Bursting the Conservative Bubble
Why boycotting companies--or anything else people over the age for 40 try to do--will never stop the LGBTQ+ Transgender Agenda
It’s LGBTQ+ and Pride month. It’s also my birthday month. So, since I can’t escape either event, I figured I’d write about the transgender agenda and maybe it would take my mind off the fact that I’m not getting any younger. If the elite’s find the secret to immortality, I am sure they won’t be sharing it with the likes of me.
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First of all, I’m afraid I must burst the bubble many conservatives live in, where they seem to think they are winning the battle against transgenderism by boycotting the companies that promote it. Surely, the Bud Lite/Dylan Mulvaney fiasco sent a clear message that if these companies want to keep conservatives as customers, they better listen to what they have to say.
But these companies could care less what conservatives have to say. Children, not adults, are the focus of this transgender ideology, which is really transhumanism, and which will at some point be revealed as posthumanism—for an elitist few.
While grown-ups are busy boycotting companies, Generation Z is ‘extremely concerned’ about LGBTQ+ rights.
A highly publicized Gallup poll published in February revealed that roughly 21 percent of Generation Z born between 1997 and 2003 identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).
That’s nearly double the proportion of Millennials identifying as LGBT, according to the Gallup poll, and close to five times the share of Generation X who say they are LGBT. Just 2.6 percent of Baby Boomers identify as LGBT, according to Gallup.
Excellent progress for the elites who want to use our youth as lab rats in their quest for immortality.
If Gen Z (not to mention their parents) is this amenable to being experimented on by the elites, imagine how accepting Gen Alpa will be? Alpha is a telling name for the generation born between 2010 and 2024. They are the ones who will fully embrace this transhumanist agenda. It will be all they have ever known. They will have no memory of a life before AI ruled over them. And there will be no adults left to remind these children of what the world was like before the Vast Machine took over. I fear for this generation and what the elites have in store for them.
Seen in this light, boycotting a few companies seems a bit inadequate. Here’s a list of some of the companies facing boycotts by conservatives: Bud Light; Target; Pet Smart; Lego; Kohls; North Face; Walmart; Levis; Miller Lite; Adidas; Nike.
Conservatives are ecstatic that their Bud Lite boycott has resulted in Bud Light losing $110 million in sales volume year-to-date compared to the same period last year.
But this is a near meaningless drop in the bucket.
“Anheuser-Busch’s competitors are guzzling market shares with Coors Light up 23.2% in the week ended May 13 compared to a bump of 22.2% the previous week. Sales of Modelo Especial – the second most popular beer brand in the US with more than $3.7 billion in sales last year – are up by 10% in the most recent week compared to a 5% increase the previous week”.
Guess who distributes Modelo Especial? Anheuser-Busch—everywhere in the world except the United States, but hey, that’s still a huge market.
Besides which, analysts told Newsweek, “the investment market views the boycott as ‘a non-event’ when it comes to Anheuser-Busch's global revenues”. During the period of the controversy, “the company's total revenue had grown 13.2 percent, with beer volumes up 0.4 percent. It reported an underlying profit of more than $1.3 billion”.
We grown-ups keep forgetting that we are a dying breed. Do we really think Gen Zs care one bit that Kid Rock shot up a bunch of Bud Lites? Or that Matt Walsh now churns out video after video dissing the latest outrageous trans antics from the usual suspects like Dylan Mulvaney or Jeffrey March?
In fact, while I really enjoyed “What is a Woman”, Matt Walsh and others like him have turned their success into a sellable brand, no different from liberals. Conservative adults have become a captive audience while their children and grandchildren are listening to voices elsewhere.
The transgender controversy is just a continuation of the Covid controversy, BLM, Ukraine, or whatever the next insane upheaval might be. While left and right battle it out, the real agenda marches on.
Remember 2020’s CHAZ/CHOP, formed in Seattle and enthusiastically called the “Summer of Love” by Mayor Jenny Durkan? It was anything but peaceful. It was a warzone.
Yesterday’s Washington Post headline was: Why 2023 is the summer of anti-LGBTQ panic.
The pot is being stirred once again and like Pavlovian mice, people are reacting exactly in the manner that is expected of them.
