Hmmm. Muslim women are commanded to remove their pubic hair - to look pre-pubescent? Muhammad “married” a 9-y.o. little girl? Pakistani men wait outside schools in Britain to kidnap and rape girls? Hmmm. Could Islam be a cult for pederasts? Just asking…
Yes, there's clearly a link to looking like and looking for very young little girls. As you stated Muhammad loved himself a 9 yr old bride. Anyone who believes that this comes from the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) is MAD and has no discernment whatsoever. Ishmael and his crew clearly decided to bend the knee to the darkone and his minions. JESUS CHRIST IS KING!!!
I am looking at the essence of Islam and the essence of Christianity. That would be what Mohammed said and what Jesus said--not the flavors that came after. You cannot get two more opposites than Mohammed and Jesus. Also, the difference between Allah and YHWH, again complete opposites.
You do such great work. Thank you for exposing this inhuman cult with your first hand experience.
I thought you might be interested to know that according to Judaism, Ishmael (the father of the Arabs) was thrown out of Abraham’s house for molesting Isaac. Ishmael was 40 years old and Isaac was about 12 when this happened.
Sarah told Abraham that Isaac was not safe, that Ishmael (also known in the Torah as a ‘wild donkey’) could not be trusted around her young son and had to go. God told Abraham “Listen to her voice,” and he did. The Arabs have been resentful of the Jews (the sons and daughters of Isaac) ever since.
I never heard of that tradition. I was always taught and I read in the Bible, that Hagar and Ishmael were thrown out but it was after Isaac was born and Ishmael was a baby. And, as you say, Ishmael became the father of the Arabs.
Shaving women's hair (not just pubic) was also introduced in the "West" around 1920 for prostitutes for sanitary reasons. It's somewhat ironic that Muslims consider western women "whores," while their women are forced into something similar. :)
lol, yup, lice, crabs, fleas!--but western women ("ho's" included!) at least had a cherce wuther they did or didn't. ONLY prisoners (includin' in concentration camps) an' "hoss-spit-all" patients (that's kinda redundant as hoss-spit-alls ARE kinda like concentration camps!) are forced to submit to "sanitary regimes" dick-tated by authoWRITties (medi-cull or military) -- an' this is of course a good way ta wrestle away bodily autonomy in the name of de-vermin-eye-say-shun... or (fer Muslims) "faith" if ye call it that. Now as fer these proper Muslim women thinkin' Western women a mite too "whoorish"... I dunno but this laydee seems ta be "actin' in good faith!!!!!" ha ha...incredible, no?
I used to have a very "civilized" understanding and acceptance of other religions. It's how I was raised. To be respectful other religions and cultures.
I don't anymore.
For me, Islam is a cult not a religion and a horrific cult. Regardless of how many apologists support them. I do not accept their religion. If I see someone dressed in a way that signals their religion, I avoid interaction without causing a scene. This may cause some people to describe me as a bigot. I don't care.
Sadly, it has come to that. I feel sorry for the many Muslims in the West who are good, kind people who just want to live their lives like anyone else. The thing is, they don't speak up against what's happening. You could say it's always hard to speak up about anything and that's true. The problem with Islam is that if you speak up, you can literally be killed for it, not just isolated, as can happen in any religion. The religion of Islam itself is extreme. That's what people are finally realizing. And as you say, people are fed up having to act polite (because, yes, that's how decent people are raised) when the religion itself says that you should be killed as an infidel.
well, I do not want to get too deep into the subject of mormonism, but it does have some similar rules, mostly for women, and there is still polygamy in areas of Utah. Mormonism is almost as crazy, they just do not destroy other people
I remember at the time of its publication, when he would go on TV and radio shows, he had to wear a bulletproof vest. I guess I got my courage from him!
Look up the Wilder family. Micah Wilder came to faith in Christ when he was on a Mormon mission. A pastor he was trying to convert developed a friendship with Micah! Then, Micah’s mother, Lynn (a professor at BYU) eventually trusted in Christ. They started a ministry teaching Mormons about true Christianity.
wow, yeah. When my younger daughter was in high school there was a mormon boy madly in love with her. He invited her to a party.... well, before she went she wanted to be prepared. She said at the party, all they talked about was mormonism.
She just got her drivers license and after about a half hour decided it was time to leave. She said it was hilariously uncomfortable. She came home and told us all about it and we laughed our butts off. back in the day, she did what research she could on the limited internets to learn about mormonism and found a website called xmormon dot com. which verified all of what she had learned. What a kooky religion. I know many many internet friends (sewing blogs) that are devout mormons.
Oh, and I figure skated at a rink years ago and met a guy that was just friendly and he was jewish. This was a rink in Maryland I drove to... on the beltway!! well, he lived in Mont Co Maryland and said he wanted to retire out west and randomly picked Utah. I joked and said that within two weeks he will be a mormon.
