California's 10 Psychotic Vaccine Bills & Why They Matter to Everyone, Everywhere
A quick look at how these bills represent the global agenda
You can listen to me reading this essay here
I have a friend who as a young woman dreamed of being a trucker. She grew up in an era when proper women didn’t do things like that and in every way, she was proper, but this was her yearning to break free of the yoke of conventionality. I reminded her recently of her dream. I could just see her driving along with The People’s Convoy—she would be an amazing addition to the team!
The convoy is now in California and as a “Californian girl,” born and raised in Los Angeles, except for the years when my family was traveling abroad, I take all of this personally.
God Bless the truckers, or The People’s Convoy as they are called. Where would we be without the salt of the earth—our truckers, plumbers, bakers, electricians, the folk with common sense who aren’t fooled or made starry-eyed by the high-browed talk of the academics and the politicians.
The People’s Convoy are taking a stand against California’s proposed vaccine laws, represented by these 10 bills. The good news is that AB 1993 has been thrown out and SB 871 has been delayed. But rest assured, they will be revisited next year. And there are still 8 others to contend with.
The convoy is now in Sacramento to keep the pressure on. What with World War III looming, inflation, threats of new pandemics, and so on, you will find little about the truckers in the MSM. Even so, I have no doubt we have them to thank in large part for the fact some have been delayed.
Here’s what it says on The People’s Convoy’s website in the section Who We Are:
WE ARE truckers, moms, students, nurses, doctors, investors, county workers, teachers, cowboys, loggers, engineers, sanitation workers, professors, cashiers, flight attendants, pilots, sales reps, physical therapists. WE ARE, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, married, single, divorced, separated, gay, straight. WE ARE Black, White, Asian, Native American. WE ARE immigrants, natives. WE ARE non-partisan: WE ARE citizens of the free world.
WE, the People of the United States of America—indeed, all of us around the world—should be on board with who they are. Yet, the convoy has been bad-mouthed by the press and the public, and worse, simply ignored.
We dismiss what’s happening in California at our peril.
“If the legislation passes, laws will be made that will make all state residents, including children, legally bound under criminal penalty of law to give up their basic medical freedoms in order to participate in society,” says a People’s Convoy press release.
And as organizer Brian Landis, explained: “The problem is, it doesn’t stick in California. It goes nationwide, and some of it even worldwide.”
Some highlights:
Children will no longer be able to attend school without being vaccinated. Parents will no longer have any say in their school children’s lives. The state will decide what is good for them, not the parents. What will happen to parents if they refuse to follow this law? Will their children be taken from them?
An immunization tracking system will be put into place, all in the name of “Health & Safety.” This is an excuse to implement the globalists agenda of tracking everything about you and your children.
People like myself will be silenced in California as the government will deem my statements “untrue or misleading.” What will they do, send dissenting writers to the gulag for expressing our concerns that are based on real facts and not government lies?
The medical profession will be dead in California. Fear will silence doctors and specialists. They will no longer be able to meet the needs of individual patients. How many doctors will quit? Imagine what the new doctors will be like who take their places? Oh, sorry, it won’t be a real person, it will be an AI who will have no moral dilemma about following state protocols.
The educational system will be dead in California. Just like with doctors, teachers will be replaced by AI who will never question anything they are ordered to do.
Check out the World Economic Forum’s article WHY ROBOTS WILL REPLACE TEACHERS AS SOON AS 2027.
Do not think homeschooling parents will necessarily be spared.
The present administration is just itching to attack private religious schools and home-schooling parents as domestic terrorists. After all, why wouldn’t every parent have wanted their children to be treated like the photo below? Shame on them!
The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 (DTPA) is essentially the criminalization of speech, expression, and thought. It takes cancel culture a step further and all but outlaws unpopular opinions. This act will empower intelligence, law enforcement, and even military wings of the American ruling class to crack down on individuals adhering to certain belief systems and ideologies.
Parents teaching their children outside of the government aligned educational system are perfect targets for officials to identify as domestic terrorists. This disdain for parents didn’t happen overnight. It became deeply embedded in our school system over many years.
Let’s start with Woodrow Wilson, who in 1909, as president of Princeton stated:
“The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.”
Here’s a few other shocking statements from respected academics and educators.
“Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It’s up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well – by creating the international child of the future.”
