"The Islamic unity against their common enemy Israel is coming to an end and Muslims are about to display their brutality against each other." ~ Mosab Hassan Yusef
Thank you Karen for this essay. It’s difficult and heartbreaking to read about what is happening and what may be coming next. Jesus’s followers were first called Christians in Syrian Antioch. Paul lived and taught there for 14 years. Praying now for the believers that are left and that they are able to escape the Islamists. 🙏🏻
Excellent work. Thank you. So far I haven’t seen even one Middle Eastern strong man brought down that hasn’t been replaced by the caliphate. Christians are liquidated. The women enslaved. Maybe something will be different this time.
It was such a crucial read. Thank you for this deep-dive essay, which I'm reposting with this quote:
"Son of Hamas author, Mosab Hassan Yusef, who I quote a few times in this essay, tells us, “The fact is, few Westerners can come close to understanding the complexities of the Middle East and its people.”
"Those who do understand, such as Sam Harris, warn us, “A jihadist is more dangerous than Nazism. Jihadists are Nazis who are certain of paradise. They are Nazis who are eager to die and have their children die'.
"Even if we in the West refuse to listen to those who warn us, it won’t change the truth, and even the blind will be forced to see it eventually."
Once again, a brilliant fact filled and insightful essay. I took notes, as I find myself doing with many of your essays these days. Thank you! I can’t wait to read or listen to the next one.
It's quite understandable why they would want this result. Although it will not solve the problem. No doubt, if you lived next to such a regime that you knew was funneling weapons to terrorists who were regularly attacking your country, you would feel the same.
Israel has their own internal contradictions(oppressive, apartheid state pretending to be a democracy). Let’s leave that issue on the side since I know you disagree.
Bibi also wanted the bringing down of the governments in Iraq and Libya, which led to an increase of Islamic radicalism. Doesn’t the chaos benefit Israel, at least in the short term? It takes attention off of them. There is also the agenda to establish greater Israel, which Bibi has not been shy to comment on.
I don’t believe Israel has any interest in a “greater Israel”. If countries keep on attacking Israel and losing no one can blame Israel for expanding its borders to protect its people. It has never attacked without provocation. Israel left Gaza and wanted nothing to do with it. But it has been repeatedly forced back into confrontations.
There are no countries attacking Israel, with the recent exception of Iran, which was in response to Israeli attacks. Israel is the aggressor and then cries victim when there is a response. They are an arm of the globalist order which threatens all of us.
Hamas and Hezbollah are non-state groups that respond to Israeli violence
“There are no countries attacking Israel.” I have written enough on this topic, so I won’t respond here. However, I doubt you will listen when you believe something that is so clearly against reality.
I used to think that the willingness to believe in the moderate jihadi was willful ignorance. But it’s happened so frequently, especially over the past year, that I’m not sure anyone can be this foolish.
Helen, thank you for the excellent analysis of Syria/Middle East. The barbaric animals of Islam seek to destroy everybody that is not as they are. Be it fellow Muslims, Christians, Jews, they all must die to create the world according to Mohammed the Unprophet. These animals will never rule the world as they carry the remnants of the uncivilized Allah worshippers of three thousand years in the past.
Helpful insights Karen... hard fer me ta foller ALL that's goin' on in the Middle East (I did read this mornin' that Israel is oddly bein' BLAMED for the entire Syrian Refugee crisis--say WHaaaat?! and all current casualties fer "joinin' forces with Isis against Assad." REALLY? This duz not compute but I do know that Israel is tryin' ta secure its own borders (this is a crime of course). This one has me stymied: that Isis=Al-Quaeda=Mossad/Israel=All Jihadists cuz they all work together as one terrorist group to harm good Muslims who only want peace and are all unequivocally innocent. (Folks are REALLY writin' this.... Yusf is SO right that these Western Punditz do not understand the Middle East...)
So from what I'm readin', any ACT by an' Arab against an'nuther Arab ... wull you know whom ta blame.
