Oct 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Trump is not a savior or messiah.

Gd and Gd alone will decide his role as the end times rush closer.

Your father would indeed have enjoyed this

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Yep, he'd be in his element!

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Oct 3Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I agree with your article and that Trump is not our nation’s savior. I had a little different take on Restore the Republic after listening to Jordon Peterson’s discussion with Bret Weinstein on the reason for the gathering. They never mentioned Trump or any other political or religious entity and only expressed the need to restore or ensure that our Republic’s freedoms remain. Do you have any other information regarding them promoting Christian Nationalism or Trump as King?

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I am researching it and will be writing more.

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Jordan Peterson and Bret Weinstein are part of the Israeli snake den. Along with Trump. And Trump is not part of the Christian nationalist movement. He openly mocked Jesus as the son of God at one of his rallies when he said, he is "not a Christian." He believes in God as jews do, but he never utters the words "Jesus"from his lips. I am tired of influencers, media and people playing the game of labeling any christian that loves this nation and wants to keep christian values at the forefront as some deranged extremist group. I am seeing so called christians promoting the persecution of christians in this country because of one man.

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Oct 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Amen Karen- I pray for all people's eyes to be opened to the truth. May they understand that the only savior is Jesus Christ and we must follow his example. Thank you for shining the light on all the darkness that is upon us. Your father is so proud of you.

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Thank you.

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Oct 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

A well balanced, biblically based article and warning to all of us. Trump supporters aren't the first to apply messianic overtones to their candidate of choice. We saw it with Obama and Bush.

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Oct 3Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

" For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame--who set their mind on earthly things. For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue ALL THINGS to Himself." (Philippians 3:18-21)

Heed God's message of salvation. " And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many." (Hebrews 9:27-28). " But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."(Romans 5:8)

Thank you sister for your bold testimony; and love for God and your readers. <><

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Interesting...Then why wait? Your message is clear. But the answer isn't enough to understand the purpose to be alive or exist in the physical world. Other than not to. Or to constantly fight the evil that is brought about by being alive. Is it a sin to be alive?

When is it going to be "heaven" on earth? Never!?

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Thank you Orion for your questions; I commend you and your critical thinking! Instead of accepting human viewpoint solutions which center around man's worldly wisdom, you've chosen to look to the absolute source of truth - God's Word(GW)! God the Holy Sprit inspired the writers of GW to reveal His plan and purpose regarding His creation. His plan centers around the Person and Work of God the Son, Jesus Christ/Israel's Messiah. Jesus' purpose in coming to this fallen world is to buy back or redeem the soul's of sinful mankind. " For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For He received from God the Father honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory: ' This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.' And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain [c.f. Matthew 7:1-8].

And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do WELL TO HEED as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star[c.f. Romans 13:12-14] rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE is of any private interpretation, for prophecy NEVER CAME BY THE WILL OF MAN, but holy men of God spoke as they were MOVED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT."( 2 Peter1:16-21)

Orion, we as humanity, descendants of Adam, come into this world according to God's divine will and purpose. We All arrive exactly the same, e.g. physically alive but spiritually dead. God as the sovereign ruler of ALL of His creation, gives us soul life[c.f. Genesis 2:7]. our soul's characteristics include: mentality(ability to think /reason) conscience(norms and standards/law/authority); Self conscious(differentiate between ourselves and other created beings); Emotions(appreciator/likes/dislikes); and most importantly, VOLITION(FREEDOM TO CHOOSE/FREE WILL).

In addition we receive, in every cell of our body[inductively reasoned], a genetically formed old sin nature from Adam , the federal head of the human race, i.e., when Adam sinned[c.f. Genesis 3:4-7; Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:22,45], the penalty of his sin, i.e. separation from God/spiritual death, was past down, i.e., judicial imputation/verdict, to all of his progeny, i.e., humanity. " for ALL have sinned and fall short, i.e., missed the mark; of the glory, i.e., perfection; righteousness; holiness, of God " (Romans 3:23); " But the wages, i.e., God's declared PENALITY for violating His absolute law/righteous standard{c.f. Genesis 2:16-17] is death ", i.e., spiritual; separation from God (Romans 6:23).

Therefore, we ALL start EQUAL; we're ALL CONDEMNED; we're ALL SINNERS; and we've ALL got an old sin nature as the driving power source that intrinsically influences our every, thought, word, and action that is diametrically opposed to the plan and will of ALMIGHTY GOD!

