Christian Nationalism and Christ is King: The Perfect Storm, Part II
When conservative Evangelical and Catholic leaders join with the far left in calling for the destruction of Israel, we have the perfect storm.
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The Holy War in the Middle East.
In part one of The Perfect Storm, I wrote about Tucker Carlson’s interview of Darryl Cooper and his revisionist history of World War II—or rather, outright lies. Some didn’t understand the importance of this; how this twisting of history makes us vulnerable to further lies. But it’s vital that we learn from the past so we don’t miss the signs in the present.
“Not every German who bought a copy of Mein Kampf necessarily read it … But it might be argued that had more non-Nazi Germans read it before 1933 and had the foreign statesmen of the world perused it carefully while there was still time, both Germany and the world might have been saved from catastrophe.”
— William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
We should heed Shirer’s words and read what is in Hamas’s Covenant of the Resistance Movement.
So, first of all, let me list a few things from the covenant. Be aware that this speaks specifically to what Hamas wants. But it goes beyond that, since Hamas is just one part of this dream of “The Brotherhood”, the Caliphate, to rule the world with the iron fist of Islam. It all starts and ends with the Jews, Jerusalem, and Israel.
It is the height of folly to say, just leave that part of the world alone, “America first”. That part of the world—Israel—affects us all and I’m not talking about oil or trade routes. I’m talking about spiritually. We can fight all we want over territories and insist that if we just change the system things will be better. But nothing will ever really get better until we acknowledge this spiritual warfare and make a choice to stand for good against evil. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. It isn’t easy and most of us make excuses as to why we shouldn’t.
Israel is standing on the front line, fighting this war. Yes, a real war, with real people dying on both sides. But more than that, a spiritual war. And those in the West who know nothing of what that means from a biblical perspective should find out because Islamists know very well what they are fighting for, they know the Quran, and they are willing to die for what they believe, as we have seen over and over.
Islamists believe that they will usher in the apocalypse. They welcome it. Yes, the United States has much to answer for in the creation of IS and ISIS and the rise of terrorism. However, the underlying elements have always been there. The war has been ongoing, and it will only end at the End of Days.
The coming Armageddon, according to the IS worldview [but also for every Islamist], is a necessary condition. So, it rejects peace as a matter of principle. If it is to establish an uncontested Islamic empire in the form of a caliphate, it has to actively pursue an all-out war with rest of the world.(1)
So, just to make it clear in our minds from the get-go, here are a few quotes from Hamas’s Covenant:
The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews. When the Jew will hide behind stones and trees, the stones and trees will say, “O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.
Now and then the call goes out for the convening of an international conference to look for ways of solving the (Palestinian) question…. These conferences are only ways of setting the infidels in the land of the Muslims as arbitrators. When did the infidels do justice to the believers?
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
The question of the liberation of Palestine is bound to three circles: the Palestinian circle, the Arab circle and the Islamic circle. Each of these circles has its role in the struggle against Zionism. Each has its duties, and it is a horrible mistake and a sign of deep ignorance to overlook any of these circles.
The question for us in the West is, do we know who our enemies are? Do we even acknowledge that we have enemies? Are we willing to see the truth, or are we blinded and determined to remain so?
Until we acknowledge that there is good and evil, and we are in a spiritual war, we will not understand our enemy.
If you are a Christian, what are you going to do about that? Have you considered that God takes sides? Whose side do you think God is on? If you are an atheist, all of this seems like insanity to you. But that is beside the point. We are here now, in this situation. A Holy War. But we should not confuse this with politics or the notion that it has anything to do with nationalism. God is not setting up his kingdom in America.
If we really are more than flesh and blood, if we really are spiritual beings, then everything falls into place and the Bible makes sense when it says, “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” ~ Ephesians 6:12
What are we going to do about it? Are we willing to face some tough questions and answer them?
Why have Jews been so persecuted down through history? What’s all this talk of Jews being God’s Chosen People? How often do we hear that Jews think they’re better than everyone else so, they kind of deserve what they’re getting. In fact, we wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for the Jews.
I am criticized for my “obsession with Jew hate”. “I’ve always liked your writing, but this is really turning me off,” I’m told. People don’t want to hear about it. But I don’t write Break Free to win a popularity contest. There is no point to any of this if I am not writing what I know I should be writing about.
When talking of World War III, there is no way to escape the Bible, Israel and Islam. There is no way to escape the fact that if we do end up in a third world war it will be because of Islam’s “Holy War” against Israel. So, whether people in the West refuse to see it or not, the fact is, we are in a Holy War, and we ignore it at our peril.
