Thank you for your honesty and courage in speaking out. I am Jewish and clearly see the history of this "religion" of hate and oppression. I am currently reading Dennis Prager"s "Why the Jews"and recommend it very highly. It is horrifying and depressing, delineating the history of the Jews when forced to live in Muslim lands. (Not that the Christian religion was any nicer to the Jewish people). I have no doubt that the western fools protesting on behalf of the Palestinians would be treated exactly the same were - G-d forbid - the Islamists should succeed in their goal. There are something like 23 Muslim nations compared to one Jewish one the size of New Jersey. If these protestors actually thought about it, we all know which one they would choose to live in if they had to. And yet, I have Jewish family and friends who support this cause, one I can't even have a rational discussion with her as there is only one side that is right and it is hers. She justifies herself, telling me there are many Jewish people also supporting Palestine. I guess that gives the lie to the supposed Intelligence of the Jewish people. Reading the Prager book made me realize that this may be the most important issue that we need to attend to, more important even than the supposed climate change. Because if the Islamists succeed, life will not be worth living for the majority of the human race.

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Dennis Prager is a shining light. I heard he had a terrible fall and I pray he will recover. Men like him are few and far between.

Jews who betray their own people are hard to understand. It is some kind of mental virus! I have friends like that, too, I can't imagine being Jewish yourself and dealing with that in family and friends. And you're right, it's pointless to try and rationalize with them.

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OMG I had no idea he had a fall! He's such a sweet an' wise/smart fella--my girls an' I enjoy his fireside chats (may Otto RIP!)... My prayers his way too.

Yes yes,Karen... I think it's a "to fit in" thing--twisted self preservation.... if they PRETEND to support those that would want 'em dead...mebbe they'll be spared. It did NOT work in Nazi German nor Vichy France... those lessons not "larned" ... sadly. (Also many've those anti-zionist joos are just as mean 'n militant as those they hang with--won't listen ta me, I've tried...) Others are quiet-silent, also "fearful"....

Da WokeFolks go on how AWFUL (deeskustin') it was for jooish-owned companies & firms decidin' NOT to hire pro-palestinian college grads based on their hateful social media postin's--how biased an' awful & judgemental it is (for not wantin' ta hire folks that would like them DEAD). But it's a double standard... any one of these "river to sea" biznesses will dox joos an' fire 'em if they don't "stand with palestine." One fella had a star of david on his BASEBALL cap an' entered a cafe in CA (Palo Alto mebbe?) with his son an' got ordered out b/c jooish. They called the cops on the guy an' y'know what? The cops KICKED out da JOO & his son. So all the keffiyeh wearin' joos won't last fer one minute once "found out"--already they ain't cuttin' slack fer anti-zionism alone. Haters goin' full defcon3 on Max Blumenthal fer NOT denyin' the holocaust as da holly-hoax. So turnin' on yer own....let's say them chicken's'll come home ta roost...

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Check out Gad Saad's book The Parasitic Mind. On point. He has an excellent interview on Yasmine Mohammed's podcast.

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LOL re " I guess that gives the lie to the supposed Intelligence of the Jewish people. "

It do! Imho it's "book intelligence" (some sadly inDUCKtrinated in today's UNI-verse-itties.. like "one verse" for all...) combined with some kinda twisted inSTINKchewall desire ta fit in--ta preserve oneself by sidin' with the "winnin' team." (Today it's the cooler / younger team... Prager--bless him! looks too respectable... so side with the team that wants all joos dead... right... as Spock would say, Highly Illogical an' his character was based on the rabbis in his fambly lol!)

Ultimately... this won't bode well in the long run but a lotta joos got temporary acceptance this way... How much is that worth?! (there are more comin' around... I'll say that!)

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Thank you for your courage and willingness to share your painful experiences at the hands of Islam. And thank you for your faith in Christ Jesus. You give us little folks hope in this world as Christ gives us hope for the next.

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What clear thinking and writing, thank you Karen. This is the teaching the so called leaders need to read and act on. They are mostly cowards and liars themselves except maybe Victor Orban and JD Vance who believe in the Judeo-Christian faith. You have shone a light in these dark times. May God bless you.

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Thank you. Many blessings to you, too.

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Thanks Karen for your clear perspective. Very enlightening.

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You're welcome. 🙏

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I'm not religous in any way shape or form. However when your religion venerates it's founder as the "perfect man" when said perfect man was a narcissistic sociopath then the rest of us better beware.

