As always, I had a great conversation with Trish Wood. Among other things, we talked about Covid and Dr. Huff, an expert in the fields of bioterrorism and bio warfare, who is a whistleblower claiming that EcoHealth Alliance scientists like EHA head Dr Peter Daszak “used their influence to suppress the COVID origin investigation.”
The Pentagon gave millions to EcoHealth Alliance for weapons research programs. With a lot of it being funneled to…
the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research — with most of the Pentagon money going toward murky research on countering biological weapons.
The final total so far is $33.85 million — 90% of EcoHealth’s awards from DTRA and 81% of its total Pentagon awards.
We ended our conversation, quite surprisingly, discussing royalty—that would be Harry and Meghan and the tragedy of Princess Diana’s death. It’s definitely not a topic I follow closely but it was a welcome relief from discussing current events. I have some interesting memories of Prince Charles and Princess Diana as my daughter was born in the same hospital, on the same weekend as Prince William.
Love Trish, but I was surprised, and dismayed that focus switched to the royals. Sooo much to sort out, as you both said with the barrage of info coming daily, who to support, who to be wary of, what's the proof for either position, your interview flew by and I resent Harry and Meaghan even more than before for intruding into the discussion...