Delay Deny Defend
"This 'hero' will be the 1st person to become a billionaire from a GoFundMe campaign. And as every CEO is going to hire security, say what you will about the assassin, he’s one heck of a job creator"

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The smiling man in the photo above is reported to be the killer of UnitedHealthCare CEO Brian Thompson. News sources are describing him as a “white man dressed entirely in black,” which has given rise to questions since the jacket in the photo appears to be light brown, not black.
After shooting Brian Thompson from behind, the suspect fled the scene, hopped on an e-bike and rode through Central Park before disappearing into the crowded city. With the photo immediately released, he should be easy to capture.
But what has really set off emotions are the bullet casings found at the scene carved with the words:
Some news sources are saying the words are Deny, Defend, Depose, who knows. But whatever, the point is that these words are used by health care companies when they deny or delay insurance claims. In fact, there was a book with this title, now making the rounds. That author hit payday:
UHC is said to be among the most hated health care companies in the country and that is saying a lot since they are all hated. But UHC is especially targeted since it is the most profitable health care company. Forbes Top 100 Companies lists it as #15 with a market value of $460 billion. Forbes reported that the company’s profits hit $22 billion in 2023.
All of this has unleashed a flood of pent-up rage against health care companies; an ominous warning to politicians and industry leaders to rethink their business model because, as one person said, “profiting off of ‘caring’ for people is sick.”
Many of the comments are heartbreaking:
“Remembering the day United Healthcare denied a one-night hospital stay for my 12-year-old child as “medically unnecessary” following ASD heart repair surgery.”
"Today I’m thinking about the time UnitedHealthcare suddenly decided to stop paying for my chemotherapy and didn’t bother telling me, so the nurses had to tell me when I checked in at the cancer center for my next treatment. Totally unrelated to any current news, of course."
Many are filled with rage:
"Thoughts and deductibles to the family. Unfortunately my condolences are out-of-network."
"Sympathy denied. Greed is considered a pre existing condition."
“I’m sorry but the CEO of one of the worlds most evil healthcare cover providers being assassinated by a masked gunman who’d etched the companies evil motto (Deny, Defend, Depose) on the bullet casings is COOL AS F*CK He’s a f*cking rockstar and I hope he never gets caught.”
“That is badass as f*ck. If this hero gets caught, he will be the first person to become a billionaire from a GoFundMe campaign. And as every CEO is going to hire a security detail, say what you will about the assassin, he’s one heck of a job creator.”
One has to wonder if this is just the beginning of citizens taking justice into their own hands. There are so many more criminals to choose from on the public’s hate list.
People are widening the net, noting that we already know a lot about this guy, but we know little about so many other recent injustices:
Less than 48 hours after, we know a TON about the shooter and the "inspiration" behind his crime. Meanwhile, we know virtually nothing about trans school shooters, Presidential assassins, and other protected criminals.
Thomas Crooks nearly blew a president's head off on live TV 5 months ago and we still know nothing about him.
And we know nothing about Epstein clients or 323k missing children. But I mean who’s paying attention
It gets worse when the public is told that President Joe Biden and his senior aides are discussing possible preemptive pardons for those who might be targeted for criminal investigations by the incoming Trump administration.
Possible names include current and former officials such as retired Gen. Mark Milley, former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney, Sen.-elect Adam Schiff and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Can a president actually pardon someone who has yet to be formally accused or convicted of anything just in case?
If someone wanted to make a really powerful statement, the timing of Brian Thompson’s assassination couldn’t have been more “perfect”.
Those who profited from Covid to the tune of billions of dollars must be sweating bullets (pun intended) right now. People like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, to name a few. They must be wondering if they should get out now, before Trump comes after them, or before they get assassinated. At the very least, they are upping their security.
But where could they go? After World War II, Nazis disappeared like rats into South American countries. The most notorious being Adolf Eichman, mastermind of the death camps. According to History:
With the aid of a Franciscan monk in Genoa, Italy, he obtained an Argentine visa and signed an application for a falsified Red Cross passport. In 1950 he boarded a steamship to Buenos Aires under the alias Ricardo Klement. Eichmann lived with his wife and four children in a middle-class Buenos Aires suburb and worked in a Mercedes-Benz automotive plant.