-Dr. Chester M. Pierce, Harvard Professor of Education and Psychiatry, in an address to the Childhood International Education Seminar in 1973
“Education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are thus schooled they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their school masters would have wished …”
-Bertrand Russell, quoting Gottlieb Fichte the head of psychology that influenced Hegel and others.
Here’s what Professor John Goodlad, an influential "change agent" in the global as well as national arena, had to say about parents and children:
“Public education has served as a check on the power of parents, and this is another powerful reason for maintaining it.”
– John Goodlad, Developing Democratic Character in the Young, pg. 165
“Most youth still hold the same values of their parents… if we do not alter this pattern, if we don’t resocialize, our system will decay.”
– John Goodlad, Schooling for the Future, Issue #9, 1971
“Parents do not own their children. They have no ‘natural right’ to control their education fully.”
– John Goodlad / Developing Democratic Character in the Young, pg. 164
Maybe these bills won’t pass. Maybe some will and others won’t. The question is, what about next time, when they are presented again?
Here are the Bills:
Assembly Bills
AB 1993 Employment: Vaccination requirements would require proof of COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees and independent contractors to work in California. The bill has been put on hold, announced state Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) on March 29.
AB 2098 Physicians and Surgeons: Unprofessional conduct would classify anti-COVID medical opinion as “unprofessional conduct” subject to discipline by the medical board.
AB 1797 Immunization: Registry would create an immunization tracking system giving all government agencies access to vaccination records of all people.
Senate Bills
SB 871 Public health: Immunizations would add COVID-19 injections to the list of immunizations for public and private schools regardless of FDA approval. (Delayed)
SB 866 Minors: Vaccine consent would lower the age of vaccination consent to 12 years old without parental consent or knowledge.
SB 920 Medical Board of California: Record requests would authorize the medical board to inspect a doctors’ office and medical records without patient consent.
SB 1464 Law Enforcement: Public health orders would require law enforcement agencies to enforce public health guidelines or lose their funding.
SB 1479 COVID-19 Testing in Schools: COVID-19 testing plans would require schools to create long-term testing plans and report test results to the California Department of Public Health.
SB 1390 Social Media Platforms: Amplification of harmful content would prohibit any person or entity from making statements the government deems untrue or misleading by any means, including on the Internet and in advertising.
SB 1184 Confidentiality of Medical Information Act: School-linked services coordinator would authorize school health personnel to disclose a child’s medical information without parental consent to a third party.
You might say, stop being so negative. Let’s celebrate getting our freedoms back. Come on, a judge just struck down mask mandates on planes!
We are getting our freedoms back, not because authorities admit their COVID policies were psychotic, but because we obeyed so well. Unless those who committed these crimes are brought to justice, our so-called freedoms are just a charade. Behind the scenes global leaders are ensuring we will have to do it all over again next time.
A second global COVID summit is planned for May, following up on the first one held in September of 2021, where “world leaders will be asked to redouble efforts to end the acute phase of this pandemic.”
“The emergence and spread of new variants, like omicron, have reinforced the need for a strategy aimed at controlling COVID-19 worldwide,” the White House said in a joint statement with Germany, which holds the G-7 presidency, Indonesia, holder of the G-20 presidency, Belize, as chair of the Caribbean Community and Senegal, as current African Union Chair.
The group is calling on world leaders, NGOs, philanthropists and the private sector to recommit to programs that will help vaccinate the world, fund further testing and treatments, and show support for the ACT-Accelerator, the World Health Organization’s program to ensure access to COVID-19 Tools for all.
How will vaccinating the world and funding further testing and treatments “control” COVID-19 worldwide? Even I, a mere layperson, know that viruses are not controllable. In fact, there’s so much confusion on the topic that people who never questioned the existence of viruses before do so now.
Never before has the public been inundated with so much conflicting information meant to confuse and confound so that they throw up their hands in despair and allow their favorite pundits to do all the thinking for them.
What exactly is ACT-Accelerator? The WHO describes it like this:
A groundbreaking global collaboration to accelerate development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines.
Launched at the end of April 2020, at an event co-hosted by the Director-General of the World Health Organization, the President of France, the President of the European Commission, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator brings together governments, scientists, businesses, civil society, and philanthropists and global health organizations (the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CEPI, FIND, Gavi, The Global Fund, Unitaid, Wellcome, the WHO, and the World Bank). Following the ACT-Accelerator launch, UNICEF and PAHO became delivery partners for COVAX, the vaccines pillar.