The hatred of centuries, the Satanic drive to kill every Jew, Hitler’s Final Solution, is coalescing into a final confrontation between Israel and not just Islamic states, but the nations of the world. The incredible thing is that Christians are now siding with the leftists and Islamists, not the Jews. If that shift continues, Israel will be completely alone, abandoned by the Western world to its enemies.
In our modern world, conservative Christians in Western nations, especially the United States, have always been the biggest supporters of Jews and of Israel. However, with the rise of the far right and the massive immigration of Muslims into Britain and the EU, we see those ties eroding.
Let’s look at what’s happening with Christianity in America to understand why all of this is so important.
Evangelical Christians could be considered the most powerful voting group in the United States. Depending on how they are defined, upwards of 35 percent of Americans consider themselves to be Evangelical Christians. Evangelicals are known as those who believe in a moment in time when they pray, confess their sins and ask Jesus into their hearts. Once they make this commitment, they are baptized, being submerged completely in water, as a public expression of their faith.
20 percent of Americans define themselves as Catholic. Traditionally, they are baptized at birth. They confess their sins to priests and follow important religious rituals.
When you add these two groups of Christians together, that’s over half the population of the United States. There is no more powerful demographic.
In these uncertain times of plagues, nuclear wars, and the melding of man with machines, the United States is experiencing a revival in the Christian faith and a yearning for a return to traditional values. Celebrities and powerful influencers are leading the way.
You have mega churches like LA’s ZOE church boasting celebrities like Justin Bieber and Pratt, Katherine Schwarzenegger, Hailey Baldwin, Ashley Benson, and Maria Shriver, and Selena Gomez, who have all supported the church. Kourtney Kardashian also currently follows Pastor Veach on Instagram.
It’s the conservative Christian influencers like Candace Owens and others, converting to a reformist version of Catholicism, Catholics for Catholics, that are causing the greatest stir.
According to Vanity Fair:
[When Candace Owens converted], Catholic Twitter hummed with excitement. Owens wasn’t the only recent prominent convert, or even Catholics for Catholics’ first. When CFC hosted a prayer dinner for former president Donald Trump in March, founder and CEO John Yep announced that one speaker, embattled Mormon activist Tim Ballard, whose questionable claims of fighting child sex trafficking inspired the 2023 film Sound of Freedom, was considering converting too. Then there was actor Shia LaBeouf, comedian Rob Schneider, Dutch pundit Eva Vlaardingerbroek, and of course Ohio senator JD Vance, who converted in 2019, five years before he’d be named the Republicans’ 2024 vice presidential nominee. Not to mention the maybes: British actor Russell Brand, who’d begun hawking a Christian prayer app (partly funded by Vance and his Silicon Valley mentor Peter Thiel) and making videos about the rosary, and psychologist turned guru Jordan Peterson, whose wife converted on Easter and who’d been on an international speaking tour called “We Who Wrestle With God.”
Is this “revival” real or is it a cover for a political power grab? What makes it of particular concern is the infiltration of fascism and a labeling of Jews as the cause for the problems facing our country and even the entire world. If we can just get rid of those Jews, the Cabal, then everything will be better. Christ is King and Jews are of Satan.
A tipping point came when Candace Owens posted “Christ is King” in the midst of a very public dispute with her Daily Wire employer Ben Shapiro. Another announcer on The Daily Wire, Andrew Klavan, a Jewish convert to Christianity, understood very well what Owens was implying and accused her outright of antisemitism for many of her comments, including her “Christ is King” tweets.
Owens makes hundreds of posts for her 5.6 million followers like this:
Yes, her followers knew exactly what her cryptic tweet meant. “It’s the Jews”. It’s always the Jews:
Owens is just one example of thousands of influencers creating content for their followers that inspires this type of Jew hate. The influencers can then step back, as if they bear no responsibilities. But of course, they know exactly what they are doing.
In The Perfect Storm Part I, I pointed out how Tucker Carlson not only interviewed Nazi sympathizer and history revisionist Darryl Cooper, but said he was “starstruck” by the man, that Cooper is “the BEST and most HONEST historian in the United States”, and he wants to make sure that “everyone is aware of him”.
People still pushed back, insisting it wasn’t a big deal. It was just one interview. Christians love Tucker Carlson and it’s hard for them to find any fault with him. There are many things I like about Carlson; I’ve enjoyed some of his interviews. But he and these others are being exposed as false prophets, I’m sorry. I don’t have a problem exposing these people when they do something so blatant. I follow Jesus, no influencer, no earthly leader, so I am not emotionally invested in any of these people.
