So, it's not the first thing that comes to mind, but it's the 2nd or 3rd.

CIA, naturally, because the shooter and accomplice are dead. Our government is so evil, none of this is beyond them. We'll never know the truth, of course, but one more brick in the wall...

Every day, my wife says, and I agree with her, "I just wish Jesus would come..."

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Just unreal. I agree. CIA no doubt. Just trying to absorb it. Getting more news as it comes in. Word of a "lone wolf" ha-ha. Will Trump continue with his rallies? This is meant to stop him from reaching the people. It will only make him more popular. They must know that. Although, he was meant to die, no doubt about that. Just an inch further and he would be dead. Unbelievable.

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All staged to wipe the floor with the gullible public. Look how much attention some sop like him gets and those who are actually trying to change the world are called consipiracy theoriest. Oh everyone will know one day, the sooner the better. It's all done to capture our minds so that they and people above them can live lives of clover and decide to stop us from even getting by. But it's our fault for consenting to it and worse still - funding it.

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Trump ordered the lockdowns, and signed the Secure 5G Act. All we need to know.


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And let's not forget the glorious OPERATION WARP SPEED.

The bioweapon he launched that just keeps on giving.

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Yes. I crown you, "The Voice of Reality". Thank you.

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So...which odds will win in Vegas?

a) Trump turned his head at the precise second a bullet whizzed by and it barely nicked his ear.


b) Trump popped a blood cap behind his ear when he turned that ear away from the camera.

I know how I'd bet.

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The CIA is merely a puppet of GCHQ/MI6 out of U.K. and ordered by The Venetian Black Nobility...'The Five Eyes' are all aligned with that Global Mafia with the Commonwealth and Mossad for good measure.

The ORDERS all originate in London, City of London and Switzerland as International Headquarters for the Death Cult which is now a Global Mafia.


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No Jesus is coming. That is one of their stories also! Sorry to break it to you but we need to move on. Nothing we were told is real. What is real is so much more beautiful. We are in it with nature but humans (mainly men) have twisted and destroyed decent life on earth. Nobody is coming to save us - you must get that straight. We have given them the signal to do anything to us. What have we done to counter it? They spray us with chemical trails from planes in the sky and we do nothing. We know most of them are pedphiles yet people fund them. Nothing has come of anything - financial crash (2008) - nothing. Nobody was accountable. 9/11 - nothing, nobody was accountable. Covid debacle - nothing and it's still going on. They are going to milk us until we get off their merry-go-round. I can guarantee you that no savior is going to save us. Why would he not have saved millions before us and those who have been suffering to date? Do you think you have a special place amongst the rest of humanity?

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I do. You can have it too. And anyone else as well. He has already saved billions. He wants to save us all. Although He can't save us from experiencing the turmoils of this world, He provides hope. In the scheme of things, this life is not important. It is temporary and will end. What's important is the next life. The Savior provides hope for the next life which never ends. That's the important life. All anyone has to do to get that hope, is ask.

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This life is filled with soul snatchers. This life is important to get out of the snatch. If you think only for the next life, for one you are endangering us all (because you'll do nothing about what is going on and probably even fund it and support it) and two, you would have wasted this special time on earth - it's not for nothing. Everything is being counted in a regiser we are not aware of yet. I think it's frequency and most are in a spell of unreality and fairy tales. It's time to totally wake up. This life is for a very special purpose.

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People who follow Jesus don’t only think of eternity. Jesus makes it clear that we are to live responsibly here while we wait for him. Yes this life is temporary, and not as important. In 1 Thessalonians, the early church there though Jesus was coming back soon and so they stopped working. Paul in his letter rebukes them— they are still to work as they wait with hope for Jesus’s return. So Christians can work to make things better here, but we work with the assurance that so matter how dismal it gets here, Jesus is better. And Jesus is coming for those who love him.

If you would like this hope, it’s yours for the asking, as Liberty4All has said.

