference that I had personal knowledge of what I was talking about when she had none. She would be telling me what I needed to do. A Zionist? The word had already been pounded into her brain as representing the worst evil, and her only reactions could be of horror, revulsion, and hate.
I wanted to tell this woman that everything she repeated about “Palestine” was a lie, but she’s had her say and she was now leaving the market. I wanted to ask her to please name one history book that has Palestine as a country. But again, she would only have been offended. How dare I. No matter how clear the facts are, in her eyes, I would be a genocidal Zionist, and that makes everything else, even the truth, of no consequence.
Facts like these would enrage her (I can see her putting her fingers in her ears and saying “la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la”):
Jews were never colonizers of “Palestine” since Jews have a 3,000-year continuous history of living in the region and of being a nation that was overcome by invaders. So, it is actually the Jews who have been occupied by outside forces.
The ancient Romans pinned the name on the Land of Israel. “In 135 CE, after stamping out the province of Judea’s second insurrection, the Romans renamed the province Syria Palaestina—that is, “Palestinian Syria.” They did so resentfully, as a punishment, to obliterate the link between the Jews (in Hebrew, Y’hudim and in Latin Judaei) and the province (the Hebrew name of which was Y’hudah). “Palaestina” referred to the Philistines, whose home base had been on the Mediterranean coast.”
No country was formed in that region since the last time the Jews controlled it until a safe haven was created for the Jews after WW2.
Until Israel was re-established as a nation in 1948, Palestine was the term for the territory between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. The word Palestinian was applied to anyone living in that area.

It is the British who were the most recent colonizers, not the Jews. In fact, the British sent thousands of Palestine-bound Jewish survivors of the Nazi genocide back to postwar Germany. The story is detailed in more than 400 pages of formerly secret documents at Britain's National Archives made available to the public in 2008.
The minute Israel was declared a nation in 1948, it was attacked by 6 pan-Arab armies who had absolutely no interest in creating an Arab Palestinian state but simply wanted to gobble up all the territory in hopes of creating a Caliphate, as has always been the religious goal in Islam. In fact, had Israel lost the war, its territory would have been divided among the invading Arab forces. The name Palestine would have vanished into the dustbin of history.
It was Yassar Arafat who hijacked the term Palestine and created the entirely false narrative around a Palestinian state that Hamas has done a very good job of embellishing and spreading further. “The deliberate creation of the ‘Palestinian people’ as a discrete entity in 1967, and the political group known as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964 was for the political purpose of destroying a sovereign and legally mandated Jewish state.” It was never for the intention of actually creating a Palestinian state. (1)
Miraculously, every time Israel has been attacked by Arab/Islamic nations, Israel has won. Yet, it is the aggressors who play the victim. It is the aggressors who now use Gazans as pawns in their game to destroy Israel. They do not care about “Palestinians”. They are using their own people as propaganda tools to create sympathy. And it has certainly worked well.
It is infuriating when Westerners say, oh, the Jews should go back where they came from, back to places that tried to exterminate them. I read it all the time on social media. I listened to this ignorant woman spout the same thing in the market. This lie is growing all around us. What makes it completely absurd is that the people saying it are often descendent of those who fled Europe for similar reasons, for being persecuted for their faith.
What is it with this hatred of Jews? Why the obsession? There are all kinds of atrocities going on around the world. But the hatred is focused on Jews. Those who disagree with me (if they are still even reading this) will be infused with anger at my words. How dare I suggest they hate Jews? They don’t hate anyone. They care about Palestinians. Really? Since when did they care? What have they actually DONE about it except lash out at Jews? Oh, I mean, Zionists.
These people don’t want to admit that they hate Jews so much, they would rather support monsters who make no secret of wanting to exterminate all Jews. They refuse to acknowledge the truth that these monsters would not waste a second thought on killing them, either! The hatred of Jews is stronger than reason.
Instead, these people prefer to align themselves with terrorists like Ahlam Tamimi. She looks so innocent, so lovely, she speaks in such a sweet manner. She is a monster.
Anyone who does not support Jews having a homeland but also says they don’t support people like Tamimi, is ignorant of Islam, the Arab/Islamic conquest and the Middle East in general. Yes, when you support those fighting against Israel, even when you ignorantly think there can be a “two-state” solution, you are supporting terrorists. You are supporting jihadists. You are supporting the Islamic goal of a Caliphate. Because the dream of Palestine is just propaganda made up for the West.
You can listen to Tamimi’s fervor in this video, her belief in this religious calling, which is at the heart of Islam. (In another video Tamimi smiles when she finds out she killed eight children in a terrorist attack instead of what she thought was three.)
Tamimi is part of the Islamist’s propaganda machine, selling the lies about Israel’s history to duped Americans who believe Islamic radical jihadists instead of Jews defending their homeland.