So Orion, God's word has answered your questions including, " Or to constantly fight the evil that is brought about by being alive. " Besides our old sin nature, which influences us to use our volition to commit sin/evil against God; we are influenced by the ' ruler of this world '[ c.f. Matthew 12:24; John 12:31, 14:30 16;11; Ephesians 6:12; , i.e., the serpent; Lucifer; Satan; the Devil [c.f. Genesis 3:1-4,14-15; Isaiah 14:12{Luke 10:18} Matthew 6:13, 13:19; John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2-3; 1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 12:9, 20:2]. When Adam used his volition to violate God's command, not only did his sin condemn him but condemned us all; and in so doing, Adam forfeited his rulership over to Satan, and became 'the ruler of this world '. Why? Because God had given Adam dominion over all the earth. Adam's sin resulted in the loss of the authority that God had entrusted him with. Sin carries a strong penalty! What God's Absolute Righteousness demands, His perfect Justice executes; God will never allow His perfect character to be impugned by His Creation. We exist in order to serve Him. Period! No exceptions!

Having said all of that, my aim was to point out, from God's perspective, why you are witnessing sin, evil, injustice, et al. throughout human history.

The good news is that Jesus satisfied the righteous demands that God required in order for mankind's sin debt (that was owed to Him) be paid in full. Why? Jesus created mankind and took responsibility for His creation and their failure/sin. He had no old sin nature and had never committed a personal sin; so therefore He, and He alone, was qualified to die, shed His blood [ Ephesians 2:13, 5:2; Hebrews 9:22, 26-27, 10:1-14 as an atoning sacrifice in order to pay the penalty of mankind's sin; and to redeem every soul from being eternally separated from God. Jesus paid a debt He did not owe. Why? Because we had a debt we could not pay and: ' For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved " (John 3:16-17). Might? Jesus offers eternal life as a free gift and forgives us of all our sins. He died, was buried, and came back to life on the third day. He defeated death, hell, Satan, sin, and the grave by Hid sacrifice on the cross. Here's why our volition is the issue! By placing faith, trust, and belief, totally and completely in Jesus, He gives us His eternal life. He did all the work and He deserves our complete trust in Him and nothing else. Faith plus nothing! Faith alone, in Christ alone! [c.f. Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:4-7;]

Jesus used His volition, lived a perfect sinless life, and voluntarily sacrificed Himself to pay for the penalty of our sins. Therefore, the issue now that separates us from God is no longer sin. Why? Because Jesus paid for every sin, of every human being, throughout human history...past, present, and future [c.f. John 19:30; Galatians 3:13; Ephesians 1:7; Titus 2:14; Hebrews 9:12; 1 Peter 1:18-21]. The issue now is volition! Do you believe that God's Son, Jesus Christ, died and took your place and paid the penalty for yours and my every sin? Believe that He was buried, and arose back to life on the third day? Believe that He and He alone can give you and me eternal life and the forgiveness of our sins? If we could have an effect in some way to cancel out the offer of eternal life that Jesus makes, Then Jesus offer is void; and His death was for nothing. Conversely, if we can add anything to what He accomplished on the cross in order for us to have eternal life, then Jesus did not have to die on the cross.

In conclusion Orion, this present life can exist where there's an abundance of peace, joy, happiness, contentment, fulfillment, and blessing - It begins with trusting Jesus Christ as Savior! He does not remove the storms of life but He protects, provides, and prospers His children in the midst of those storms[c.f. John 14:1-3; Hebrews 13:5-6].

I pray that God will reveal to you His plan and purpose for your life; and will motivate you to seek Him and His Word daily. I challenge you to keep seeking His truth my friend.

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With all of that being said, and believe-you-me, you have said quite a lot here. That which I extremely appreciate.

Things are becoming clear with regard to those perspectives. And I comprehend the meaning.

At what point of mans sins' did God decide to send over his only son to teach the word of God? In other words - when did God have enough of Adam?

Did God know that Jesus Christ would be persecuted for exposing the sins of man and mortal men would have to bear witness to the suffering that was imminent, if in fact they didn't? "Eternal suffering", that is?

Because in REALITY money seems to be the same metaphor as did the apple in the realm of Adam & Eve.

That being said. In the present tense One just needs to refer to every man made circumstance to conclusion. Therefore, the term that money is the root of evil trends to be true in the material aspect of so called "living".