Yes, and that happened. Now he does not email me anymore. I guess I am not worthy. Mormons and Islam are two religions that I can not wrap my head around, I know they are religions created by some drug addict.
Exactly, hypocrisy is everywhere and it’s only right to call it out. I’ve seen my share of Christian’s hypocrisy as well. It always astounds me. Thank you Karen for bringing light to this subject.
Thank you, your articles are always interesting. I've never thought much about Islam until this recent fervor about poor misunderstood victimized murderous Palestinians. I've come to realize how much they change history to make themselves look good when they've stolen so much from Judaism - only made a mockery of it. And still all these people running to defend them against the mean Israelis. They sound to me like whiing professional victims and yet so many people are taken in by them. I've become obsessed now, reading books, recently The Palestinian Delusion (excellent) and watching endless videos. Really admire the strength and courage of the women who have left. I guess that means you.
I didn't leave Islam; I was never in it. When I went to Egypt, I had an open mind, to accept it, but I never considered becoming Muslim. I learned the truth about Islam, and it wasn't pleasant. It broke my heart when I saw how many foreign women had been captured by the men there. So many tragedies.
I think women are the #1 prey target on the planet bar none. I wonder what we'd be like if we weren't forced into boxes by male-dominated societies. You're courageous to speak out and I have so much admiration for the ex-Muslim women I've been watching/listening to on YT. As a Jewish woman, I have to say I am very upset and appalled at the support the Palestinians are receiving even from female family members and friends who claim to be Socialists. I'm done with Socialism! I'm hoping that you could find the time to read my latest Substack about this subject. I've received one comment - a negative. As a person with far more personal knowledge than I, I'd appreciate your feedback. It was very hard for me to write as all my life I have tried very hard to be tolerant of differences.
Great essay. We live in an odd world where fair numbers of people think there is such a thing as "Islamophobia" and simply cannot come to the understanding that this is a horrible religion, toward its followers (especially women) and toward the world. It is nice to be in a space where we can admit the truth.
How to defeat it? Some of that will happen automatically through interaction w/Western culture. And there are Christian ministries who claim to be having some success leading Muslims to Jesus.
We naturally have to keep in mind that it's Islam that's the enemy and not Muslims per se (though in fact many Muslims are enemies, but not all).
I don't often proselytizing, don't enjoy doing it, but the one person I ever "led to Christ" was a Muslim, a cab driver I met who had me sit down and argue w/his friend who was a self-styled apologist who had crappy arguments from Ahmed Didat (or something like that). I didn't know it at the time, but a couple years later I encountered the cab driver again and he told me my arguments that day led him to pursue the Christian faith and he was now a believer.
The only other thoughts I have on that subject is to treat Muslims respectfully if you are trying to convince them their faith is in error. As you mention it is very costly to leave their faith, and to top it off anybody resents being told their religion is wrong. One ought to do it humbly and not from a spirit of superiority as most do (then again I could be wrong there). I have a somewhat unique advantage since I was raised as a Jew and switched put if my faith into Christianity because it was true, so I'm not suggesting to them something I have not done myself.
As you mention, though, a Muslim who leaves their faith may be ostracized from their family and community, who would take that risk?
I agree 100%. What a wonderful story about the cab driver and how you came to Christianity as a Jew. I am not big on proselytizing either. I don't know what's in anyone else's heart. I leave that in God's hands. I am a follower of Jesus and do my best, as you say, to let my life be the example for others. Of course, if I was in a conversation with a Muslim, I wouldn't make fun of their religion, but if I were talking to a woman, I would certainly point out what I've written here. And when I lived in Luxor, I had plenty of very honest conversations with the men there, and I did not hold back on what I thought. Nor did they.
This smacks of absurdity, not unlike the Gays for Palestine insanity! Or college students protesting to the chant of From the River to the Sea, without knowing what that really means and couldn’t tell you which river or which sea when asked!
At the very most, one could aptly compare what is said here to the DSM V OCD description, right? When asking these Muslim believers, ask their wives to wash themselves over and over again.
Your courage is infectious and spot on and it seems your experience with Islam is an accurate picture of what it means to be a Muslim, so, are there truly any "moderate" Muslims?
I've come to the conclusion that there really isn't such a thing as moderate Islam. But there are certainly a lot of Muslims who don't believe in violence and FGM and all of that and they are wonderful people who can be devout and good and kind, etc.
People often say that Islam is just a few hundred years behind Christianity, that it hasn't come into the modern world yet, but I want to address that in another essay because this is not accurate about Christianity or about Islam. If you were to change these disturbing factors in Islam, you would be changing the very essence of the religion. In fact, it would cease to be Islam, and you would have to come up with a new name for a new religion. Those who are moderate Muslims choose to ignore what Islam is really about. I know it's controversial for me to say that, but it's true.