I'll be first to admit Israel foolishly funded Hamas back in the '90s as a stoopid strategic move ta split off the entire Palestinian Liberation front thinkin' it was "schmart" to side with the one non-religious then-non-terrorist group... I hope Mosab Hassan Yusef is RIGHT an' Israel will come outta this A-OK... Right now I'm not so sure... nobody watches Israel's back (not the US, they play games).
You asked: "why hasn't the ICC ever issued an arrest warrant for Assad who is responsible for murdering 600,000 of his own people, some by chemical attack" I answer: Assad does not lead Israel-- the land that supposedly has murdered 40K "innocents" b/c believe Hamas when they tell you to.
One last point... HOW kin these college-eduMUCKcated Westerners say Jihadists are the fault of Israel and such radical-ists would not need to EXIST if Israel just PEACEFULLY "given up their stolen land as occupiers" to their rightful owners--HOW kin they say Israel "created" the Jihadists when the Hamas Jihadists literally cell-phoned their mamas to say they killed 10 joos with their own bare hands (yippee... no actually, praise Allah). These guys didn't all "mama" ta say they are "making headway to take back Palestine--yippee" nope--they are happy to have killed joos with their own hands. HOW kin that kinda "Gee Haw"ded jargon be Israel's fault unless... Israel is at fault for not turnin' all it's joos (& christians too) muslim... IMO the land matters not at all if those livin' on the soil are muslims... (SIGH)
Whatta mess... (this is like the children's story Millions of Cats!)
I feel fer ALL the Syrian people who are 'tween a rock & a hard place (Assad no good, Jihad, no good)--many don't know that there was a HUGE community of Jews livin' in Syria--last I checked there were...4 (just 4! left--no doubt livin' like pariahs)--I hear many (over 100K) are in Israel...not sure where the rest went... So hard ta see how those exiled could be responsible fer all the troubles they are seein' now... though I understand it's a couple decades in the makin'.... Me? I watch worried... each time these "gee-hawdists" win territory that's one more step closer they are to comin' to the West
Thank you, Karen for helping to clarify who the players are and the games they continue to play.. as you continue to say when are Americans going to wake up?
Many fallacies in this piece and some parts I can agree on. It’s clearly biased without truly understanding the long Arab struggle against imperialism that has threatened and bullied Arab nations for a century. Our history is rich with resources … the west comes and destabilizes us … we react and we are targeted as the enemy. Pure evil.
Israel is an apartheid state … always has been. They commit international crimes such like Assad did everyday. As a Palestinian Christian , I can tell you that Muslims are not the ones killing Christians , it’s the Israelis . Yes, the west should be concerned about Christians ethnic cleaning but they do not care . Not sure where you got the statistics on Christians increasing in Israel but we have seen church after church bombed by USA money and weapons for over a year now while more and more Christians die … Israel is doing the same to Syrian and Lebanese Christians. The problems don’t lie in rebels … the problem is the hypocrisy by the West and Israel. Maybe Syria will be on fire , the situation is complicated beyond measure … but sole responsibility lies to the LIARS of the west who protest Arabs as the enemy to fulfill their geopolitical ambitions.
Is Israel an apartheid State?, explain how is that 20% of the population are arabs with equal rights, how druzes in Siria now want to belong to Israel? Christians are being killed in most of islámic states, that's a fact.
What the commenter said above is true. They are referring to the 20% Arabs living in Israel.
Gaza is not occupied. Israel cares about its own people and protects them from terrorists. Look honestly at history of how it got on this situation. There are very good reasons why Israel protects itself, sets up checkpoints, etc. between Israel and Gaza and the West Bank. You know the reasons why, so I would say you are the one spreading propaganda.