My research on the origins of money always concludes such a deplorable means of existence. Notwithstanding the fact that those that worship gold and so forth must be evil. Or to be precise - inflict entropy. Manufactured Entropy, the dividing factor that prohibits man from achieving equilibrium with nature. Nature that is abundant for humanity to be free and live without sin through the abundance of all life on earth. So, I ask what the interpretation is regarding the text which describes Jesus Christ condemning the creators of currency and the extortion bankers. Because that's exactly what needs to be done in our reality, immediately. As unrealistic as that may seem, at least it's not impossible. Because I know that it is possible and there's plenty of geniuses besides Jesus Christ that already figured that out and have been ignored to this day.

There must be a more pragmatic solution to this "hell on earth" than convincing the entire world to follow one God's plan. Although that makes perfect sense to me too. But there's too many conflicting religious "beliefs" and endgames to ever realize peace on earth between all humanity unless we all agree on at least one magnanimous shift away from money - as a starting point. Money is the illusion of value it actually creates that illusion. Therefore man creates their own perception of reality when they believe in any illusion. Correct?

I understand what the meaning is behind the words of the Bible. But unfortunately there's other versions of what the purpose of living is. And that is problematic. Money is problematic. International Trade is problematic. Mixing God's creation of human beings all together in a nation or country without full consensus to only know the word of God in the Christian or Jesus Christ version is problematic as well. Therefore it's going to be a hell of a long time before anything gets to what Adam and Eve experienced before the snake. We've been indoctrinated for thousands of years by satanism or evil whichever you want to describe about what "choice" is. We've also experienced the difference between the circumstances. So why not simply do away with what doesn't work and move forward with what does, is my conclusion to creating a more comprehensive reality, rather than the illusion of what a hell of a lot of people have decided to be, regarding the ruling classes and so-called benevolent one's, or every self anointed King, emperor, priest and so forth?

Where are all the good people? Were there ever any that evil couldn't change, is the question.

In conclusion, because at the very least, as humanity evolves themselves to extinction - as well, there's not enough time in mine or anyone's lifetime on earth to ever experience Eden again. But I do believe with all of my being that it's possible when you forget about the past that was written by man in the first place.

I'm getting realistic rather than religious because holy war is an illusion and an excuse for fulfilling karmatic debts of dead people in order to promise resolution to eternal suffering of the living. It's a choice to accept their reality. Much the same situation with Adam. And apparently the leadership of the entire world are completely stupid to that regard.

America had it right and was led away from that was right. But not perfectly right and there's the other problem. Because nothing on earth is perfect and must accept the fact that everything is a work in progress on Earth and by killing off imperfect things only leads to ruin and not quite a wonderful & beautiful and peaceful prophesied illusion.

As it stands today, humanity under rule of false prophet and whatever they are to believe, only has been slow-walking their own demise because they don't understand their own purpose as a living being to the point of creating a horrible illusion for everyone and everything else until they do. Unfortunately they are generally stupid and wicked at the same time. But that's a matter of perception as well.

A real final solution to fixing the self inflicted madness would be to broadcast instructions and information over the www and television about reality instead of fantasy and illusion mixed with natural facts that even that can't spin well enough to fool entire populations and civilization's. Maybe the self anointed ones could finally get the respect that they so desperately need when they stop terrorizing the entire world for once.

Although I appreciate your diligent abilities to quote great things from the Bible. It's not the practical approach to the matter at hand because that's a moral issue not the materialistic resolution we as Humanity needed to solve, yesterday. Thank You too, my new friend.

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Oct 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

May Islam cease to exist.

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Yes. That will only happen when evil ceases to exist.

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Oct 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

God Save as many as possible πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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Oct 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Well stated, Karen. We must continue to pray and advocate for what is good and honorable in our world, TODAY!!! Now!

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Oct 3Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

After he cleans house, I'm looking forward to 1000 years of peace, and will rejoice in the evildoers' demise wherever they are, lots of people going down!!

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Oct 3Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Sounds like you had a good dad.

He could not have known exactly what path your life would take, but I have no doubt he believed great things of you.

I say that because if I, not knowing you, am so very impressed by you, your dad must have also seen you in a similar light and been bursting with pride for you.

Charge ahead noble warrior.

You have nothing to fear.

You are on God’s side.