These organizations have joined forces to speed up an end to the pandemic by supporting the development and equitable distribution of the tests, treatments and vaccines the world needs to reduce mortality and severe disease, restoring full societal and economic activity globally in the near term, and facilitating high-level control of COVID-19 disease in the medium term.
Just as China is doubling down on its failed policies, instituting draconian lockdowns in Shanghai that make absolutely no sense, with horror stories of people starving and children being separated from their parents (or is it all theater—how would we know?), the governments of Western countries refuse to admit their policies failed and are preparing to make them into international laws.
This is where California alerts us of what is to come. Here we see, on a smaller scale, the plan to map out this world-wide policy toward Covid and future pandemics where every country is required to implement the same approach of testing, lockdowns, masking, vaccines and who knows what else.
One of the most important essays I’ve written is The Nefarious Goal Behind Covid Testing. In it, I talk about Life Science Companies and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Joint Communique “Commitments to Expanded Global Access for Covid-19 Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Vaccines, where they promise to launch the most expansive and ambitious pandemic R&D response effort in history.
How much effort and how many billions of dollars have been spent (and made)? And yet, here we are with the latest COVID numbers saying this:
The global tally of confirmed cases of COVID-19 topped 504.6 million on Monday, after breaching the half-billion mark on last Tuesday. The death toll rose above 6.19 million, according to data aggregated by Johns Hopkins University.
The U.S. leads the world with 80.6 million cases and more than 988,663 fatalities.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s tracker shows that 218.9 million people living in the U.S. are fully vaccinated, equal to 65.9% of the total population. But just 99.5 million are boosted, equal to 45.4% of the vaccinated population.
Of course, it’s not that they failed, it’s that they didn’t prepare enough. Next time, they will do even more than what they did this time.
One of the oddest things about this pandemic is that the United States, supposedly the most advanced country in the world, with the best hospitals, scientists, doctors, the most money for research, has experienced more deaths than any other country in the world.
How do our leaders get away with no accountability?
Well, I will tell you! Due to a constant influx of menticide inflicted upon the public, most people blindly followed along with every changing wind. You could even say they eagerly followed along to prove their loyalty to government and the god of science.
Thanks to Joe Rogan’s interview of Dr. Robert Malone, we’ve been introduced to the term “mass psychosis.” I wrote about this condition months before that interview, in my essay Utopian Madness. But I was more interested in how menticide led to mass psychosis. A technique Dr. Anthony Fauci proved to be an expert at.
Menticide is defined as the systematic effort to undermine and destroy a person's values and beliefs, as by the use of prolonged interrogation, drugs, torture, etc., and to induce radically different ideas.
Or, as Joost A. M. Meerloo describes in The Crime of Menticide:
“organized system of judicial perversion and psychological intervention, in which a powerful tyrant transfers his own thoughts and words into the minds and mouths of the victims he plans to destroy or to use for his own propaganda.”
We see this clearly with key words and phrases being repeated over and over on a global scale by leaders and press, and the resulting brainwashing within the minds of the general public.
The fact that these 10 Bills could come up for review in California—a place that once prided itself back in the 60s and the 70s for its suspicion of and protest against government, shows how far these globalists have come in taking control of the minds of the masses.
But not the truckers!
Not the salt of the earth. They are not fooled.
Here’s C. S. Lewis, from one of my favorite books, That Hideous Strength:
“Why you fool, it's the educated reader who CAN be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they're all propaganda and skips the leading articles…. He is our problem. We have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the high-brow weeklies, don't need reconditioning. They're all right already. They'll believe anything.”
Most people want to believe they are “educated” and following the “science.” They want to believe they are part of the “in” crowd and on the “cutting edge.” God forbid they should be considered “common.” They would never be fooled by a “conspiracy theory.”
But as those of us who unapologetically rely on our common sense have seen, it’s often the highly educated, the trendsetters, the comfortably well off, those who attended the best schools and got the most impressive degrees who were fooled by the real conspiracies.
Thanks, truckers, for all you do. I will throw my lot in with you any time.
Thanks for reading!
This is such a thorough and comprehensive look at the current landscape on this topic. This requires continued vigilance and constant action on the part of all freedom caring people groups.
Good eye opener, Karen. I read this a few days ago and I'm still trying to think of a comment. I live in the golden state too, born and raised here.