It doesn’t really matter, for example, if North Face is being criticized for a pride ad featuring a drag performer. Everything that is being hammered into our skulls in such rapid succession is to keep us in a constant state of unbalance, or, as I talked about in Utopian Madness, menticide.
Menticide are waves of terror, unrest, unease, in the form of ever worsening news, conflicting reports and downright lies.
In the words of Joost Merloo:
“Each wave of terrorizing . . . creates its effects more easily – after a breathing spell – than the one that preceded it because people are still disturbed by their previous experience. Morality becomes lower and lower, and the psychological effects of each new propaganda campaign become stronger; it reaches a public already softened up.”
I wrote a piece not too long ago called What is Art and I’ve never forgotten a powerful explanation I included of how AI creates art.
Diffusion models perform two sequential processes. They ruin images, then they try to rebuild them…. In the ruining sequence, each step slightly alters the image handed to it by the previous step, adding random noise in the form of scattershot meaningless pixels, then handing it off to the next step. Repeated, over and over, this causes the original image to gradually fade into static and its meaning to disappear.
When this process is finished, the model runs it in reverse. Starting with the nearly meaningless noise, it pushes the image back through the series of sequential steps, this time attempting to reduce noise and bring back meaning.
AI destroys the images it is given and then reconstructs them in a new way. Those reconstructed images are always (at least to me) disconcerting. They are too real to actually be real, somehow.
Whether you find it wondrous or horrifying, it appears that we have just entered an age in which computers can generate convincing fake images and sentences. It’s bizarre that a picture with meaning to a person can be generated from mathematical operations on nearly meaningless statistical noise. While the machinations are lifeless, the result looks like something more.
Check out Infinite Odyssey, the first sci fi magazine created entirely by artificial intelligence.
What AI is doing to art is exactly what it is doing to our children. Our children are being conditioned to accept deconstruction in order to become something “new”.
Except, anyone who still has an ounce of common sense left inside their brains knows that there is “nothing new under the sun”. No matter how many times we are told that a cosmetic face cream is “all new” or a washing powder or whatever else they are convincing us to buy, there is nothing new about it. And it is a lie of the most heinous kind to tell young people that they can become something “new” or that they can be “more of themselves” than they already are. Accepting oneself should mean not having to change one’s outward appearance. Having to change outward appearances implies there is something wrong with it. They are convincing children that their image is everything and if it is not in alignment with what’s inside of them, they will never be happy. So, they must submit to deconstruction, a complete ruination of their physical selves, so that they can be reconstructed as something new.
I remember back in the 70s when transcendental meditation was all the rage.
TM is based around focusing on a single sound/word, repeated silently, with each person being given their own secret mantra by the master. Some people claim to have out-of-body experiences as a result. If you emptied your mind completely, you could transcend your body and actually leave it. My dad often spoke out against this, so it was impressed upon me as a child. He warned that by emptying one’s mind, a person opened themselves to possession by evil spirits.

As a kid listening to my dad’s sermons, never could I have imagined I would be writing about this so many years later. It all makes sense, now; how the transcendental movement was one more steppingstone leading us to where we are today.
Oh, let me just interject here that when I look up transcendentalism, or other words, a Chatbot (AI) starts typing out a comprehensive explanation. How marvelous! How convenient! No longer must we search for meanings. They are fed to us on silver platters by language models that have been created, not by neutral humans, but by humans who serve the elites.
And who do the elites serve? Who is feeding them information? Well, that’s a question for another day.
In the earthly gods insane desire to overcome death for themselves, they are forcing their underlings to embrace disturbing perversions that we have always known to be evil and wrong—that a person can change their gender or that a man can transcend humanity and become an immortal.
These are lies and yet it is now insisted that we accept them as truths. Just as we had to agree that there were no riots during BLM protests, even as reporters stood in front of burning buildings, or that it’s perfectly acceptable to give our hard-earned money to the most corrupt nation in Europe, Ukraine, or that we should inject ourselves and our children with experimental genetic therapies, even while being told that the cures promised by the injections didn’t pan out.