Israeli Mossad agents captured Eichmann in a daring operation on May 11, 1960, then snuck him out of the country by doping and disguising him as an El Al flight crew member. In Israel, Eichmann stood trial as a war criminal responsible for deporting Jews to death and concentration camps. He was found guilty after a four-month trial in Jerusalem and received the only death sentence ever issued by an Israeli court. He was hanged on May 31, 1962.
What are the options for those who see the writing on the wall in our very own United States? No doubt there’s an underground network especially for the uber-privileged where they can purchase an entire escape package, probably prepared way ahead of time—offshore accounts, passports, private jets, disguises.
A record number of Americans, including top elites, are buying “golden passports” to secluded nations like New Zealand:
OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman once let slip that he and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel have an 'arrangement' in case the world is ending: If things hit the fan, Altman said in 2016, the pair would lay low at one of Thiel's properties in New Zealand.
Maybe they have more to worry about than the world ending. We hear plenty about Mark Zuckerberg’s underground Hawaiin bunker but even that won’t keep him and his buddies safe if an entire country turns against them. Of course, nobody’s attention is on the tech gods, the cool billionaires. At least, not yet.
They still think their worst worry is World War III. I mean, that’s a valid one, but maybe it’s a horde of angry citizens breaking down the walls of their compound.
The focus right now is on the criminals just beneath the billionaires. Like Fauci, who would need to disappear into a deep, dark jungle, although Starlink might find him there, too. It’s getting harder and harder to escape the Eye of Musk. I would love to see Fauci detained at an airport sporting a wig and lipstick. That mugshot would go viral in about two seconds. Imagine the profit from the merch for enterprising folks selling those mugs and t-shirts online.
Remember Donald Trump’s mugshot? Trump raked in $9.4 million as his campaign sold tens of thousands of mugshot t-shirts and coffee mugs.
Nothing seems to have stopped Trump, not even multiple assassins’ bullets. I pray he stays safe because we don’t want the violence an actual assassination would unleash. We’re already teetering on the brink of civil war, just the slighted puff of contrary wind could blow us over the edge.
If there’s any silver lining, it’s that Americans still have their enterprising spirit. It remains to be seen how far they will take it. Let’s hope it doesn’t extend to becoming the judge, jury and executioner of whoever they fancy is next on the list.
How much of a wake-up call do these greedy monsters need to change their ways? The man who assassinated Brian Thompson is being heralded as a hero by many. Yes, Thompson had a wife and family but so do 49 million Americans insured by UHC. How many have lost their homes due to hospital bills. How many have died by being denied care.
Meanwhile, Thompson's annual compensation package stood at $10.2 million a year. I do wonder how such people sleep at night. What do they have to do to block their conscience? How do they go home after work and read bedtime stories to their kids, teach them morals and principles, probably attend church on Sundays, knowing countless people who depend on them for care are suffering while they sit warm and cozy in their mansions, accumulating more and more wealth.
As just one tragic example, a year ago, a lawsuit filed against UHC revealed just how draconian its claims-denying process had become:
Last November, the estates of two former UHC patients filed suit in Minnesota alleging that the insurer used an AI algorithm to deny and override claims to elderly patients that had been approved by their doctors.
The algorithm in question, known as nH Predict, allegedly had a 90 percent error rate — and according to the families of the two deceased men who filed the suit, UHC knew it.
As that lawsuit made its way through the courts, anger regarding the massive insurer's predilection towards denying claims has only grown, and speculation about the assassin's motives suggests that he may have been among those upset with UHC's coverage.
On the other hand, it’s chilling how easily people can express hatred for a man with a family, shot in the back.
One concerned person said:
I’m sickened by some of the comments about UHC’s CEO Brian Thompson. Brian was a genuinely nice guy with a family. Celebrating the death of a man because he heads a business you don’t like is disgraceful.
Responses like this hit back hard:
Nobody is celebrating, but I can guarantee Brian nor his family gave a damn when we contemplated selling our home to pay for my husband's cancer treatment that was denied by insurance. I know they didn't give a damn when my only child died exactly a year later. He didn't deserve to die, but people permanently harmed by the likes of him don't deserve to have you lecture us.
The hate, the distrust, the anger, the violence, is building. A storm is brewing in Washington. A day of reckoning is coming, or, it would seem, it is already here.
I bet you have no idea how much your essays enrich my life. They do. Enormously. Thank you.
Big Pharma and the FDA are so corrupt. They probably kill more people when they DO approve treatment than they do when they deny it, but that’s another subject.