Another disturbing thing is that ex-Muslims will tell you that although Muslims can be moderate, they will seldom stand up against what is known as Muslim extremism (which isn't extremism, it is actual Islam). For one thing, it is dangerous it is to do so. Not only that, but when Muslims live in a Western country, if it comes right down to it, they will support Islam, not the government of the country they live in. If the Caliphate is installed, let's say, they will not fight against it. The Caliphate is at the heart of Islam. You cannot take it away from Islam.
Your comment on the extremists being the true muslims:
I've said that for a long time, even back when the twin towers were hit and there was a call to "not judge all Muslims by the terrorists' acts!" I argued even then that the terrorists were the actual faithful Muslims following the tentants of Islam, not the watered down moderates in America.
My argument has always been to judge a religion based on what the founder of that religion did and on what it actually teaches, not on what its so-called followers do or what they claim that religion teaches. Jesus Christ lived a perfect life and perfectly lived out His teachings as examples for us, and as your article also states, His religious teachings were fully consistent from beginning to end and make sense. And Jesus teachings were to be kind, gracious, loving, generous, and faithful. Islam, however, was founded by a man who raped and murdered and pillaged and who used his new religion to gain power to himself and to dominate all he could extend his control over. And the teachings he taught and those added by his followers are extremely inconsistent.
A Christian who shows kindness to their neighbor, who feeds the poor, and who values all humanity even those who are not Christians, who strives for honesty to all, courtesy to all, and generosity to all, no matter their race, their sex, or their creed is living according to the example set by Jesus. A person who does things contrary to that example is false, no matter what they claim.
A muslim who cheats the infidel, who forces their wives and daughters to submit to such terrible rules, who believes that murdering the infidel is right, that muslim is the true follower of Mohammed, not the moderate who doesn't follow any of the rules.
We keep proving this. The more shouty progressives condemn us for failing to follow their constantly shifting law. Our headlines remain full of bad actors who sinned and are mayhaps unrepentant. More common, we fail to follow the law in small ways just by living.
I've noticed that Marx/Maoist Progressives resonate more with Islam than they do with YHWH.
2. joos & prayer--Orthodox women don't have to pray 3x a day ever; once is enough AND she may do it in any way that works out--not a specific time... just has ta make sure to thank "G_d" and foller a few basics--no prostratin' herself on the floor in "downward facin' dawg"--ALSO her life obligations come first, the children, family, or whatever may be.
Even fer Orthodox men it's not all that insane... some just step aside for a couple min. if their workplace is comfortable to be "seen" or if not, they go to a private spot--conference room, literally I've seen a phone booth (haha few of them left) just to have a few min. with god...they do not do any kind of yoga floor positions... now that's JUST the orthodox, not most chews.
Most religious (vs totally secular) joos in the world are not Orthodox (or ultra) so there are, afaik, no rules "in practice" besides honoring the 10 commandments... My friends who are conservative light friday night candles an' keep sabbath an' of course pray when the spirit moves them to--for comfort, etc OR "when" they are at temple but unless something inspires them personally--nobuddy will judge 'em or excommunicate 'em or any such things--if they don't pray.
It's far more of a personal relationship with god that is key for all joos an' most non-orthodox have far fewer other "rules & regulations" re prayer an' when/how, etc. Fer reformed joos there are no prayer rules at all tho' when ya go to temple there are of course prayers... Many of us grew up sayin' "grace" (givin' thanks for food, etc) but there is not a lotta rigor to it all an' what I shared above applies to both women and men.
So except for Orthodox men only--it's not 3x/day....
I think the hand washin' ritual is two-fold... first, yes, just to set your mind and body apart for a moment in preparation for worship--it's not imho what someone does but it's goin' through a few steps to respectfully change "mode." It's a bit more like settin' a table for a consciously prepared special dinner vs. handin' out sandwiches from bags... the former bein' preferred in prayer the latter STILL bein' "ok in a pinch!" lol--many soldiers prayed on the front without a way to wash hands or don a tallis--God would not look at 'em askance fer it! BUT re the hand-warshin'--I think it was disease-prevention. If you were enterin' the temple from the dirty outside world (public transit even), then washin' hands might keep you an' yer fellow worshippers a mite more healthy! Look what Dr. Sandweiss accomplished fer doctors with such a simple suggestion ;-)
Thanks for the explanations. Jewish prayers all sound reasonable to me! My dad always said G-d gave the Jews rules about cleanliness that made sense and that other people didn't know about at the time.
The ridiculous rules for Muslims just create a lot of hypocrites because who can follow all those rules? At prayer time most people paid no attention, they just went about their business. And all the men smoked hash and drank alcohol but then they would suddenly get holy when it suited them.