Yassar Arafat started the terrorism, created the country of "Palestine" which does not and has never existed. Israel has endured years of terrorism, culminating in the attempted genocide on Oct 7th. Gazans celebrated that genocide. They chose to elect Hamas, a terrorist organization that uses them as pawns in their goal to exterminate every Jew on the planet, saying the sacrifice of their own people is a noble cause in that goal. They have failed, as they always do. Every time Hamas and the surrounding Islamic nations attack Israel and start a war, they lose, yet they keep doing it. Perhaps Gazans should wake up and stop believing the indoctrination. I am in no way belittle the horrific suffering of war. However, until Muslims in the Middle East stop irrationally hating Jews and stop their Islamic goal of spreading a worldwide Caliphate, where everyone submits to Islam or they die, nothing will change.
The truth is, if Hamas cared about its people, it would have admitted defeat, given back the hostages (including babies!) and surrendered long ago. Actually, it would have never started this war in the first place. Hamas is responsible for the suffering of its own people. It's a shame you cannot even admit that. That is the worst tragedy.
From the Osama bin Laden look alike to the Zelensky Khaki number....this "new jihadist" is just outward changes to fool the masses and all of the useful idiots...as I'm sure he will implement sharia law asap....meanwhile their hearts are dark and rotten as ever great job as usual Karen!! Maranatha!!
The CNN reporter should have tested the new moderate approach being touted by the murderer she's pandering to by removing her headscarf. After all, I'm sure she's a feminist who demands total control over her own body.
Thank you Karen for this essay. It’s difficult and heartbreaking to read about what is happening and what may be coming next. Jesus’s followers were first called Christians in Syrian Antioch. Paul lived and taught there for 14 years. Praying now for the believers that are left and that they are able to escape the Islamists. 🙏🏻
Excellent work. Thank you. So far I haven’t seen even one Middle Eastern strong man brought down that hasn’t been replaced by the caliphate. Christians are liquidated. The women enslaved. Maybe something will be different this time.
It was such a crucial read. Thank you for this deep-dive essay, which I'm reposting with this quote:
"Son of Hamas author, Mosab Hassan Yusef, who I quote a few times in this essay, tells us, “The fact is, few Westerners can come close to understanding the complexities of the Middle East and its people.”
"Those who do understand, such as Sam Harris, warn us, “A jihadist is more dangerous than Nazism. Jihadists are Nazis who are certain of paradise. They are Nazis who are eager to die and have their children die'.
"Even if we in the West refuse to listen to those who warn us, it won’t change the truth, and even the blind will be forced to see it eventually."
Thank you.
Once again, a brilliant fact filled and insightful essay. I took notes, as I find myself doing with many of your essays these days. Thank you! I can’t wait to read or listen to the next one.
Thank you 🙏
We are witnessing Erdogan trying to reconstitute the Ottoman Empire.
Ah yes, they all have visions of grandeur!
Zionist Israel wanted this result for Syria. There are plenty of Arab Islamist elites that are happy to cosy up to Israel and their sponsors in DC
It's quite understandable why they would want this result. Although it will not solve the problem. No doubt, if you lived next to such a regime that you knew was funneling weapons to terrorists who were regularly attacking your country, you would feel the same.
Israel has their own internal contradictions(oppressive, apartheid state pretending to be a democracy). Let’s leave that issue on the side since I know you disagree.
Bibi also wanted the bringing down of the governments in Iraq and Libya, which led to an increase of Islamic radicalism. Doesn’t the chaos benefit Israel, at least in the short term? It takes attention off of them. There is also the agenda to establish greater Israel, which Bibi has not been shy to comment on.
I don’t believe Israel has any interest in a “greater Israel”. If countries keep on attacking Israel and losing no one can blame Israel for expanding its borders to protect its people. It has never attacked without provocation. Israel left Gaza and wanted nothing to do with it. But it has been repeatedly forced back into confrontations.
There are no countries attacking Israel, with the recent exception of Iran, which was in response to Israeli attacks. Israel is the aggressor and then cries victim when there is a response. They are an arm of the globalist order which threatens all of us.
Hamas and Hezbollah are non-state groups that respond to Israeli violence
“There are no countries attacking Israel.” I have written enough on this topic, so I won’t respond here. However, I doubt you will listen when you believe something that is so clearly against reality.