The transgender agenda is a horror leading to a much worse one, where future generations will be slaves of machines, unable to disconnect from them without dying. While that agenda continues forward, we are distracted by the antics of ridiculous clowns like Dylan Mulvaney and Jeffrey March, their smiling masks luring conservative viewers in as if by some dark magic. March always talks way too close to the camera as if he is coming out of your device and actually invading your personal space. His mouth is enormous, his teeth like a canine’s, reminding me of the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood.
Mulvaney is like the dwarf in the 1973 film, Don’t Look Now, based on Daphne du Maurier’s book of the same title (one of my favorite authors). After the death of her child by drowning, a grieving mother follows a small figure wearing a red coat, similar to the one her daughter was wearing when she died, through the streets of Venice, thinking it’s a child in distress. But it leads her to a dark alley and turning around, reveals itself to be this murderous dwarf.
That’s how I see these “influencers”. They appear seductively beautiful and happy-go-lucky in their masks, but once you take the masks off, the horrors that live underneath attack you.
If you want to get an idea of who is really influencing our children, check out sites like Teen Line where you can find 13 Trans Influencers & Activists That Inspire youth. Here you will see a different face of transgenderism than the one presented to adult conservatives by the likes of Mulvaney and March. These young people are cool and relatable to teens and even younger children.
Keep in mind that 99.9 percent of the young people following these idols cannot afford the megabucks it takes to achieve these physical transitions. What is being pushed on young people while they look at these idealized versions of themselves are drugs for their resulting depression, anxiety, suicide attempts, and of course, the puberty blockers and myriad other drugs that will “help” them with their transition. This makes them lifelong addicts and therefore slaves to Big Pharma, the perfect victims for the elites to experiment on.
Below is Nikita Dragun’s “Facial Plastic Surgery Story”. He, who insists he is a “she”, has 8.9M subscribers.
And just to show you how long this has been going on and how deeply imbedded it has become for our youth, the above video is from 2016 and it has 7,770,007 views as of that date. It looks like since he got arrested (for disorderly conduct) and “misgendered” in Florida in November 2022, he’s moved over to onlyfans.com. If you don’t know what that is, you can be sure your teenage child does.
Here’s a quote from Nikita and I ask you, what young person wouldn’t absolutely love it?
“THANK GOD FOR PUBERTY... and a good plastic surgeon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 i can’t believe our dragun kingdom has grown to 3 MILLION! i’m trying to become a better person one day at a time and i can’t thank you enough for being apart of my journey. it’s crazy cus people always ask me why i post these before and after photos. i’m not ashamed of my past and no one should be! if someone can’t accept your growth and change as a person they don’t deserve to be apart of it. love you always.
🐲 xoxo Dragun”
Just like the “art” created by AI, it’s all about faking it. It’s all about the lie that you can create a new truth by destroying The Truth. Of course, this is the road to ruin and can never be done.
Below is Kai_Wes who ironically ends her inspiring Instagram post with the sentence “You are perfectly desirable just the way you are. ✨”
But if that’s the case, why did she have to cut off her breasts to prove it?
Below is the mumbo-jumbo she spouts that is all fluff and confusion and makes absolutely no sense. If you can’t get through it without feeling totally zombified, I am with you.
Today’s gender thought: I’ve come a long way in accepting my fully realized gender identity, articulating that masculinizing my outward appearance has inherently aided in embracing my innate femininity - a sentiment I know I am not alone in. However, coming to terms with my femininity was intricately & covertly interwoven with needing to unpack my own internal desirability politics, as I hadn’t realized that our relation to how we believe we may be perceived by others deeply influences the subconscious of our explorations of self.
At the beginning of my transition, having had my queer politics shaped by a predominantly lesbian experience and suddenly hyper aware of my lack of alignment with the only community I’d ever known, I overcompensated for my expression by doing things like wearing ‘typically male’ clothing & attempting to change my mannerisms. It didn’t so much have to do with ‘passing’, but rather it was my own programmed binary thought that if I came off too effeminate, I’d confuse or deter the women I had interest in, who through the problematic lens of stereotypes might assume I was now just a gay boy (which has happened).