Terrorist Ahlam Tamimi led a suicide bomber to the Sbarro pizza shop in Jerusalem in August 2001. 15 people were murdered in the attack, 7 of them children. In October 2011, Tamimi was released from Israeli prison as part of the prisoner exchange deal brokered between the Israeli government and Hamas. The following interview was held after her release:
Interviewer: "How did you take the sentence?" [15 life sentences]
Tamimi: "I'm a Jihad fighter for Allah, and a Jihad fighter for Allah is ready for any outcome: either he will die as a Shahid (Martyr), or he will be assassinated, or he will be taken captive; [or] Allah can decree some unknown fate for him -- [for instance,] that he will live as a wanted [fugitive]."
Interviewer: "If you could set the clock back, Ahlam, would you carry out, or take part in, a major operation (i.e., terror attack)?"
Tamimi: "Of course. I don't regret what happened, absolutely not. That is the path; I give myself for the sake of Allah, to Jihad for Allah. I carried out [my mission] and Allah made me successful: You know the number of victims who were killed. All that was thanks to the success from Allah. Do you expect me to abandon what I did, saying [I regret it]? Regret is something that is out of the question. If time could go backwards, I would carry out what I did, in the same manner."
Interviewer: "How would you describe the Israelis?"
Tamimi: "The Israelis are a nation upon which it was decreed that it would be dispersed over the earth. Allah decreed this upon them, but international conspiracies, the Balfour Declaration, gave them the right to something to which they have no right."
[amnonnews.net (Jordan), Oct. 19, 2011]
Yes, Jews have a right to this land. And no American has the right to tell them otherwise. No American (except Native Americans) can trace their history in the United States back 3,000 years as can the Jews of Israel. From the look of that woman in the market, it’s a good assumption that her ancestors came from Europe to the US looking for a better life—and took land for themselves.
I will respect this woman’s position (even though her understanding of history would still be wrong) when she practices what she preaches. When she selflessly gives up her home “goes back to where she came from”. Otherwise, just shut up about how horrible Zionists are for stealing land and they need to give it all back and allow themselves to be exterminated by a terrorist organization who invaded their land first and committed an actual genocide on their people.
These arrogant fools (yes, I am getting very specific here) REFUSE to listen to people who actually live in these regions. They refuse to listen to Gazans, Egyptians, Iranians who actually want Israel to win and rid them of this scourge.
There are so many courageous people from the Middle East standing up and speaking out. I have written about some of them in other essays. They deserve to be acknowledged. They deserve to be listened to. I’m going to mention two more here. Both are Arabs.
Dalia Ziada is a Muslim woman from Egypt who supports Israel’s defense against its enemies. Dalia is currently a Senior Fellow for Research and Diplomacy in North America with the Jerusalem Center. When she stood up for Israel, she had to flee Egypt and is now in hiding.
You can watch this short video where Ziada says some of the most honest words that Westerners should hear. I implore people to listen to her:
“This [Hamas] is a terrorist organization for God’s sake. You cannot take them for their word. They are lying all the time…. But unfortunately, many people, who even Hamas calls the “useful idiots” and actually if you go back to the origin of the term, “useful idiots”, it was first used by these radical terrorist organizations that are now using these useful idiots to serve its own goals.
I would go so far as to say the blood of the innocent people who died on October 7th and who are now suffering in this conflict are actually on the hands of these useful Western idiots as well. Although I completely understand that they may be sympathizing with the Palestinian cause, okay, fine, I was in their shoes one day, when I was a junior student in university, showered by footage from Al Jazeera, but it took me only two months to realize that it actually was the Muslim Brotherhood behind these protests and there is something wrong going on and I withdrew myself and I started to educate myself about the conflict.
Unfortunately, this is not what’s happening right now. Most of the young people, especially those who are participating in universities… protesting in support of Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis against Israel did not even visit the Middle East. They know nothing about the Middle East.”
But of course, such talk deeply offends Westerners because they know better than someone like Dalia Ziada. Of course, many have visited the Middle East as tourists, and were treated very well. I can tell all these people that they know NOTHING of the reality beneath the veil. I can say this because I found out the truth for myself by living in Luxor, Egypt, for three years.
Here is courageous Muslim reformist, Dr. Tawfik Hamid. He will tell you very clearly that the war against Israel is not, nor has it ever been a land dispute. It is a religious war.
In this short video, he explains how Muslim supremacism against Judaism is the true root of Arab rejection of Israel. There is no interest in a Palestinian state from the Islamic point of view.
Is the Palestinian crisis a land dispute in your opinion?
No, I don't think so at all. It's a religious issue. The problem is they don't want Jews to survive there, so if all Jews became Muslims one day, they would have no problem with that. So, the issue with them is Jews. I asked one day a friend of mine if all Jews converted to Islam in Israel will you still have this fight and trouble, and he said of course not. I said to him then this is not a problem of a land, it's problem just because they are Jews. So, when you listen to the Arab media, when you follow the Arab media, when you follow the people, it's all about a religious war against the Jews and they wanted to take it further to apply the prophecy that Muslims will slaughter and kill every Jew in the world. This is one of the prophecies in some book called bukari that's well respected by many Muslims as a source of Hadith book for the words of prophet Muhammad and this is what they dream about. To fulfill this prophecy of killing every Jew… When you listen to the mosques when you listen to the sermons when you see the media how they incite hatred and violence against people just because they are Jews so you will realize that it's not a land dispute.
