Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

You don’t have to worry about republicans worshiping the man. We admire him, we respect him, we NEED him to save our country and our constitution and protect us from the evildoers, but we are not sheep. Proof? Most of us did not follow his advice to take the shot. We didn’t swoon when he said the miracle vaccine. We do not drink the kool aid of worshipping ANY man. But we recognize a truly good, albeit flawed, man. Who among us is not flawed?

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Very well said!

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100% right on... Trump is NOT our savior, but he's a heck of a lot better than Joe Biden!

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I know a lot of conservatives who didn’t take it, but just as many who did. Remember when he first came out and recommended HCQ, downplayed covid, etc., even conservatives wanted a jab!!! I know many who took them because they were geared to vaccines!! I tried to warn numerous people not to take them!!! Nope had to have a jab!! Then the MSM annihilated him for anything he said relative to HCQ and remember when they lied and said he told people to drink chlorine!!! This is because he spoke about chlorine dioxide, he didn’t tell people to drink chlorine!!! So many people bought into the fear because it was all planned. I knew from the beginning it was a hoax! So as we all saw, there was nothing he could say that wasn’t intentionally distorted. Appreciated your comment.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Kimberly Cheatle should in a nonviolent way “resign, or be prosecuted.”

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Doubtful with this administration. Hopefully with the next.

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

She's doing exactly what they want her to do.

This administration LOVES her!

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Notice that she said in an interview yesterday that it should never happen again. She SHOULD have said “it never should have HAPPENED AT ALL”!

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Jul 17Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Note her name. Thomas Crooks and Kimberley Cheatle.

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Wow that's right 😳

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Quick question though: I understand she was in charge of the entire protection operation. But, assuming Karen is correct that the building Crooks accessed was the staging area for LOCAL law enforcement tactical ops, who is to say that it wasn't the locals who may have had one or more corrupt members?

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Regardless, it is ultimately the SS's responsibility. Here is some recent news from Collin Rugg https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1813046793720242276:

JUST IN: Thomas Crooks took out a rangefinder which was noticed by a sn*per before the rally before he "disappeared" and returned with a backpack.

Let me say that again: Sn*pers saw Crooks pull out a **rangefinder** to calculate the distance to the target and still didn't stop him.

According to CBS News, sn*pers observed Crooks checking out the structure, taking out a rangefinder, and later returning with a backpack.

Local law enforcement says Crooks kept "disappearing" before he climbed on the roof.

"One of the sn*pers inside saw Thomas Matthew Crooks outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building..." CBS reported.

"Crooks came back, sat down and looked at his phone. At that point, one of the sn*pers took a picture of him. Crooks took out a rangefinder and the sn*per radioed to the command post."

"Crooks disappeared again and then came back a third time with a backpack. The sn*pers called in with information that he had a backpack and said he was walking towards the back of the building."

Officers now think Crooks used an air conditioning unit to get on the roof.

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so shocking. devastating

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The buck stops with SS. Ofc, any bad locals need to be ferreted out if that is the case

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I have never felt Trump is evil - he is rough around the edges, but he is the ‘boy who says “the emperor has no clothes on”’. He is the opposite of the Biblical beast…he doesn’t woo the masses with sweet talk…he aggravates the heck out of the ones who ARE the sweet talkers, the ones poisoning our children with chemical laden foods and unnecessary shots and working hard to control every aspect of our lives. Not to be sacrilegious, but Trump wants to throw the crooks out of government just as Jesus wanted the moneylenders out of the temple. The evil people speak well and look nice. Most that you read about him is twisted and corrupted. I feel that Satan is far more concerned about people like him getting into positions of authority than people who are easily twisted and corrupted with greed or lust for power or desire to control people. I have lived 75 years, lost all faith in the government institutions that I once trusted, and am ensuring my family can survive the future that the WEF and liberals are intent on creating. Trump is fresh air…

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I tend to agree. I'm just saying stay vigilant.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Like you, I did martial arts training and received a black belt. I love sparring with men as women were too slow. I remember telling a guy (a hip hop recording artist) that I really held my own with the guys. He responded in a deadpan voice, 'We hold back.' Ouch. But reality hit me like a good roundhouse. He was telling the truth. And while back in the day, it might have been possible for me to do a decent job providing security, as a middle-aged woman, the answer is a resounding no - though I am still athletic. When I saw that pudgy, short blonde woman and the others, I thought of the Keystone cops.

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Yep. Very embarrassing.