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I think it's more hopeium than anything. What kind of person would let their followers wait centuries for their coming and never give them an indication of when to expect him? That sounds like an abusive father doesn't it? Think about it. It's the same thing but because people fear an all-powerful vengeful god, they allow and agree to flagellae themselves willingly. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but the story of Jesus and of god is simply a story, like Santa Claus and the tooth fairy, Hansel and Gretel and Jack and the Beanstalk. All stories. Nothing creates on its own. It is a way to rebuke the feminine which is actually man's connection to nature. It is to cut that conduit off so that we perish, which we are doing, all of us. The way the world is is a hellhole and it's all due to our beliefs. Imagine the symbol of the religion being a man hanging nailed to a cross. What kind of imaging does this cause our psyche especially since we saw it from very young, and the young still see it. It is violence and worship of death all over. Because that's what religion actually is - Satanic. The sooner humans can see this, the sooner we can avail ourselves of the power within us to change this world and make it heaven on earth. We don't know about the afterlife, we only know about now. I think there is one but maybe it is dependent on what we do while we are in this life.

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The Bible makes it clear that when Jesus returns again, He will come with a sword. So the type of God who waits to return is a loving God. He waits for more people to be saved into himself.

I’m sorry if the cross traumatized you as a child, sounds like someone didn’t explain that very well to you. We are all sinners and all equally deserve death for our actions on earth. But Jesus’s death and resurrection on that cross paid the punishment for our sins and defeated death, so that if you are willing to trust in Him, you are set free from your bondage of sin. You didn’t earn this, but it is given time you freely as a living act of grace.

I’m sorry to tell you, but there is lots of evidence that these are true stories.

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So now you are the arbiter of what defines a wasted life? Congrats.

Try letting your ego go and look around.

Though I think you're right that everything is being accounted for.

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Amen and Amen, Liberty4all ✝️🙏❤️

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Because you have no experience of Jesus only means one thing - you have no experience.

I understand it's what you believe yet that belief is no different than anyone else's belief and simply because it's your belief does not make it superior to others' beliefs.

Or more "true".

There are good reasons God allows us to make our own choices and decisions. When you question why He doesn't come and clean up the messes we make, you sound like a petulant child who intentionally tipped the milk over and then cries for mommy to clean it up.

I do think you've hit on one reason God doesn't clean up after us. He is giving us a chance to clean up our own messes. To take responsibility for them and grow.

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Dana completely agree

Minute I heard about this I said

Yep the famous three letter organization couldn’t stop themselves

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IMHO this was a coordinated attempt on President Trump. You need not look any further than the entire democrat media complex and the ones calling the shots!

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It could be anyone. We will never know. What we do know is that our country is descending into chaos and that certainly has been the plan and continues to be.

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There's A LOT of distractions. I think something VERY big is coming, and I mean BIG IN A BAD WAY.

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Most definitely.

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They want civil war. That will allow martial law.

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And like Debbie Tavares mentioned in her stop the crime show, they have lots of secret weapons that they are just dying to use on the American population. And think of this.. when we have a civil war the supply chain will be greatly impacted. Think of diabetics unable to get insulin and cancer patients who are terminal not being able to get heavy duty painkillers. These are things that must be considered.

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Easy to see, no?

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And so it begins, with the shop-worn "Lone-Nut-No-One-Could-Have-Predicted-or-Prevented” ploy and the shooter as per, is now conveniently dead. I suspect this was done to scare him.

And if it doesn't, it won't be the last attempt: They won't stop until they're successful, and obviously they can't even be bothered to make it look like an accident. 🤔

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Yes, and this event sure did take the attention off of Biden didn't it. If you go over to "Doctor Margaret Aranda, The Rebel Patient" substack she has some really good info on the shooter with pictures of who they say it is vs. who was actually photographed.

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Was Donald trump “in on it”? Was it theater?

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This is the problem now. We will never know. That's why I say whether real or not, the result is the same--our country is disintegrating. It will descend into chaos.

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We KNOW President Trump was shot. Your suspicious uncertainty is uncalled for.

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We live in a time where anything is possible and his election team could have been in on it and not even told him.

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Oh good grief 🤦‍♀️😩🤦‍♀️

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No Kathleen, he wanted his ear slashed and he wanted to kill one of his supporters🙄


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Please everyone ganging up on Nancy. All she did was ask a question. We are a community here. Maybe just answer question. Nobody should be afraid to questions.

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I learned a long time ago, whatever they're showing you, saying to you, it's the opposite!

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Wise man! I just wrote about this in Jewish Families Urged to Leave France https://khmezek.substack.com/p/jewish-families-urged-to-leave-france

"Many years ago, a distinguished Chinese writer, Wu Zuxiang, explained to me that there is truth in Communist Party pronouncements, but you have to read them ‘upside down.’ If a newspaper says ‘the Party has made great strides against corruption in Henan,’ then you know that corruption has recently been especially bad in Henan. If you read about the heroic rescue of eight miners somewhere, you can guess that a mine collapse might have killed hundreds who aren’t mentioned. Read upside-down, there is a sense in which the official press never lies. It cannot lie. It has to tell you what the party wants you to believe, and if you can figure out the party’s motive—which always exists—then you have a sense of the truth.