Of course, there were some devout men but even they were not consistent. The devout men proudly have big dark spots on their foreheads because they hit their heads on the floor from so much from praying.
of course! yup, yer father was right imho. cleanliness & food safety figgered out over thousands of years wartchin' food borne illness...
fer example, no dishwarshers back then AND pottery was not glazed & kiln fired like it is now--it absorbed what'cha ate back then so milk / meat separate as a way ta avoid botulism... An' tho' many of us who don't keep kosher muchly love our pastured bacon (lol), it took until mid 20th C for the illness-causin' trichinosis to be eliminated fully from pork so I think it was a protective measure too; beef, lamb etc. don't git this. Ditto fer shellfish--tasty as they are, they are indeed bottom feeders an' today (like now!) they're the worst fer soakin' up toxins--oysters all leaded, gulf shrimp fulla oil spill remainders, crabs 'r sad (lotta mercury)... the worst stuff sinks to the bottom an' I say this as a fan of all this stuff an' "ersters" too! Not all but many of the laws seem...wull...logical! (or a good idear like keepin' sabbath fer fambly, no phones, no media)
There's flexibility in the Orthodox circles too (today)... We have a dear Orthodox (not ultra) friend, a very warm funloving laydee whose daughter & mine are good friends an' she opted not to cut her hair an' she dresses "boho," not the "look"-- just does it modestly an' nobuddy would even know from her walkin' down the street... Today there's a whole "young movement" in the Orthodox world I didn't even know 'bout until my friend had me & my daughter to one of their "raves" an' it just surprised me how fun it was for all ages (yup, both men & women an' young folks dancin' together an' the live music was just incredible). I think everyone believes that "all" Orthodox live as if it's 1922 but really it's only a small subset--lotta variety and I know that prayer is both official...and personal.
Nobody in jooish prayer with dark spots on their foreheads ha ha. I just could not manage to have so many "rules." An' this is the thing... in Judaism they are yes, rules to live by, but each situation can be reconsidered when real life issues are involved.
ALL doctors can work or operate on the Sabbath if they are needed or essential--helpin' others (an' I'll say that means all patients, jooish or non- it doesn't matter) comes first. If you don't build in understandin' an' flexibility people just break those rules anyway, like ya mentioned. ANY faith (or division thereof) that puts rules over human needs is of course gonna cause a lotta resentment. Built in "understanding" without judgment (the only judge bein' from on high) makes fer less angry folks...
(Oh my, smokin', drinkin' (i would NOT have imagined these holy guys were that selectively holy--holy moly!)
DO take a look-see at the subway clip--it's short but OH MY! (I wonder if THIS would be "haram" or mebbe she thinks she's IN a harem?!)
This needs to be publicized far and wide. You get the sense that Mohammed was some mentally debilitated ego maniac pedo that tried to not just one up but two up both Judaism and Christianity. “What ?! Circumcise men?! I will show them ! we will also circumcise women!”
Exactly. FGM started before Islam, and it can possibly be traced back to Pharaonic times in Egypt, which might explain why it is still so prevalent in Egypt today. But people will use that as an excuse to say it is cultural, not religious. I don't know why people try so hard to make excuses for Islam. There is no doubt that FGM is justified In Islam and is practiced for religious reasons.
That's a very good point. Nobody would go because they would be terrified. I saw a video of Tommy Robinson holding up the Quran on Pierce Morgan's show. He was just holding up the book and talking about it and mentioning some of the violent things it advocates against "infidels" (I can't remember exactly what), but he was just repeating what it said, and you could see that Pierce Morgan was growing more and more uneasy and scared. He kept on telling Robinson to put the book down and show some respect. It was a very telling moment.
It seems he suffered from seizures of some sort. I've been working on a piece about the difference between Allah and YHWH because they are not the same, they are opposites. So, you know what that makes Allah...
Hmmm. Muslim women are commanded to remove their pubic hair - to look pre-pubescent? Muhammad “married” a 9-y.o. little girl? Pakistani men wait outside schools in Britain to kidnap and rape girls? Hmmm. Could Islam be a cult for pederasts? Just asking…
Yes, there's clearly a link to looking like and looking for very young little girls. As you stated Muhammad loved himself a 9 yr old bride. Anyone who believes that this comes from the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) is MAD and has no discernment whatsoever. Ishmael and his crew clearly decided to bend the knee to the darkone and his minions. JESUS CHRIST IS KING!!!
I am working on an essay about the difference between Christianity and Islam.
They are quite literally opposite. I look forward to reading your thoughts. Thank you for your time.
Looking forward to reading it. Prior to that, may I ask which flavors of Christianity and Islam are going to be used in your comparison, please?
I am looking at the essence of Islam and the essence of Christianity. That would be what Mohammed said and what Jesus said--not the flavors that came after. You cannot get two more opposites than Mohammed and Jesus. Also, the difference between Allah and YHWH, again complete opposites.