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I assume you're talking about Mohammed.

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Who else could it be ? If there is a God why would you choose an illiterate rapist/thief allround bad guy located in the arse end of nowhere as your messenger unless you were a bad guy yourself and knew how the arab mind works. I sometimes read that Mohammed didnt exist and he's a made up character - what does that say about the arab mindset that you'd invent a rapist/murdere/thief as your perfect man ?

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Exactly. I was sort of making a joke. The whole thing is a perverse joke, absolutely insane, a perversion, the exact opposite of truth, forcing people to leave rational thought behind and believe in a nightmare. Satanic, in fact.

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I read that it's forbidden ta say that Mohammed was a pedo marryin' a 9 year old... like everyone in Islam knows it but cain't say it?! (that's kinda Satanic too...also just horrible)

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There is lots of food for thought in this piece, and the comments. My thinking is that as long as we stay grounded in the Bible, we are on firm ground.

I want to make a few observations, fyi. 9/11 was an inside (us) job. This has been known for a long time, but this knowledge has been suppressed. See Corbett Report as a first source if you want to learn more. Second, I don’t see that getting really angry about things that are very wrong accomplishes much. I prefer what I understand to be your father’s approach—resistance. Even quiet resistance.

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Grounded in the Bible is how I was raised, thank God. Didn't always agree, still don't agree with everything my parents believed, but I did come to realize what really mattered. Anger is a wasted effort. As humans, it's inevitable that we will sometimes get angry. Let the emotion pass. Never act out in anger.

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fwiw 911 did involve all 5 eyes includin' Saudis (pas of da fambly Bush). Corbett blames ISRAEL an' ONLY da joos ALONE. Really? Really. Israel duz not have DEWs but we do/did! Did Mossad have some hands-on involvement? I'm FULLY willin' ta believe it (in fact it's likely--an' notta source of pride lol) but ta blame ONLY da joos is absurd... Corbett gits away with it tho!

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Yes, I should have made clear what you said here. I was focused on the topic I was writing about, not 9/11. Sometimes I think just mentioning 9/11 in the context of something else is too great a distraction from the actual subject matter.

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" So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed in Him, " If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.'"(John 8: 31-32)

" Jesus answered them, ' Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever, the son does remain forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. '" (John 8: 34-36)

Jesus said, " But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. " (John 14: 26-27)

Karen has spoken the truth by the power of God the Holy Spirit. The truth she has presented concerning Islam is true. Her father, Dave Hunt, wrote the book ' Judgement Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations ' - Read his treatise if you doubt what Karen has written.

It's my prayer that God the Holy Spirit will open your (dear readers), eyes to the truth about who Jesus is. He is the Savior of ALL who believe in Him. He alone forgives our sins; and He alone gives us eternal life with Him. Faith alone, in Christ Jesus alone.

" Jesus said to him, ' I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.'" (John 14:6) Jesus offers the gift of eternal life, freely; the gift must be received by faith.

" For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. " ( Ephesians 2:8-9)

Karen, both of your Father's are smiling because of you; your testimony and love for THE TRUTH!

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Well, that brought some tears to my eyes, let me tell you.

Reading all those beautiful verses, thank you for putting them here and thank you for your kind words. 🙏

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Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful words and scripture. Well said dear brother In Christ. Terry

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Folks don't realize that lying to non-believers is a tenant of this so called faith. As far as women are concerned, they are nothing more than chattel.

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Exactly correct

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Thank you! I can add nothing to your truths here. I have come to these same conclusions about Islam and Jesus. I do go to church for the connection with others, but I claim no particular denominational stream; I was born into an English-speaking Protestant mainstream congregation (United Church, Canada), ran away from that returned to Anglican only because that was where the people I met who walked the talk were that, and have worshipped in several different denominations from RC through Messianic Jewish since. I take my examples for living from ‘the words in red’ attributed to Jesus in my Bible. I seek to understand them better through studying their context geopolitically and culturally, through commentary, travel and research. You are spot-on here.

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I love the Bibles where Jesus's words are in red. I have my King James Bible given to me at nine years old. It's what I take with me everywhere when I travel.