“A few years ago, another outstanding Chinese writer, Su Xiaokang, brought me one step deeper. You Westerners, he explained, are too hung up on the question of whether propaganda is true or not. For the regime, truth and falsity are beside the point. A statement might be true, or not. For the regime, truth and falsity are beside the point. A statement might be true, false or partly true. What matters is only whether it works. Does it advance the interests of the party? The top leaders hand out words and phrases for their minions to use, like trowels in a garden. The minions dig with them."

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Evidently there are millions that just need to PINCH themselves because this is no dream or elaborate movie set.

Butler, PA is not too far from where I live and wasn't some fake movie scene where Trump decided to have some crazy shoot part of his ear off .

All of the armed security there have REAL LIFE GUNS because the danger IS REAL and they know it!

It's as REAL as IT GETS.

There are hundreds of first hand witnesses testifying of what happened and they are regular people. Not very good actors.

The firefighter who was KILLED didn't fake his death.

The blood and brains splattered about the people and the doctor that tended to the injured WASN'T STAGED.

OMG. Oh my dear God!

I'm sorry and feel terrible about it all.

Don't you?

We've all known there's no more options left for the Deep State other than to kill Trump. Ask Tucker.

This is a chaotic Country we ALREADY live in.

p.s. The Deep State is real also.

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Yep. I just posted about the man who was killed and unbelievable some of the comments. But that's what's happening now. Since AI came along people have lost touch with reality. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/man-killed-at-trump-rally-identified/comments

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I worked on movies for many years. It isn't difficult to make something look real for the camera or the other people standing by. AI has nothing to do with making it look real. YOu are underestimating the skills.

Watch the footage of Trump at the moment he is supposedly "shot" in the ear. Keep your eyes on the people sitting behind him. Do they look like people who have just witnessed another audience member having his "brains splattered"? Or do they look like confused people who are standing up directly in the line of the "supposed" fire trying to figure out what is going on with Trump?

Do you see any panic or attempt to help the shot and slain audience members? No. You do not.

Either the people in the audience have less protective instincts than a herd of cows or what happened is not what is being said happened.

I know you are attached to yur opinion, but that's all it is.

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Exactly. To ignore any possibility can prove unfavorable.

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His ear wouldn't have been shot if it was staged. But democrats are voting for weekend at Bernie's, so I don't expect much from them being able to know what is real and what is fantasy.

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Can we be certain that his ear was Shot?

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Yeah, there is a hole and blood. It's on video.

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They made it look like planes made all of the wtc buildings collapse. They made it look like people were lining hallways of hospitals dying from a virus that has never been isolated or found in a human being. Whatever they're saying, it's always the opposite.

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Whatever dude. Like I said I done wasting time on this. I don't care what you think. I have better ways to spend my time. I'm turning off notifications for this thread, so don't bother to reply.

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Whatever dude? Bright comment. I'm not wrong, am I?! 911=scam, corona=scam. JFK assassination=scam. It's ok, a lot of people don't want to know the truth. I get it.

I'll reply if I want, I don't take orders from anyone.

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No it's not on video. There is what looks like blood on video. The "hole" is visible in still photographs published later. I know how to use photoshop. Do you? It's easy.

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Ya, it looks like blood ... but what caused it?

He put is hand to his ear before we saw any red.

- also please send link to photo of 'HOLE" .


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It's on the video. Watch it. I am not wasting anymore time on thus thread.. Life is too short to have to prove what I already watched and you could also. Guessing you're a tic tok fanatic?

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It's not on any video. Geesh. Only still photos.

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Anybody got any evidence of a HOLE?

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Quit holding Bernie up. The Earth is not flat.

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Great post, Chris.

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Unfortunately, this is a question that people will be asking. Half the country will believe it was all staged. Unbelievably frightening what is happening.

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Replying to NF

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I really don't think he would approve of a bullet coming that close to entering his skull if he was "in on it". If it was theater he would have been thrown to the ground before it happened as the bullet wizzed by, much safer.

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There was no bullet whizzing by his head. It was a blood capsule smashed on his ear off camera. Easy-peasy.