Dear Karen,
You do such great work. Thank you for exposing this inhuman cult with your first hand experience.
I thought you might be interested to know that according to Judaism, Ishmael (the father of the Arabs) was thrown out of Abraham’s house for molesting Isaac. Ishmael was 40 years old and Isaac was about 12 when this happened.
Sarah told Abraham that Isaac was not safe, that Ishmael (also known in the Torah as a ‘wild donkey’) could not be trusted around her young son and had to go. God told Abraham “Listen to her voice,” and he did. The Arabs have been resentful of the Jews (the sons and daughters of Isaac) ever since.
I never heard of that tradition. I was always taught and I read in the Bible, that Hagar and Ishmael were thrown out but it was after Isaac was born and Ishmael was a baby. And, as you say, Ishmael became the father of the Arabs.
Shaving women's hair (not just pubic) was also introduced in the "West" around 1920 for prostitutes for sanitary reasons. It's somewhat ironic that Muslims consider western women "whores," while their women are forced into something similar. :)
lol, yup, lice, crabs, fleas!--but western women ("ho's" included!) at least had a cherce wuther they did or didn't. ONLY prisoners (includin' in concentration camps) an' "hoss-spit-all" patients (that's kinda redundant as hoss-spit-alls ARE kinda like concentration camps!) are forced to submit to "sanitary regimes" dick-tated by authoWRITties (medi-cull or military) -- an' this is of course a good way ta wrestle away bodily autonomy in the name of de-vermin-eye-say-shun... or (fer Muslims) "faith" if ye call it that. Now as fer these proper Muslim women thinkin' Western women a mite too "whoorish"... I dunno but this laydee seems ta be "actin' in good faith!!!!!" ha ha...incredible, no?
And I thought I'd seen everything in New York by now, but apparently not!
I know I know! lol
(I think NYC has surprises left fer us...most sadly not good'uns... THIS one was quite the surprise!)
Please continue to educate us eejits.
I used to have a very "civilized" understanding and acceptance of other religions. It's how I was raised. To be respectful other religions and cultures.
I don't anymore.
For me, Islam is a cult not a religion and a horrific cult. Regardless of how many apologists support them. I do not accept their religion. If I see someone dressed in a way that signals their religion, I avoid interaction without causing a scene. This may cause some people to describe me as a bigot. I don't care.
Sadly, it has come to that. I feel sorry for the many Muslims in the West who are good, kind people who just want to live their lives like anyone else. The thing is, they don't speak up against what's happening. You could say it's always hard to speak up about anything and that's true. The problem with Islam is that if you speak up, you can literally be killed for it, not just isolated, as can happen in any religion. The religion of Islam itself is extreme. That's what people are finally realizing. And as you say, people are fed up having to act polite (because, yes, that's how decent people are raised) when the religion itself says that you should be killed as an infidel.
Exactly. Please be safe in your daily activities. Thank you Ms. Hunt.
well, I do not want to get too deep into the subject of mormonism, but it does have some similar rules, mostly for women, and there is still polygamy in areas of Utah. Mormonism is almost as crazy, they just do not destroy other people
Mormonism is crazy. My dad wrote a book about it, The God Makers.
I remember at the time of its publication, when he would go on TV and radio shows, he had to wear a bulletproof vest. I guess I got my courage from him!
Look up the Wilder family. Micah Wilder came to faith in Christ when he was on a Mormon mission. A pastor he was trying to convert developed a friendship with Micah! Then, Micah’s mother, Lynn (a professor at BYU) eventually trusted in Christ. They started a ministry teaching Mormons about true Christianity.
I hadn’t heard of him. Thanks!
wow, yeah. When my younger daughter was in high school there was a mormon boy madly in love with her. He invited her to a party.... well, before she went she wanted to be prepared. She said at the party, all they talked about was mormonism.
She just got her drivers license and after about a half hour decided it was time to leave. She said it was hilariously uncomfortable. She came home and told us all about it and we laughed our butts off. back in the day, she did what research she could on the limited internets to learn about mormonism and found a website called xmormon dot com. which verified all of what she had learned. What a kooky religion. I know many many internet friends (sewing blogs) that are devout mormons.
Oh, and I figure skated at a rink years ago and met a guy that was just friendly and he was jewish. This was a rink in Maryland I drove to... on the beltway!! well, he lived in Mont Co Maryland and said he wanted to retire out west and randomly picked Utah. I joked and said that within two weeks he will be a mormon.
Yes, and that happened. Now he does not email me anymore. I guess I am not worthy. Mormons and Islam are two religions that I can not wrap my head around, I know they are religions created by some drug addict.
I said somewhere else just the other day that mormonism is the 19th century scientology.
This is just an observation, what good is it to clean your body while your soul is filthy?
Great article Karen. You are doing so much good in the world. May God bless you and protect you.