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An indirect attempt at taking out the protected, by way of vertical impairment.

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It will take a LOT more than Donald Trump to freshen the air in the Washington.

Oh my gosh they raked him over the coals his entire term. It was awful what they put him through. Compared to Biden, you're right. He's a crystal clear breath of fresh air but that's not saying much.

If Trump gets back in I wonder what they might put him through this time?

That's a huge polluted swamp.

Stay "vigilant" is right! Don't get your hopes up too much I'm afraid.

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You get what I'm saying 👍

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

BUT... There are spiritual wars raging in America that CAN BE WON by The Good.

eg. Look at what President Nayib Bukele has done in El Salvador.

These victories will manifest themselves in winning the physical battles.

The failed assassination attempt on Trump is a testament of that IMHO.

"FIGHT...FIGHT...FIGHT!!" 🦻✊️✊🏽✊🏿🙏🙏🏽🙏🏿💪💪🏾💪🏿

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Yes, I understand. None of us are perfect vessels. And the better vessels (morally, intellectually, and in terms of faith and respect for higher ideals) just don’t get into politics, do they? Mr Trump is the most straightforward, up front, and in your face person (well Rand Paul comes to mind) to run against the cesspool. I only TRUST God. ❤️

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

appreciate your words. a lot.

I haven't met him, but there is a fellow I have heard speak a couple times here in Northern California.

he was a missionary in Romania and Albania before and during the collapse of the USSR. had a customized van that could smuggle 1,000 Bibles to people anxious for them.

I also have a couple new friends from Poland. one defected in 1980. the other, much younger came here around 2000. they both have said, watching us slide downhill to tyranny, 'i thought Americans were smarter'.

thank you,


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Yes, me, too. Very discouraging for me, having lived through those experiences.

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Both of your friends were right.

Americans WERE smarter.

They used to be.

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

What a world we are living in when, at the age of 71, I find myself agreeing with Putin!

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It's all upside down!

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74, and I have agreed with him since March '22. Like you (I imagine), I was a cold war child--Russia evil.

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Speaking of those 86d by Putin, we have a third rail person here and in the 80s and 90s with much longer list (and rapes). I will not say his name or the state (begins with an A).

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, I must write that I don't trust him. I read the substack of Sage Hana and they dig deep. Trump not only still brags about the kill shots but he was involved in their implementation before the charade began. SH has posted excerpts from and links to The Day Tapes many times. If you remember Stanley Monteith, a doctor from the west coast who had a shortwave radio program for some years, Dr. Monteith interviewed Dr.Lawrence Dunegan as did a Christian woman and I believe Dunegan was truthful. I think Trump is in on it.

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That is my concern too.

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Can you clarify and provide links, please? Especially wrt this,” but he was involved in their implementation before the charade began”.

I am also unfamiliar with the people you mention in the second part — Monteith and Dunegan and an implied connection with Trump.

It will help me follow your point as this particular line of thought is not one I’ve encountered.

Many thanks!

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I'll try. This isn't easy to do. There is a person at Substack whose handle is Sage Hana. His or Her stack deals with finding the truth about the Scamdemic or Plandemic or Psy Op or Military Op or whatever one calls it. The commenters at that stack are also interested in finding out the truth. BUT one must work hard to ascertain some of the messaging. The Scam was planned way ahead and laws were prepared way ahead to enable the scammers. On the internet find "The Day Tapes" and listen and read the transcripts of them. The man being interviewed on The Day Tapes is Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, a now dead pediatrician from Pittsburgh talking about another older doctor, Dr. Richard Day, and what Day told him and a large group of pediatricians in spring 1969 in Pittsburgh at the LeMont restaurant. Dr. Montieth interviewed Dr. Dunegan for his radio program and Dunegan was also interviewed on tape by a woman (forgot her name) who opposed abortion. That's The Day Tapes. Dunegan told what was planned for the world before 1969 and we older people have seen it all come about. The shots are to cull the herd (kill masses of the population) and The World Economic Forum group is also telling what's planned for the masses. "You will own nothing and be happy." Find The Day Tapes either via search engine or at Sage Hana. Also search for New Barbarians. (I'll try to find a link) Trump is one of them because he facilitated the scamdemic and never told the truth. He's an actor playing a part just like the rest of them. As Shakespeare wrote "The world is a stage and all the men and women simply players." Politicians are actors. Think about it. Most people play a part. We are being played.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Thank you so much. I have read Sage Hannah, but I was most interested in evidence supporting your statement that he had been involved in the scam early on. (Taken to mean prior to 2019).

