What you said about TM and emptying the mind I had not heard before as a gate for evil to come in. As I understood it, there was the Christian contemplative life aiming for something similar. Also, evil tries to get in through putting thoughts in our mind without internal silence. So I guess I don’t understand this one though I see the possibility.
What you said about TM and emptying the mind I had not heard before as a gate for evil to come in. As I understood it, there was the Christian contemplative life aiming for something similar. Also, evil tries to get in through putting thoughts in our mind without internal silence. So I guess I don’t understand this one though I see the possibility.
The way I understood it, as a Christian you contemplate Jesus, you focus on certain thoughts, whereas with TM you empty your mind. So in that sense again, I relate it to AI deconstructing art and replacing it with something else. Of course there is more that could be said on the topic.
What you said about TM and emptying the mind I had not heard before as a gate for evil to come in. As I understood it, there was the Christian contemplative life aiming for something similar. Also, evil tries to get in through putting thoughts in our mind without internal silence. So I guess I don’t understand this one though I see the possibility.
The way I understood it, as a Christian you contemplate Jesus, you focus on certain thoughts, whereas with TM you empty your mind. So in that sense again, I relate it to AI deconstructing art and replacing it with something else. Of course there is more that could be said on the topic.