That is a good point. The hypocrisy is never-ending. To be fair, I've seen my share of hypocrisy in Christianity, but that's also why I call it out
Exactly, hypocrisy is everywhere and it’s only right to call it out. I’ve seen my share of Christian’s hypocrisy as well. It always astounds me. Thank you Karen for bringing light to this subject.
Thank you, your articles are always interesting. I've never thought much about Islam until this recent fervor about poor misunderstood victimized murderous Palestinians. I've come to realize how much they change history to make themselves look good when they've stolen so much from Judaism - only made a mockery of it. And still all these people running to defend them against the mean Israelis. They sound to me like whiing professional victims and yet so many people are taken in by them. I've become obsessed now, reading books, recently The Palestinian Delusion (excellent) and watching endless videos. Really admire the strength and courage of the women who have left. I guess that means you.
Thank you. There are so many brave women, like the activists in Iran. I've written about some of them, like in Sentenced to Death:
I didn't leave Islam; I was never in it. When I went to Egypt, I had an open mind, to accept it, but I never considered becoming Muslim. I learned the truth about Islam, and it wasn't pleasant. It broke my heart when I saw how many foreign women had been captured by the men there. So many tragedies.
I think women are the #1 prey target on the planet bar none. I wonder what we'd be like if we weren't forced into boxes by male-dominated societies. You're courageous to speak out and I have so much admiration for the ex-Muslim women I've been watching/listening to on YT. As a Jewish woman, I have to say I am very upset and appalled at the support the Palestinians are receiving even from female family members and friends who claim to be Socialists. I'm done with Socialism! I'm hoping that you could find the time to read my latest Substack about this subject. I've received one comment - a negative. As a person with far more personal knowledge than I, I'd appreciate your feedback. It was very hard for me to write as all my life I have tried very hard to be tolerant of differences.
Victimizing themselves have always been one of Islam's features:
Still, there are Palestinians who are Christians.
Great essay. We live in an odd world where fair numbers of people think there is such a thing as "Islamophobia" and simply cannot come to the understanding that this is a horrible religion, toward its followers (especially women) and toward the world. It is nice to be in a space where we can admit the truth.
How to defeat it? Some of that will happen automatically through interaction w/Western culture. And there are Christian ministries who claim to be having some success leading Muslims to Jesus.
We naturally have to keep in mind that it's Islam that's the enemy and not Muslims per se (though in fact many Muslims are enemies, but not all).
I don't often proselytizing, don't enjoy doing it, but the one person I ever "led to Christ" was a Muslim, a cab driver I met who had me sit down and argue w/his friend who was a self-styled apologist who had crappy arguments from Ahmed Didat (or something like that). I didn't know it at the time, but a couple years later I encountered the cab driver again and he told me my arguments that day led him to pursue the Christian faith and he was now a believer.
The only other thoughts I have on that subject is to treat Muslims respectfully if you are trying to convince them their faith is in error. As you mention it is very costly to leave their faith, and to top it off anybody resents being told their religion is wrong. One ought to do it humbly and not from a spirit of superiority as most do (then again I could be wrong there). I have a somewhat unique advantage since I was raised as a Jew and switched put if my faith into Christianity because it was true, so I'm not suggesting to them something I have not done myself.
As you mention, though, a Muslim who leaves their faith may be ostracized from their family and community, who would take that risk?
I agree 100%. What a wonderful story about the cab driver and how you came to Christianity as a Jew. I am not big on proselytizing either. I don't know what's in anyone else's heart. I leave that in God's hands. I am a follower of Jesus and do my best, as you say, to let my life be the example for others. Of course, if I was in a conversation with a Muslim, I wouldn't make fun of their religion, but if I were talking to a woman, I would certainly point out what I've written here. And when I lived in Luxor, I had plenty of very honest conversations with the men there, and I did not hold back on what I thought. Nor did they.
This smacks of absurdity, not unlike the Gays for Palestine insanity! Or college students protesting to the chant of From the River to the Sea, without knowing what that really means and couldn’t tell you which river or which sea when asked!
Yes, the absurdity is beyond absurd.
The Cult of islam and the Sensory Deprivation Suits for Women.
At the very most, one could aptly compare what is said here to the DSM V OCD description, right? When asking these Muslim believers, ask their wives to wash themselves over and over again.
Yes. Also, men have to wash themselves, too, but it's not as problematic for them.
Your courage is infectious and spot on and it seems your experience with Islam is an accurate picture of what it means to be a Muslim, so, are there truly any "moderate" Muslims?
I've come to the conclusion that there really isn't such a thing as moderate Islam. But there are certainly a lot of Muslims who don't believe in violence and FGM and all of that and they are wonderful people who can be devout and good and kind, etc.