Having read all sides and as much of everything I can get my paws on, I’ve concluded that Trump was (and is) actually counter to the destructive schemes of the world criminals and is not “one of them”, but I’m also ever ready to amend my conclusions given adequate evidence to the contrary.

Thank you for taking so much time and thought to supply this route to compelling info! I’ll give it my attention and consideration.

God Bless and give us all discernment. It is much needed.

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Use this link and Google "New Order of Barbarians" or that, plus the Day Tapes or find links at some of Sage Hana's posts. Day was a Malthusian and was very involved with Planned Parenthood. Based on listening to Day Tapes I judge Day to have been horribly evil. Do you know Pediatricians were paid handsomely to give the kill shots to babies and kids? The higher percentage of their patients were given the shots the more they were paid per kid. So I read. I believe they do that with adult patients also. That's a guess. I know they get unpleasant when you refuse their shots.

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Thank you so much!

…Yes. I am acutely aware of the egregious vaccine activity and the profit incentives at play, as well as the paucity of real data & info the MD’s trusted AMA sanctions, even were they to seek it. Sadly, my family — grown children — believe the medical “experts” and refuse to discuss or look at the actual data, facts & studies. But they may be coming around. I know it’s difficult for them. For them, either they’d be harming their children by vaxxing, or by not vaxxing — a huge dilemma. I try therefore to caution against combined vacs and unnecessary ones and ask about cleaner versions. Even their integrative physicians encourage vacs for the children. Go figure.

The best I can do.

I’m the nut case around here 😂


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My kinfolk think I'm nuts too. I warn them but they'll have to learn the hard way. My dil got her kids shot up. I warned our son repeatedly. If their kids end up injured or barren that's on them.

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I voted for Trump twice. Before the Scamdemic. I read more than is reasonable or sensible, to the detriment of my household. Have for over 30 years. That doesn't make for a joyous life. I now believe Trump is in on it. Vance is not a conservative. Maybe a Neo-Con? I'll throw this in: The government schools are not only dumbed down but actively brainwashing kids and have been since before I was born. But our daughter was recruited into a so-called Gifted Program and I witnessed the process firsthand by what she experienced. Search for the late Charlotte Iserbyt's website and\or big book about Deliberate Dumbing Down to learn more. Americans are suckers. So deceived and misled.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Yep. On the same page!

…But currently,, I differ wrt to Trump. I did not like him at all the first time around (did not vote for any prez in ‘16) but I do believe he’s a very good guy & support him now — I have researched, read & weighed the various scenarios wrt his covid & vaccine actions and concluded that he would have to be either the most diabolical player of all — beyond all of the satanic and corrupt lying evil actors — or — he would have to be the best of the best, fighting for us and not against us, truly on the side od mankind.

It seems rather counter-intuitive, given some of the excellent arguments to the contrary, but that’s where I end up after looking at everything. That’s why I perked up at your post — I’m always willing to question my conclusions and look at evidence that may alter them. For certain, nothing, even what deep dives produce can be taken at face value in this war bc so much is still missing, removed or altered & manipulated.

I would recommend Breaking History, and some of Joe Lange’s pieces. There are many others too, but I’d be interested in any counter arguments you might offer as a response to those.

After all, what we desire is the truth, and nothing but. I’m just a nobody mad researcher, but I want to know I’m not being manipulated, lied to or conned — and that goes for my sources as well. We honest, earnest people don’t do well with liars, especially good, practiced complex master liars. Controlled opposition and limited hangouts easily confound us and some of the best writers, divers & presenters. Substack is such a treasure chest!

Many thanks again!

All the best!

PS. Vetting Vance when I have time. As yet, he’s an unknown.


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no way,. Sorry nope

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Nope to what? I don't get your drift.

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Please, please, please Mr. President, find and regularly stay in touch with humility and grace. I don't mean stop fighting. I do mean, keep your perspective at all times. That could be your most powerful weapon.

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you Karen. I have to agree with Vlad. I can only imagine what the rest of the world is thinking and not only the leaders. America has been cheapened and it's time to for us to get back up. We have lowered our standards to the point of risking lives. We are leaving our own behind. We used to be a nation that was safe and cared. Now we must stay vigilant.

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Reality is the only thing that matters.

This stupid and insane violence we see so much of is the direct result of the powerlessness of the powerless.