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Shabir Ally evil personified. That interview was hard to listen to. There is no hope for women in those Arab countries IMHO

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Courage and honesty Karen!! Romans 3:23 States for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.... so we all need to come by faith and be saved by the blood that was shed at Calvary to forgive the sins of the world.. we need to each personally accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior to be saved for John 8:36 says For Whom the Son sets free shall be free indeed... it's a fallen world and a few of Satan's names is the Author of confusion, the son of perdition and the Master of Lies ...that is the essence of Islam... Jesus is coming soon that is a fact get right or get left!! I had the pleasure of hearing your dad teach several times at Calvary Chapel Philadelphia....Maranatha!!

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Amen, you should be a preacher!

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LOL thanks Karen I am on staff at Calvary Chapel Central Bucks....not far from Calvary Chapel Philadelphia...I've had the blessing of great pastors for 33 years and great teaching from men like your dad!!

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Thank you for a wonderful article. It made so much sense. You said it as it is. I love hearing the truth.

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Many blessings to you this Thanksgiving!

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Yes! Very clear and well said.

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Thank you, Karen for further exposing Islam for what it really is... I've known most of this for sometime but it's great to get your up close and personal insights having lived in the Middle East.. a dangerous place for women as it has been for the last several thousand years.. I continue to be astonished at how so much of mankind remains in such a state of gross ignorance. There a good souls in Islamic communities but oh my goodness, the poor women there are are treated worse than cattle... You never hear of someone beating one of their cows to death in one of the Arab nations.. that doesn't happen. but tragically Arab women get beaten to death by their husbands pretty much on a weekly basis... 90% of which is kept on the down low... Christianity is not perfect, Hinduism is not perfect, Buddhism is not perfect, not one of those or any other major religion except Islam allows for, the murder of women, the beating of women by a husband routinely... even the beating of a female child to death if her father deems it justified... Barbaric absolutely undeniably Barbaric...

Now on the other hand, even though Israel has every right to defend itself I think the October 7 attack was probably facilitated by Netanyahu's team.. Israel's security system is the gold standard globally.. and to have it fail like it did..? With all those terrorists conveniently poised close by? I'm not buying it.. I personally think it was staged to give Netanyahu the excuse to crush the PFLP.. and Hamas, Hezbolla.. If as Netanyahu claims there's nothing to hide why did his previous defense minister resign primarily because he refused to investigate the failure..? Tragically this is just what nations do.. they kill many many of their own every year just to further their geopolitical agendas... Start unnecessary wars, that slaughter most of their own citizens in some cases...

What a world... the facts are it's always been this way.. which doesn't mean we are relieved of our duty to continue to educate and reduce suffering here as best we can...

Have a Happy Holiday.. Peace

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I don't go into whether or not Netanyahu or the Israeli government or military or whomever knew about Oct 7th because it is all speculation. Some people say Israel actually orchestrated it, that's a big stretch, way too big for my reasoning. The one thing I DO know is that Hamas IS to blame because we have those facts. I DO know what the intent of Islamists is because they tell us very clearly so there is no speculation. Beyond that, I do not have any proof that the Israeli government knew. Horrible breaches of securities do happen, so it is also possible that they knew about the threat just as they must get thousands of such threats, they just didn't take is seriously enough but had become too complacent. Beyond that, I have no idea. Just as I have no idea about 9/11 or JFK's assassination for the same reasons. It's hard for me to imagine that 9/11 wasn't some sort of an inside job in some sort of a way, but again, I can only speculate. Somebody knows the answers to these questions, but it isn't me. What happens is that because they don't really know, people can be fed stories that fit with what they want to hear about a certain event and if they hear it repeated often enough, they begin to believe it's a fact, but it's just another form of indoctrination. So, I stay away from that as best I can.

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I submit for your consideration the following Facts,

1] Why would Netanyahu’s Defense Minister publicly state that his resignation is in large part due to the fact that Netanyahu refuses to initiate an investigation into October 7?

2] the international community considers Israeli intelligence the Global Gold Standard .. yet they didn't just fail, but failed Catastrophically.. ?

3] why the delayed response to the Hamas invasion?

4] Didn’t the invasion create a Dream come True opportunity for Netanyahu to respond with overwhelming force to attempt to exterminate Hamas.. Killing many thousands of innocents… many of which detest Hamas, but are unable to move.. ?

Considering these facts and you're strong affiliation with Christ.. What about? ’Turning the other Cheek’ .. ?

Did Christ ever state there's an exception to Turning the other Cheek?