People often say that Islam is just a few hundred years behind Christianity, that it hasn't come into the modern world yet, but I want to address that in another essay because this is not accurate about Christianity or about Islam. If you were to change these disturbing factors in Islam, you would be changing the very essence of the religion. In fact, it would cease to be Islam, and you would have to come up with a new name for a new religion. Those who are moderate Muslims choose to ignore what Islam is really about. I know it's controversial for me to say that, but it's true.
Another disturbing thing is that ex-Muslims will tell you that although Muslims can be moderate, they will seldom stand up against what is known as Muslim extremism (which isn't extremism, it is actual Islam). For one thing, it is dangerous it is to do so. Not only that, but when Muslims live in a Western country, if it comes right down to it, they will support Islam, not the government of the country they live in. If the Caliphate is installed, let's say, they will not fight against it. The Caliphate is at the heart of Islam. You cannot take it away from Islam.
Your comment on the extremists being the true muslims:
I've said that for a long time, even back when the twin towers were hit and there was a call to "not judge all Muslims by the terrorists' acts!" I argued even then that the terrorists were the actual faithful Muslims following the tentants of Islam, not the watered down moderates in America.
My argument has always been to judge a religion based on what the founder of that religion did and on what it actually teaches, not on what its so-called followers do or what they claim that religion teaches. Jesus Christ lived a perfect life and perfectly lived out His teachings as examples for us, and as your article also states, His religious teachings were fully consistent from beginning to end and make sense. And Jesus teachings were to be kind, gracious, loving, generous, and faithful. Islam, however, was founded by a man who raped and murdered and pillaged and who used his new religion to gain power to himself and to dominate all he could extend his control over. And the teachings he taught and those added by his followers are extremely inconsistent.
A Christian who shows kindness to their neighbor, who feeds the poor, and who values all humanity even those who are not Christians, who strives for honesty to all, courtesy to all, and generosity to all, no matter their race, their sex, or their creed is living according to the example set by Jesus. A person who does things contrary to that example is false, no matter what they claim.
A muslim who cheats the infidel, who forces their wives and daughters to submit to such terrible rules, who believes that murdering the infidel is right, that muslim is the true follower of Mohammed, not the moderate who doesn't follow any of the rules.
Well said. This is so obvious I don't know know why anyone would dispute it.
Another wonderful piece!
Islam seems to used for killing off traditional cultures:
Yes, that's true.
It's a horror story... You have lived it, and although I am a man, I would prefer to die before I would "submit."
Amen to that!
We keep proving this. The more shouty progressives condemn us for failing to follow their constantly shifting law. Our headlines remain full of bad actors who sinned and are mayhaps unrepentant. More common, we fail to follow the law in small ways just by living.
I've noticed that Marx/Maoist Progressives resonate more with Islam than they do with YHWH.
1. Laffin' at this muslim woman fulfillin' her marital obligatories on the NYC Subway!
2. joos & prayer--Orthodox women don't have to pray 3x a day ever; once is enough AND she may do it in any way that works out--not a specific time... just has ta make sure to thank "G_d" and foller a few basics--no prostratin' herself on the floor in "downward facin' dawg"--ALSO her life obligations come first, the children, family, or whatever may be.
Even fer Orthodox men it's not all that insane... some just step aside for a couple min. if their workplace is comfortable to be "seen" or if not, they go to a private spot--conference room, literally I've seen a phone booth (haha few of them left) just to have a few min. with god...they do not do any kind of yoga floor positions... now that's JUST the orthodox, not most chews.
Most religious (vs totally secular) joos in the world are not Orthodox (or ultra) so there are, afaik, no rules "in practice" besides honoring the 10 commandments... My friends who are conservative light friday night candles an' keep sabbath an' of course pray when the spirit moves them to--for comfort, etc OR "when" they are at temple but unless something inspires them personally--nobuddy will judge 'em or excommunicate 'em or any such things--if they don't pray.
It's far more of a personal relationship with god that is key for all joos an' most non-orthodox have far fewer other "rules & regulations" re prayer an' when/how, etc. Fer reformed joos there are no prayer rules at all tho' when ya go to temple there are of course prayers... Many of us grew up sayin' "grace" (givin' thanks for food, etc) but there is not a lotta rigor to it all an' what I shared above applies to both women and men.
So except for Orthodox men only--it's not 3x/day....
I think the hand washin' ritual is two-fold... first, yes, just to set your mind and body apart for a moment in preparation for worship--it's not imho what someone does but it's goin' through a few steps to respectfully change "mode." It's a bit more like settin' a table for a consciously prepared special dinner vs. handin' out sandwiches from bags... the former bein' preferred in prayer the latter STILL bein' "ok in a pinch!" lol--many soldiers prayed on the front without a way to wash hands or don a tallis--God would not look at 'em askance fer it! BUT re the hand-warshin'--I think it was disease-prevention. If you were enterin' the temple from the dirty outside world (public transit even), then washin' hands might keep you an' yer fellow worshippers a mite more healthy! Look what Dr. Sandweiss accomplished fer doctors with such a simple suggestion ;-)
a little more onnit re mandatory prayer...