And what if America pushes Israel to concede land and to establish a Palestinian state?
This will encourage the jihadists more and more in their path. In fact, America should do the opposite. When the jihadist attacked America on September 11th, they wanted to see these concessions happen. Because [if you give in to their demands] and show them concessions they will just attack you again. As when you were weak in 1998, and you didn't respond strongly enough against the attack on your embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, they attacked you again. But when you went very hard on them, they haven't attacked you for years because they are afraid of you.
The jihadist mind is a different mind. You have to show them that what they want to achieve they are going to get the opposite…. This is a message that you have to convey to them, to make them change their mind and to make them think twice before trying to attack you.
These are the wise voices we should be listening to, voices like Dalia Ziada and Dr. Tawfik Hamid. Not some woke academic from an American university. Not some member of “The Squad”, like Ilhan Omar, who wants all the privileges of living in America, while insisting that one of those privileges should be her right to destroy it.
Again, I think back to that woman in the market, and all her rosy ideas of peace and love and that’s what we need to tell the world. Of course, we want peace and love. Everyone wants that for their own children, for their own country. But it’s naive to think Islamists are going to love you if you tell them they should. They will not love you. They will see it as weakness and use the opportunity to kill you because they hate you. Plain and simple.
I found out about that hate through personal experience in Luxor. When the mask comes off and they show their true feelings, the most dangerous thing you can do is to try and be “understanding”. If someone threatens or intimidates you, you have to come back ten times harder or you are seen as weak. In fact, this is how you earn respect. These are not theories to be discussed on American campuses over a matcha tea to prove how understanding you are of someone else’s culture or religion. It’s about survival. It’s about real-life situations—life and death.
Nobody in their right mind wants to see innocent Gazans suffer. What is happening should make everyone hate Hamas more, not Israel. When I write about support for Israel, I am always accused of supporting genocide. Actually, it’s those who do not take the strong stand I’m taking, those who think Israel should stop fighting back and should make concessions, that are the useful idiots of these monsters and have, as Dalia Ziada says, blood on their hands. Not just of the October 7th victims but of the Gazans, too.
The truth is there for everyone to see, just as Ziada saw it. She’d even been raised in Egypt, yet she still saw through the lies and could not turn away. She was willing to face death and go into hiding rather than be silent about the truth.
To give in to Hamas, or Iran, to sympathize with Islamists, is to be a useful idiot. These Islamists are laughing at the stupidity of Westerners who will bend over backwards to show how “tolerant” they are, how much they “care”.
Israelis don’t have the time to sit around and worry about the useful idiots’ opinions of them. Israel knows very well it must win this war. Just like every war before that it has fought and won, they must win this war or every Jew will die—meaning half the Jews on the planet. That would leave around 8 million Jews left compared to almost 2 billion Muslims.
And do not imagine the killing spree would stop with Jews in Israel. It would spread across the world. This is not some crazy exaggeration. This is reality. Take it or leave it. Be a useful idiot or face the harsh truth.
Amir Pars, an Iranian immigrant who lives in Sweden, recently wrote a powerful essay called Farewell Sweden, My Beloved Country about how Sweden is no longer the home he loved since childhood. I quote the ending of his essay because, although it is on a slightly different topic, the reactions he describes are the same as what I will get:
Naturally, I will be accused of racism, self-hatred, bootlicking, and so on. Naturally, I will be condemned for not including the classic clichés “not all immigrants / only a minority / many Swedes commit crimes too.” I will be tainted with the invented term “Islamophobe” and called a traitor.
I will be challenged for not condemning the West’s actions in the Middle East, for not talking about how we are apparently the reason why so many “flee” their home countries and come to Sweden (the majority do not flee but come here voluntarily as economic migrants).
I will be condemned for thinking I have grown up so much better than everyone else, and for generalising.
Let me save my prosecutors some time:
None of that has anything to do with the matter at hand. Either what I have written is true, or it is not.
It is being said that 100,000 pro Hamas protestors are about to descend on Chicago for the DNC and campuses are bracing for more protests this fall. How much more usefully idiotic will the West become?
Lots of useful idiots in Portlandia, they have a feckless mayor his name is Ted Wheeler and he will be replaced by another Marxist at the end of his miserable term. In defense of Oregonians there are 33 or 36 counties and only 6 of them vote lemocrat but that makes Oregon just like Cali and Washington state. It’s sucks!
Another superb article. Incidentally, the invention of "Palestine" was initiated by the USSR who used Chairman Arafat (an Egyptian) to try and establish Soviet/Marxist hegemony in the Middle East. I recall the 1974 ignominy of Arafat standing in front of an admiring UN audience, a revolver in his belt (AT THE F...ING UN!), lecturing all the useful idiots about the glory of his PLO and the coming victory of the "Balestinian beoble"