Why Jews are STILL God's Chosen People and Why it Matters
The UN General Assembly has voted to expel all Jews from Jerusalem's Old City, home to Judaism’s holiest sites, and hand it over to what it calls the “State of Palestine.”

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ONE YEAR LATER, THE UNITED NATIONS STILL HAS NOT CONDEMNED HAMAS. This in spite of the fact that on that day, Oct 7th, not only did Hamas murder, rape, torture, kidnap Jewish and Arab Israelis, but also citizens of 25 countries.
Not only that, but the UN has adopted a new resolution demanding Israel withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza within 12 months and cease defending itself from terrorists indiscriminately dropping bombs on its citizens, almost 100,000 of which have been displaced, and evacuate the Old City of Jerusalem which is, according to this resolution, illegally occupied by Israel.
Please watch this short video of what transpired in the UN.
After a thrashing, where the UN vows to ensure Israeli compliance in the face of “its blatant non-compliance and relentless breaches”, Danny Dannon, Israel’s permanent representative to the UN, responds:
“I was certain that the first resolution that would be brought before you all would be the unanimous and equivocal condemnation of terror, the rape, the torture, the kidnapping that took place on that darkest of days. Yet there has been no condemnation, no resolutions. Instead, we gather here to watch the Palestinians UN circus; a circus where evil is righteous, war is peace, murder is justified, and terror is applauded. This resolution…ignores our right to defend our people and seeks to isolate us.”

What, exactly, does the resolution say? I am going to quote the Council for Foreign Relations article:
On September 18th, the UN General Assembly voted to hand the Old City of Jerusalem, home to Judaism’s holiest sites, to what it calls the “State of Palestine.”
The text of the resolution is quite radical. It begins with four pages of preambular attacks on Israel, in which Hamas and Palestinian terrorism are never mentioned. Then we get the 19 paragraphs that call for action.
These include a demand that Israel withdraws “all its military forces from the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including its airspace and maritime space,” which is obviously suicidal. All countries are asked to boycott Israel diplomatically and economically in paragraph 4d by:
(ii) Abstaining from entering into economic or trade dealings with Israel concerning the Occupied Palestinian Territory or parts thereof which may entrench its unlawful presence in the Territory, including with regard to the settlements and their associated regime;
(iii) Abstaining, in the establishment and maintenance of diplomatic missions in Israel, from any recognition of its illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including by refraining from the establishment of diplomatic missions in Jerusalem, pursuant to Security Council resolution 478 (1980) of 20 August 1980;
(iv) Taking steps to prevent trade or investment relations that assist in the maintenance of the illegal situation created by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including with regard to the settlements and their associated regime.
Then comes paragraph 5, asking all countries:
(a) To take steps to ensure that their nationals, and companies and entities under their jurisdiction, as well as their authorities, do not act in any way that would entail recognition or provide aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by Israel’s illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;
(b) To take steps towards ceasing the importation of any products originating in the Israeli settlements, as well as the provision or transfer of arms, munitions and related equipment to Israel, the occupying Power, in all cases where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that they may be used in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;
(c) To implement sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, against natural and legal persons engaged in the maintenance of Israel’s unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in relation to settler violence.
The text then calls for a special international conference and a group of UN reports on all of this, to ensure that no subject takes more time in the United Nations system than these constant assaults on Israel. So, it has been, and so apparently it will be forever.
It is very well worth noting that the so-called “Occupied Palestinian Territory” includes anything beyond the 1949 armistice line. The Old City of Jerusalem is according to this resolution illegally occupied by Israel. This resolution would return the Old City, including the Western Wall, to its pre-1967 status, when Jordan had conquered it, and Jews were not allowed in it. Of course, the resolution does not say “the Old City should be judenrein,” but merely asks for the creation of conditions that would guarantee it would be. Any Jew who had moved there since 1967 would have to go, and a Palestinian-run Old City would be as welcoming—and as likely to protect Jewish sites—as was Jordan from 1948 to 1967.
Given that text, it is worth pausing to look at the vote. The numbers, 124 yes, 14 no, and 43 abstentions, show the usual UN majorities against Israel but hide the peculiarities of the vote.
You can follow the link to find out what those peculiarities are. The article ends with this shocking remembrance:
The resolution for which they and, in all, 124 countries voted pulls us back to 1975, when the General Assembly voted to call Zionism a form of racism. As someone who had the honor to work for Daniel P. Moynihan, I am reminded of his words then, when he called that vote an “infamous act” and said, “Not only will people begin to say, indeed they have already begun to say that the United Nations is a place where lies are told.” Well, that was 1975; we’ve all known that very clearly now for 50 years. And we’ve understood that more lies are told about Israel than about any other country.
This newest resolution adds more venom, more injustice, and more prejudice to the UN’s many assaults on Israel. It adds a call to push the Jews out of the Old City of Jerusalem, which is as clear as if it had been said in so many words. Moynihan said the 1975 resolution also brought us “the realization that if there were no General Assembly, this could never have happened.” A somber thought, then and now. The actions of the General Assembly give it pride of place in the history of antisemitism.
I realize that in The Perfect Storm, Part I and Part II, there was a lot of information, and it might have been hard to absorb, especially in these days when we are inundated with ever increasing amounts of sensationalized news. But really, it is so important that we understand what is at stake here.
Since its inception, the United Nations has had a singular goal: to destroy Israel. Once again, it blatantly emboldens Hamas and shows other terrorists that it will reward efforts to kill, kidnap, and rape innocent civilians, anywhere. Today Israel, tomorrow, your hometown.
