Standing with Israel in these END TIMES
Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples.... And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.” —Zechariah 12:2-3
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My heart is so heavy. I have written over a hundred essays during these past couple of years, but nothing has been as difficult as this one. I fear from now on, each written piece will become ever more difficult as each day we wake up to new horrors.
Now, it is war in Israel. Nothing has more significance for the end times than this. It has been foretold and instead of heeding the warnings, humanity scoffed and kept on its course toward ruin.
I don’t recall the first days of the Ukraine war being like this. At that time, many people I knew and countless others on social media were calling it a “distraction”— another one of those words that I have come to dislike so intensely. Many denied that the Ukraine war was even happening. It was all fake news.
With the first news of the attacks on Israel, there were those on social media who called it all a conspiracy. Everything is a conspiracy now. Another way to turn the real world into unreality. This is an example of what people were saying, posted on X:
This is a multi-pronged "Current Thing™" and PSYOP. One facet is to ratchet up and marinate public sentiment to further divisions. Then initiate an earlier floated ADL back plan to activate Twitter censorship, suspensions and account terminations under a ruse of "Anti-Semitism".
Horrible. No. It isn’t a “current thing” or a “Psyop”. Nor is antisemitism a “ruse”.
This is a war that will build uncontrollably. It will sweep the earth. And yes, it is real, just like the Ukraine war proved to be. That reality hit home when the horrific videos started coming out of Israel very soon after the first attacks. And that’s where the news of this war was completely different from the news out of Ukraine. There is no way to dispute the facts—yet people still try to do it, don’t they.
Over a thousand Israelis dead so far. Hundreds kidnapped.
A video of Shani Louk, a German Jewish young woman at an outdoor festival who was paraded naked and then seen either dead or unconscious in the back of a pickup truck, her legs bent abnormally, surrounded by Hamas fighters yelling and spitting on her, being driven into Gaza.
Women, children, babies gunned down, taken as hostages.
An Israeli scholar and retired Brandeis University professor whose daughter was killed by Hamas terrorists said he was on the phone with her the moment she was shot dead using her body to shield her 16-year-old son from harm.

From The Times of Israel:
… a resident said kibbutzim and moshavim in the area were being infiltrated “one by one” and homes burned to the ground. He said the skies above the Gaza Strip were quiet: “We look on the horizon at Gaza and it is not burning, and that is terrible,” he said, apparently referring to a lack of prompt Israeli military response in the Hamas-run Strip.
Inside the home along with his three-year-old daughter, he said he was attempting to stay calm, but added, “I am just waiting for the terrorists… They are going from house to house and we are just waiting for them to come to us.”
He said a few armed residents were attempting to fight off the gunmen, but “no one is helping them, there is no soldier outside… My friends are being killed while fighting for their homes.”
A pregnant Kibbutz Sufa resident spoke to Channel 12 from a safe room with her two-year-old child and close family members, saying, “They are shooting at our house; they are trying to break down the door of the safe room.”
She reported that her husband and four other armed residents were fighting in the streets outside, again with no aid from the IDF. “I don’t understand how this is still going on. We’ve been in this situation since 6 in the morning,” she said, speaking several hours later. “Four people cannot fight them off alone. Send help, please,” she cried, saying she was sitting in the safe room holding a knife.

What happened to this nation of fighters with the most advanced military and intelligence agency in the world? Israel was facing instability from within before this attack which will only become increasingly worse. And as that happens, the West will begin to realize why stability in Israel has always been so important.
Why weren’t the people living so close to the border trained in combat and ever vigilant of an attack? Why didn’t they have guns? Israel has stricter gun-control laws than anywhere in the United States. When I was living in Luxor, Egypt, I found out that every household in the villages had a gun. The men carried long knives in their jellabiyas. That was how they defended themselves when troublemakers infiltrated the town during the violence of the Arab Spring.