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What about the three others that were shot? Was those done by blood capsule also?

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Play the video again and watch the audience behind Trump. Do you see anyone shot or anyone reacting to anyone being shot?

No. You don't. You see people standing up making themselves targets for future shots. If three people in the audience were shot and laying at their feet do you think for an instant whey would all be standing up and looking at Trump trying to figure out what's happening? If people next to them were shot they would know very well what was happening. Instinct would take over and they would try to protect themselves.

Even a herd of cows would cower down.

It is very simple to SAY three people were shot.

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I pointed that out myself yesterday. Who knows, maybe they were in shock or couldn't comprehend what had happened yet. I still don't know where the man who was shot was seated, but that doctor said he was wedged between the seats when he found him. I agree there are a lot of questions, but that doesn't mean there wasn't a shooter.

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All the people in the audience had the same unnatural response to people right around them being shot? Is that what your response would have been?

The doctor had to find the man wedged between the seats? Like an easter egg? No audience member attempted to clear seats away and help the injured man?

An actual shooter and actual bullets flying around were unnecessary.

An actual dead Trump serves nothing. A live one serves to ignite rage.

It's impossible to bring America down without force. The people must be disarmed and Civil War is the only solution.

If Civil War begins there will be no holds barred.

Get ready. I'm not saying I know for sure they can pull that off, but there is no sense in being completely unprepared.

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Did you see all the PR photos?

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Do you have a link? How did he get by to set up, even when ordinary people were pointing him out, but there's a guy on rifle that immediately shoots him. Seems bizarre.

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Might do a deep dive tomorrow.

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Someone needs to. This is fishy, like everything related to the government.

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Yes. Aren't they just GLORIOUS? Amazing how photographers were just in the right spots to catch the ICONIC photos for the world to salivate over. Amazing, no?

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What's wrong with you, Nancy?

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What? Just wondering. I saw the debate. I’ve actually been thinking we had a functioning president. This could be performance art

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We are living with the consequences of a nation that has rejected God and His moral law.

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That's the truth!

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And yet many Christian true believers pretend that a culturally and religiously illiterate nihilistic barbarian and a life-long grifter is their tribalistic "god's" chosen vehicle to re-Christianize Amerika. He has in fact lived a life-style and thus created a persona that has systematically broken more than half of the Ten Commandments. He does not even have a minute religious molecule in his entire (bloated) body-mind-complex.

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What a nonsensical generalised judgement you make. But you are free to believe whatever you want.

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True enough Tersia!

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Anyone who thinks this could have been an orchestrated false flag plot and President Trump was never in any danger obviously don’t know anything about firearms or ballistics. This is not the movies. Hitting the upper ear from 200 yards away instead of an inch the other way is not orchestrated, it is divine intervention.

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So... shooting pigeons is like shooting Trump? Lost me there.

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I clicked on the youtube link and it was a video of pigeon shooting.

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Think my point might have been lost in translation.

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Anyone who pretends to know what God is doing doesn't know much about God's ways.

This whole thing reeks of "movie magic". It's a simple job for a special effects crew.

Hardly a miracle.

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And how much do you know about God?

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Being they killed the shooter we will likely never know the truth

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Yep. He had to die. CIA?

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History rhymes, eh?

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I was expecting this at some point, but did not think it would happen quite this soon. Figured an assassination attempt would happen if Trump was elected president, but did not expect one before that.

Highly concerning.

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It's open season. Anything can happen.

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I would have thought that the “news” would have made a bigger deal about the person who was killed. That’s a tragedy.

I just can’t believe the news or the government anymore.

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In Australia we have said the same thing. Been waiting for something like this because it seems that’s the only way the demonrats can win apparently. Only policies of destruction, dictatorship (they’re the dictators, the Nazis live in the demonrats, it’s their MO). People don’t get it that Nazism was far Left not Right. It’s been a lie to deceive everyone. The far Right have their Nazis, but what’s going on in the WH now is pure National Socialism combined with corporates. That’s Nazism. Not what Trump is. He wasn’t a “threat to democracy” during his first term. Don’t listen to Rachael Madcow, Joyless Reid, Joyless Bay-hard, Whoopie who isn’t anything to go whoopie over. Blach!

Loved Trump’s fight response. No flight response from this man.

When you get knocked down and not out, get the heck up on your feet and fight even harder. God bless Donald Trump! The others are already self cursed.

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100% Agreed! (Add Sunny Hostin to that list, oooh she makes my blood boil.)

