You can bet putting a price on the air we breathe is already on the agenda of these psychoparasites, whose lust for power and wealth appears to be utterly insatiable. They are truly evil, in the Biblical sense of the word, as are their political collaborators behind the roll-out of the shamdemic, the Great Reset and Agenda 21-30.

Thank you, sincerely, for your efforts to enlighten and inform an astonishingly supine public of the technocratic serfdom being lined up for them in a rapidly approaching dystopian, transhuman future.

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Thank you for your work and exposing these evil elites. I believe it so important to show their faces to the public over and over again. I’m currently reading (free PDF on line) “Final Warning, History of The New World Order”. Fascinating to read the history of the Illuminati and the elite. Humanitarian and Philanthropy started for the sheer purpose of hiding their dirty secrets and to gain control.

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I've certainly learned so much by writing these essays. And thanks for the reading material, I will look into it.

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Another really great article. Thank you so much for sharing it.

These people are so ridiculously greedy. They have more than they could ever spend and still they want what little the poor and working class have, rather than giving back and actually making their lives better as they struggle. Sometimes it's hard not to intensely dislike those people. I certainly don't envy them, But liking them is next to impossible.

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I agree.

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Thank you for all that you do. You are an amazing writer and I'm glad you are helping to enlighten people. I shared your article link all over Quora.

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Thank you so much 🙏

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Wow great essay exposing the reincarnated Illuminati!

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Imagine being okay with living in a state that regulates the rain! What’s next, charging you for the air you breathe? Oh, yeah, they’re trying to push “climate change”, so I’m sure that’s in the works!

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I am so very tired of this slow death as the elites grow richer and laugh at us.....what's next? Thank you, Karen.

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My next essay will offer a brighter side...hopefully.

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You know, I spent 25 years in the San Joaquin Valley. The valley farms produce much of the produce and nuts which feed the country. In the 90's Clinton stopped the irrigation to many farms, especially cotton and nuts. At the same time, snowpack that came to the Valley was averted to Los Angeles. The smog in the Valley was full of emissions from the Bay area which then got stuck in the natural bowl. But the Valley farmers and fireplaces were blamed for the pollution so the gov't instituted laws in the Valley, not San Francisco. Nothing changes. The elites enact laws which hurt families and farms while they follow different rules.

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Wow, you saw it up close and personal. It makes me so angry!

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Regarding... "Wonderful’s roughly 80,000 hives, with about 4.5 billion bees, make it one of America’s largest beekeepers. There are just five or so companies that control the majority of the colonies in the U.S., and their bees are responsible for pollinating roughly one-third of the food Americans eat every year, from apples and onions to strawberries and carrots. Beef producers need bees, too, as the colonies pollinate feed ingredients like alfalfa seed and soybeans. Demand is so high for bees — with the supply suffering from annual die-offs — that Wonderful leases its pollinators to farmers as far away as Maine."

First, Alfalfa and soybeans are self-pollinating although there is evidence that the presence of bees and other pollinators may increase soybean yields. With alfalfa, a perennial crop, the presence of pollinators allows for more outcrossing when the purpose of the crop is seed production.

Second, beef cattle aren't really fed soy or pure alfalfa hay. They spend most of their lives on pasture, and once in the feedlot they are fed a mixed hay and a corn-based feed. Soy is primarily fed to pigs, poultry and dairy animals. Pure alfalfa hay tends to be grown for dairy cows.

Third, regarding those "five or so companies that control the majority of the colonies in the U.S."... It is impossible for native pollinators to pollinate, say, the 1,600,000 acres of almond trees grown primarily in California's San Joaquin Valley. Add all the other fruit and nut trees grown in the Valley... all those trees flowering at the same time... and you can understand why agribusiness has invested in beehives. And it's not just American agribusiness. When the trees are flowering, bee colonies are flown into California from as far away as Australia.

People really should take the time to learn about the ins and outs of food production. In my opinion, the real problem is that so much produce is grown in the semi-arid state of California. (For example, 80% of the world's almond crop comes from the San Joaquin Valley.) And while it's easy to blame the billionaires... and they certainly do share much of the blame... this would not be happening if it wasn't for consumer demand. People want to eat fresh fruits and vegetables all year long regardless of where they live. They also want to eat such foods as almonds or avocados even if they live in a region where almonds and avocados cannot grow.

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It's interesting to note that bees aren't native to America but were brought here in 1622, a whole other topic that would be interesting to explore. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I've written quite a bit on the topic of our excess and demand for products--everything from food to entertainment devices. I encourage people to make better choices for the sake of their health and their sanity. I have come to realize, however, that the majority of people are followers, and that's as it should be. What people need are good leaders. I look at Jesus who led by example. He washed the disciples' feet, he related more to the poor and disenfranchised than to the rich and powerful. He gave his life for others. If we had leaders who served the people rather than exploited them, how different the world would be. To whom much is given, much is required, and they should be held accountable.

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Humans are social animals, and all social animals form hierarchies where the strongest rise to the top while the rest are content to follow. Sometimes the strongest are also good leaders... even among my dairy goats. Then there are those who are both strong and greedy. Best to prevent those from acquiring any power if we can, be they goats or humans.

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Yes, very astute.

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Thank you.

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Bingo. That is where we went wrong, so very long ago. When the first greedy, corrupted or tyrannical one showed up, the herd should have clipped him or her - to send a message. "Yes, there may naturally or have to be a leader, but get out of line and we will quickly remove you, with extreme prejudice."