I used to think that the willingness to believe in the moderate jihadi was willful ignorance. But it’s happened so frequently, especially over the past year, that I’m not sure anyone can be this foolish.
I agree. It's willful.
Helen, thank you for the excellent analysis of Syria/Middle East. The barbaric animals of Islam seek to destroy everybody that is not as they are. Be it fellow Muslims, Christians, Jews, they all must die to create the world according to Mohammed the Unprophet. These animals will never rule the world as they carry the remnants of the uncivilized Allah worshippers of three thousand years in the past.
Exactly. I think you meant Karen, not Helen 🤭
Helpful insights Karen... hard fer me ta foller ALL that's goin' on in the Middle East (I did read this mornin' that Israel is oddly bein' BLAMED for the entire Syrian Refugee crisis--say WHaaaat?! and all current casualties fer "joinin' forces with Isis against Assad." REALLY? This duz not compute but I do know that Israel is tryin' ta secure its own borders (this is a crime of course). This one has me stymied: that Isis=Al-Quaeda=Mossad/Israel=All Jihadists cuz they all work together as one terrorist group to harm good Muslims who only want peace and are all unequivocally innocent. (Folks are REALLY writin' this.... Yusf is SO right that these Western Punditz do not understand the Middle East...)
So from what I'm readin', any ACT by an' Arab against an'nuther Arab ... wull you know whom ta blame.
I'll be first to admit Israel foolishly funded Hamas back in the '90s as a stoopid strategic move ta split off the entire Palestinian Liberation front thinkin' it was "schmart" to side with the one non-religious then-non-terrorist group... I hope Mosab Hassan Yusef is RIGHT an' Israel will come outta this A-OK... Right now I'm not so sure... nobody watches Israel's back (not the US, they play games).
You asked: "why hasn't the ICC ever issued an arrest warrant for Assad who is responsible for murdering 600,000 of his own people, some by chemical attack" I answer: Assad does not lead Israel-- the land that supposedly has murdered 40K "innocents" b/c believe Hamas when they tell you to.
One last point... HOW kin these college-eduMUCKcated Westerners say Jihadists are the fault of Israel and such radical-ists would not need to EXIST if Israel just PEACEFULLY "given up their stolen land as occupiers" to their rightful owners--HOW kin they say Israel "created" the Jihadists when the Hamas Jihadists literally cell-phoned their mamas to say they killed 10 joos with their own bare hands (yippee... no actually, praise Allah). These guys didn't all "mama" ta say they are "making headway to take back Palestine--yippee" nope--they are happy to have killed joos with their own hands. HOW kin that kinda "Gee Haw"ded jargon be Israel's fault unless... Israel is at fault for not turnin' all it's joos (& christians too) muslim... IMO the land matters not at all if those livin' on the soil are muslims... (SIGH)
Whatta mess... (this is like the children's story Millions of Cats!)
It's hard to contemplate so much hatred towards Jews. But that's what it is in a nutshell.
I feel fer ALL the Syrian people who are 'tween a rock & a hard place (Assad no good, Jihad, no good)--many don't know that there was a HUGE community of Jews livin' in Syria--last I checked there were...4 (just 4! left--no doubt livin' like pariahs)--I hear many (over 100K) are in Israel...not sure where the rest went... So hard ta see how those exiled could be responsible fer all the troubles they are seein' now... though I understand it's a couple decades in the makin'.... Me? I watch worried... each time these "gee-hawdists" win territory that's one more step closer they are to comin' to the West
So sad about the Jews. And once again, where would they go without Israel? Thank God for Israel l, it must never fall.
🙏🏽 ❤️
Thank you, Karen for helping to clarify who the players are and the games they continue to play.. as you continue to say when are Americans going to wake up?