I’ve read my Bible. God’s prophets were not wealthy and popular. Kings resented them, but still listened because they told the truth. And then, more often than not, threw the prophets to the lions as a result. I can’t see Jeremiah, Ezekial or John the Baptist driving fancy cars, hawking prayer apps and boasting millions of followers on Instagram.
Russell Brand might look like a prophet of old, but could his conversion be just one more fad meant to tantalize his 5 million followers?
Brand said he had heard baptism explained to him as "an opportunity to die and be reborn; an opportunity to leave the past behind and be reborn in Christ's name like it says in Galatians — that you can live as an enlightened and awakened person."
He also referenced what he suggested were non-Christian reflections on the same theme of embracing death for the sake of life, quoting Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius and the Buddha.
"All of these things seem so inviting and beautiful," he said.
None of that sounds too bad. I’m sure many people have been encouraged in their Christian faith by Brand. But what’s the goal. To be as popular as possible. If you’re not saying what people want to hear, you won’t have millions of followers—someone else will.
Brand moves in the same circles as the other powerhouse Christian influencers. He did a chummy interview with Candace Owens, where she says, “It’s a wonderful thing to be persecuted, knowing you’re telling the truth.” She claims, “we are lied to and severely deluded about history”. Note that this is the same claim the left has made, only different subject matter (think The 1619 Project).
Owens is reenforcing what Cooper said on Tucker Carlson. She is trying to make us believe that all we ever learned about in history class was the Holocaust—and what we learned was fake.
Why didn’t we learn about the Bolsheviks, she asks.
Funny, because I remember learning lots about the Bolsheviks. Communism was the biggest threat to America for most of the twentieth century. It still is. We all learned about it. We all learned about the monster Stalin. We all learned about the Chinese “Cultural Revolution”. If the Holocaust is foremost in our minds perhaps it is simply because it is the atrocity that speaks the most to us in Western, Chrisian nations. It isn’t hard to figure out why.
Brand asks Owens the question, “who determines what is history?”
This affirms what Carlson suggested in his interview with Cooper, that everything is a myth, and it just depends on which myth you want to believe. Again, how is that any different from what the left has been telling us. There are no absolutes. But let’s believe this one story over all the others. Why? Because we agree with it. Because it’s the story that makes us feel good about ourselves.
Carlson is the most influential conservative “Christian” commentator in the world so we shouldn’t take what he says and does lightly. He can choose to interview anyone, and he chose Darryl Coooper and that didn’t happen by accident. Then, after the damage was done and millions of people were influenced by Cooper’s false portrayal of the second world war and encouraged further toward viewing Jews as the cause of all the world’s problems, Carlson deftly moved on to his American tour, unaffected by the controversy.
And no, it wasn’t just that one Cooper interview that revealed this shift toward antisemitism, and I would wager, it won’t be the last. It came after Carlson’s sympathetic interview of antisemite Andrew Tate. The Tate brothers made a fortune off of pimping girls on the internet and by charging men $49.99 a month to join his Hustler's University to learn how to pimp out girls and become rich like him. He converted to Islam, praising the fact he could now have four wives if he wants to—and as many women on the side, too.
Then, Candace Owens was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, and when it came time to talk about her firing from The Daily Wire, she came across as persecuted and misunderstood.
Owens also interviewed Andrew Tate with the same sympathetic manner Carlson gave him. In fact, the two Tate brothers are friends of her husband, George Farmer, and now friends of hers. As is Kanye West (who at one time was going to buy Farmer’s unsuccessful Parlor social media app). Candace converted to her husband’s reformist Catholic religion and that’s when it all went downhill for her. She has given more than one sympathetic interview to Kanye West, where he blames his mental health issues on the Jews.
During her dispute with Shapiro, Owens quoted the words of Jesus that “you cannot serve both God and money,” the implication being that Shapiro suffers from the same evil as all Jews: “lust after money”. One might ask Candace Owens how much money she makes off of her sensationalized “news” that she feeds to her gullible followers.
Her latest insanity is that it’s all the fault of the Frankists who pretend to be Jews. Frankism is a Sabbatean religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, named after its founder, Jacob Frank. Frank completely rejected Jewish norms, preaching to his followers that they were obligated to transgress moral boundaries. So, Owens, thereby concluded that Israel was populated by pedophiles. Makes perfect sense, right? If you hate Jews and want to justify their extermination, it does.