Now, after the fact, Israel is loosening its strict gun laws and arming as many citizens as possible. Let that be a lesson to us all in the United States. Never give up your guns.
While we lose ourselves in fake realities, the real world is spiraling out of control. Mad men with mad dreams build ever more powerful “weapons of mass destruction” telling us that they must do so for the sake of peace.
They build ever more powerful machines telling us they must do so for the sake of progress.
Horror of all horrors, they then implant in those machines their own perverted version of morals and virtue, assuring us that the politicians and the experts have conducted studies and not to worry, it’s all for our own good and safety. Those politicians and experts know how to control the autonomous weapons and the artificial intelligences they are creating. The mad men who control the politicians and the experts promise their plan will usher in a new age of prosperity and peace.
These are lies. Mad lies of mad men. Anyone with half a brain knows if you keep building more and more destructive weapons and you keep using them in more and more destructive ways, that is not the road to peace. It is the road to annihilation. Every day now, with escalating intensity, we see how the lies of these mad men are destroying all that is good and true. But to them it is a necessary evil. They must burn it all down in order to usher in Utopia.
Most people will shake their heads and say “how terrible” with this latest war. Then, they will bury their heads back in their machines, watching the latest football match or the next episode in the Bachelor series. Youth will bury themselves in TikTok or Instagram, indoctrinated by whatever their favorite influencers are saying next. Youth will parrot the lies that Israel is an “apartheid state”.
More than 30 student organizations at Harvard University— including the Ivy League’s affiliate of Amnesty International—blamed Israel for Hamas’ attack on the Jewish nation over the weekend.
“We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” the letter reads.
“The apartheid regime is the only one to blame,” the groups claim.
Reports of attacks on Jewish communities around the world are being made. In New York, pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian supporters marched on both sides of 42nd Street and Second Avenue amid tight security, while a pro-Palestine rally drew over 1,000 people who chanted "Resistance is justified when people are occupied."
Crowds yell ‘Gas the Jews' on the steps of the Sydney Opera House.
lhan Omar (D-Minn.) suggested that Israel’s retaliation against terrorist group Hamas might be a “war crime.” Along with other members of “The Squad” she attended a protest in Times Square in support of the people of Palestine and against the apartheid state of Israel:
All the virtuous people on social media refuse to take a stand against evil, instead, the accepted response is to avow your support for everyone.
All of humanity seems to be infected by this plague of madness.
I don’t agree with a lot of what Brian Krassenstein says, but he said it well on X here:
As I stand with Israel in their defense following the unimaginable terror attacks this weekend, it's important to not forget the innocent Palestinian victims in Gaza as well. This innocent young girl perished, as her presumed father shouts "I swear we are upset" as he removes her body from the rubble following Israeli attacks. There are multiple things worth pointing out. - Hamas militants are hiding among civilians in Gaza. - It makes it incredibly difficult for Israel to defend themselves while also avoiding civilian casualties. - I certainly hope that they try harder though. - I stand with all innocent civilians in this fight, regardless of religion or nationality. Everyone else should as well. - The difference though is that Hamas took the lives of and kidnapped women and children on purpose, while Israel is not purposefully targeting these people.
Israel is not much bigger than New Jersey, surrounded on every side by eleven Muslim countries with 600 times the amount of land, all vowing its destruction. And I am not just talking about rhetoric. They literally want to see the death of every single Jew on the planet, and they make no secret about it. I can speak from personal experience on this, having escaped out of Egypt twice, as I have accounted in previous essays. Once with my family just days before the 6-Day War and again when I helped a woman escape from Luxor, Egypt during Covid. I saw that hatred turned full force on me.
Hamas, or the Islamic Resistance Movement, is a militant group that governs the Gaza Strip, a 25-mile-long, densely populated enclave of more than 2.1 million people. Hamas emerged as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood during the first Palestinian intifada, or uprising, in 1987 against the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.