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No sunshine about her either. Half a brain and that’s being generous! 😂

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They have refused to give Secret Service protection to RFK Jr.

A FORMER POTUS: MUST be given Secret Service protection.

Not that it stopped a 1) a SITTING president JFK, or 2) Ronald Reagan, another sitting president, from being 1) assassinated 2) An attempted assassination.

That's all.

PSS: Body Guards were unable to protect Robert Kennedy... running for the Democrat ticket in June of '68, from being assasinated.

PSS: It wasn't a "lone

assassin" that time either. At least that's what his son Bobby believes...


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Indira Gandhi had secret service protection. They killed her.

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Cooler heads shall always prevail.

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Bah. It is ALL theater. It makes no difference who their puppet figurehead is. Trump has been their rent boy all along, just like Clinton, Bush, O'Bomber, Biden, etc.

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Exactly my point. The division deepens.

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The line was drawn in the sand long ago. Pick a side.

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We are being forced into two warring camps. I warned about this for two years now. And here we are.

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What if neither side is righteous?

We must all walk our own path as we see fit.

Why independent candidates and RFK aren't allowed a shot - because the middle way and 3rd path is feasible, yet never officially offered. Thoughts?

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Ok I’m on the side of law and order and the United States constitution! God bless the United States of America 🇺🇸

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Amen Pinebeetle.

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Division of the masses makes for easy conquer; it’s a successful tactic utilized via politics, race, religion, gender, income, education, geography, etc.

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Naw, I think our WEF handlers orchestrated the most brilliant divide and conquer, ever. Each side is blaming the other, but neither has any real power. The puppeteers have it all. And we're toast. Unless we figure it out and stop looking for superheroes to lead us. There is no The One in politics. There's us. We the people. Has a certain ring to it, eh?

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You are right that the theme is divide and conquer.

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Keep praying it was obvious that he was supernaturally protected apparently the shooter that's been killed is a Chinese Nationalist and we know that many many hundreds have crossed the southern border to do exactly this keep praying for this country Maranatha!!

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I haven't read that part yet. I've been with my grandson! I have to catch up.

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so lucky for you to be with your grandson.

I am happy for you

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That's not what I heard. I have seen pictures of the dead shooter, a 20 year old blonde young man who is rumored to be Antifa.

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They guy who was the supposed shooter is NOT a Chinese Nationalist.

He was a local white guy. Ludicrous.

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My head is spinnin'! real or staged? I don't know! EVERY angle is plausible and as ya said Karen--with AI, we don't know--will we ever know what is REAL again if we aren't "there?" or maybe those there don't know what they witnessed either! (Fwiw YES you can stage this easily--small "squib" with movie blood in it planted over or behind the ear, burst remotely via radio signal OR simply pull a clear fishing line string--the wearer does this...) Standard special effect... makeup dept usually... Stagin' a shot--easy too. I WONDER if there's some bad synergy that this went down just after Baldwin got off scott free for killin' Halyna Hutchins? Like Trump, she was workin' on exposing the child traffickin'-- If the arms master (that young lady) is gonna be the "fall guy" -- I'm sure it was a plant -- we can wonder even about the "Antifa Blonde guy"... patsy? actor? real nut job? Will we ever know?

What I DO know is this crosses a rubicon--either in a dare to assassinate again--or in a dare to stage something even more blatant. I do NOT believe in white hats so I'm danglin' in limbo with y'all...

I wish only good for DJT... he's not perfect (lordy who is?) but I feel he's a decent man for all that EVEN tho' he has yet ta apologize for Warp Speed--there MUST be more to it but WHAT?

LITTLE we see is "real" but I feel what I feel I do know is that The Donald doesn't wanna see America sink fully inta the swamp. He kinda takes it all on as a bizness he WANTS to succeed.

Wuther we are even allowed an election or not (latter seems likely)--it also seems like "they" don't want one for "us" useless eaters... I've no doubt MANY want ta see him dead--TDS is huge now! I'm'a doin' this energy work lately so along with my prayers, I'm gonna send it his way--cuz wuther this was live or memorex he needs whatever we can put to it with hearts & minds--I don't fer a minute believe he's in charge...

Curious to see what the mockin' boids & "pund-ditz" say on this... either way I'm mighty worried...

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Yes. Words will begin to fail us.

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Many of us anticipated something like this happening. Prayers for all involved. The future for the US is very grim. It will affect the whole world.

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