I'm feel comfortable being a man and I always will.Karan you feel comfortable being a woman and always will.

Having talked to many of these young people that are lost is sad. They are so uncomfortable with themselves. They are grasping at straws trying to conform to what the controlled media tells them to do. It is heartbreaking watching our society collapse around us.

Happy birthday Karan and keep holding back the hands of time.

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It's heartbreaking. I will keep on fighting as long as I keep on breathing!

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Hi Karen,

While I agree with you in the main (and yes, celebrations over a few dipping stock prices are naive and premature), what I agree most with is your final, hopeful thoughts.

People are to a degree pliable and corruptible, and the youth most of all. That is how it’s always been, however. Our Enemy’s great weakness is his short memory, and the sense that every permutation of the same tactic is novel. But just as the damage done seems worse than ever, the gathering storm against him will be worse.

No, the kids are not alright at the moment. But neither was I at their age. My head was also filled up with trash and nonsense, and I also sinned in mind and body like there was no tomorrow. My recovery was long relative to the depth of my fall. I have faith the same will hold true for this next generation. Anyone who survives the current onslaught intact will be rendered nigh-invincible, and those who succumb will be the weakest, most cowardly and most incompetent foot soldiers in human memory.

God bless you,


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It's so true what you say.

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Twenty years ago I said that the Left was winning, and would continue to win. Nothing that has happened in those 20 years has proved that I was wrong.

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This world is ruled by evil. We are not of this world, thankfully.

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They all need to be in a physic ward, not pandered too.

I feel pity for them, the mental disorder is all consuming and at the end they will never be satisfied or happy.

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This euphoria with them will last so long and then the ramifications of what they did to themselves will set in, their followers will find something else to occupy their time and they will become statistics! I’ve read many, many tragic stories of young people pushed into this that were never advised medically as to the great harm these surgeries and puberty blockers would cause! Plus it reduces their life expectancy even further….so either they will commit suicide or nature will takes its course since they defied the beautiful bodies they were given by God! These women and men are all mentally ill freaks!

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It’s their religion, therefor it’s a holy war and holy wars never end! Put on the whole armor folks🙏🌎❤️

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I can't boycott the companies mentioned since I never was a customer in the first place, but I can understand the gesture because people want to do "something" to combat the helpless feeling they are experiencing. Plus they can do so without exposing themselves to ridicule by the woke.

The majority of people, I think, see how ridiculous and destructive this transgender cult is to our young and society as a whole. But they've lived through one psyop so suppose they can survive another. Does anyone think this whole scenario hasn't been contrived? Just another plannedemic to keep us off kilter?

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"they will find ways to beat the algorithms and delve deep into forbidden histories, discovering old writings and ancient tales of their forefathers. They will develop their own creative ways to fight against the Vast Machine. All will not be lost."

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What an excellent piece! Whole heartedly agree with your assessments. Thank u for quoting Meerloo, one of my favorites; he was a superb writer.

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Top shelf work Karen. Indeed, this anti-human agenda has the hammer. They have virtually every element of society in their corner. The movement could use the moniker "We are Borg, resistance is futile."

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Couldn't agree more! But an' also--these boycotts serve the NWO destroyin' "classic" American brands and the entire brick 'n mortar department store industry-- destroyin' American retail an' traditions so you'll buy ONLINE usin' that social credit score (eek!)


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Very true!

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Interesting concept. Thank you. That Teen link was terrifying!

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What you said about TM and emptying the mind I had not heard before as a gate for evil to come in. As I understood it, there was the Christian contemplative life aiming for something similar. Also, evil tries to get in through putting thoughts in our mind without internal silence. So I guess I don’t understand this one though I see the possibility.

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The way I understood it, as a Christian you contemplate Jesus, you focus on certain thoughts, whereas with TM you empty your mind. So in that sense again, I relate it to AI deconstructing art and replacing it with something else. Of course there is more that could be said on the topic.

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I’m afraid you are very correct that boomer conservatives are very out of touch with reality. 😕

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I truly hope you are right❤️

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Interesting commentary, thank you.

With regard to Target, while previously an intermittent shopper I am purposely avoiding (boycotting) them but not as a result of the Transgender or Pride issue. For me, it’s the satanic cult merchandise which was introduced with the Trans kid merchandise. No one seems to be talking about this merchandise?

I seriously do not see myself going back unless their properties, etc. are cleansed. Call me crazy but this recent move into Satanic merchandise is a red line for me. My gen Z daughter who is a huge Target fan is similarly disposed.

With regard to their stock and losing money, the stock market has not been reflective of reality for quite some time. I suspect Target has been in trouble for some time but WS (as have many large box retailers) but no one has wanted to admit it (WS, MSM, etc.). Seems likely that the anti-ESG crowd is using the Target stock plunge and tying it the Trans kid merchandise to assist their cause.

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This is almost exclusively in the West, isnt it?

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I believe so.

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