But after some thorough unlearning, I remembered — you get back the energy you put out. And so it is no surprise that when I de-gendered the relationships in my head and stopped caring what anyone thought of my presentation to finally indulge in my whole self, I instinctively drew towards me a far more expansive and layered complex queer experience than I had thought possible. I came across women who said my femininity as a masculine person was what attracted them to me most, and that my fluid expression and relation to my womanhood was in fact, very desirable. Who knew the very parts of myself I was most afraid to have rejected were the parts that made me attractive to others?
And so all of this is to say.. this is your friendly reminder that you don’t need to compensate for anything. As it goes — be yourself and the rest will follow, your life will be so much richer for it. The right people will see your value, your worth, and your attraction. The right people will stay.
You are perfectly desirable just the way you are. ✨
Everything Kai_Wes says (if you extract the ridiculous language) is a complete contradiction of what she has done to her body. This is a prime example of a mind f*ck if ever there was one.
In 2017, @natgeo put this photo taken by @hammond_robin on its cover. The special issue featured 9-year-old “trans” boys and girls around the world.
“The best thing about being a girl is, now I don’t have to pretend to be a boy” says Avery Jackson, who appeared on the cover.
If anyone thinks they are winning this battle by boycotting products like Bud Lite, they are wrong. Companies know the direction all of this is going, and it is full steam ahead for the transgender agenda. They will have plenty of consumers for generations to come.
Here’s the insanity that we see more and more of, and young people don’t get it. They think this is now normal.
'My pronouns are he/she/they,' is something more and more young people say.
“There are days where I feel like a woman and a man at the same time, while other times I’m a human roaming this Earth, and gender has nothing to do with it," says Kathryn (Kat) Ksiazek, 22, an Ithaca College senior who identifies as gender-nonconforming and has been using all pronouns for about a year. "It’s very complicated."
But it hasn't stopped Ksiazek and many others from giving it a try. “I’m definitely seeing a huge uptick — I mean, dramatic — in the classroom, with members of Gen Z,” reports Phil Hammack, a professor of psychology and researcher in the field of sexual and gender identity at the University of California Santa Cruz. “I can track it every year — now we get pronouns as part of the class roster, which we didn’t used to — but I also see it through my fieldwork in high schools.”
Being anything and everything will not bring meaning or fulfillment to a child’s life. It’s a nightmare. A horror movie come to life. It sucks the truth of their beautiful selves out of our children, turning them into empty shells to be filled by every perverse desire of their elite imprisoners, justifying whatever tortures the elites might want to inflict in their quest for immortality for themselves.
Our hope can still be in the youth of the future. Those ones I talked about in The Luddite kids saying NO to smart phones. I firmly believe they will rise up in greater numbers. In ways we cannot even fathom right now. They will do this in a future time when they rebel against what is being done to them. They will know the language of the machines; they will understand because it will be their world and all that they have ever known. But they will find ways to beat the algorithms and delve deep into forbidden histories, discovering old writings and ancient tales of their forefathers. They will develop their own creative ways to fight against the Vast Machine. All will not be lost.
I'm feel comfortable being a man and I always will.Karan you feel comfortable being a woman and always will.
Having talked to many of these young people that are lost is sad. They are so uncomfortable with themselves. They are grasping at straws trying to conform to what the controlled media tells them to do. It is heartbreaking watching our society collapse around us.
Happy birthday Karan and keep holding back the hands of time.
Hi Karen,
While I agree with you in the main (and yes, celebrations over a few dipping stock prices are naive and premature), what I agree most with is your final, hopeful thoughts.
People are to a degree pliable and corruptible, and the youth most of all. That is how it’s always been, however. Our Enemy’s great weakness is his short memory, and the sense that every permutation of the same tactic is novel. But just as the damage done seems worse than ever, the gathering storm against him will be worse.
No, the kids are not alright at the moment. But neither was I at their age. My head was also filled up with trash and nonsense, and I also sinned in mind and body like there was no tomorrow. My recovery was long relative to the depth of my fall. I have faith the same will hold true for this next generation. Anyone who survives the current onslaught intact will be rendered nigh-invincible, and those who succumb will be the weakest, most cowardly and most incompetent foot soldiers in human memory.
God bless you,