Feb 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, I think they might know more than they let on. Not ways to "correct/cure" diseases, but perhaps new ways to bring them about.

Not every big pharma company jumped on the COVID-19 vaccine bandwagon, no, they started investing in other types of research. MOSTLY CANCER research. Many of the "BIG" big pharma companies did this at the start of the COVID-19 scare. They *knew* what was coming, at least to some extent.

Of course you could say, "They've been investing in cancer treatments for a long time" and they have, however this time, they're going all out. The amount of investment into cancer treatments is far greater than it has been in the past.

When people are throwing around big money, I don't see coincidences, people don't throw around billions unless they know there's a good possibility for a ROI. Big pharma isn't the US government, they can't print money.

You might find this interesting.


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Feb 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

mRNA will never be safe as it causes inflammation!

And what about shedding? So they are going to invent anti cancer, heart, etc new mRNA vaxxes that will be shed to others? Are they nuts?

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Yes, they're nuts.

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Feb 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The whole thing is crazy even I think of it.

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Feb 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

And don’t forget that one of Pres. Biden’s campaign promises was to cure cancer.

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Feb 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I read an article the other day that said the population trust in “science” has gone down. Gee, I wonder why?

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Feb 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Just wanted to say thank you for what you do. And will upgrade or contribute a soon as I can.

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That is so kind of you. Thank you 🙏

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I remember telling my colleagues about this a year ago and got laughed at. To make matters worse, AC electricity, specifically "dirty" electricity, can resonate with and damage our DNA via capacitive coupling as both operate on the same frequency of 60 Hz:


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People don't want to think about it. They already feel so powerless.

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Smaller than the missing class virus? The science is so sciencey right of the bat . I’m sold 🙄.

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Great article as always Karen. They are truly evil and whilst they have willing customers participating the worse it gets. If the Pandemic Treaty goes through in May we have a bigger fight on our hands. And resist we will.

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Flccc has ways of fighting it; intermittent fasting, nakonase (Japanese study & other real Dr’s) vitamin D, vitamin C (dr nepute & other real natural & medical professionals), etc

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wull that's a creepy find! imo tho' -- 1. this could be a fat baloney sandwich ta "skeer us" more--been done before makin' innocent humans FEAR their own bodies / bodies' ability ta heal "themselfs"--no inter-vent-shuns needed! an' 2. it could be signalin' what they're gonna monkey with next (B/C they've already dunnit! Just like them clot shots wuz made / patented years before.... 'er 3. red herring mebbe? leadin' humans ta "think" this is the newest "thing" leavin' them maniacs a clean playin' field ta keep workin' on other ways they're already usin', pushin' signals thru the human body then keepin' this "excuse" in their back pocket ta "blame" (i.e. oh we wuz researchin' this obelisk thang an' oopsie xyz "escaped")--kinda like when they published stories are "blame the ccp / blame the wet market / blame GOF research" ALL of which 'er bunk / laser pointers in the wrong direction!

OH re phages... so there's somethin' good ta this--I read that fer decades in USSR an' later Russia that babies are given a dose of these healthy phages as an xtree immune system boost--these'uns are natch'ral an' supposedly an' actually help folks--also used ta treat disease WITHOUT antibiotics...

I couldn't find the one 'bout the babies given phages at birth but here's sumthin' interestin' on it:


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Does anyone know where the J&J and Astra Zeneca vax fits in to this mess?

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I'm not a vaxx expert but I do think that both of these companies were muscled out by Pfizer and Moderna. mRNA is what they are promoting. Don't know if you read Buildings ng the mRNA Empire which pretty much explains all of that. https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/building-the-mrna-empire, as well as my more recent piece about self-amplifying RNA vaxxes.

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Thanks. I realize they have been pushed aside. Just wondering about harms to recipients.

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deletedFeb 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek
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Yep. It's completely out of control.

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