Our government officials and talking heads, worldwide, taut our system as a civilized and representative democracy.

Periodically they let us, the citizens, vote for representatives who, each and everyone, promise to do the right thing.

Voting for someone to change government policy is the only means we have to redress our grievances.

Yet the Congress and Legislatures openly admit that they do not read, examine or debate any of the laws they vote on. In the USA, they vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws per day.

The honest representative admits that they vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.

According to the powerless, nothing changes except for the worse.

As responsible Citizens, we must develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day.

This evaluation must be public, transparent and in a form that the representative can view in order make their vote congruent with that of their constituents.

Ross Perot called it The Electronic Townhall.

And we must decide who gets to participate in this amplified voting, and how the vote is counted and what specific impact the sacred vote has at the business end of government.

Right now, the first question is:

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No

d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

g. minimum18 years

h. minimum 21 years

i. minimum 25 years

j. minimum 30 years

k. minimum 33 years

l. minimum 35 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No

n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children – Yes - No

c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No

# 3.0 Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of Public Office?

a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No

b. Male without children – Yes - No

c. Male with children – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No

g. Depends on the office - Yes - No

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I am still in shock. completely blown away and so grateful.

I try not to think about it too much bc it just makes me so sad.

Yes, the US is a messed up country now, all thanks to the media which is just like Hollywood, full of corruption and acting to serve the devil. We should stop supporting these people that foment such bitter hate,

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Stunning essay. Key passage (I have been saying the same thing for months):

"At the risk of making some people angry, I said it before and I’ll say it again, the only way Trump becomes president is if the forces of evil want him there. And yes, I use the word evil, and if we are going to fight this battle, we all need to acknowledge that evil exists.

I do believe we are on a path toward greater chaos and strife and Trump could well be used as the scapegoat when things get really bad. The masses are fickle and easily swayed. Or maybe he will usher in a false peace, as the Bible talks about, too."

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This I've seen before--Ashli Babbit--folks sayin' she didn't die--not that J6 wasn't a rank set up (of course it was) but that young lady really died, Corey too; who would benefit from faking her death? or his?

May he RIP and I totally "git" his wife refusin' robo-call from the robo-"pot-us"--the real one wouldn't have made it anyway--one of the actors playin' Biden more likely. I think "Biden's" incitin' folks with the "puttin' Trump in the bullseye" comment was beyond the pale--ya don't say that stuff, even in polly-ticks....

He's got the TDS folks all worked up again--you know there's been a TON of disappointed wokesters who were wishin' on the bullet like Pinnochio sets his hopes on the Blue Fairy... those with TDS are truly deranged! (Biden is a ratfink but even I wouldn't want 'im assassinated)

I agree that DJT's service detail is an embarrassment--you want Mister T, not Sally Struthers! I'm SURE they gave him that bunch'a sad sacks on purpose. Looked like they were doin' a tango--not protectin' him--they didn't mean bizness--they were like the folks that run out for donuts.

The link to the prayer oddly took me to the Putin blurb but it was priceless--as they say, it takes one ta know one--Putin is no goody 2 shoes but now that America is exposed as bein' so low that it's not even a Banana Republic now--it's like the Wild West / shootin' Hatfield & McCoys! Makes me sad but Putin, smug as he is about what he's sayin', is absolutely RIGHT.

I've no idea which move on the 5D chessboard this is! Trump needs to watch his back (front, sides, etc) like a hawk. Now, Vance too (Dr. Jane Ruby just put out that Vance is a vaxxine developer with some kinda patent..THAT is not good)... but as a team, both are at risk...

Havin' seen the viddeyo's of all the people pointin' out snipers to the police (who did nothin') an' to secret service (who did nothin')--I'd say that bodes poorly for us--who will protect US if we were to need it? Sally Struthers?! (Bless her but shes 4'11 an' way too "robust" now for the job...also she's like 76 lol)

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People were so well indoctrinated with the J6 narrative that I doubt those who believed it will ever be able to see beyond the official narrative. One really good thing that could come out of Trump's presidency would be to get those who are imprisoned out.

Hard to say the stance Trump and Vance will take on another "pandemic". I really hope they squash any attempt at lockdowns and masks--I kind of think they will not be interested in doing that to America again.

However, completely impossible to predict what will happen next. It's wild.