I've read every passage in the Bible, where Christ actually speaks. I have yet to find a single passage, where he even hinted that violence… can be justified..

If we don't hold ourselves to a nonviolent standard, how do we expect this world to actually change? I don't refer to any idealized form of behavior projected by thought at some point in the future.. where one is never again violent.. I point to the fact that if we really are interested in violence ending.. we have to stop rationalizing ANY justification of it… period..

We Can ‘Turn the other cheek’.. We can be Non Violent Warriors..

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1) Substack is making it so I can only give short answers so I have to break my answers up. Just tell me this. If terrorists came to your door, are you telling me you would turn the other cheek? That you would allow them to rape and murder your wife and children? This is an evil world. If I am captured and told to deny my faith, I will be tortured and killed for my faith. I will turn the other cheek. If I am married to an abusive man, and he hits me, I will not turn the other cheek.

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2) Do you see the difference? I was married to an abusive man and I turned the other cheek because I thought that's what I was supposed to do as a good Christian wife. I do not believe that any longer. I learned to fight full contact, and I will fight and not be a punching bag.

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3) I do not judge those who fight for their country, for their families, for their way of life, when they are being invaded by evil jihadists who have vowed to exterminate every single one of them. I would fight, too.

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4) As for the questions you raise, they are questions that have not been answered. I cannot answer those questions. I only know what the situation is now. When people are at your door killing you, you do not resort to philosophy or debate. You respond or you are killed.

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Hypothetical situations bear no proof of what I might do .. my prayer is I would find a way in that Moment to neutralize the terrorist without killing them.. How successful would I be, again one cannot know this only until that encounter transpires?

Yes, this is a dangerous world, a violent world.. This includes us.. Everyone is violent and can be dangerous.. I see this as a simple fact.. So I try to keep an eye on myself in the Mirror of the Moment. Seeing violent thoughts at their spawning point, their origin. Watching them carefully like a wild animal, looking for prey… The phenomena that occurs when I really watch is that the violent thought dissipates of its own accord. I didn't have to do a single thing, except watch my thoughts…

I found if one really examines thought itself. One discovers, its violent.. Experiment, sit in a depth of silence, see what you find..

I do think it helps us to sit quietly at peace during the day, free from thought. Amazingly, this practice affects our neighborhood.. there have now been several studies in Asia and in America revealing that just a relatively small number of meditators in a suburban area, literally reduce violence in that suburban neighborhood.

One recent episode [won’t go in to all the sordid details] last season with a PTSD ex Marine.. screaming at me and charging me ended without any physical exchange.. I didn't need to retreat or even drop into a defensive posture.. after a few minutes, he got tired of screaming and charging back-and-forth, and just wondered off.. confused that I was not intimidated nor induced into violence.. that particular experiment worked out well which of course, Doesn't mean that tomorrow someone might successfully attack me or one of my loved ones. .My prayer is that I stay vigilant and take right action.. If assaulted.. and I don't have to break his right arm or both arms.. but if he's trying to hurt my child? I will not stand by and watch the assailant attack my child… one would do whatever one has to do to stop them..

Regarding a physically abusive husband, well I would suggest one has missed the previous warnings.. before things get physical they are verbal.. if a husband is verbally assaulting his wife, she leaves.. there is no love there.. No reason to stay.. especially if there are several verbal assaults, pack it up get out.. do not wait until things get physical…

I'm not suggesting this is easy.. it hasn't been for me because like you I've been trained in various self-defense techniques back when I was in the Marine Corps. I believe in staying very fit and ready for a fight.. and like you my goal is to neutralize my opponent or opponents not kill them.. 17 years as a NPS Ranger and so far no fisticuffs have been necessary, close several times, but so far so good..

I do not know how Christ managed to forgive the Roman soldier stabbing him in the stomach while nailed to the cross.… one of the most astounding things I've ever heard of.. I do give thanks every day that Christ taught me that lesson… the Ultimate turning the Other Cheek..

Keep blessing us with your excellence in reporting… Happy Holidays!

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Wow. I watched the video. He doesn't even try to give an explanation as to why enslavement of women is "not applicable" to the modern times. Thx for speaking out.

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All if this is so true! I've started reading "Sword and Scimitar" by Raymond Ibrahim and yes, essentially Islam is just an extension of ancient, barbaric, Arabic tribal customs and infighting. I haven't got that far in the book and highly recommend it!

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