Of course, just like “it isn’t the Jews, it’s the Zionists” which turned into “it’s just the Jews”, “it isn’t the Jews it’s the Frankists” will also turn into “it’s just the Jews”. It always does.
Nick Fuentes made fun of Candace Owens and her Frankist rant. “Come on,” he said in this disgusting video, “when are you going to admit it, Candace. It’s not the Frankists, it’s not the Zionists. It’s the Jews. Just say it, it’s the Jews.”
And that’s what’s happening, this perfect storm, coming from both sides, liberal and conservative, converging in hatred of Jews.
Combating this, we have powerful voices like Lebanese-Jewish activist, Gad Saad who responds:
It is remarkable how Jew-haters have convinced the world that Zionism is some nasty ideology. Zionism is merely the wish for the Jewish people to have the right of self-determination on their own land. It is literally the concept that defines every tribal or national identity in human history. When Jews seek that universal desire, it becomes an "evil pursuit."
According to Noble anti-Zionists (aka Jew-haters), Jews should always be persecuted; it is not nice when pesky Jews have self-autonomy. When the Organization of Islamic Cooperation celebrates the fact that the Ummah has 56 countries under its rubric (and inshallah the entire world soon), this is perfectly fine. BUT, when greedy Jews wish to have self-determination on a land the size of NJ, this is "global expansionism" of the Zionist monsters.
Voices like Saad’s battle daily against the rising tide of antisemitism by so-called Christian influencers. It wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t claim to be Christians—at least amongst Muslims and those on the left, their hatred is more understandable. But these people claim to be serving God when they are, in fact, serving Satan. They are going against the very foundation of the Bible and God’s promises to his people of Israel, and they are sweeping up millions of people into their false theology.
There are at least a hundred verses in the Bible declaring God’s promises to Israel. Here are just a few examples:
Therefore, say to the children of Israel: "I am the LORD; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments. I will take you as My people, and I will be your God. ~ Exodus 6: 6-8
For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. ~ Deuteronomy 7:6
And in the New Testament:
And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. ~ Galatians 6:16
They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises. ~ Romans 9:4
And so on…
Demonizing Zionists, calling for the destruction of Israel, fits perfectly with Satan’s plan to exterminate all Jews and dethrone God.
Truly, the biblical prophecies of the Last Days are being fulfilled:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. ~ Zechariah 12:3
And now, with the recent successes of Israel against Hezbollah, incredible successes, that hatred is only intensifying. The more successful Israel is, the more it is hated by the world.
To really explain this irrational hatred, I am going to quote my father, summarizing his words in places, because I can’t say it better than this, from all the way back in 2006:
“In that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone to all the nations—all the nations of the world.” So, what God is saying is, “Jerusalem is in ruins, but let Me tell you something: one day the eyes of the world will be upon Jerusalem in fear and trembling,” knowing that the next world war, when it breaks out, it’s going to break out over Jerusalem. It’s going to be a nuclear holocaust.
The problem is the nations of the world, the EU, the UN, and the USA and Russia and so forth, they are determined to impose their own solution in defiance of what God has said.
When all the nations around her will be in a siege, both against Judah and against Jerusalem…now that’s an amazing prophecy, because the nations were not at that time, and never were in history, united. Israel had many enemies from the surrounding neighbors: Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, the Syrians, you name them. But they were never united together. They fought one another; they had different religions, and so forth.
No one can deny that the prophecy is being fulfilled today. All the nations surrounding Israel are being united in a siege against her.
What unites them? Islam!
Now, why is Jerusalem a cup of trembling? That’s another one. It was in ruins. Because, if you go to verse 6, it says, “In that day [talking about this day now, the last days in which we live] will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf, and they shall devour all the nations round about on the right hand and on the left.”

You couldn’t have even imagined that Israel would win—certainly not when Israel declared its independence. Sixty thousand ragged, irregular troop—you could call them farmers and settlers, poorly trained. I have a good friend, one of Israel’s most highly regarded retired generals; he trained the Israeli army—he ought to know. He was back there in those days, and that was one of the assignments he had from David Ben Gurion, he and some other officers. He said they were poorly trained, and they certainly were poorly armed. No one would sell arms to them, not even the United States, Britain, France, and so forth. They had to smuggle arms from Czechoslovakia.