But what makes Israel so special?
Over the years, the UN has spent one third of its time debating, condemning, arguing, with more than 60,000 individual votes cast against Israel. And yet, miraculously, they just can’t get rid of this little nation!
They ought to be able to wipe them out! Why haven’t the Arabs wiped them out? In war after war that the surrounding Muslim nations have declared on Israel, they have never defeated this tiny nation.
Israel has one-one-thousandth of the earth’s population—and the United Nations has spent one-third of its time trying to get rid of it!
So, I’ve been in my preaching mood lately—actually, I have never preached in my life. If anyone would have told me even a year ago that I would be writing or speaking like this, I wouldn’t have believed it. Who am I to speak with such assurance on this topic. But here I am!
And now, just as the prophets foretold, we see the entire world gathering against Israel. And we have Christians cheering it on.
Why do I harp on this? Because, as I mentioned in The Perfect Storm, Part II, over half of the voting population of the United States is Catholic and Evangelical/Protestant, and, incredibly, the United States is experiencing a huge shift toward antisemitism in the form of the Christian Nationalism and Christ is King movements.
So, a word of caution to those who think that they are serving God’s purpose by turning against Israel.
Zechariah 14: “God said, I will gather all nations against Jerusalem, and they are all going to come against her, and they are going to be cut in pieces.”
Those who come against Israel align with Satan’s goal to wipe out God’s people. If Satan can achieve this goal, he has won because he has turned God into a liar. He has made God break his covenant to his people. That is why Christians who say the Jews are no longer God’s Chosen People are helping the cause of Satan, not God.
Please wake up to this truth.
God does not break his covenant. Yes, God made a new covenant when Jesus died on the cross and rose again and overcame the law and made the way clear for all to have salvation.
When Jesus died, the veil to the inner sanctuary was torn asunder. Jesus fulfilled the law and made the way open for all to come before the presence of God, not only the priests, through salvation.
“And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias. And one ran and filled a sponge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink, saying, Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down. And Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost. And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.” ~ Mark 15: 35-39
“Elias” did not come to save him. Jesus went through death and resurrection. And yes, God made a new covenant, a way for all to be saved, but that did not nullify his covenant with Israel. Look, if God breaks one covenant, if God turns his back on one people, what will stop him from breaking another covenant and turning his back on Christians, and so on?
I learned growing up that your word is your bond. Nothing is more important than my word. If I break my word, no one will trust me.
God keeps His Word.
But we are living in an age when one’s word no longer means anything. People can say one thing one day, and another the next. Our leaders outright lie—on both sides, and we ignore it, we justify it, we shrug and say, well, but they mean the right thing, even if they said it the wrong way. No. Unacceptable.
We have lost sight of God’s Word.
John 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
In this age of chaos and confusion, when false prophets speak half-truths, we need to stay in the light and not be moved from it.
The first book of the Bible, Genesis, how did God create the world? With his Word.
And God said, “Let there be light.”
And God said… and on it goes, beautifully describing how God created the heavens and the earth and all that dwell within in it.
This is the time to think clearly, rationally, because we are going to hear more and more cries, louder, bolder, more insistent, to destroy Israel. It’s interesting, because so many of these influencers who condemned the United Nations during Covid for its “New World Order” plot, and now warn of the UN’s Pact for the Future plan of digital IDs, censorship, and surveillance, at the same time, find the UN to be the height of integrity when it comes to condemning Israel to extermination by terrorists.
Remember God’s Word and know He does not break it:
“I will also gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there, on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land.”
This is God’s land that he gave to Israel. They divided it up and that is what the United Nations is doing still, relentlessly serving the purpose of Satan. The United Nations will never stop until God stops it.
That’s what the Bible says. I don’t understand all the End Times prophecies and I don’t understand God’s plan or why everything is the way it is. How can I, when I am a finite being and God is infinite. How can any of us? Sure, we can speculate about it. We can come up with theories and spend countless hours arguing amongst ourselves about those theories. I was raised in the Plymouth Brethren church, and they had all sorts of charts and calculations for the Tribulation and the Rapture, while other denominations had their charts and calculations, too. Of course, there are things that I believe about this, but it’s way too much to get into here. And not as important as this subject matter.
There are certain things that are clear from the Bible and there are other things that are unknowable to our finite minds. That’s how it is.
As a Christian, my faith is in God’s Word and I stand by it, no matter the winds and waves of chaos and confusion, the tantalizing and insistent voices surrounding me.
“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith,” 1 Corinthians 16:13
“I will bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” - Genesis 12:3 TLV
May I never be on the wrong side of this🙏🏻
Jesus — Yeshua is Jewish.
Read all of Malachi 3 — really all of Bible, the Old and New and please be careful when you presume to speak for Him. He knows every single soul individually, and I pray for reverence for Him, mercy for all, and repentance for all.
“For I am ADONAI. I do not change, So you, children of Jacob, are not consumed.”
“Then those who revere ADONAI spoke with each other, and ADONAI took notice and heard, and a scroll of remembrance was written before Him, for those who revere ADONAI, even those who esteem His Name. “So they shall be Mine,”—says ADONAI-Tzva’ot—“ in the day I make My own special possession. So I will spare them, as one spares his son serving him. Then you will return and distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him.” - Malachi 3:6,16-18 TLV
As sure as the stars are fixed in their places in the heavens, as the oceans are contained by His Command, so are God's Eternal Promises to His Beloved People, Israel.