Of course, that would require the herd to stay involved and engaged, in how things were going. Humans, on the whole, are ill equipped for that type/level of engagement and regulation - from the bottom up - which is why we're in the mess we are today and this article is able to be written.

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I think there was an episode of the Amazon TV show "Goliath" with Billy Bob Thornton that covered Stewart and Lynda Resnick. Of course, they used different names, but it was the same deal. Super rich, stealing water for almond farming.

I need to do a writeup about that show. As things have panned out, that show turned out to be rather prophetic. Kind of strange coming from Amazon. I wouldn't have expected that.

Anyway, you're right about the elite working to steal resources. That's what leftist leaders/politicians do all over the world. They cause the problems, and the "fix" always resorts in a loss of freedom for regular people and more control by private industries.

Those politicians hold an interest in the industry that will provide the fix. This is how you know that there's a Uni-Party, two sides of the same coin. The Uni-Party players stand to profit from either outcome. Republicans cry, "private industry" while leftists cry, "public option." Meanwhile, it's the same people who stand to profit -- either way.

That's why insurance companies didn't put up a fight when "The Public Option" was proposed in Obamacare. Because the insurance companies stood to make money as the brokers for the government's socialized medicine venture. It was already planned out that way. Hell, that's why there was a proposed correction to the healthcare industry in the first place. As I have pointed out years back, there was no grassroots movement to overhaul healthcare. The push for a healthcare overhual was a top down scheme. Either way the insurance companies would male out like bandits. Does anyone believe that the Uni-Party politicians didn’t already know this? It was all a show!

I apologize in advance that my website is not "https" but I have not incorporated a certificate yet. Too much work around the house first! 😉👉


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You're right about that show Goliath. I actually mention it, but another season, in my piece The People's Medicine vs Merck's Billion $ Pill, https://khmezek.substack.com/p/mercks-molnupiravir-vs-the-peoples. Unfortunately, it seems nobody has been able to stop (or perhaps nobody really cared to stop) the relentless stripping of our freedoms, as you warned about in the piece you shared.

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You do know that the global gene therapy injection experiment is part of their long term plan to beat death and disease and the affects of aging.

The agenda behind the last 3 years started decades ago when leading scientists promised the wealthy miracle breakthroughs in genetic engineering and gene editing therapies. Now as the wealthy have aged and face declining health, they are insisting on the results that they were promised.

The populations of the world have been “approved for use” as guinea pigs and lab rats. When the new breakthrough therapies are truly safe and effective, then the wealthiest will receive the jabs.

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Yes, you're absolutely right. I have written extensively about this. Here's one of the pieces, if you are interested. COVID and the "Greater Good" https://khmezek.substack.com/p/covid-and-the-greater-good

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Thank you for the link. I love your work. I will definitely check it out.

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Switching the focus to the root of "climate change" could be an effective strategy (e.g. computer and cell phone parts). Plus we don't need any "source" technology to purify water. All we need to do is put water in a glass bottle and leave it in the Sun for a day- purified, and structured with the infrared energy:


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That's way too simple and won't make anyone rich!

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Why get rich when you can just drink water in the Sunshine? Those people who love controlling everything would spend less time and actually enjoy life if they weren't so busy devising how to rob everyone.

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Really appreciate your approach and incisiveness.

As to the great equalizer , it is clear that great strides are being made and they will succeed in greatly lengthening their productive years with technologies that will not be available to the proles.

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Absolutely true. I've written about this at length in many of my pieces. Here's one of them. I, Zombie. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/i-zombie

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Excellent work and subjects, air and water! In Arizona, we can take a look at what’s happening in the valley. The latest headline reads:

“Arizona AG takes aim at foreign-owned farms that pump groundwater to feed cattle overseas.”


It’s a tale as old as time I guess, especially considering all the information you provided in your post. I love that you ended it with a Bible verse and a spoken, “God bless you!”

Only our Father in Heaven knows what will become of all of this. I’m just grateful to know that no matter what is happening in the world, we all can put our trust in Him and believe in His grace and mercy upon all who call upon Him! 🙏🏻

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Amen to that! I read about AZ water being taken to feed cattle overseas. Absolutely insane. I learn so much when I write these essays and also appreciate the comments and what I learn from my readers.

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Thank you.

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Karen, Thank you for another great essay. Will be posting to socials.

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They don't need to charge for the air we breathe...they are poisoning it. And they have hacked photosynthesis. The whole planet is poisoned, and IMO, being terraformed - and not for humans. And ever more toxic substances in the massive spraying of chemtrails is now almost nightly, jam packed with a host of varied graphene nanos and their toxic payloads.


check out GeoEngineeringWatch docu "The Dimming"



this is beyond genocide...it's extermination...

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Thanks for sharing the links. Yes, it is an evil agenda.

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YW...holding on for dear life...

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I was in Nicaragua in 2002. For ten days I ate the best produce ever. Along the way, I learned that much (most?) of Nicaragua’s produce is taken to the U.S. and sold back to them through Miami or Houston. And we wonder why oh why do we get such bad press in so much of the world.

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It's the same everywhere. I've lived in so many different places where this has been the case. I would come back to visit my homeland and see the excess. People didn't understand because they didn't have the big picture. The sense of entitlement in the United States is distressing.

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