The whole world was sure that six Muslim nations with their regular armies—600,000 men against 60,000, and they’ve got tanks and planes—they are going to make short work of these poor Israelis, and they promised that they would. I mean, in Judgment Day! Islam, Israel and the Nations, we give you many, many quotes from those Arab nations: “We will annihilate them, we will wipe them out.” Well, they were backed by Britain. They’ve got British advisors, officers with their units; Britain is arming them, and so forth, and you would think this is some kind of a joke. Well, we know who won!
So, this is why Jerusalem, the Princes of Judah, are a source of trembling for the nations around them: because they can’t defeat them. The idea of Israeli defense forces are too good for them, no question about that. So now they’re pretending peace, (I just interject here how we have Hamas convincing the western world that they are the ones wanting peace and Israel are the aggressors) and the world accepts this, and insists that Israel agree to peace with an enemy that has sworn there will be no peace, no recognition of Israel. “We will never accept Israel’s existence. This is a blotch in the midst of the Arab nation,” they say. So then, when we come to the next verse, verse 3: “I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the nations.”
Well, when you think about it, there would have to be some worldwide organization of nations. How could Israel be a burden to all the nations unless, somehow, all the nations have joined together, and they are united somehow, and they are opposed to Israel as well? And so, we have the United Nations.
Is Israel a burden to the UN today? Of course it is!
The United Nations has spent one third of its time debating, condemning, arguing…more than 60,000 individual votes cast against Israel, hundreds of condemnations of Israel.
So, they have spent a third of their time on Israel. They just can’t get rid of this little nation! They ought to be able to wipe them out! Why haven’t the Arabs wiped them out? This is a nation that has one-one-thousandth of the earth’s population—and the United Nations has spent one-third of its time on it to try and get rid of it!
Okay, is that a fulfillment of prophecy? I would say that it is. “I’m going to make Jerusalem a burdensome…” (and you know the heart of this problem is Jerusalem). “I am going to make Jerusalem a burdensome stone to all the nations.” And then God says, “All that burden themselves with it will be cut in pieces, though all the nations of the earth come against her.”
Now, you read in Zechariah 14 where it says, “God said, I will gather all nations against Jerusalem, and they are all going to come against her, and they are going to be cut in pieces.”
This is what the Bible says. Now, President Bush claims to be a Christian—maybe he is, I don’t know. They say he reads his Bible and prays every morning. Well, why doesn’t he read some of these verses? Because he is leading the United States, along with the rest of the world, into destruction.
If we could look at another verse, Joel 3:2, it’s very similar to what we’ve just read, in Zechariah:14:2,3:
God says, “I will….” Anybody out there listening, if you read your Bible and you highlight, or you underline, notice how often God says, “I will.” God is doing something today:
“I will also gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat [that’s right next to Jerusalem there] and will plead with them there [well, it means, ‘I’m going to punish them’] for my people and for my heritage, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”
They’ve been scattering Israel among the nations for centuries, more than 2,000 years. Anti-Semitism—you see the pictures of Jews with their wheelbarrows or little carts—they are pushing what belongings they’ve got, and they’re fleeing from one country to another. This has been going on for centuries.
But what about “and they parted my land”? Never ever happened in the history of the world until our day, coinciding with all the nations surrounding being united against Jerusalem in a siege.
I don’t see how anyone could be an atheist, an agnostic. You cannot deny—God said, “I’ll tell you what’s going to happen before it happens, and when it does, you’ll have to acknowledge I’m God and this is my Word.”
Okay, so what’s the situation today? Well, we’ve been through it, I think, in the past. I won’t go into the details. But you remember 1917 Balfour Declaration, 1919 Paris Peace Conference (I’ll just move very fast), 1922 Declaration of Principles by the League of Nations, predecessor to the UN, and so forth.
And the whole world agreed this place called Palestine belonged to the Jews. That was the land of Israel. It was set aside as the National Jewish homeland because of all these people being chased everywhere, and they were invited to come back and live there, and Britain was given the mandate to see that it happened. And Britain betrayed the Jews, kept the Jews out, even Holocaust survivors within sight of the promised land—driven back by the British navy, put into camps.
Britain, in 1944—Germany needed money; Hitler needed money. There were 500,000 Hungarian Jews untouched by the Nazis. He offered to sell them for $2 apiece. (This is history!) No one would take them! Britain said, “There is no room in Palestine for them.”
In Judgment Day!, we document it—how many times the United States has betrayed Israel, how the nations of the world have been against Israel, and God keeps record of this, and He’s going to punish them for this. Hitler alone is not guilty of the Holocaust.