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yes yes yes, they MUST release the J6'ers, that this could happen in the USA is so dystopian--fully innocent people and the same folks pumpin' their fists angry that the shooter(s) didn't finish the job on Trump (seen a lotta haters online, SO sad...) are the same ones that, as ya say, are so well indoctrinated they are "sure" J6th was an insurrection... an' Nancy Pelosi (who refused the request for security--seen that recently!) was just a "sweet old lady" (ha!)...

I do not think that if they get (s)elected... if elections even happen--that Trump/Vance team would impose more lockdowns, etc.--Trump (even tho' he still hasn't come clean on Warp Speed) never wanted lockdowns nor imposed mandates on us--his wordin' is clear even tho he regrettably encouraged folks to get the shot (eek)--but there's great footage when Birx tells the press 'bout the lockdowns an' The Donald's jaw dropped--he had no idea this was gonna happen... Do we fault him for lettin' his advisors advise him / run the show an' for his own lack of attention to somethin' so critical? OR--given that Birx did some literary smirkin' about this accomplishment in her bio--do we blame the "team" that intentionally kept 'im in the dark--or a little of BOTH? given he picked some of that very team... (Fraudski, etc) -- verdict is out but I think he'd be less likely to fall for the same con again an' then pass it on ta we-the-people...

I dunno what ta make of that or Vance's "Big Pharma" connections except I do not think anything would be "forced" an' DJT's "base" knows 'bout clot-shots-bad--they wouldn't have it. The Donald an' fam are friends with the J&J scions--mebbe that's why he couldn't walk back the "Warped" rhetoric? Fambly loyalties? Dunno. Rand Paul's wife has Big Pharma stock too... There are folks that separate financial investments from their own set've morals--i.e. they might profit from investments in co's that don't really represent their values--I 'member learnin' that some of the biggest investors in Philip Morris (the cigarette co) were groups of nuns! they pooled finances to raise money for their convents an' work BUT it came from the very co. that sold "death sticks" so... it's hard ta draw conclusions as we humans make strange compromises (or justify stuff that mebbe deserves a closer look...)

Let's hope Trump gets better protection in the meantime--just in case there ARE elections!

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Trump is somewhat of an enigma. I take a wait and see approach:

I dont jump on bandwagons. I voted for him 2x before, but I intend on sitting this one out. I see some things I am really uncomfortable with, and I no longer vote the lesser of two evils, nor does my "civic duty to vote" come first overriding all else.

Revelation 13:3 became highlighted for me and I can't seem to shake it.

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

‘For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another.

But when the kindness and the love of God our savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.’

Titus 3:3-7 NKJV

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This is a good piece. Thank you. But you're quoting Newsweek regarding Putin?! C'mon!

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

I look extensively at many news sources before I write a piece. What I quoted from the Time article is factual. I have written extensively on Putin, here is one example: "Yevgeny Prigozhin, the owner of the Wagner Group has died in a plane crash--or has he?" https://khmezek.substack.com/p/breaking-news-yevgeny-prigozhin-the. Actually, it's important to read mainstream media. "Alternative" media also has an agenda and can't be trusted either. One of my most important quotes, by Perry Link in WSJ, that I write about in "Jewish Families Urged to Leave France" https://khmezek.substack.com/p/jewish-families-urged-to-leave-france and "Gods of Tech and Pestilence" https://khmezek.substack.com/p/gods-of-tech-and-pestilence is about how to read the news:

“Many years ago, a distinguished Chinese writer, Wu Zuxiang, explained to me that there is truth in Communist Party pronouncements, but you have to read them ‘upside down.’ If a newspaper says ‘the Party has made great strides against corruption in Henan,’ then you know that corruption has recently been especially bad in Henan. If you read about the heroic rescue of eight miners somewhere, you can guess that a mine collapse might have killed hundreds who aren’t mentioned. Read upside-down, there is a sense in which the official press never lies. It cannot lie. It has to tell you what the party wants you to believe, and if you can figure out the party’s motive—which always exists—then you have a sense of the truth.

“A few years ago, another outstanding Chinese writer, Su Xiaokang, brought me one step deeper. You Westerners, he explained, are too hung up on the question of whether propaganda is true or not. For the regime, truth and falsity are beside the point. A statement might be true, false or partly true. What matters is only whether it works. Does it advance the interests of the party? The top leaders hand out words and phrases for their minions to use, like trowels in a garden. The minions dig with them.”

Read many points of view, using critical thinking skills and common sense. If you know how to read the official news, there is always a sense that it never lies.

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I wouldn’t want a satanic force anywhere near me or my children during a time like this either.

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