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Oct 3Β·edited Oct 3Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Golly that's strange!...Trumps no Angel (lol) but I think that was posturin' fer his "base." IMO a lotta his base lately are really hopped up angry the man supports Israel (which many've 'em now feel is "a genocidal nation"--who "stole land"...) -- these same troothers are "sure" he's a "Zionist Stooge" on the Mossad payroll who'll, if elected, become the "King of Israel" AND give the USA to Israel (oy the stories I hear!). Also the rumor is that he's converted to Judaism (like his daughter). No doubt he's heard all that an' figgered he better show some solidarity with his Christian follwers... many are NOT pro-Israel. So... imho, cuz he IS an actor, he's signalin' ta appeal to the part of his base that's whisperin' he's "no longer a Christian."

Honestly I've no CLUE 'bout his faith or lack thereof but he's a politician an' just as some play the race card he's playin' the faith card--not as a victim but as a costume.... As far as his makin' a prayer at the wall of the temple (the arabs called it the wailin' wall ta mock joos prayin' there in tears so I'll just call it the temple wall...I think there's a better label fer it tho....) -- But as to his behavior there, I often say "when in Rome...." as a way one shows respect. I've kneeled an' lit candles at many churches ('specially in YourUp!) an' sent up my blessin's an' prayers from my heart when it seemed right...not THAT odd fer a chew any more that DJT is odd fer sendin' out a prayer in Israel as a Christian.

My non-jooish friends have put on a kippah for jooish events where they're expected, no biggie at least in NYC... so all who are assumin' Trumps a chew fer puttin' on a yarmulke are a tiny bit nutso methinks.

As fer fightin' a war on three fronts I just cannot wrap my mind around it. I hear the Iron Dome cannot protect against long-range rockets. I worry.... Some say Israel had it built in the US (usin' Israel tech / know-how) so they're angry 'bout that--that US$ supported the protection of a terrorist nation (oy again!) I so want Israel to survive an' this now seems like (once more) a David & Goliath battle! And also, I want the fewest casualties possible on both sides!

I'm fascinated that you're findin' literal predictions in the bible--there ARE some in Torah too--yes, seems Israel was destined to be a hated nation. Sigh. (But does that 'splain too the hate fer us joos just fer bein' joos? THIS I do not git but it's gettin' WAY worse!) Anywhoo...

It's funny too how yer puttin' together all the life experiences you've had that seemed just like separate stops on the journey of life an' seein' that they now have such greater meanin'--like it was all meant to be! an' how they add up to make you able to see so clearly in proud tradition of yer late father may he RIP. And indeed he'd be SO proud of you Karen!--I guess he passed his gift to you an' ya didn't know it back then but it's a joy you are able ta put it ta good use now, when yer needed!--even if ya take some hard knocks fer it... Life's strange that way, eh?

Today marked the first day of the chewish New Years so I'd like ta wish YOU a beautiful New Year Karen--May beauty an' grace touch your life daily, may this be a wish for us all--even tho' we certainly are livin' in... "interestin' times!" And, as we say, Shana Tova! Happy New Year to You!

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Oct 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

100%, this....."Not only that, but he would also be speaking out against the rise of the Christian Nationalist, the Christ is King and now the Rescue the Republic/Join the Resistance movements. He would be warning Christians not to follow false prophets, just as he did his entire life when he warned against the prosperity preachers of the 1980s. These new celebrity Christians are like the next incarnation of those preachers."

Check this out..... talks exactly about this very thing..... actually he has been talking about this since 2021..... starts at around the 5 min mark.....

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Oct 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

We are to put our faith and trust in God through these uncertain times. Great job, Karen.

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Thank you.

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Oct 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Trump’s prayer to β€œSaint” Michael the Archangel sounds more like an incantation. Pure witch craft.

Well written, Karen. Thank you. Maranatha.

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They better not try to hijack Maranatha!

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In God's Sovereignty, He can use anything to mete out His Will.

Including an ass…

Numbers 22:28 KJV

And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?

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Karen, thank you for sharing your ideas and wisdom. Surely you’re right that no man is our savior, but only Jesus.

Having said that, however, I remain puzzled by your references to calls for any kind of Christian world order or β€œChristian nationalism,” which is a canard propagated by the hysterical left. No one I know or regularly read wants a Christian theocracy, although many want a nation based on Christian principles, as this one once was. Perhaps I just stay out of those discussions, but where are you seeing them?

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Oct 3Β·edited Oct 3Author

Please read The Perfect Storm, Part I: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-perfect-storm-part-i?utm_source=publication-search

Christian Nationalism and "Christ is King", The Perfect Storm, Part II: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-perfect-storm-part-ii-christian

I will also be writing more on the topic

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