But anyway, what happened? Well, Britain gave this land away to the Arabs. They gave most of it to Jordan to create the Trans-Jordan, it was called. Everybody has heard of the West Bank, but there is an East Bank. If there is a West Bank, there’s an East Bank, and the East Bank, that was where three-and-a-half of the tribes of Israel had their inheritance that God gave them—that’s Jordan, and they gave that away. They gave it to the Muslims, the Arabs; they called themselves Palestinians. They talk about a Palestinian national home—they got it; it was given to them. An UN Resolution.
Well, it was so-called Palestine. But it was Israel, and it was a huge chunk of it, and most Palestinians live there today, but they want everything. They will not allow Israel even to exist. And, you know, there is no Arab map in the world that shows the existence of Israel. You get the logo of the PLO, for example: here’s Palestine—look for Israel. There’s no Israel there. Hamas, the same. They have sworn to exterminate Israel, and then the world says, “Oh, make peace with these people!” Oh, surely, we can have them sign another piece of paper, another peace agreement, and that will solve all of this. No, it won’t.
The problem is, what have they done? They divided the land. No conqueror ever divides a land; you keep the land for yourself. But this land has been divided just as the Bible said.
Okay, what is the documentation for that? Well, I’ve given you some of the history, but UN Resolution 181, November 29, 1947, it is called The Partition of the Land. And the nations of the world, exactly as God said, joined together—United Nations—to divide this land, and Israel ended up with about 13 percent of what they had been promised.
God said, “I am angry. This is My land. You are taking it away from my people!” Well, you know, every peace proposal since, including President Bush’s so-called “Roadmap to Peace,” what’s the foundation of it?
It’s the demand that Israel: “Give them more land, give them more land, give them more land!” They just forced Israel to pull out of Gaza. That was Israel’s land. They complain that “Israel is occupying Palestinian land.” No, these people who call themselves “Palestinians” are occupying Israeli land.
Who are the Palestinians? They are Arabs. Arabs claim descent from Ishmael. Ishmael was the first son of Abraham, not through his wife, Sarah, but through her maid, Hagar. All right, Abraham was what? He was a Chaldean from Iraq, actually, and Hagar was an Egyptian. So, you claim descent from Ishmael whose father was an Iraqi—was a Chaldean actually; not the same kind of Iraqis we have today, although there are Chaldeans living over there—I’ve met some of them. But Abraham was a Chaldean, Hagar was an Egyptian. You’ve got a Chaldean father, an Egyptian mother. When they arrive in this place—not Palestine—it’s Canaan, it is already settled by the Canaanites.
You’re descended from Ishmael, and you say you are descended from the original Palestinians? I begin to get really angry! This is a lie! It is a total fraud, as history says, and the world accepts this lie as the basis for a peace that they are going to force upon Israel, which involves dividing up this land, and God said, “I’m going to punish you for dividing My land!”
So anyway, that’s a little bit of background of prophecy. It gives us confidence, that when Jesus said, “I will come again,” it gives us confidence that when the Bible talks about the return of Christ, or the Rapture, it’s actually going to happen, because all these other things that the Bible foretold have come to pass exactly on schedule.
My father goes on to talk about “God’s Chosen People.” In the interview, Tom, says: Now that puts a lot of people off right there. You know, the idea that God—whether they say that “God is no respecter of persons,” the idea that He would set apart some people, or have a special people, it just upsets them.
“I am the Lord your God, which have separated you from other people. And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine.” Leviticus:20:24-26
There is no question that the Jews are a separate people. Everybody knows who they are, and they are hated and persecuted, killed like nobody else, which is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. This is what God said would happen. Chosen people—why should there be a chosen people? Why didn’t He choose us? Why does He choose them? Well, He chose a man, Abraham, just like He chose one man, Noah. “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord,” or we wouldn’t even be here. Our would-be ancestors would all have been destroyed in the flood.
The Messiah is going to come. The Messiah must be God, because only God could suffer the penalty for our sins. Only God could pay the infinite penalty, but He must be a man so that He represents mankind, the human race. So here comes God in man, as Isaiah:9:6:
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
So God is going to come to this earth as a man. He will be God and man in one person so that He can pay the penalty for our sins. Well, He has to have a genealogy. He doesn’t just come out of nowhere. He has an ancestry, and this is one of the proofs—I mean, the great proof—that Jesus is who He claimed to be, the Messiah. How would you recognize the Messiah? He was born in Bethlehem; He rides into Jerusalem on a donkey on a certain day—the Bible tells you the very day He would do that. He’s going to be hated and despised by His own people, betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. He’s going to be crucified, and He is going to rise again, and so forth and so on.