Thanks for the explanations. Jewish prayers all sound reasonable to me! My dad always said G-d gave the Jews rules about cleanliness that made sense and that other people didn't know about at the time.
The ridiculous rules for Muslims just create a lot of hypocrites because who can follow all those rules? At prayer time most people paid no attention, they just went about their business. And all the men smoked hash and drank alcohol but then they would suddenly get holy when it suited them.
Of course, there were some devout men but even they were not consistent. The devout men proudly have big dark spots on their foreheads because they hit their heads on the floor from so much from praying.
of course! yup, yer father was right imho. cleanliness & food safety figgered out over thousands of years wartchin' food borne illness...
fer example, no dishwarshers back then AND pottery was not glazed & kiln fired like it is now--it absorbed what'cha ate back then so milk / meat separate as a way ta avoid botulism... An' tho' many of us who don't keep kosher muchly love our pastured bacon (lol), it took until mid 20th C for the illness-causin' trichinosis to be eliminated fully from pork so I think it was a protective measure too; beef, lamb etc. don't git this. Ditto fer shellfish--tasty as they are, they are indeed bottom feeders an' today (like now!) they're the worst fer soakin' up toxins--oysters all leaded, gulf shrimp fulla oil spill remainders, crabs 'r sad (lotta mercury)... the worst stuff sinks to the bottom an' I say this as a fan of all this stuff an' "ersters" too! Not all but many of the laws seem...wull...logical! (or a good idear like keepin' sabbath fer fambly, no phones, no media)
There's flexibility in the Orthodox circles too (today)... We have a dear Orthodox (not ultra) friend, a very warm funloving laydee whose daughter & mine are good friends an' she opted not to cut her hair an' she dresses "boho," not the "look"-- just does it modestly an' nobuddy would even know from her walkin' down the street... Today there's a whole "young movement" in the Orthodox world I didn't even know 'bout until my friend had me & my daughter to one of their "raves" an' it just surprised me how fun it was for all ages (yup, both men & women an' young folks dancin' together an' the live music was just incredible). I think everyone believes that "all" Orthodox live as if it's 1922 but really it's only a small subset--lotta variety and I know that prayer is both official...and personal.
Nobody in jooish prayer with dark spots on their foreheads ha ha. I just could not manage to have so many "rules." An' this is the thing... in Judaism they are yes, rules to live by, but each situation can be reconsidered when real life issues are involved.
ALL doctors can work or operate on the Sabbath if they are needed or essential--helpin' others (an' I'll say that means all patients, jooish or non- it doesn't matter) comes first. If you don't build in understandin' an' flexibility people just break those rules anyway, like ya mentioned. ANY faith (or division thereof) that puts rules over human needs is of course gonna cause a lotta resentment. Built in "understanding" without judgment (the only judge bein' from on high) makes fer less angry folks...
(Oh my, smokin', drinkin' (i would NOT have imagined these holy guys were that selectively holy--holy moly!)
DO take a look-see at the subway clip--it's short but OH MY! (I wonder if THIS would be "haram" or mebbe she thinks she's IN a harem?!)
This needs to be publicized far and wide. You get the sense that Mohammed was some mentally debilitated ego maniac pedo that tried to not just one up but two up both Judaism and Christianity. “What ?! Circumcise men?! I will show them ! we will also circumcise women!”
Exactly. FGM started before Islam, and it can possibly be traced back to Pharaonic times in Egypt, which might explain why it is still so prevalent in Egypt today. But people will use that as an excuse to say it is cultural, not religious. I don't know why people try so hard to make excuses for Islam. There is no doubt that FGM is justified In Islam and is practiced for religious reasons.
The guy on women should have a stand up act. I’d pay good money to see him. Having said that, the audience and him
Would probably get murdered horrifically.
That's a very good point. Nobody would go because they would be terrified. I saw a video of Tommy Robinson holding up the Quran on Pierce Morgan's show. He was just holding up the book and talking about it and mentioning some of the violent things it advocates against "infidels" (I can't remember exactly what), but he was just repeating what it said, and you could see that Pierce Morgan was growing more and more uneasy and scared. He kept on telling Robinson to put the book down and show some respect. It was a very telling moment.
Yes. I saw that. Equally, if you don’t like what Morgan’s saying, give it a minute. He’s, shall we say, mercurial.
He says, “…Mohammed’s mind was an unfortunate place.” Um, yeah. Understatement of the century!
I think he was demonically possessed. We know he was at least demonically influenced.
It seems he suffered from seizures of some sort. I've been working on a piece about the difference between Allah and YHWH because they are not the same, they are opposites. So, you know what that makes Allah...