Indeed. 🙏
a'nuther brave one nobly speakin' up--Islamists are callin' fer his...head-
Agree with you, rats with rabies may eat themselves
Many fallacies in this piece and some parts I can agree on. It’s clearly biased without truly understanding the long Arab struggle against imperialism that has threatened and bullied Arab nations for a century. Our history is rich with resources … the west comes and destabilizes us … we react and we are targeted as the enemy. Pure evil.
Israel is an apartheid state … always has been. They commit international crimes such like Assad did everyday. As a Palestinian Christian , I can tell you that Muslims are not the ones killing Christians , it’s the Israelis . Yes, the west should be concerned about Christians ethnic cleaning but they do not care . Not sure where you got the statistics on Christians increasing in Israel but we have seen church after church bombed by USA money and weapons for over a year now while more and more Christians die … Israel is doing the same to Syrian and Lebanese Christians. The problems don’t lie in rebels … the problem is the hypocrisy by the West and Israel. Maybe Syria will be on fire , the situation is complicated beyond measure … but sole responsibility lies to the LIARS of the west who protest Arabs as the enemy to fulfill their geopolitical ambitions.
Is Israel an apartheid State?, explain how is that 20% of the population are arabs with equal rights, how druzes in Siria now want to belong to Israel? Christians are being killed in most of islámic states, that's a fact.
the propaganda machine continue … for anyone else who wants to know an honest perspective …as a Palestinian American I do NOT have equal rights there
We have a division wall , checkpoints and surveillance on Arabs only.
We have different roads to use
Our water is controlled by Israel and they decide when we can have water which is not equal to Israelis
We get detained and imprisoned for no cause or crime (I’ve been there and have experienced the hours of interrogations)
Our infrastructure is not equal
Our people cannot visit other cities / towns (I can but have family
Who cannot)
Israel controls our commerce , trade , infrastructure and it’s not because of safety…. We are occupied and have been.
What the commenter said above is true. They are referring to the 20% Arabs living in Israel.
Gaza is not occupied. Israel cares about its own people and protects them from terrorists. Look honestly at history of how it got on this situation. There are very good reasons why Israel protects itself, sets up checkpoints, etc. between Israel and Gaza and the West Bank. You know the reasons why, so I would say you are the one spreading propaganda.
Yassar Arafat started the terrorism, created the country of "Palestine" which does not and has never existed. Israel has endured years of terrorism, culminating in the attempted genocide on Oct 7th. Gazans celebrated that genocide. They chose to elect Hamas, a terrorist organization that uses them as pawns in their goal to exterminate every Jew on the planet, saying the sacrifice of their own people is a noble cause in that goal. They have failed, as they always do. Every time Hamas and the surrounding Islamic nations attack Israel and start a war, they lose, yet they keep doing it. Perhaps Gazans should wake up and stop believing the indoctrination. I am in no way belittle the horrific suffering of war. However, until Muslims in the Middle East stop irrationally hating Jews and stop their Islamic goal of spreading a worldwide Caliphate, where everyone submits to Islam or they die, nothing will change.
The truth is, if Hamas cared about its people, it would have admitted defeat, given back the hostages (including babies!) and surrendered long ago. Actually, it would have never started this war in the first place. Hamas is responsible for the suffering of its own people. It's a shame you cannot even admit that. That is the worst tragedy.
The Myth of Palestine
Why is Shamsud Din Jabbar called a 'Terrorist' and not a 'Freedom Fighter?'
We call Palestinian jihadists 'freedom fighters', why not Jabbar?
From the Osama bin Laden look alike to the Zelensky Khaki number....this "new jihadist" is just outward changes to fool the masses and all of the useful idiots...as I'm sure he will implement sharia law asap....meanwhile their hearts are dark and rotten as ever great job as usual Karen!! Maranatha!!
The CNN reporter should have tested the new moderate approach being touted by the murderer she's pandering to by removing her headscarf. After all, I'm sure she's a feminist who demands total control over her own body.
Come on, you can do better than quoting Sam Harris, who has been discrediting himself regularly during the Trump era.