Okay, so this is why a chosen people. Abraham was chosen by God to be the father of these people from whom the Messiah would come. Two hundred and three times in the Bible God is called the God of Israel. Nine times He is called the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You don’t like it? Take that up with God. Don’t blame me.
So, that’s a little biblical education. But this new “Christian” movement denies all of that. And because Christians do not read their Bibles, they do not educate themselves in their own history—just as people are ignorant of our nation’s history, or World War two—they are easily led astray by these false prophets. Because that’s what these influencers are—false prophets.
What Christian could argue with the rally cry, Christ is King. Surely, this is what every Christian believes. There is always an element of truth in the most dangerous lies.
Every Christian should reject this movement since it is promoting a kingdom on this earth that “Christians” will set up. But Jesus’s kingdom is not of this world, every Christian should know that from basic Christianity 101 teaching in Sunday School.
The result of all of this is a weakening of Christian support for Israel, making this the most dangerous times for Jews in the history of their existence, and once again setting the stage for The Perfect Storm. If large portions of evangelicals, Catholics and those on the far left unite against Jews, not to mention Muslims, who do the Jews have left to support them?
But as I quoted from my dad above, this is all foretold to come to pass. Many will be deceived by false doctrine into thinking this is a great Christian awakening. Perhaps the most extreme example of this far right Christian Nationalism is Nick Fuentes, who I mentioned above.
Fuentes is an unapologetic Nazi Jew-hater, long considered by most to be a fringe lunatic. No longer. He is fast gaining legitimacy, as if people’s eyes have opened to realize that what he has been saying for so long is the truth.
“Christ is King” and the Christian Nationalism are indoctrinating more and more Christians that Jews are the enemy.
Watch this rather insane video and listen to how Fuentes says, “This is a Christian nation, not a Jewish nation” with a pair of angel wings behind him and the audience erupting into “Christ is King.”
Fuentes makes the conclusion that “it only makes sense, if Christ is the King of the World, then Christ must be King in America.”
But right there, if you are a follower of Jesus, you recognize that Fuentes echoes Satan’s words, not God’s.
Satan is repeatedly called the god of this world. He was cast out of heaven for rebelling against God and has been stirring up the same trouble here on earth ever since.
“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” ~ 2 Corinthians 4:4
Fuentes goes on to say, “I know we are going to win because unlike our opposition, we are willing to die for what we believe. But because we are willing to die in the Holy War, we will make them die in the Holy War. We have God on our side. They will go down with their Satanic master. They have no future in America.”
He talks just like Islamists with his “Holy War”. And he is referring to the same enemy: Jews.
But this goes against God and the Bible.
Like Dr Brown, the man who shared the Nick Fuentes speech, we should denounce what he says as antisemitism “raising its ugly head”, in “the worst form of Christian Nationalism”.
These influencers are looking to an anti-Christ, not the Christ, who will rule over a kingdom on earth that they have established for him. So, they say, “We’re going to take over the world. We’re Israel. We are the New Jerusalem. America is where God will rule.”
These Christian nationalists, this Christ is King cult, these fascists, say that Israel is finished. They say, “Those people over there (Jews) don’t deserve to be there; it’s just a coincidence that they happen to be there. But God has finished with Israel. He’s excommunicated Israel. And the Church is Israel now.”
The Jews killed Jesus and now the covenant has passed to us. But we all killed Jesus, not just the Jews. We all did that. We are all guilty of sin and we all need salvation. Anyone one of us could have been in the crowd yelling, crucify him.
Read Isaiah 43:10 where it says that “You are my witnesses”. You cannot deny that these are the chosen people, and they are proof that God is God, the Bible is His Word—because what God said would happen to them has happened. He gave them a land; they were scattered, hated, persecuted. But He preserved them an identifiable ethnic group of people. He is bringing them back into their land now, and He will gather the scattered of Israel, and the Messiah will return to rule over them. And those are a specific people.
And if Satan can destroy Israel and kill every Jew than he has won this spiritual war, and God has broken his covenant with his people. If Satan could have killed every Jew before Jesus came, he would have. Think of all the times the first-born Israelite boys were killed, as happened in Egypt and when Herod heard of Jesus’s birth.
Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah:
“A voice was heard in Ramah,
weeping and loud lamentation,
Rachel weeping for her children;
she refused to be comforted, because they are no more.” Matthew 2:16-18
In the video below, my father goes into this in more depth.