It is a terrorist organization and that should be apparent to everyone after these last few days if it wasn’t already. Youth parroting the propaganda they’ve been fed by liberal professors in school should read Hamas’ charter which states Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims. (Hamas Charter, Article 28)
And: the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to realize the promise of Allah, no matter how long it takes. The Prophet, Allah’s prayer and peace be upon him, says: “The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: ‘Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him….” (Hamas Charter, Article 7)
And …There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. (Hamas Charter, Article 15)
Hamas refuses to acknowledge the most basic starting point for coming to the negotiating table: That Israel exists. Instead, they align with Iran.
Israeli and United Nations officials have confirmed that Hamas is firing rockets on civilians provided to it by Iran. And Hamas used US weapons from Afghanistan and Ukraine. What will the US response be to their part in this war, as in all wars that we now face? Never the truth.
Via the Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah, Iran has encouraged and enabled Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas violence, and these Palestinian fighters now represent a crucial element in what foreign affairs analysts call Iran’s “Axis of Resistance” against Israel and the United States, which constitutes Iran’s chief purpose.
But Iran cannot risk confronting either state directly.
Iranian weapons, funds and training enable surges in Palestinian militant violence against Israel when frustrations boil over.
What does that remind you of? Isn’t that exactly what the Biden Totalitarian Regime has done in Ukraine? It can’t confront Russia directly, so it funnels weapons to Ukraine and demands that the poorest nation in Europe do its dirty work for it.
In the end, it’s the weapons dealers and manufacturers who benefit from the wars they foment. Why stop the wars, why stop the plagues, when the billionaires grow richer and more powerful as a result.
Weapons manufacturers rake in a fortune as arms flood into Ukraine from the U.S. and Europe, fueling continued global violence.
In the weeks after Russia’s invasion, the market capitalization of Raytheon Technologies shot up to $155 billion from $128 billion at the start of the year. Lockheed Martin started 2022 worth $98 billion; by the end of year, it had reached $127 billion — its highest since records show. Northrop Grumman started the year on $61 billion and ended at $84 billion.
The Israeli government has benefited, too, from wars in other countries. Since the start of the Ukraine war, there has been a record-breaking spike in countries buying Israeli arms and cyber.
Last year, Israel approved the marketing of drones to 145 different countries, with a 25% increase in the number of countries to which intelligence and cyber systems were sold.
But it all goes deeper than just getting rich. At the core of every evil being perpetrated by mad men is the vision of their hellish utopia where they can live forever by feeding off of the humans beneath them.
Just yesterday, I got into a conversation with a man in a store. He said he’d been raised “religious” as he put it, but he’d left it behind. Now, memories of what he learned in church were coming back to haunt him. Passages from Revelations about the Mark of the Beast. Warnings about the End Times when the nations of the world would rise up against Israel.
“I forgot all about it for a long time—just pushed it away. Now, I gotta admit, it makes me wonder,” he said.
I told him he should start reading his Bible again. We all should. No matter if you are religious or agnostic or atheist or whatever. Here are some key verses.
Zechariah in the Old Testament talks about Israel and the last days.
“Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples… On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.” —Zechariah 12:2-3
Read John's accounting in Revelation of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, particularly chapters 6-12 or thereabouts.

The first horseman rides a white horse, carries a bow, and is given a crown as a figure of conquest, perhaps invoking Jesus Christ or some would say the Antichrist.
The second carries a sword and rides a red horse as the instigator of war, conflict, and strife.
The third carries scales and rides a black horse symbolizing famine.
The fourth and final horse is pale and Death rides upon it, accompanied by Hades.
"They were given authority over a quarter of the earth, to kill with sword, famine and plague, and by means of the beasts of the earth."
And 2 Timothy 3:1-5:
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Then read Revelation 13, which warns of the rise of the antichrist, his powers and what he will force everyone to do. Especially verses 15-17:
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Just now as I was writing this, I got a terrible shock as a friend informed me that Elon Musk has introduced what warned he would do on X, making it so that only verified accounts that have paid for the blue check can comment on other blue checked accounts or vote on issues.
