wow, yeah. When my younger daughter was in high school there was a mormon boy madly in love with her. He invited her to a party.... well, before she went she wanted to be prepared. She said at the party, all they talked about was mormonism.
She just got her drivers license and after about a half hour decided it was time to leave. She said…
wow, yeah. When my younger daughter was in high school there was a mormon boy madly in love with her. He invited her to a party.... well, before she went she wanted to be prepared. She said at the party, all they talked about was mormonism.
She just got her drivers license and after about a half hour decided it was time to leave. She said it was hilariously uncomfortable. She came home and told us all about it and we laughed our butts off. back in the day, she did what research she could on the limited internets to learn about mormonism and found a website called xmormon dot com. which verified all of what she had learned. What a kooky religion. I know many many internet friends (sewing blogs) that are devout mormons.
Oh, and I figure skated at a rink years ago and met a guy that was just friendly and he was jewish. This was a rink in Maryland I drove to... on the beltway!! well, he lived in Mont Co Maryland and said he wanted to retire out west and randomly picked Utah. I joked and said that within two weeks he will be a mormon.
Yes, and that happened. Now he does not email me anymore. I guess I am not worthy. Mormons and Islam are two religions that I can not wrap my head around, I know they are religions created by some drug addict.
wow, yeah. When my younger daughter was in high school there was a mormon boy madly in love with her. He invited her to a party.... well, before she went she wanted to be prepared. She said at the party, all they talked about was mormonism.
She just got her drivers license and after about a half hour decided it was time to leave. She said it was hilariously uncomfortable. She came home and told us all about it and we laughed our butts off. back in the day, she did what research she could on the limited internets to learn about mormonism and found a website called xmormon dot com. which verified all of what she had learned. What a kooky religion. I know many many internet friends (sewing blogs) that are devout mormons.
Oh, and I figure skated at a rink years ago and met a guy that was just friendly and he was jewish. This was a rink in Maryland I drove to... on the beltway!! well, he lived in Mont Co Maryland and said he wanted to retire out west and randomly picked Utah. I joked and said that within two weeks he will be a mormon.
Yes, and that happened. Now he does not email me anymore. I guess I am not worthy. Mormons and Islam are two religions that I can not wrap my head around, I know they are religions created by some drug addict.
I said somewhere else just the other day that mormonism is the 19th century scientology.