I will just quote part of what he says here:
You know, this is one of the interesting things about Jews: try to marry into a Jewish family! Oh, there are some who’ve intermarried, but Jews have an amazing sense of identity.
You go to Israel today, thirty percent of them claim to be atheists. But I can tell you the latest statistics: At the last Passover, 99.9 percent of those in Jerusalem kept the Passover. Isn’t that something? And I think 94 percent in Tel Aviv kept the Passover.
There’s an amazing prophecy in Exodus 12:14, when God gives them the Passover, He says, “You will keep this in all your generations.”
And I like to contrast that with the prophecies of the goddess Vesta in Rome, for example. “The sacred fires of the goddess Vesta, tended by the vestal virgins, their prophet said they would never, ever go out.” They went out!
The prophets of the Zoroastrians, they said “Those sacred Zoroastrian fires in Persia would never, ever go out.” They went out. They were extinguished by the Muslims.
But God said, “You will keep the Passover forever,” and they still keep the Passover, even though some don’t believe.”
So, the Jews are an identifiable people, and they are proof. Somebody says, “Why do you believe in God?” The Jews! That’s one good reason for believing in God.
And if British Israelism (which we can now call the Christ is King movement) is true, then you pull the rug out from under it and the greatest proof of all would be destroyed.
Just turn finally to Matthew 24:29: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days, shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, and He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”
His elect is Israel. This is not a post-tribulation Rapture. This is not the Rapture. At the Rapture, the Lord Himself descends from heaven. He catches us up to meet Him in the clouds, and He takes us to heaven to be with Him. Here, the whole world is seeing Him. He’s coming in power and glory, and He’s sending His angels to gather the Jewish remnant from all over. That’s Israel, the twelve tribes, from all over this world back to the promised land. Those that are not there will be brought back there, and there He will reign over them.
So, this is what the Scripture teaches. An identifiable people, given a land, cast out of the land, hated and persecuted, preserved as an identifiable people to be brought back into their land in the last days, and there the Messiah will return to rule over them.
And if that isn’t true, if you can’t identify these people, then God’s Word is not true, and I can’t prove prophecy. One of the greatest pieces of evidence of the existence of God and of the authority, the validity of His Word, is Israel. What God said would happen to them has happened to them.
For the church to say, “We’re Israel, and they’re excommunicated,” that’s Antisemitism of another kind.
Their thinking is (although they might not be bold enough yet to say it outloud) “I don’t have to put them in the ovens; I just tell them they don’t exist! I just tell them, ‘God is finished with you. You are nothing anymore. You Jews, you are finished.”
That’s Anti-Semitism maybe even worse than Hitler’s, I don’t know, because it does away with all of them. And I don’t even have to put them in the ovens to do that.
Or to say, the “ten lost tribes” are now the Christians. In 2010, an article in The Jerusalem Post had a lot of hope for this theory, attributing this belief to a renewed love among Christians for Jews and an identifying with them. However, we now see this belief being used to prove from another angle that Jews are no longer God’s Chosen people.
We’re going to stand on the Word of God. We will accept what it says. We’re not going to follow men; we’re not going to follow their persuasive arguments that are extrabiblical. We’re going to come back to the Word of God and see what God the Lord has said.
Then, my father prays, including a quote from the Bible:
“He that touches Israel touches the apple of my eye.”
He prays for the peace of Jerusalem, warning that “We know Antichrist is coming, and he will through peace destroy many. It will be a false peace, and we see Israel being set up to accept this false peace on terms that are absolutely untenable, that are suicidal. They are being pressured by the nations of the world. Lord, we see prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes, and we cry out to you.”
And there I will end this essay. For those who made it to these last words, thank you! I pray what I’ve written here, and the words of my father will make a way into your hearts. God Bless You All.
Judgment Day! Islam, Israel and the Nations by Dave Hunt
So looking forward to this, Karen. Thank you. I keep going back to this verse “It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Heb 10:31.
As I keep my finger on the pulse of “Christianity” it is obvious most are not spending time with Jesus and studying his Word. I am concerned about their faith.
The prophets of old warned us. Jesus warned us. But will we listen? Darker days are ahead. God have mercy on you if you believe these “influencers” over the Word of God. Today is the day of salvation. Don’t waste it! There isn’t much time left.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
until islam is revealed for what it is; a war on women, people will be cowed by the dominant paradigm and the inbred inclination toward antisemitism.