It’s frustrating because people simply don’t understand the significance of this. I have written essay after essay warning of this obsession with proving we are human, for the sake of the machines, and the reasons why it is so necessary for the creators of A. I. to do this. I’ve warned people to resist. It’s hard to stomach all the blue checkers eagerly showing how they comply.
Notice how the first reply to Elon Musk is from Brian Krassenstein, who I quote above, speaking so eloquently about Israel. Why can’t intelligent people see this is just one more way to condition them to accept the Mark of the Beast.
Who that Beast is, we don’t know. But these Bible verses should open our eyes to be vigilant and to know that the End Times are upon us. Wars. Famines. Pestilence. No one will be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast “under the skin” as Yuval Noah Harari likes to say, and as I have quoted more than once.
A. I. is a beast being created by the Beast. Cyborgs, posthumans, machines that “come alive” and humans that live inside machines and become absorbed by them. If we do not worship this beast, this A. I., if we do not allow it to invade us and control our bodies and our minds, we will not survive in the coming “utopia”—if that utopia ever happens and I am sure it will not. First of all, it wouldn’t be a utopia, it would be hell on earth. And second of all, we are obliterating ourselves through war anyway.
The US is sending warships and an aircraft carrier to Israel for Potential 'Support' Operations
While President Biden on Saturday pledged full support to PM Netanyahu as Israel embarks on a fresh Gaza war, which could be the biggest in decades, there remains the potential for direct US military involvement if things spiral out of control.
Meanwhile, China watches and waits for just the right moment to make its own attack. And what would stop Russia from using this “distraction” in Israel to launch a few nuclear bombs—just small ones, mind you, the ones he has positioned in Belarus.
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Friday that by arming Ukraine, the United States is pushing Russia toward using nuclear weapons.
“I am getting the impression – I say again that it is my opinion – that Americans are pushing Russians toward using the most terrifying weapon. They arm Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky and his army and provide long-range missiles.”
Honestly, what nation has more to answer for in all of this than the United States?
In the meantime, chaos grows within the US as the government is in disarray without a speaker of the house, former president Trump faces his many trials, and the people continue to be manipulated by the machines that they can no longer live without.
It is all coming together, the war to end all wars, not because it will bring peace at last, but because it threatens to obliterate humanity. We had best pray for strength to face the coming onslaught.
The comments here are indeed interesting. I wished I knew what to believe and who to blame as other people here seem to be quite sure. I don't trust any government to be truthful; any mainstream news outlet will only report what they're told to report. I have read in other sources that Hamas has support from elements within the Israeli government; I don't know if that is true or not. Our own government says they support Israel but they send money to Iran.
What I do know is that many innocent people are being slaughtered for some unfathomable evil reason. I hope that most people in Israel, whether Hebrew or Palestinian, want to live in peace. I cannot comprehend the hate on display for other humans. I can't even feel that kind of hot hate for anyone, not even my own evil government.
I just wish there were reasonable thoughtful kind people with standing trying to bring sense and reason where there is obviously none. I won't be holding my breath, because reasonable thoughtful kind people do not enter government; only those who want to control others.
It seems to me that THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) will not be happy until the world is completely and utterly destroyed. It seems to be in the immediate cross hairs. As long as there is power to be gained or more wealth to be accumulated, nothing will stop them.
(Just a note to Americans: do not let yourself to be disarmed. How that happened in Israel is a mystery to me and clearly shows that the government of that country doesn't give a tinker's dam about their citizenry. Didn't they see what happened in Germany?)
Thanks again, Karen, for your brilliant writing, even though it makes me cry with despair.
I will probably be writing a follow up to this piece instead of responding to so many of these comments (not to mention the emails). Although I expected a backlash, it is still disturbing when it hits you in the face. Thank you to @georgegrosman for his informative responses. I wish I had a podcast, George, I would have you on in a second to discuss this. or